[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# ==== Purpose ====
# Assert that the binary log contains a specific sequence of event types.
# ==== Usage ====
# --let $event_sequence= SEQUENCE_OF_EVENTS
# [--let $event_separator= CHAR]
# [--let $invert= 1]
# [--let $limit= [OFFSET,] ROW_COUNT]
# [--let $binlog_file= FILE]
# [--let $binlog_position= POSITION]
# [--let $relay_log= 1]
# [--let $include_header_events= 1]
# [--let $wait_for_binlog_events= 1]
# [--let $slave_timeout= 1]
# [--let $rpl_debug= 1]
# [--let $keep_temp_files= 1]
# [--let $dont_print_pattern= 1]
# --source include/assert_binlog_events.inc
# Parameters:
#   $event_sequence
#     This is a (perl) regular expression that will be matched with a
#     sequence of event specifications. Here is an example:
#       Query/BEGIN # Query/INSERT.* # Query # (Query/COMMIT|Xid)
#         Match a sequence of a BEGIN event, followed by an
#         Query_log_event where the query begins with INSERT, followed
#         by any query, followed by either a Query_log_event with the
#         query equal to COMMIT, or a Xid_log_event.
#     A single event is specified using either just the 'Type' field
#     of SHOW BINLOG EVENTS, or using both the 'Type' and the 'Info'
#     fields:
#       Query
#         Match any query_log_event
#       Query/BEGIN
#         Match any query_log_event where the query is equal to BEGIN.
#       Query/INSERT.*
#         Match any query_log_event where the query begins with INSERT.
#     A sequence of events is specified by separating multiple event
#     specifications with a # character:
#       Query/BEGIN # Query/INSERT.* # Query/COMMIT
#     Regular expressions can span multiple events:
#       Query/BEGIN # (Query/INSERT.*){1,2} # Query/COMMIT
#         Allow either one or two INSERT statements
#     The '.' wildcard does *not* match the special characters # or /.
#     So the following is safe in the sense that the .* cannot
#     'swallow' multiple events:
#       Query/INSERT.*
#     The pattern must match from the beginning until the end. To
#     allow arbitrary events after the pattern, append '(#.*)*' to the
#     pattern.
#     The following shortcuts are available as syntactic sugar:
#       !Q(STATEMENT) -> Query/(use .*; )?STATEMENT
#       !Begin -> !Q(BEGIN)
#       !Commit -> !Q(COMMIT)
#       !Insert -> (!Q(INSERT.*) | Table_map # Write_rows)
#       !Update -> (!Q(UPDATE.*) | Table_map # Update_rows)
#       !Delete -> (!Q(DELETE.*) | Table_map # Delete_rows)
#       !Single_DML -> (!Insert | !Update | !Delete)
#       !Multi_DML -> multiple DML statements, each possibly touching multiple tables
#       !DML_transaction -> Begin # Multi_DML # Commit
#       !DDL -> !Q(neither BEGIN or COMMIT)
#       !Gtid_transaction -> Gtid # (DML_transaction | DDL)
#       !Empty_gtid_transaction -> Gtid # Begin # Commit
#     Whitespace around / and # is ignored.
#   $event_separator
#     Use $event_separator instead of # to delimit events. This must
#     only be one character long and should not be used elsewhere in
#     the pattern.
#   $invert
#     By default, this script asserts that SHOW BINLOG EVENTS matches
#     the specification. If $invert is set, this scripts instead asserts
#     that SHOW BINLOG EVENTS does *not* match the specification.
#   $limit
#     Pass this as the LIMIT clause of SHOW BINLOG EVENTS.
#   $binlog_position
#     Pass this as the FROM clause of SHOW BINLOG EVENTS.
#     Note that you can use include/save_binlog_position.inc to read
#     both $binlog_file and $binlog_position.
#   $binlog_file
#     Pass this as the IN clause of SHOW BINLOG EVENTS.
#     Note that you can use include/save_binlog_position.inc to read
#     both $binlog_file and $binlog_position.
#   $relay_log
#   $include_header_events
#     By default, Format_desc, Rotate, and Previous_gtids events are
#     ignore.  If this parameter is enabled, the events are included
#     in the match.
#   $wait_for_binlog_events
#     If this is true, the script retries until the binlog contains
#     the expected events. The timeout is given by $slave_timeout.
#   $slave_timeout
#     Default timeout used if $wait_for_binlog_events is enabled.
#     The default timeout is 300 seconds. You can change the timeout by
#     setting $slave_timeout. The unit for time is seconds.
#   $rpl_debug
#     Print lots of debug info.
#   $keep_temp_files
#     Keep the two temporary files that this script uses. This is for
#     debugging only and should not be used in a checked-in version of
#     a test.
#   $dont_print_pattern
#     By default, the pattern is printed to the result log. If this
#     variable is set, the pattern is not printed.

if ($dont_print_pattern)
  --let $include_filename= assert_binlog_events.inc
if (!$dont_print_pattern)
  --let $include_filename= assert_binlog_events.inc [$event_sequence]
--source include/begin_include_file.inc

if (!$event_sequence)
  --die ERROR IN TEST: specify $event_sequence before sourcing assert_binlog_events.inc. To assert that nothing was generated, set $event_sequence= ()

# Execute statement, write result to file.
if (!$relay_log)
  --let $statement= SHOW BINLOG EVENTS
if ($relay_log)
  --let $statement= SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS
if ($binlog_file)
  --let $statement= $statement IN '$binlog_file'
if ($binlog_position)
  --let $statement= $statement FROM $binlog_position
if ($limit != "")
  --let $statement= $statement LIMIT $limit

if ($wait_for_binlog_events)
  --let $_abe_counter= 0
  --let $_abe_timeout= $slave_timeout
  # Wait 300 seconds for binlog events
  if (!$_abe_timeout)
    --let $_abe_timeout= 300

--let $_abe_verdict=
while ($_abe_verdict != 'ok')
  --let $output_file= GENERATE
  --source include/write_result_to_file.inc

  if ($rpl_debug)
    --echo Wrote output to $output_file

  # Set environment variables used in perl.
  --let _ABE_FILE= $output_file
  --let _ABE_EVENT_SEQUENCE= $event_sequence
  --let _ABE_INVERT= $invert
  --let _ABE_DEBUG= $rpl_debug
  --let _ABE_EVENT_SEPARATOR= $event_separator
  --let _ABE_INCLUDE_HEADER_EVENTS= $include_header_events

  my $event_sequence = $ENV{'_ABE_EVENT_SEQUENCE'};
  my $file = $ENV{'_ABE_FILE'};
  my $invert = $ENV{'_ABE_INVERT'};
  my $debug = $ENV{'_ABE_DEBUG'};
  my $include_header_events = $ENV{'_ABE_INCLUDE_HEADER_EVENTS'};
  my $event_separator= $ENV{'_ABE_EVENT_SEPARATOR'};
  if ($event_separator == '')
    $event_separator = '#';

  $event_sequence =~ s/$event_separator/\n/g;

  # Ignore whitespace at beginning, end, and around separators.
  $event_sequence =~ s{^\s*}{};
  $event_sequence =~ s{\s*$}{};
  $event_sequence =~ s{\s*\n\s*}{\n}g;
  $event_sequence =~ s{\s*/\s*}{/}g;

  # Expand syntactic sugar definitions.
  $event_sequence =~ s{!Gtid_transaction}{Gtid\n(!DDL|!DML_transaction)}g;
  $event_sequence =~ s{!Empty_gtid_transaction}{Gtid\n!Begin\n!Commit}g;
  $event_sequence =~ s{!DML_transaction}{!Begin\n!Multi_DML\n!Commit}g;
  $event_sequence =~ s{!DDL}{Query/(?!BEGIN|COMMIT).*}g;
  $event_sequence =~ s{!Single_DML}{(?:Query|Table_map\n(?:Write|Update|Delete)_rows)}g;
  $event_sequence =~ s{!Multi_DML}{(?:Query|(?:Table_map\n)+(?:(?:Write|Update|Delete)_rows))(?:\nTable_map|\n(?:Write|Update|Delete)_rows|\nQuery)*}g;
  $event_sequence =~ s{!Begin}{Query/BEGIN}g;
  $event_sequence =~ s{!Commit}{(?:Query/COMMIT|Xid/COMMIT.*)}g;
  $event_sequence =~ s{!Insert}{(?:!Q(INSERT.*)|Table_map\nWrite_rows)}g;
  $event_sequence =~ s{!Update}{(?:!Q(UPDATE.*)|Table_map\nUpdate_rows)}g;
  $event_sequence =~ s{!Delete}{(?:!Q(DELETE.*)|Table_map\nDelete_rows)}g;
  $event_sequence =~ s{!Q\(([^\n]+)\)}{Query/(?:use.*; )?$1}g;

  # Allow matching 'Type' without 'Info'
  # (e.g., 'Query' instead of 'Query/xyz').
  $event_sequence =~ s{\n}{(?:/[^\n]*)?\n}g;

  # Allow 'Type' without 'Info' at the end. Require match until the
  # end. Allow missing \n at the end.
  $event_sequence .= "(?:/[^\n]*)?\n?" . '$';

  # Require match from the beginning.
  $event_sequence = '^' . $event_sequence;

  if ($debug)
    print "Regex: $event_sequence\n";

  # Read and filter file.
  my $result= '';
  open FILE, "< $file" or die "Error $? opening $file: $!";
  my $line_number= 1;
  while (<FILE>)
    if ($line_number > 1)
      # Six tab-separated fields; pick number 3 and number 6.
        or die "Unexpected line format in output line $line_number: $_";
      if ($include_header_events or
          ($1 ne 'Format_desc' && $1 ne 'Rotate' && $1 ne 'Previous_gtids'))
        $result .= $_;
        $result .= "\n";
  close FILE or die "Error $? closing $file: $!";

  if ($debug)
    print "Formatted output: $result\n";

  # Check if there is a match
  my $matches = eval("\$result =~ m{$event_sequence}");
  my $is_ok = ($matches == !$invert);

  # Write 'ok', or write some debug info.
  open FILE, "> $file.verdict" or die "Error $? opening $file.verdict: $!";
  print FILE ($is_ok ? 'ok' :
              "Regex:\n$event_sequence\nFile contents:\n$result")
    or die "Error $? writing to $file.verdict: $!";
  close FILE or die "Error $? writing to $file.verdict: $!";

  --let $_abe_verdict= `SELECT LOAD_FILE('$output_file.verdict')`
  if ($_abe_verdict != 'ok')
    --let $_abe_fail= 1
    if ($wait_for_binlog_events)
      --sleep 1
      --inc $_abe_counter
      if ($_abe_counter < $_abe_timeout)
        --let $_abe_fail= 0
    if ($_abe_fail)
      --source include/show_rpl_debug_info.inc
      --echo event_sequence=$event_sequence
      --echo $_abe_verdict
      --echo statement=$statement
      --echo invert=$invert
      --echo include_header_events=$include_header_events
      --echo event_separator=$_ABE_EVENT_SEPARATOR
      --die Binlog contents did not match expected pattern.

  if (!$keep_temp_files)
    --remove_file $output_file
    --remove_file $output_file.verdict
  --let $output_file=

--let $include_filename= assert_binlog_events.inc
--source include/end_include_file.inc


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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add_anonymous_users.inc File 187 B 0644
allowed_ciphers.inc File 409 B 0644
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analyze-timeout.test File 25 B 0644
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assert_binlog_events.inc File 10.21 KB 0644
assert_command_output.inc File 2 KB 0644
assert_grep.inc File 4.1 KB 0644
begin_include_file.inc File 3.21 KB 0644
big_test.inc File 107 B 0644
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bug38347.inc File 404 B 0644
change_file_perms.inc File 521 B 0644
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check_no_row_lock.inc File 1.76 KB 0644
check_openssl_version.inc File 1.32 KB 0644
check_qep.inc File 1.31 KB 0644
check_shared_row_lock.inc File 1.39 KB 0644
check_slave_is_running.inc File 651 B 0644
check_slave_no_error.inc File 655 B 0644
check_slave_param.inc File 1.01 KB 0644
check_var_limit.inc File 394 B 0644
cleanup_fake_relay_log.inc File 669 B 0644
commit.inc File 21.19 KB 0644
common-tests.inc File 115.9 KB 0644
concurrent.inc File 25.08 KB 0644
connect2.inc File 977 B 0644
count_sessions.inc File 382 B 0644
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ctype_pad_space.inc File 133 B 0644
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ctype_unicode_latin.inc File 10.23 KB 0644
ctype_utf8_table.inc File 1.35 KB 0644
ctype_utf8mb4.inc File 59.49 KB 0644
daemon_example_bad_format.ini File 215 B 0644
daemon_example_bad_soname.ini File 227 B 0644
ddl_i18n.check_events.inc File 864 B 0644
ddl_i18n.check_sp.inc File 1.48 KB 0644
ddl_i18n.check_triggers.inc File 1.55 KB 0644
ddl_i18n.check_views.inc File 544 B 0644
deadlock.inc File 3.59 KB 0644
default_client.cnf File 367 B 0644
default_my.cnf File 1.57 KB 0644
default_mysqld.cnf File 3.99 KB 0644
default_mysqld_autosize.cnf File 2.81 KB 0644
default_ndbd.cnf File 997 B 0644
delete_anonymous_users.inc File 207 B 0644
diff_servers.inc File 2.2 KB 0644
diff_tables.inc File 6.65 KB 0644
end_include_file.inc File 2.42 KB 0644
endspace.inc File 338 B 0644
escape_sql.inc File 1.52 KB 0644
eval.inc File 5.73 KB 0644
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explain.inc File 11.17 KB 0644
explain_json.inc File 10.15 KB 0644
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function_defaults_notembedded.inc File 2.38 KB 0644
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gis_generic.inc File 12.98 KB 0644
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gtid_utils.inc File 12.94 KB 0644
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handler.inc File 48.02 KB 0644
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have_64bit.inc File 357 B 0644
have_QC_Disabled.inc File 137 B 0644
have_archive.inc File 180 B 0644
have_archive_plugin.inc File 413 B 0644
have_big5.inc File 107 B 0644
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have_binlog_format_mixed_or_row.inc File 181 B 0644
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have_binlog_format_row_or_statement.inc File 192 B 0644
have_binlog_format_statement.inc File 159 B 0644
have_binlog_rows_query.inc File 321 B 0644
have_blackhole.inc File 173 B 0644
have_blackhole_plugin.inc File 427 B 0644
have_case_insensitive_file_system.inc File 134 B 0644
have_case_sensitive_file_system.inc File 132 B 0644
have_compress.inc File 109 B 0644
have_cp1250_ch.inc File 112 B 0644
have_cp1251.inc File 115 B 0644
have_cp866.inc File 113 B 0644
have_cp932.inc File 110 B 0644
have_crypt.inc File 103 B 0644
have_csv.inc File 174 B 0644
have_daemon_example_plugin.inc File 387 B 0644
have_dbi_dbd-mysql.inc File 3.1 KB 0644
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have_debug_sync.inc File 196 B 0644
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have_exampledb.inc File 178 B 0644
have_federated_plugin.inc File 151 B 0644
have_firstmatch.inc File 155 B 0644
have_gb2312.inc File 111 B 0644
have_gbk.inc File 105 B 0644
have_geometry.inc File 110 B 0644
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have_lowercase1.inc File 116 B 0644
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order_by.inc File 76.02 KB 0644
parser_bug21114.inc File 1.32 KB 0644
partition_date_range.inc File 2.63 KB 0644
partition_default_functions.inc File 3.66 KB 0644
plugin.defs File 2.45 KB 0644
print_greedy_search_count.inc File 571 B 0644
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