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# -*- cperl -*-
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is also distributed with certain software (including
# but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
# as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
# documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
# permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
# separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

package My::Find;

# Utility functions to find files in a MySQL source or bindist

use strict;
use Carp;
use My::Platform;

use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT= qw(my_find_bin my_find_dir my_find_file NOT_REQUIRED);

my $bin_extension= ".exe" if IS_WINDOWS;

# Helper function to be used for fourth parameter to find functions
sub NOT_REQUIRED { return 0; }

# my_find_bin - find an executable with "name_1...name_n" in
# paths "path_1...path_n" and return the full path
# Example:
#    my $mysqld_exe= my_find_bin($basedir.
#                                ["sql", "bin"],
#                                ["mysqld", "mysqld-debug"]);
#    my $mysql_exe= my_find_bin($basedir,
#                               ["client", "bin"],
#                               "mysql");
#    To check if something exists, use the required parameter
#    set to 0, the function will return an empty string if the
#    binary is not found
#    my $mysql_exe= my_find_bin($basedir,
#                               ["client", "bin"],
#                               "mysql", NOT_REQUIRED);
# NOTE: The function honours MTR_VS_CONFIG environment variable
sub my_find_bin {
  my ($base, $paths, $names, $required)= @_;
  croak "usage: my_find_bin(<base>, <paths>, <names>, [<required>])"
    unless @_ == 4 or @_ == 3;

  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # Find and return the first executable
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  foreach my $path (my_find_paths($base, $paths, $names, $bin_extension)) {
    return $path if ( -x $path or (IS_WINDOWS and -f $path) );
  if (defined $required and $required == NOT_REQUIRED){
    # Return empty string to indicate not found
    return "";
  find_error($base, $paths, $names);

# my_find_file - find a file with "name_1...name_n" in
# paths "path_1...path_n" and return the full path
# Example:
#    my $mysqld_exe= my_find_file($basedir.
#                                ["sql", "bin"],
#                                "filename");
# Also supports NOT_REQUIRED flag
# NOTE: The function honours MTR_VS_CONFIG environment variable
sub my_find_file {
  my ($base, $paths, $names, $required)= @_;
  croak "usage: my_find_file(<base>, <paths>, <names>, [<required>])"
    unless @_ == 4 or @_ == 3;

  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # Find and return the first executable
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  foreach my $path (my_find_paths($base, $paths, $names, $bin_extension)) {
    return $path if ( -f $path );
  if (defined $required and $required == NOT_REQUIRED){
    # Return empty string to indicate not found
    return "";
  find_error($base, $paths, $names);

# my_find_dir - find the first existing directory in one of
# the given paths
# Example:
#    my $charset_set= my_find_dir($basedir,
#                                 ["mysql/share","sql/share", "share"],
#                                 ["charset"]);
# or
#    my $charset_set= my_find_dir($basedir,
#                                 ['client_release', 'client_debug',
#			           'client', 'bin']);
# NOTE: The function honours MTR_VS_CONFIG environment variable
sub my_find_dir {
  my ($base, $paths, $dirs, $optional)= @_;
  croak "usage: my_find_dir(<base>, <paths>[, <dirs>[, <optional>]])"
    unless (@_ == 3 or @_ == 2 or @_ == 4);

  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # Find and return the first directory
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  foreach my $path (my_find_paths($base, $paths, $dirs)) {
    return $path if ( -d $path );
  return "" if $optional;
  find_error($base, $paths, $dirs);

sub my_find_paths {
  my ($base, $paths, $names, $extension)= @_;

  # Convert the arguments into two normal arrays to ease
  # further mappings
  my (@names, @paths);
  push(@names, ref $names eq "ARRAY" ? @$names : $names);
  push(@paths, ref $paths eq "ARRAY" ? @$paths : $paths);

  #print "base: $base\n";
  #print "names: @names\n";
  #print "paths: @paths\n";

  # User can select to look in a special build dir
  # which is a subdirectory of any of the paths
  my @extra_dirs;
  my $build_dir= $::opt_vs_config || $ENV{MTR_VS_CONFIG} || $ENV{MTR_BUILD_DIR};
  push(@extra_dirs, $build_dir) if defined $build_dir;

  if (defined $extension){
    # Append extension to names, if name does not already have extension
    map { $_.=$extension unless /\.(.*)+$/ } @names;

  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # CMake generator specific (Visual Studio and Xcode have multimode builds)
  # -------------------------------------------------------

  # Add the default extra build dirs unless a specific one has
  # already been selected
    "Debug")) if @extra_dirs == 0;

  #print "extra_build_dir: @extra_dirs\n";

  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # Build cross product of "paths * extra_build_dirs"
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  push(@paths, map { my $path= $_;
		     map  { "$path/$_" } @extra_dirs
		   } @paths);
  #print "paths: @paths\n";

  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # Build cross product of "paths * names"
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  @paths= map { my $path= $_;
		map  { "$path/$_" } @names
	      } @paths;
  #print "paths: @paths\n";

  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # Prepend base to all paths
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  @paths= map { "$base/$_" } @paths;
  #print "paths: @paths\n";

  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # Glob all paths to expand wildcards
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  @paths= map { glob("$_") } @paths;
  #print "paths: @paths\n";

  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # Return the list of paths
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  return @paths;

sub commify {
    (@_ == 0) ? '' :
      (@_ == 1) ? $_[0] :
	(@_ == 2) ? join(" or ", @_) :
	  join(", ", @_[0..($#_-1)], "or $_[-1]");


sub fnuttify {
  return map('\''.$_.'\'', @_);

sub find_error {
  my ($base, $paths, $names)= @_;

  my (@names, @paths);
  push(@names, ref $names eq "ARRAY" ? @$names : $names);
  push(@paths, ref $paths eq "ARRAY" ? @$paths : $paths);

  croak "** ERROR: Could not find ",
    commify(fnuttify(@names)), " in ",
      commify(fnuttify(my_find_paths($base, $paths, $names))), "\n";



Name Type Size Permission Actions
File Folder 0755
SafeProcess Folder 0755
Config.pm File 10 KB 0644
ConfigFactory.pm File 17.74 KB 0644
CoreDump.pm File 8.77 KB 0644
Exec.pm File 2.47 KB 0644
Find.pm File 7.64 KB 0644
Handles.pm File 2.06 KB 0644
Memcache.pm File 15.52 KB 0644
Options.pm File 4.07 KB 0644
Platform.pm File 4 KB 0644
SafeProcess.pm File 14.07 KB 0644
SysInfo.pm File 5.47 KB 0644
Test.pm File 3.83 KB 0644