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# -*- cperl -*-
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is also distributed with certain software (including
# but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
# as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
# documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
# permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
# separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

package My::SafeProcess;

# Class that encapsulates process creation, monitoring and cleanup
# Spawns a monitor process which spawns a new process locally or
# remote using subclasses My::Process::Local or My::Process::Remote etc.
# The monitor process runs a simple event loop more or less just
# waiting for a reason to zap the process it monitors. Thus the user
# of this class does not need to care about process cleanup, it's
# handled automatically.
# The monitor process wait for:
#  - the parent process to close the pipe, in that case it
#    will zap the "monitored process" and exit
#  - the "monitored process" to exit, in which case it will exit
#    itself with same exit code as the "monitored process"
#  - the parent process to send the "shutdown" signal in wich case
#    monitor will kill the "monitored process" hard and exit
# When used it will look something like this:
# $> ps
#  [script.pl]
#   - [monitor for `mysqld`]
#     - [mysqld]
#   - [monitor for `mysqld`]
#     - [mysqld]
#   - [monitor for `mysqld`]
#     - [mysqld]

use strict;
use Carp;

use My::SafeProcess::Base;
use base 'My::SafeProcess::Base';

use My::Find;
use My::Platform;

my %running;
my $_verbose= 0;
my $start_exit= 0;

  # Kill any children still running
  for my $proc (values %running){
    if ( $proc->is_child($$) and ! $start_exit){
      #print "Killing: $proc\n";
      if ($proc->wait_one(0)){

sub is_child {
  my ($self, $parent_pid)= @_;
  croak "usage: \$safe_proc->is_child()" unless (@_ == 2 and ref $self);
  return ($self->{PARENT} == $parent_pid);

my @safe_process_cmd;
my $safe_kill;
my $bindir;
if(defined $ENV{MTR_BINDIR})
  # This is an out-of-source build. Build directory
  # is given in MTR_BINDIR env.variable
  $bindir = $ENV{MTR_BINDIR}."/mysql-test";
  $bindir = ".";

# Find the safe process binary or script
sub find_bin {
    # Use my_safe_process.exe
    my $exe= my_find_bin($bindir, ["lib/My/SafeProcess", "My/SafeProcess"],
    push(@safe_process_cmd, $exe);

    # Use my_safe_kill.exe
    $safe_kill= my_find_bin($bindir, "lib/My/SafeProcess", "my_safe_kill");
    # Use my_safe_process
    my $exe= my_find_bin($bindir, ["lib/My/SafeProcess", "My/SafeProcess"],
    push(@safe_process_cmd, $exe);

sub new {
  my $class= shift;

  my %opts=
     verbose     => 0,

  my $path     = delete($opts{'path'})    or croak "path required @_";
  my $args     = delete($opts{'args'})    or croak "args required @_";
  my $input    = delete($opts{'input'});
  my $output   = delete($opts{'output'});
  my $error    = delete($opts{'error'});
  my $verbose  = delete($opts{'verbose'});
  my $nocore   = delete($opts{'nocore'});
  my $host     = delete($opts{'host'});
  my $shutdown = delete($opts{'shutdown'});
  my $user_data= delete($opts{'user_data'});
  my $envs     = delete($opts{'envs'});

#  if (defined $host) {
#    $safe_script=  "lib/My/SafeProcess/safe_process_cpcd.pl";
#  }

  if (IS_CYGWIN){
    $path= mixed_path($path);
    $input= mixed_path($input);
    $output= mixed_path($output);
    $error= mixed_path($error);

  my @safe_args;
  my ($safe_path, $safe_script)= @safe_process_cmd;
  push(@safe_args, $safe_script) if defined $safe_script;

  push(@safe_args, "--verbose") if $verbose > 0;
  push(@safe_args, "--nocore") if $nocore;

  # Point the safe_process at the right parent if running on cygwin
  push(@safe_args, "--parent-pid=".Cygwin::pid_to_winpid($$)) if IS_CYGWIN;

  foreach my $env_var (@$envs) {
    croak("Missing = in env string") unless $env_var =~ /=/;
    croak("Env string $env_var seen, probably missing value for --mysqld-env")
      if $env_var =~ /^--/;
    push @safe_args, "--env $env_var";

  push(@safe_args, "--");
  push(@safe_args, $path); # The program safe_process should execute

  if ($start_exit) {	 # Bypass safe_process instead, start program directly
    @safe_args= ();
    $safe_path= $path;
  push(@safe_args, @$$args);

  print "### safe_path: ", $safe_path, " ", join(" ", @safe_args), "\n"
    if $verbose > 1;

  my $pid= create_process(
			  path      => $safe_path,
			  input     => $input,
			  output    => $output,
			  error     => $error,
                          append    => $opts{append},
			  args      => \@safe_args,

  my $name     = delete($opts{'name'}) || "SafeProcess$pid";
  my $proc= bless
      SAFE_PID  => $pid,
      SAFE_WINPID  => $pid, # Inidicates this is always a real process
      SAFE_NAME => $name,
      SAFE_SHUTDOWN => $shutdown,
      PARENT => $$,
      SAFE_USER_DATA => $user_data,
     }, $class);

  # Put the new process in list of running
  $running{$pid}= $proc;
  return $proc;


sub run {
  my $proc= new(@_);
  return $proc->exit_status();

# Shutdown process nicely, and wait for shutdown_timeout seconds
# If processes hasn't shutdown, kill them hard and wait for return
sub shutdown {
  my $shutdown_timeout= shift;
  my @processes= @_;
  _verbose("shutdown, timeout: $shutdown_timeout, @processes");

  return if (@processes == 0);

  # Call shutdown function if process has one, else
  # use kill
  foreach my $proc (@processes){
    _verbose("  proc: $proc");
    my $shutdown= $proc->{SAFE_SHUTDOWN};
    if ($shutdown_timeout > 0 and defined $shutdown){
      $proc->{WAS_SHUTDOWN}= 1;
    else {

  my @kill_processes= ();

  # Wait max shutdown_timeout seconds for those process
  # that has been shutdown
  foreach my $proc (@processes){
    next unless $proc->{WAS_SHUTDOWN};
    my $ret= $proc->wait_one($shutdown_timeout);
    if ($ret != 0) {
      push(@kill_processes, $proc);
    # Only wait for the first process with shutdown timeout
    $shutdown_timeout= 0;

  # Wait infinitely for those process
  # that has been killed
  foreach my $proc (@processes){
    next if $proc->{WAS_SHUTDOWN};
    my $ret= $proc->wait_one(undef);
    if ($ret != 0) {
      warn "Wait for killed process failed!";
      push(@kill_processes, $proc);
      # Try one more time, best option...

  # Return if all servers has exited
  return if (@kill_processes == 0);

  foreach my $proc (@kill_processes){

  foreach my $proc (@kill_processes){


sub _winpid ($) {
  my ($pid)= @_;

  # In win32 perl, the pid is already the winpid
  return $pid unless IS_CYGWIN;

  # In cygwin, the pid is the pseudo process ->
  # get the real winpid of my_safe_process
  return Cygwin::pid_to_winpid($pid);

# Tell the process to die as fast as possible
sub start_kill {
  my ($self)= @_;
  croak "usage: \$safe_proc->start_kill()" unless (@_ == 1 and ref $self);
  _verbose("start_kill: $self");
  my $ret= 1;

  my $pid= $self->{SAFE_PID};
  die "INTERNAL ERROR: no pid" unless defined $pid;

  if (IS_WINDOWS and defined $self->{SAFE_WINPID})
    die "INTERNAL ERROR: no safe_kill" unless defined $safe_kill;

    my $winpid= _winpid($pid);
    $ret= system($safe_kill, $winpid) >> 8;

    if ($ret == 3){
      print "Couldn't open the winpid: $winpid ".
	"for pid: $pid, try one more time\n";
      $winpid= _winpid($pid);
      $ret= system($safe_kill, $winpid) >> 8;
      print "Couldn't open the winpid: $winpid ".
	"for pid: $pid, continue and see what happens...\n";
    $pid= $self->{SAFE_PID};
    die "Can't kill not started process" unless defined $pid;
    $ret= kill("TERM", $pid);

  return $ret;

sub dump_core {
  my ($self)= @_;
  return if IS_WINDOWS;
  my $pid= $self->{SAFE_PID};
  die "Can't cet core from not started process" unless defined $pid;
  _verbose("Sending ABRT to $self");
  kill ("ABRT", $pid);
  return 1;

# Kill the process as fast as possible
# and wait for it to return
sub kill {
  my ($self)= @_;
  croak "usage: \$safe_proc->kill()" unless (@_ == 1 and ref $self);

  return 1;

sub _collect {
  my ($self)= @_;

  $self->{EXIT_STATUS}= $?;
  _verbose("_collect: $self");

  # Take the process out of running list
  my $pid= $self->{SAFE_PID};
  die unless delete($running{$pid});

# Wait for process to exit
# optionally with a timeout
# timeout
#   undef -> wait blocking infinitely
#   0     -> just poll with WNOHANG
#   >0    -> wait blocking for max timeout seconds
#  0 Not running
#  1 Still running
sub wait_one {
  my ($self, $timeout)= @_;
  croak "usage: \$safe_proc->wait_one([timeout])" unless ref $self;

  _verbose("wait_one $self, $timeout");

  if ( ! defined($self->{SAFE_PID}) ) {
    # No pid => not running
    _verbose("No pid => not running");
    return 0;

  if ( defined $self->{EXIT_STATUS} ) {
    # Exit status already set => not running
    _verbose("Exit status already set => not running");
    return 0;

  my $pid= $self->{SAFE_PID};

  my $use_alarm;
  my $blocking;
  if (defined $timeout)
    if ($timeout == 0)
      # 0 -> just poll with WNOHANG
      $blocking= 0;
      $use_alarm= 0;
      # >0 -> wait blocking for max timeout seconds
      $blocking= 1;
      $use_alarm= 1;
    # undef -> wait blocking infinitely
    $blocking= 1;
    $use_alarm= 0;
  #_verbose("blocking: $blocking, use_alarm: $use_alarm");

  my $retpid;
    # alarm should break the wait
    local $SIG{ALRM}= sub { die "waitpid timeout"; };

    alarm($timeout) if $use_alarm;

    $retpid= waitpid($pid, $blocking ? 0 : &WNOHANG);

    alarm(0) if $use_alarm;

  if ($@)
    die "Got unexpected: $@" if ($@ !~ /waitpid timeout/);
    if (!defined $retpid) {
      # Got timeout
      _verbose("Got timeout");
      return 1;
    # Got pid _and_ alarm, continue
    _verbose("Got pid and alarm, continue");

  if ( $retpid == 0 ) {
    # 0 => still running
    _verbose("0 => still running");
    return 1;

  if ( not $blocking and $retpid == -1 ) {
    # still running
    _verbose("still running");
    return 1;

  #warn "wait_one: expected pid $pid but got $retpid"
  #  unless( $retpid == $pid );

  return 0;

# Wait for any process to exit
# Returns a reference to the SafeProcess that
# exited or undefined
sub wait_any {
  my $ret_pid;
  if (IS_WIN32PERL) {
    # Can't wait for -1 => use a polling loop
    do {
      Win32::Sleep(10); # 10 milli seconds
      foreach my $pid (keys %running){
	$ret_pid= waitpid($pid, &WNOHANG);
	last if $pid == $ret_pid;
    } while ($ret_pid == 0);
    $ret_pid= waitpid(-1, 0);
    if ($ret_pid <= 0){
      # No more processes to wait for
      print STDERR "wait_any, got invalid pid: $ret_pid\n";
      return undef;

  # Look it up in "running" table
  my $proc= $running{$ret_pid};
  unless (defined $proc){
    print STDERR "Could not find pid: $ret_pid in running list\n";
    print STDERR "running: ". join(", ", keys(%running)). "\n";
    return undef;
  return $proc;

# Wait for any process to exit, or a timeout
# Returns a reference to the SafeProcess that
# exited or a pseudo-process with $proc->{timeout} == 1

sub wait_any_timeout {
  my $class= shift;
  my $timeout= shift;
  my $proc;
  my $millis=10;

  do {
    # Slowly increse interval up to max. 1 second
    $millis++ if $millis < 1000;
    # Return a "fake" process for timeout
    if (::has_expired($timeout)) {
      $proc= bless
	  SAFE_PID  => 0,
	  SAFE_NAME => "timer",
	  timeout => 1,
	 }, $class);
    } else {
      $proc= check_any();
  } while (! $proc);

  return $proc;

# Wait for all processes to exit
sub wait_all {
  while(keys %running)

# Set global flag to tell all safe_process to exit after starting child

sub start_exit {
  $start_exit= 1;

# Check if any process has exited, but don't wait.
# Returns a reference to the SafeProcess that
# exited or undefined
sub check_any {
  for my $proc (values %running){
    if ( $proc->is_child($$) ) {
      if (not $proc->wait_one(0)) {
	_verbose ("Found exited $proc");
	return $proc;
  return undef;

# Overload string operator
# and fallback to default functions if no
# overloaded function is found
use overload
  '""' => \&self2str,
  fallback => 1;

# Return the process as a nicely formatted string
sub self2str {
  my ($self)= @_;
  my $pid=  $self->{SAFE_PID};
  my $winpid=  $self->{SAFE_WINPID};
  my $name= $self->{SAFE_NAME};
  my $exit_status= $self->{EXIT_STATUS};

  my $str= "[$name - pid: $pid";
  $str.= ", winpid: $winpid"      if defined $winpid;
  $str.= ", exit: $exit_status"   if defined $exit_status;
  $str.= "]";

sub _verbose {
  return unless $_verbose;
  print STDERR " ## ". @_. "\n";

sub pid {
  my ($self)= @_;
  return $self->{SAFE_PID};

sub user_data {
  my ($self)= @_;
  return $self->{SAFE_USER_DATA};



Name Type Size Permission Actions
File Folder 0755
SafeProcess Folder 0755
Config.pm File 10 KB 0644
ConfigFactory.pm File 17.74 KB 0644
CoreDump.pm File 8.77 KB 0644
Exec.pm File 2.47 KB 0644
Find.pm File 7.64 KB 0644
Handles.pm File 2.06 KB 0644
Memcache.pm File 15.52 KB 0644
Options.pm File 4.07 KB 0644
Platform.pm File 4 KB 0644
SafeProcess.pm File 14.07 KB 0644
SysInfo.pm File 5.47 KB 0644
Test.pm File 3.83 KB 0644