[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# -*- cperl -*-
# Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is also distributed with certain software (including
# but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
# as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
# documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
# permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
# separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

package My::CoreDump;

use strict;
use Carp;
use My::Platform;

use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
use mtr_results;

my $hint_mysqld;		# Last resort guess for executable path

# If path in core file is 79 chars we assume it's been truncated
# Looks like we can still find the full path using 'strings'
# If that doesn't work, use the hint (mysqld path) as last resort.

sub _verify_binpath {
  my ($binary, $core_name)= @_;
  my $binpath;

  if (length $binary != 79) {
    $binpath= $binary;
    print "Core generated by '$binpath'\n";
  } else {
    # Last occurrence of path ending in /mysql*, cut from first /
    if (`strings '$core_name' | grep "/mysql[^/. ]*\$" | tail -1` =~ /(\/.*)/) {
      $binpath= $1;
      print "Guessing that core was generated by '$binpath'\n";
    } else {
      return unless $hint_mysqld;
      $binpath= $hint_mysqld;
      print "Wild guess that core was generated by '$binpath'\n";
  return $binpath;

sub _gdb {
  my ($core_name)= @_;

  print "\nTrying 'gdb' to get a backtrace\n";

  return unless -f $core_name;

  # Find out name of binary that generated core
  `gdb -c '$core_name' --batch 2>&1` =~
    /Core was generated by `([^\s\'\`]+)/;
  my $binary= $1 or return;

  $binary= _verify_binpath ($binary, $core_name) or return;

  # Create tempfile containing gdb commands
  my ($tmp, $tmp_name) = tempfile();
  print $tmp
    "thread apply all bt\n",
  close $tmp or die "Error closing $tmp_name: $!";

  # Run gdb
  my $gdb_output=
    `gdb '$binary' -c '$core_name' -x '$tmp_name' --batch 2>&1`;

  unlink $tmp_name or die "Error removing $tmp_name: $!";

  return if $? >> 8;
  return unless $gdb_output;

  resfile_print <<EOF . $gdb_output . "\n";
Output from gdb follows. The first stack trace is from the failing thread.
The following stack traces are from all threads (so the failing one is
  return 1;

sub _dbx {
  my ($core_name)= @_;

  print "\nTrying 'dbx' to get a backtrace\n";

  return unless -f $core_name;

  # Find out name of binary that generated core
  `echo | dbx - '$core_name' 2>&1` =~
    /Corefile specified executable: "([^"]+)"/;
  my $binary= $1 or return;

  $binary= _verify_binpath ($binary, $core_name) or return;

  # Find all threads
  my @thr_ids = `echo threads | dbx '$binary' '$core_name' 2>&1` =~ /t@\d+/g;

  # Create tempfile containing dbx commands
  my ($tmp, $tmp_name) = tempfile();
  foreach my $thread (@thr_ids) {
    print $tmp "where $thread\n";
  print $tmp "exit\n";
  close $tmp or die "Error closing $tmp_name: $!";

  # Run dbx
  my $dbx_output=
    `cat '$tmp_name' | dbx '$binary' '$core_name' 2>&1`;

  unlink $tmp_name or die "Error removing $tmp_name: $!";

  return if $? >> 8;
  return unless $dbx_output;

  resfile_print <<EOF .  $dbx_output . "\n";
Output from dbx follows. Stack trace is printed for all threads in order,
above this you should see info about which thread was the failing one.
  return 1;

# The 'cdb debug' prints are added to pinpoint the location of a hang
# which could not be reproduced manually. Will be removed later.

# Check that Debugging tools for Windows are installed
sub cdb_check {
   `cdb -? 2>&1`;
  print localtime() . " cdb debug X\n";
  if ($? >> 8)
    print "Cannot find cdb. Please Install Debugging tools for Windows\n";
    print "from http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/";
      print "install64bit.mspx (native x64 version)\n";
      print "installx86.mspx\n";

sub _cdb {
  my ($core_name)= @_;
  print "\nTrying 'cdb' to get a backtrace\n";
  return unless -f $core_name;
  # Try to set environment for debugging tools for Windows
  if ($ENV{'PATH'} !~ /Debugging Tools/)
    if ($ENV{'ProgramW6432'})
      # On x64 computer
      $ENV{'PATH'}.= ";".$ENV{'ProgramW6432'}."\\Debugging Tools For Windows (x64)";
     # On x86 computer. Newest versions of Debugging tools are installed in the  
     # directory with (x86) suffix, older versions did not have this suffix.
     $ENV{'PATH'}.= ";".$ENV{'ProgramFiles'}."\\Debugging Tools For Windows (x86)";
     $ENV{'PATH'}.= ";".$ENV{'ProgramFiles'}."\\Debugging Tools For Windows";
  # Read module list, find out the name of executable and 
  # build symbol path (required by cdb if executable was built on 
  # different machine)
  my $tmp_name= $core_name.".cdb_lmv";
  `cdb -z $core_name -c \"lmv;q\" > $tmp_name 2>&1`;
  print localtime() . " cdb debug C\n";
  if ($? >> 8)
    # check if cdb is installed and complain if not
    print localtime() . " cdb debug D\n";
  print localtime() . " cdb debug E\n";
  open(temp,"< $tmp_name");
  my %dirhash=();
    if($_ =~ /Image path\: (.*)/)
      if (rindex($1,'\\') != -1)
        my $dir= substr($1, 0, rindex($1,'\\'));
  print localtime() . " cdb debug F\n";
  my $image_path= join(";", (keys %dirhash),".");

  # For better callstacks, setup _NT_SYMBOL_PATH to include
  # OS symbols. Note : Dowloading symbols for the first time 
  # can take some minutes
  if (!$ENV{'_NT_SYMBOL_PATH'})
    my $windir= $ENV{'windir'};
    my $symbol_cache= substr($windir ,0, index($windir,'\\'))."\\cdb_symbols";

    print "OS debug symbols will be downloaded and stored in $symbol_cache.\n";
    print "You can control the location of symbol cache with _NT_SYMBOL_PATH\n";
    print "environment variable. Please refer to Microsoft KB article\n";
    print "http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311503  for details about _NT_SYMBOL_PATH\n";
    print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";

  my $symbol_path= $image_path.";".$ENV{'_NT_SYMBOL_PATH'};
  # Run cdb. Use "analyze" extension to print crashing thread stacktrace
  # and "uniqstack" to print other threads

  my $cdb_cmd = "!sym prompts off; !analyze -v; .ecxr; !for_each_frame dv /t;!uniqstack -p;q";
  my $cdb_output=
    `cdb -c "$cdb_cmd" -z $core_name -i "$image_path" -y "$symbol_path" -t 0 -lines 2>&1`;
  return if $? >> 8;
  print localtime() . " cdb debug G\n";
  return unless $cdb_output;
  # Remove comments (lines starting with *), stack pointer and frame 
  # pointer adresses and offsets to function to make output better readable
  $cdb_output=~ s/^\*.*\n//gm;   
  $cdb_output=~ s/^([\:0-9a-fA-F\`]+ )+//gm; 
  $cdb_output=~ s/^ChildEBP RetAddr//gm;
  $cdb_output=~ s/^Child\-SP          RetAddr           Call Site//gm;
  $cdb_output=~ s/\+0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)//gm;
  resfile_print <<EOF . $cdb_output . "\n";
Output from cdb follows. Faulting thread is printed twice,with and without function parameters
Search for STACK_TEXT to see the stack trace of 
the faulting thread. Callstacks of other threads are printed after it.
  return 1;

sub show {
  my ($class, $core_name, $exe_mysqld, $parallel)= @_;
  $hint_mysqld= $exe_mysqld;

  # On Windows, rely on cdb to be there...
    # Starting cdb is unsafe when used with --parallel > 1 option 
    if ( $parallel < 2 )
  # We try dbx first; gdb itself may coredump if run on a Sun Studio
  # compiled binary on Solaris.

  my @debuggers =
     # TODO...

  # Try debuggers until one succeeds

  foreach my $debugger (@debuggers){
    if ($debugger->($core_name)){



Name Type Size Permission Actions
File Folder 0755
SafeProcess Folder 0755
Config.pm File 10 KB 0644
ConfigFactory.pm File 17.74 KB 0644
CoreDump.pm File 8.77 KB 0644
Exec.pm File 2.47 KB 0644
Find.pm File 7.64 KB 0644
Handles.pm File 2.06 KB 0644
Memcache.pm File 15.52 KB 0644
Options.pm File 4.07 KB 0644
Platform.pm File 4 KB 0644
SafeProcess.pm File 14.07 KB 0644
SysInfo.pm File 5.47 KB 0644
Test.pm File 3.83 KB 0644