drop procedure if exists empty; drop procedure if exists code_sample; create procedure empty() begin end; show procedure code empty; Pos Instruction drop procedure empty; create function almost_empty() returns int return 0; show function code almost_empty; Pos Instruction 0 freturn 3 0 drop function almost_empty; create procedure code_sample(x int, out err int, out nulls int) begin declare count int default 0; set nulls = 0; begin declare c cursor for select name from t1; declare exit handler for not found close c; open c; loop begin declare n varchar(20); declare continue handler for sqlexception set err=1; fetch c into n; if isnull(n) then set nulls = nulls + 1; else set count = count + 1; update t2 set idx = count where name=n; end if; end; end loop; end; select t.name, t.idx from t2 t order by idx asc; end// show procedure code code_sample; Pos Instruction 0 set count@3 0 1 set nulls@2 0 2 cpush c@0: select name from t1 3 hpush_jump 6 4 EXIT 4 cclose c@0 5 hreturn 0 19 6 copen c@0 7 set n@4 NULL 8 hpush_jump 11 5 CONTINUE 9 set err@1 1 10 hreturn 5 11 cfetch c@0 n@4 12 jump_if_not 15(17) isnull(n@4) 13 set nulls@2 (nulls@2 + 1) 14 jump 17 15 set count@3 (count@3 + 1) 16 stmt "update t2 set idx = count where name=n" 17 hpop 18 jump 7 19 hpop 20 cpop 1 21 stmt "select t.name, t.idx from t2 t order ..." drop procedure code_sample; drop procedure if exists sudoku_solve; create procedure sudoku_solve(p_naive boolean, p_all boolean) deterministic modifies sql data begin drop temporary table if exists sudoku_work, sudoku_schedule; create temporary table sudoku_work ( row smallint not null, col smallint not null, dig smallint not null, cnt smallint, key using btree (cnt), key using btree (row), key using btree (col), unique key using hash (row,col) ); create temporary table sudoku_schedule ( idx int not null auto_increment primary key, row smallint not null, col smallint not null ); call sudoku_init(); if p_naive then update sudoku_work set cnt = 0 where dig = 0; else call sudoku_count(); end if; insert into sudoku_schedule (row,col) select row,col from sudoku_work where cnt is not null order by cnt desc; begin declare v_scounter bigint default 0; declare v_i smallint default 1; declare v_dig smallint; declare v_schedmax smallint; select count(*) into v_schedmax from sudoku_schedule; more: loop begin declare v_tcounter bigint default 0; sched: while v_i <= v_schedmax do begin declare v_row, v_col smallint; select row,col into v_row,v_col from sudoku_schedule where v_i = idx; select dig into v_dig from sudoku_work where v_row = row and v_col = col; case v_dig when 0 then set v_dig = 1; update sudoku_work set dig = 1 where v_row = row and v_col = col; when 9 then if v_i > 0 then update sudoku_work set dig = 0 where v_row = row and v_col = col; set v_i = v_i - 1; iterate sched; else select v_scounter as 'Solutions'; leave more; end if; else set v_dig = v_dig + 1; update sudoku_work set dig = v_dig where v_row = row and v_col = col; end case; set v_tcounter = v_tcounter + 1; if not sudoku_digit_ok(v_row, v_col, v_dig) then iterate sched; end if; set v_i = v_i + 1; end; end while sched; select dig from sudoku_work; select v_tcounter as 'Tests'; set v_scounter = v_scounter + 1; if p_all and v_i > 0 then set v_i = v_i - 1; else leave more; end if; end; end loop more; end; drop temporary table sudoku_work, sudoku_schedule; end// show procedure code sudoku_solve; Pos Instruction 0 stmt "drop temporary table if exists sudoku..." 1 stmt "create temporary table sudoku_work ( ..." 2 stmt "create temporary table sudoku_schedul..." 3 stmt "call sudoku_init()" 4 jump_if_not 7(8) p_naive@0 5 stmt "update sudoku_work set cnt = 0 where ..." 6 jump 8 7 stmt "call sudoku_count()" 8 stmt "insert into sudoku_schedule (row,col)..." 9 set v_scounter@2 0 10 set v_i@3 1 11 set v_dig@4 NULL 12 set v_schedmax@5 NULL 13 stmt "select count(*) into v_schedmax from ..." 14 set v_tcounter@6 0 15 jump_if_not 39(39) (v_i@3 <= v_schedmax@5) 16 set v_row@7 NULL 17 set v_col@8 NULL 18 stmt "select row,col into v_row,v_col from ..." 19 stmt "select dig into v_dig from sudoku_wor..." 20 set_case_expr (34) 0 v_dig@4 21 jump_if_not_case_when 25(34) (case_expr@0 = 0) 22 set v_dig@4 1 23 stmt "update sudoku_work set dig = 1 where ..." 24 jump 34 25 jump_if_not_case_when 32(34) (case_expr@0 = 9) 26 jump_if_not 30(34) (v_i@3 > 0) 27 stmt "update sudoku_work set dig = 0 where ..." 28 set v_i@3 (v_i@3 - 1) 29 jump 15 30 stmt "select v_scounter as 'Solutions'" 31 jump 45 32 set v_dig@4 (v_dig@4 + 1) 33 stmt "update sudoku_work set dig = v_dig wh..." 34 set v_tcounter@6 (v_tcounter@6 + 1) 35 jump_if_not 37(37) (not(`sudoku_digit_ok`(v_row@7,v_col@8,v_dig@4))) 36 jump 15 37 set v_i@3 (v_i@3 + 1) 38 jump 15 39 stmt "select dig from sudoku_work" 40 stmt "select v_tcounter as 'Tests'" 41 set v_scounter@2 (v_scounter@2 + 1) 42 jump_if_not 45(14) (p_all@1 and (v_i@3 > 0)) 43 set v_i@3 (v_i@3 - 1) 44 jump 14 45 stmt "drop temporary table sudoku_work, sud..." drop procedure sudoku_solve; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_19194_simple; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_19194_searched; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_19194_nested_1; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_19194_nested_2; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_19194_nested_3; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_19194_nested_4; CREATE PROCEDURE proc_19194_simple(i int) BEGIN DECLARE str CHAR(10); CASE i WHEN 1 THEN SET str="1"; WHEN 2 THEN SET str="2"; WHEN 3 THEN SET str="3"; ELSE SET str="unknown"; END CASE; SELECT str; END| CREATE PROCEDURE proc_19194_searched(i int) BEGIN DECLARE str CHAR(10); CASE WHEN i=1 THEN SET str="1"; WHEN i=2 THEN SET str="2"; WHEN i=3 THEN SET str="3"; ELSE SET str="unknown"; END CASE; SELECT str; END| CREATE PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_1(i int, j int) BEGIN DECLARE str_i CHAR(10); DECLARE str_j CHAR(10); CASE i WHEN 10 THEN SET str_i="10"; WHEN 20 THEN BEGIN set str_i="20"; CASE WHEN j=1 THEN SET str_j="1"; WHEN j=2 THEN SET str_j="2"; WHEN j=3 THEN SET str_j="3"; ELSE SET str_j="unknown"; END CASE; select "i was 20"; END; WHEN 30 THEN SET str_i="30"; WHEN 40 THEN SET str_i="40"; ELSE SET str_i="unknown"; END CASE; SELECT str_i, str_j; END| CREATE PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_2(i int, j int) BEGIN DECLARE str_i CHAR(10); DECLARE str_j CHAR(10); CASE WHEN i=10 THEN SET str_i="10"; WHEN i=20 THEN BEGIN set str_i="20"; CASE j WHEN 1 THEN SET str_j="1"; WHEN 2 THEN SET str_j="2"; WHEN 3 THEN SET str_j="3"; ELSE SET str_j="unknown"; END CASE; select "i was 20"; END; WHEN i=30 THEN SET str_i="30"; WHEN i=40 THEN SET str_i="40"; ELSE SET str_i="unknown"; END CASE; SELECT str_i, str_j; END| CREATE PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_3(i int, j int) BEGIN DECLARE str_i CHAR(10); DECLARE str_j CHAR(10); CASE i WHEN 10 THEN SET str_i="10"; WHEN 20 THEN BEGIN set str_i="20"; CASE j WHEN 1 THEN SET str_j="1"; WHEN 2 THEN SET str_j="2"; WHEN 3 THEN SET str_j="3"; ELSE SET str_j="unknown"; END CASE; select "i was 20"; END; WHEN 30 THEN SET str_i="30"; WHEN 40 THEN SET str_i="40"; ELSE SET str_i="unknown"; END CASE; SELECT str_i, str_j; END| CREATE PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_4(i int, j int) BEGIN DECLARE str_i CHAR(10); DECLARE str_j CHAR(10); CASE WHEN i=10 THEN SET str_i="10"; WHEN i=20 THEN BEGIN set str_i="20"; CASE WHEN j=1 THEN SET str_j="1"; WHEN j=2 THEN SET str_j="2"; WHEN j=3 THEN SET str_j="3"; ELSE SET str_j="unknown"; END CASE; select "i was 20"; END; WHEN i=30 THEN SET str_i="30"; WHEN i=40 THEN SET str_i="40"; ELSE SET str_i="unknown"; END CASE; SELECT str_i, str_j; END| SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_19194_simple; Pos Instruction 0 set str@1 NULL 1 set_case_expr (12) 0 i@0 2 jump_if_not_case_when 5(12) (case_expr@0 = 1) 3 set str@1 '1' 4 jump 12 5 jump_if_not_case_when 8(12) (case_expr@0 = 2) 6 set str@1 '2' 7 jump 12 8 jump_if_not_case_when 11(12) (case_expr@0 = 3) 9 set str@1 '3' 10 jump 12 11 set str@1 'unknown' 12 stmt "SELECT str" SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_19194_searched; Pos Instruction 0 set str@1 NULL 1 jump_if_not 4(11) (i@0 = 1) 2 set str@1 '1' 3 jump 11 4 jump_if_not 7(11) (i@0 = 2) 5 set str@1 '2' 6 jump 11 7 jump_if_not 10(11) (i@0 = 3) 8 set str@1 '3' 9 jump 11 10 set str@1 'unknown' 11 stmt "SELECT str" SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_19194_nested_1; Pos Instruction 0 set str_i@2 NULL 1 set str_j@3 NULL 2 set_case_expr (27) 0 i@0 3 jump_if_not_case_when 6(27) (case_expr@0 = 10) 4 set str_i@2 '10' 5 jump 27 6 jump_if_not_case_when 20(27) (case_expr@0 = 20) 7 set str_i@2 '20' 8 jump_if_not 11(18) (j@1 = 1) 9 set str_j@3 '1' 10 jump 18 11 jump_if_not 14(18) (j@1 = 2) 12 set str_j@3 '2' 13 jump 18 14 jump_if_not 17(18) (j@1 = 3) 15 set str_j@3 '3' 16 jump 18 17 set str_j@3 'unknown' 18 stmt "select "i was 20"" 19 jump 27 20 jump_if_not_case_when 23(27) (case_expr@0 = 30) 21 set str_i@2 '30' 22 jump 27 23 jump_if_not_case_when 26(27) (case_expr@0 = 40) 24 set str_i@2 '40' 25 jump 27 26 set str_i@2 'unknown' 27 stmt "SELECT str_i, str_j" SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_19194_nested_2; Pos Instruction 0 set str_i@2 NULL 1 set str_j@3 NULL 2 jump_if_not 5(27) (i@0 = 10) 3 set str_i@2 '10' 4 jump 27 5 jump_if_not 20(27) (i@0 = 20) 6 set str_i@2 '20' 7 set_case_expr (18) 0 j@1 8 jump_if_not_case_when 11(18) (case_expr@0 = 1) 9 set str_j@3 '1' 10 jump 18 11 jump_if_not_case_when 14(18) (case_expr@0 = 2) 12 set str_j@3 '2' 13 jump 18 14 jump_if_not_case_when 17(18) (case_expr@0 = 3) 15 set str_j@3 '3' 16 jump 18 17 set str_j@3 'unknown' 18 stmt "select "i was 20"" 19 jump 27 20 jump_if_not 23(27) (i@0 = 30) 21 set str_i@2 '30' 22 jump 27 23 jump_if_not 26(27) (i@0 = 40) 24 set str_i@2 '40' 25 jump 27 26 set str_i@2 'unknown' 27 stmt "SELECT str_i, str_j" SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_19194_nested_3; Pos Instruction 0 set str_i@2 NULL 1 set str_j@3 NULL 2 set_case_expr (28) 0 i@0 3 jump_if_not_case_when 6(28) (case_expr@0 = 10) 4 set str_i@2 '10' 5 jump 28 6 jump_if_not_case_when 21(28) (case_expr@0 = 20) 7 set str_i@2 '20' 8 set_case_expr (19) 1 j@1 9 jump_if_not_case_when 12(19) (case_expr@1 = 1) 10 set str_j@3 '1' 11 jump 19 12 jump_if_not_case_when 15(19) (case_expr@1 = 2) 13 set str_j@3 '2' 14 jump 19 15 jump_if_not_case_when 18(19) (case_expr@1 = 3) 16 set str_j@3 '3' 17 jump 19 18 set str_j@3 'unknown' 19 stmt "select "i was 20"" 20 jump 28 21 jump_if_not_case_when 24(28) (case_expr@0 = 30) 22 set str_i@2 '30' 23 jump 28 24 jump_if_not_case_when 27(28) (case_expr@0 = 40) 25 set str_i@2 '40' 26 jump 28 27 set str_i@2 'unknown' 28 stmt "SELECT str_i, str_j" SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_19194_nested_4; Pos Instruction 0 set str_i@2 NULL 1 set str_j@3 NULL 2 jump_if_not 5(26) (i@0 = 10) 3 set str_i@2 '10' 4 jump 26 5 jump_if_not 19(26) (i@0 = 20) 6 set str_i@2 '20' 7 jump_if_not 10(17) (j@1 = 1) 8 set str_j@3 '1' 9 jump 17 10 jump_if_not 13(17) (j@1 = 2) 11 set str_j@3 '2' 12 jump 17 13 jump_if_not 16(17) (j@1 = 3) 14 set str_j@3 '3' 15 jump 17 16 set str_j@3 'unknown' 17 stmt "select "i was 20"" 18 jump 26 19 jump_if_not 22(26) (i@0 = 30) 20 set str_i@2 '30' 21 jump 26 22 jump_if_not 25(26) (i@0 = 40) 23 set str_i@2 '40' 24 jump 26 25 set str_i@2 'unknown' 26 stmt "SELECT str_i, str_j" CALL proc_19194_nested_1(10, 1); str_i str_j 10 NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_1(25, 1); str_i str_j unknown NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_1(20, 1); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 1 CALL proc_19194_nested_1(20, 2); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 2 CALL proc_19194_nested_1(20, 3); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 3 CALL proc_19194_nested_1(20, 4); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 unknown CALL proc_19194_nested_1(30, 1); str_i str_j 30 NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_1(40, 1); str_i str_j 40 NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_1(0, 0); str_i str_j unknown NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_2(10, 1); str_i str_j 10 NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_2(25, 1); str_i str_j unknown NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_2(20, 1); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 1 CALL proc_19194_nested_2(20, 2); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 2 CALL proc_19194_nested_2(20, 3); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 3 CALL proc_19194_nested_2(20, 4); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 unknown CALL proc_19194_nested_2(30, 1); str_i str_j 30 NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_2(40, 1); str_i str_j 40 NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_2(0, 0); str_i str_j unknown NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_3(10, 1); str_i str_j 10 NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_3(25, 1); str_i str_j unknown NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_3(20, 1); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 1 CALL proc_19194_nested_3(20, 2); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 2 CALL proc_19194_nested_3(20, 3); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 3 CALL proc_19194_nested_3(20, 4); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 unknown CALL proc_19194_nested_3(30, 1); str_i str_j 30 NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_3(40, 1); str_i str_j 40 NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_3(0, 0); str_i str_j unknown NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_4(10, 1); str_i str_j 10 NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_4(25, 1); str_i str_j unknown NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_4(20, 1); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 1 CALL proc_19194_nested_4(20, 2); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 2 CALL proc_19194_nested_4(20, 3); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 3 CALL proc_19194_nested_4(20, 4); i was 20 i was 20 str_i str_j 20 unknown CALL proc_19194_nested_4(30, 1); str_i str_j 30 NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_4(40, 1); str_i str_j 40 NULL CALL proc_19194_nested_4(0, 0); str_i str_j unknown NULL DROP PROCEDURE proc_19194_simple; DROP PROCEDURE proc_19194_searched; DROP PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_1; DROP PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_2; DROP PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_3; DROP PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_4; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p1; CREATE PROCEDURE p1() CREATE INDEX idx ON t1 (c1); SHOW PROCEDURE CODE p1; Pos Instruction 0 stmt "CREATE INDEX idx ON t1 (c1)" DROP PROCEDURE p1; drop table if exists t1; drop procedure if exists proc_26977_broken; drop procedure if exists proc_26977_works; create table t1(a int unique); create procedure proc_26977_broken(v int) begin declare i int default 5; declare continue handler for sqlexception begin select 'caught something'; retry: while i > 0 do begin set i = i - 1; select 'looping', i; end; end while retry; end; select 'do something'; insert into t1 values (v); select 'do something again'; insert into t1 values (v); end// create procedure proc_26977_works(v int) begin declare i int default 5; declare continue handler for sqlexception begin select 'caught something'; retry: while i > 0 do begin set i = i - 1; select 'looping', i; end; end while retry; select 'optimizer: keep hreturn'; end; select 'do something'; insert into t1 values (v); select 'do something again'; insert into t1 values (v); end// show procedure code proc_26977_broken; Pos Instruction 0 set i@1 5 1 hpush_jump 8 2 CONTINUE 2 stmt "select 'caught something'" 3 jump_if_not 7(7) (i@1 > 0) 4 set i@1 (i@1 - 1) 5 stmt "select 'looping', i" 6 jump 3 7 hreturn 2 8 stmt "select 'do something'" 9 stmt "insert into t1 values (v)" 10 stmt "select 'do something again'" 11 stmt "insert into t1 values (v)" 12 hpop show procedure code proc_26977_works; Pos Instruction 0 set i@1 5 1 hpush_jump 9 2 CONTINUE 2 stmt "select 'caught something'" 3 jump_if_not 7(7) (i@1 > 0) 4 set i@1 (i@1 - 1) 5 stmt "select 'looping', i" 6 jump 3 7 stmt "select 'optimizer: keep hreturn'" 8 hreturn 2 9 stmt "select 'do something'" 10 stmt "insert into t1 values (v)" 11 stmt "select 'do something again'" 12 stmt "insert into t1 values (v)" 13 hpop call proc_26977_broken(1); do something do something do something again do something again caught something caught something looping i looping 4 looping i looping 3 looping i looping 2 looping i looping 1 looping i looping 0 call proc_26977_works(2); do something do something do something again do something again caught something caught something looping i looping 4 looping i looping 3 looping i looping 2 looping i looping 1 looping i looping 0 optimizer: keep hreturn optimizer: keep hreturn drop table t1; drop procedure proc_26977_broken; drop procedure proc_26977_works; drop procedure if exists proc_33618_h; drop procedure if exists proc_33618_c; create procedure proc_33618_h(num int) begin declare count1 int default '0'; declare vb varchar(30); declare last_row int; while(num>=1) do set num=num-1; begin declare cur1 cursor for select `a` from t_33618; declare continue handler for not found set last_row = 1; set last_row:=0; open cur1; rep1: repeat begin declare exit handler for 1062 begin end; fetch cur1 into vb; if (last_row = 1) then ## should generate a hpop instruction here leave rep1; end if; end; until last_row=1 end repeat; close cur1; end; end while; end// create procedure proc_33618_c(num int) begin declare count1 int default '0'; declare vb varchar(30); declare last_row int; while(num>=1) do set num=num-1; begin declare cur1 cursor for select `a` from t_33618; declare continue handler for not found set last_row = 1; set last_row:=0; open cur1; rep1: repeat begin declare cur2 cursor for select `b` from t_33618; fetch cur1 into vb; if (last_row = 1) then ## should generate a cpop instruction here leave rep1; end if; end; until last_row=1 end repeat; close cur1; end; end while; end// show procedure code proc_33618_h; Pos Instruction 0 set count1@1 '0' 1 set vb@2 NULL 2 set last_row@3 NULL 3 jump_if_not 24(24) (num@0 >= 1) 4 set num@0 (num@0 - 1) 5 cpush cur1@0: select `a` from t_33618 6 hpush_jump 9 4 CONTINUE 7 set last_row@3 1 8 hreturn 4 9 set last_row@3 0 10 copen cur1@0 11 hpush_jump 13 4 EXIT 12 hreturn 0 17 13 cfetch cur1@0 vb@2 14 jump_if_not 17(17) (last_row@3 = 1) 15 hpop 16 jump 19 17 hpop 18 jump_if_not 11(19) (last_row@3 = 1) 19 cclose cur1@0 20 hpop 21 cpop 1 22 jump 3 show procedure code proc_33618_c; Pos Instruction 0 set count1@1 '0' 1 set vb@2 NULL 2 set last_row@3 NULL 3 jump_if_not 23(23) (num@0 >= 1) 4 set num@0 (num@0 - 1) 5 cpush cur1@0: select `a` from t_33618 6 hpush_jump 9 4 CONTINUE 7 set last_row@3 1 8 hreturn 4 9 set last_row@3 0 10 copen cur1@0 11 cpush cur2@1: select `b` from t_33618 12 cfetch cur1@0 vb@2 13 jump_if_not 16(16) (last_row@3 = 1) 14 cpop 1 15 jump 18 16 cpop 1 17 jump_if_not 11(18) (last_row@3 = 1) 18 cclose cur1@0 19 hpop 20 cpop 1 21 jump 3 drop procedure proc_33618_h; drop procedure proc_33618_c; drop procedure if exists p_20906_a; drop procedure if exists p_20906_b; create procedure p_20906_a() SET @a=@a+1, @b=@b+1; show procedure code p_20906_a; Pos Instruction 0 stmt "SET @a=@a+1" 1 stmt "SET @b=@b+1" set @a=1; set @b=1; call p_20906_a(); select @a, @b; @a @b 2 2 create procedure p_20906_b() SET @a=@a+1, @b=@b+1, @c=@c+1; show procedure code p_20906_b; Pos Instruction 0 stmt "SET @a=@a+1" 1 stmt "SET @b=@b+1" 2 stmt "SET @c=@c+1" set @a=1; set @b=1; set @c=1; call p_20906_b(); select @a, @b, @c; @a @b @c 2 2 2 drop procedure p_20906_a; drop procedure p_20906_b; End of 5.0 tests. CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN DECLARE dummy int default 0; CASE 12 WHEN 12 THEN SET dummy = 0; END CASE; END// SHOW PROCEDURE CODE p1; Pos Instruction 0 set dummy@0 0 1 set_case_expr (6) 0 12 2 jump_if_not_case_when 5(6) (case_expr@0 = 12) 3 set dummy@0 0 4 jump 6 5 error 1339 DROP PROCEDURE p1; # # Bug#23032: Handlers declared in a SP do not handle warnings generated in sub-SP # # - Case 4: check that "No Data trumps Warning". CREATE TABLE t1(a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN DECLARE c CURSOR FOR SELECT a FROM t1; OPEN c; BEGIN DECLARE v INT; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLWARNING BEGIN SELECT "Warning found!"; SHOW WARNINGS; END; DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND BEGIN SELECT "End of Result Set found!"; SHOW WARNINGS; END; WHILE TRUE DO FETCH c INTO v; END WHILE; END; CLOSE c; SELECT a INTO @foo FROM t1 LIMIT 1; # Clear warning stack END| SET SESSION debug="+d,bug23032_emit_warning"; CALL p1(); Warning found! Warning found! Level Code Message Warning 1105 Unknown error Warning found! Warning found! Level Code Message Warning 1105 Unknown error Warning found! Warning found! Level Code Message Warning 1105 Unknown error End of Result Set found! End of Result Set found! Level Code Message Warning 1105 Unknown error Error 1329 No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed SET SESSION debug="-d,bug23032_emit_warning"; DROP PROCEDURE p1; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#11763507 - 56224: FUNCTION NAME IS CASE-SENSITIVE # SET @@SQL_MODE = ''; CREATE FUNCTION testf_bug11763507() RETURNS INT BEGIN RETURN 0; END $ CREATE PROCEDURE testp_bug11763507() BEGIN SELECT "PROCEDURE testp_bug11763507"; END $ SHOW FUNCTION CODE testf_bug11763507; Pos Instruction 0 freturn 3 0 SHOW FUNCTION CODE TESTF_bug11763507; Pos Instruction 0 freturn 3 0 SHOW PROCEDURE CODE testp_bug11763507; Pos Instruction 0 stmt "SELECT "PROCEDURE testp_bug11763507"" SHOW PROCEDURE CODE TESTP_bug11763507; Pos Instruction 0 stmt "SELECT "PROCEDURE testp_bug11763507"" DROP PROCEDURE testp_bug11763507; DROP FUNCTION testf_bug11763507; #END OF BUG#11763507 test. # WL#4179: Stored programs: validation of stored program statements. # # Check that query string is stored only for the expressions, which # reference tables or stored functions. # # Test cases in this file require SHOW ... CODE, which is available only # in the debug mode. CREATE TABLE t1(a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t2(a INT); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (20); CREATE VIEW t3 AS SELECT 30; CREATE FUNCTION f() RETURNS INT RETURN 1| CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN # DEFAULT-expression DECLARE x1 INT DEFAULT (SELECT 1 + 2); DECLARE x2 INT DEFAULT (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 + 2) t1); DECLARE x3 INT DEFAULT (SELECT * FROM t1); DECLARE x4 INT DEFAULT (SELECT * FROM t2); DECLARE x5 INT DEFAULT (SELECT * FROM t3); DECLARE x6 INT DEFAULT (SELECT f()); # CURSOR-query. DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT (1 + 2) FROM dual; DECLARE c2 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 + 2) t1; DECLARE c3 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM t1; DECLARE c4 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM t2; DECLARE c5 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM t3; DECLARE c6 CURSOR FOR SELECT f(); # IF-expression. IF (SELECT 1 + 2) THEN SET @dummy = 1; END IF; IF (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 + 2) t1) THEN SET @dummy = 1; END IF; IF (SELECT * FROM t1) THEN SET @dummy = 1; END IF; IF (SELECT * FROM t2) THEN SET @dummy = 1; END IF; IF (SELECT * FROM t3) THEN SET @dummy = 1; END IF; IF (SELECT f()) THEN SET @dummy = 1; END IF; # SET-expression. SET x1 = (SELECT 1 + 2); SET x1 = (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 + 2) t1); SET x1 = (SELECT * FROM t1); SET x1 = (SELECT * FROM t2); SET x1 = (SELECT * FROM t3); SET x1 = (SELECT f()); # CASE-expressions. CASE WHEN (SELECT 1 + 2) = 1 THEN SET @dummy = 1; WHEN (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 + 2) t1) = 2 THEN SET @dummy = 1; WHEN (SELECT * FROM t1) = 3 THEN SET @dummy = 1; WHEN (SELECT * FROM t2) = 3 THEN SET @dummy = 1; WHEN (SELECT * FROM t3) = 3 THEN SET @dummy = 1; WHEN (SELECT f()) = 3 THEN SET @dummy = 1; END CASE; CASE (SELECT 1 + 2) WHEN 1 THEN SET @dummy = 1; ELSE SET @dummy = 1; END CASE; CASE (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 + 2) t1) WHEN 1 THEN SET @dummy = 1; ELSE SET @dummy = 1; END CASE; CASE (SELECT * FROM t1) WHEN 1 THEN SET @dummy = 1; ELSE SET @dummy = 1; END CASE; CASE (SELECT * FROM t2) WHEN 1 THEN SET @dummy = 1; ELSE SET @dummy = 1; END CASE; CASE (SELECT * FROM t3) WHEN 1 THEN SET @dummy = 1; ELSE SET @dummy = 1; END CASE; CASE (SELECT f()) WHEN 1 THEN SET @dummy = 1; ELSE SET @dummy = 1; END CASE; # WHILE-expression. WHILE (SELECT 1 - 1) DO SET @dummy = 1; END WHILE; WHILE (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 - 1) t1) DO SET @dummy = 1; END WHILE; WHILE (SELECT * FROM t1) - 10 DO SET @dummy = 1; END WHILE; WHILE (SELECT * FROM t2) - 10 DO SET @dummy = 1; END WHILE; WHILE (SELECT * FROM t3) - 10 DO SET @dummy = 1; END WHILE; WHILE (SELECT f()) - 1 DO SET @dummy = 1; END WHILE; # REPEAT-expression. REPEAT SET @dummy = 1; UNTIL (SELECT 1 - 1) END REPEAT; REPEAT SET @dummy = 1; UNTIL (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 - 1) t1) END REPEAT; REPEAT SET @dummy = 1; UNTIL (SELECT * FROM t1) - 10 END REPEAT; REPEAT SET @dummy = 1; UNTIL (SELECT * FROM t2) - 10 END REPEAT; REPEAT SET @dummy = 1; UNTIL (SELECT * FROM t3) - 10 END REPEAT; REPEAT SET @dummy = 1; UNTIL (SELECT f()) - 1 END REPEAT; END| CREATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS INT RETURN (SELECT 1 + 2)| CREATE FUNCTION f2() RETURNS INT RETURN (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 + 2) t1)| CREATE FUNCTION f3() RETURNS INT RETURN (SELECT * FROM t1)| CREATE FUNCTION f4() RETURNS INT RETURN (SELECT * FROM t2)| CREATE FUNCTION f5() RETURNS INT RETURN (SELECT * FROM t3)| CREATE FUNCTION f6() RETURNS INT RETURN f()| SHOW PROCEDURE CODE p1; Pos Instruction 0 set x1@0 (select (1 + 2)) 1 set x2@1 (select `*` from (select (1 + 2) AS `1 + 2`) `t1`) 2 set x3@2 (select `*` from `test`.`t1`) 3 set x4@3 (select `*` from `test`.`t2`) 4 set x5@4 (select `*` from `test`.`t3`) 5 set x6@5 (select `f`()) 6 cpush c1@0: 7 cpush c2@1: SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 + 2) t1 8 cpush c3@2: SELECT * FROM t1 9 cpush c4@3: SELECT * FROM t2 10 cpush c5@4: SELECT * FROM t3 11 cpush c6@5: SELECT f() 12 jump_if_not 14(14) (select (1 + 2)) 13 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 14 jump_if_not 16(16) (select `*` from (select (1 + 2) AS `1 + 2`) `t1`) 15 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 16 jump_if_not 18(18) (select `*` from `test`.`t1`) 17 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 18 jump_if_not 20(20) (select `*` from `test`.`t2`) 19 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 20 jump_if_not 22(22) (select `*` from `test`.`t3`) 21 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 22 jump_if_not 24(24) (select `f`()) 23 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 24 set x1@0 (select (1 + 2)) 25 set x1@0 (select `*` from (select (1 + 2) AS `1 + 2`) `t1`) 26 set x1@0 (select `*` from `test`.`t1`) 27 set x1@0 (select `*` from `test`.`t2`) 28 set x1@0 (select `*` from `test`.`t3`) 29 set x1@0 (select `f`()) 30 jump_if_not 33(49) ((select (1 + 2)) = 1) 31 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 32 jump 49 33 jump_if_not 36(49) ((select `*` from (select (1 + 2) AS `1 + 2`) `t1`) = 2) 34 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 35 jump 49 36 jump_if_not 39(49) ((select `*` from `test`.`t1`) = 3) 37 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 38 jump 49 39 jump_if_not 42(49) ((select `*` from `test`.`t2`) = 3) 40 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 41 jump 49 42 jump_if_not 45(49) ((select `*` from `test`.`t3`) = 3) 43 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 44 jump 49 45 jump_if_not 48(49) ((select `f`()) = 3) 46 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 47 jump 49 48 error 1339 49 set_case_expr (54) 0 (select (1 + 2)) 50 jump_if_not_case_when 53(54) (case_expr@0 = 1) 51 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 52 jump 54 53 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 54 set_case_expr (59) 1 (select `*` from (select (1 + 2) AS `1 + 2`) `t1`) 55 jump_if_not_case_when 58(59) (case_expr@1 = 1) 56 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 57 jump 59 58 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 59 set_case_expr (64) 2 (select `*` from `test`.`t1`) 60 jump_if_not_case_when 63(64) (case_expr@2 = 1) 61 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 62 jump 64 63 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 64 set_case_expr (69) 3 (select `*` from `test`.`t2`) 65 jump_if_not_case_when 68(69) (case_expr@3 = 1) 66 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 67 jump 69 68 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 69 set_case_expr (74) 4 (select `*` from `test`.`t3`) 70 jump_if_not_case_when 73(74) (case_expr@4 = 1) 71 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 72 jump 74 73 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 74 set_case_expr (79) 5 (select `f`()) 75 jump_if_not_case_when 78(79) (case_expr@5 = 1) 76 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 77 jump 79 78 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 79 jump_if_not 82(82) (select (1 - 1)) 80 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 81 jump 79 82 jump_if_not 85(85) (select `*` from (select (1 - 1) AS `1 - 1`) `t1`) 83 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 84 jump 82 85 jump_if_not 88(88) ((select `*` from `test`.`t1`) - 10) 86 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 87 jump 85 88 jump_if_not 91(91) ((select `*` from `test`.`t2`) - 10) 89 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 90 jump 88 91 jump_if_not 94(94) ((select `*` from `test`.`t3`) - 10) 92 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 93 jump 91 94 jump_if_not 97(97) ((select `f`()) - 1) 95 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 96 jump 94 97 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 98 jump_if_not 97(99) (select (1 - 1)) 99 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 100 jump_if_not 99(101) (select `*` from (select (1 - 1) AS `1 - 1`) `t1`) 101 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 102 jump_if_not 101(103) ((select `*` from `test`.`t1`) - 10) 103 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 104 jump_if_not 103(105) ((select `*` from `test`.`t2`) - 10) 105 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 106 jump_if_not 105(107) ((select `*` from `test`.`t3`) - 10) 107 stmt "SET @dummy = 1" 108 jump_if_not 107(109) ((select `f`()) - 1) 109 cpop 6 SHOW FUNCTION CODE f1; Pos Instruction 0 freturn 3 (select (1 + 2)) SHOW FUNCTION CODE f2; Pos Instruction 0 freturn 3 (select `*` from (select (1 + 2) AS `1 + 2`) `t1`) SHOW FUNCTION CODE f3; Pos Instruction 0 freturn 3 (select `*` from `test`.`t1`) SHOW FUNCTION CODE f4; Pos Instruction 0 freturn 3 (select `*` from `test`.`t2`) SHOW FUNCTION CODE f5; Pos Instruction 0 freturn 3 (select `*` from `test`.`t3`) SHOW FUNCTION CODE f6; Pos Instruction 0 freturn 3 `f`() DROP FUNCTION f; DROP PROCEDURE p1; DROP FUNCTION f1; DROP FUNCTION f2; DROP FUNCTION f3; DROP FUNCTION f4; DROP FUNCTION f5; DROP FUNCTION f6; DROP TABLE t1; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t2; DROP VIEW t3;