[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
#                                                                             #
# User access, credential update, permission grant/revoke, alter user,        #
# drop user, create user, grant user, set password and rename user commands   #
# functional and integration test                                             #
#                                                                             #
#                                                                             #
# Creation Date: 2012-12-27                                                   #
# Author : Tanjot Singh Uppal                                                 #
#                                                                             #
#                                                                             #
# Description:Test Cases of creation, alteration and controlling of           #
# the user access                                                             #
#                                                                             #

--source include/not_embedded.inc
--source include/have_ssl.inc
--source include/have_sha256_rsa_auth.inc
--source include/mysql_upgrade_preparation.inc

# This test will intentionally generate errors in the server error log
# when a broken password is inserted into the mysql.user table.
# The below suppression is to clear those errors.
call mtr.add_suppression(".*Password salt for user.*");

call mtr.add_suppression(".*Tanjotuser3@localhost.*");

--echo =======================================================================
--echo Checking the password plugin assignment with create user command
--echo =======================================================================

#### Checking the password plugin assignment with create user command

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

set @@global.secure_auth=0;

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_native_password plugin

select @@session.old_passwords;
--echo 0 Expected

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'abc';

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_old_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=1;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_old_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with sha256_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=2;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'sha256_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' = password('abc');

## Validating the plugin assigned for the above 3 users in the user table

--echo **** Validating the plugin names

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser1' and Host='localhost')='mysql_native_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser2' and Host='localhost')='mysql_old_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser3' and Host='localhost')='sha256_password';
--echo 1 Expected

## Dropping the created users

Drop user 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

--echo =======================================================================
--echo Checking the password plugin assignment with grant user command
--echo =======================================================================

#### Checking the password plugin assignment with grant user command

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_native_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=0;
GRANT usage on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'abc';

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_old_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=1;
GRANT usage on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_old_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with sha256_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=2;
GRANT usage on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'sha256_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' = password('abc');

## Validating the plugin assigned for the above 3 users in the user table

--echo **** Validating the plugin names

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser1' and Host='localhost')='mysql_native_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser2' and Host='localhost')='mysql_old_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser3' and Host='localhost')='sha256_password';
--echo 1 Expected

## Dropping the created users

Drop user 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

--echo =======================================================================
--echo Checking the functionality and integrity of the DROP user command
--echo =======================================================================

#### Checking the functionality and integrity of the DROP user command

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_native_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=0;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'abc';

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_old_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=1;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_old_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with sha256_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=2;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'sha256_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' = password('abc');

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

--echo Connecting a session each with the above 3 users


## Now dropping the above 3 users with each having a open session

--echo dropping the above 3 users with each having a open session

connection default;

Drop user 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

## Now trying opening a new session for the above dropped user

--echo Now trying opening a new session for the above dropped user




## Accessing the open sessions for the above dropped user

--echo Accessing the open sessions for the above dropped user

connection con1;
select user(), current_user();

connection con2;
select user(), current_user();

connection con3;
select user(), current_user();

disconnect con1;
disconnect con2;
disconnect con3;

--echo =======================================================================
--echo Checking the privellages post renaming the user
--echo =======================================================================

#### Checking the rename user command

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

connection default;

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_native_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=0;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'abc';

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_old_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=1;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_old_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with sha256_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=2;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'sha256_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' = password('abc');

## Validating the plugin assigned for the above 3 users in the user table

--echo **** Validating the plugin names

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser1' and Host='localhost')='mysql_native_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser2' and Host='localhost')='mysql_old_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser3' and Host='localhost')='sha256_password';
--echo 1 Expected

## Connecting a session to each of the above created users

select user(), current_user();

select user(), current_user();

select user(), current_user();

## Validating the integrity of the rename user command

connection default;

--echo **** Validating the integrity of the rename user command

RENAME USER 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' to 'user1'@'localhost';
RENAME USER 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' to 'user2'@'localhost';
RENAME USER 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' to 'user3'@'localhost';

## Validating the plugin assigned for the renamed users in the user table

--echo **** Validating the plugin names

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='user1' and Host='localhost')='mysql_native_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='user2' and Host='localhost')='mysql_old_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='user3' and Host='localhost')='sha256_password';
--echo 1 Expected

## Validating the users post renaming

--echo **** Validating the user connections post renaming

connection con7;
select user(), current_user();

connection con8;
select user(), current_user();

connection con9;
select user(), current_user();




select user(), current_user();

select user(), current_user();

select user(), current_user();

## Disconnecting the open sessions and dropping the created users

--echo **** Disconnecting the open sessions and dropping the created users

connection default;

disconnect con7;
disconnect con8;
disconnect con9;
disconnect con13;
disconnect con14;
disconnect con15;

connection default;

Drop user 'user1'@'localhost';
Drop user 'user2'@'localhost';
Drop user 'user3'@'localhost';

--echo =======================================================================
--echo Checking the privillages with grant user command
--echo =======================================================================

#### Checking the password plugin assignment with grant user command

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_native_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=0;
GRANT select on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'abc';

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_old_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=1;
GRANT select on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_old_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with sha256_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=2;
GRANT select on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'sha256_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' = password('abc');

## Granting and revoking the privellages from the above users

--echo **** Validating the granted privilleges

select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser1' and host='localhost';
--echo mysql_native_password Expected

select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser2' and host='localhost';
--echo mysql_old_password Expected

select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser3' and host='localhost';
--echo sha256_password Expected

# Revoking select on mysql database
--echo **** Revoking select on mysql database

connection default;

Revoke select on mysql.* from 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Revoke select on mysql.* from 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Revoke select on mysql.* from 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

--echo **** Validating the Revoked privilleges

connection con16;
select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser1' and host='localhost';
select user(), current_user();

connection con17;
select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser2' and host='localhost';
select user(), current_user();

connection con18;
select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser3' and host='localhost';
select user(), current_user();

## Granting and revoking the privellages from the above users

connection default;

Grant usage on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Grant usage on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Grant usage on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

--echo **** Validating the granted privilleges

connection con16;
select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser1' and host='localhost';
select user(), current_user();

connection con17;
select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser2' and host='localhost';
select user(), current_user();

connection con18;
select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser3' and host='localhost';
select user(), current_user();

# Granting All on mysql database

--echo **** Validating the granted privilleges

connection default;

Grant All on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Grant All on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Grant All on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser1' and host='localhost';
--echo mysql_native_password Expected

select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser2' and host='localhost';
--echo mysql_old_password Expected

select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser3' and host='localhost';
--echo sha256_password Expected

## Disconnecting the open sessions and dropping the created users

--echo **** Disconnecting the open sessions and dropping the created users

connection default;

disconnect con16;
disconnect con17;
disconnect con18;

disconnect con50;
disconnect con51;
disconnect con52;

connection default;

Drop user 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

--echo =============================================================================
--echo Checking the password assignment using the update command on the user table
--echo =============================================================================

#### Checking the password plugin assignment and password hashing based on the update command

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_native_password plugin

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password';
set @@session.old_passwords=0;
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('abc') WHERE User='Tanjotuser1' AND Host='localhost';

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_old_password plugin

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_old_password';
set @@session.old_passwords=1;
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('abc') WHERE User='Tanjotuser2' AND Host='localhost';

--echo **** Creating user with sha256_password plugin

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'sha256_password';
set @@session.old_passwords=2;
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('abc') WHERE User='Tanjotuser3' AND Host='localhost';

select user(), current_user();
set password=password('abcd');

select user(), current_user();
set password=password('abcd');

# Below section is hashed out till Bug #16050188 is fixed

#select user(), current_user();
#set password=password('abcd');

select user(), current_user();

select user(), current_user();

#select user(), current_user();

## Disconnecting the open sessions and dropping the created users

--echo **** Disconnecting the open sessions and dropping the created users

connection default;

disconnect con19;
disconnect con20;
#disconnect con21;
disconnect con22;
disconnect con23;
#disconnect con24;

connection default;

Drop user 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

--echo ===================================================================================================
--echo Starting the server with default auth as sha256_password and checking the above validations again.
--echo ===================================================================================================

--echo # Restart server with default-authentication-plugin=sha256_password;

let $restart_file= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect;
--exec echo "wait" > $restart_file
--shutdown_server 10
--source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc
-- exec echo "restart:--default-authentication-plugin=sha256_password  " > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect
-- enable_reconnect
-- source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc

--echo =======================================================================
--echo Checking the password plugin assignment with create user command
--echo =======================================================================

#### Checking the password plugin assignment with create user command

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

set @@global.secure_auth=0;

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_native_password plugin

select @@session.old_passwords;
--echo 0 Expected

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH  'mysql_native_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_old_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=1;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_old_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with sha256_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=2;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'sha256_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' = password('abc');

## Validating the plugin assigned for the above 3 users in the user table

--echo **** Validating the plugin names

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser1' and Host='localhost')='mysql_native_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser2' and Host='localhost')='mysql_old_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser3' and Host='localhost')='sha256_password';
--echo 1 Expected

## Dropping the created users

Drop user 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

--echo =======================================================================
--echo Checking the password plugin assignment with grant user command
--echo =======================================================================

#### Checking the password plugin assignment with grant user command

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_native_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=0;
GRANT usage on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_old_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=1;
GRANT usage on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_old_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with sha256_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=2;
GRANT usage on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'sha256_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' = password('abc');

## Validating the plugin assigned for the above 3 users in the user table

--echo **** Validating the plugin names

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser1' and Host='localhost')='mysql_native_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser2' and Host='localhost')='mysql_old_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser3' and Host='localhost')='sha256_password';
--echo 1 Expected

## Dropping the created users

Drop user 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

--echo =======================================================================
--echo Checking the functionality and integrity of the DROP user command
--echo =======================================================================

#### Checking the functionality and integrity of the DROP user command

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_native_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=0;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'abc';

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_old_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=1;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_old_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with sha256_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=2;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'sha256_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' = password('abc');

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

--echo Connecting a session each with the above 3 users


## Now dropping the above 3 users with each having a open session

--echo dropping the above 3 users with each having a open session

connection default;

Drop user 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

## Now trying opening a new session for the above dropped user

--echo Now trying opening a new session for the above dropped user




## Accessing the open sessions for the above dropped user

--echo Accessing the open sessions for the above dropped user

connection con1;
select user(), current_user();

connection con2;
select user(), current_user();

connection con3;
select user(), current_user();

disconnect con1;
disconnect con2;
disconnect con3;

--echo =======================================================================
--echo Checking the privellages post renaming the user
--echo =======================================================================

#### Checking the rename user command

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

connection default;

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_native_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=0;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_old_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=1;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_old_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with sha256_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=2;

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'sha256_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' = password('abc');

## Validating the plugin assigned for the above 3 users in the user table

--echo **** Validating the plugin names

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser1' and Host='localhost')='mysql_native_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser2' and Host='localhost')='mysql_old_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='Tanjotuser3' and Host='localhost')='sha256_password';
--echo 1 Expected

## Connecting a session to each of the above created users

select user(), current_user();

select user(), current_user();

select user(), current_user();

## Validating the integrity of the rename user command

connection default;

--echo **** Validating the integrity of the rename user command

RENAME USER 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' to 'user1'@'localhost';
RENAME USER 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' to 'user2'@'localhost';
RENAME USER 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' to 'user3'@'localhost';

## Validating the plugin assigned for the renamed users in the user table

--echo **** Validating the plugin names

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='user1' and Host='localhost')='mysql_native_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='user2' and Host='localhost')='mysql_old_password';
--echo 1 Expected

select (select plugin from mysql.user where User='user3' and Host='localhost')='sha256_password';
--echo 1 Expected

## Validating the users post renaming

--echo **** Validating the user connections post renaming

connection con7;
select user(), current_user();

connection con8;
select user(), current_user();

connection con9;
select user(), current_user();




select user(), current_user();

select user(), current_user();

select user(), current_user();

## Disconnecting the open sessions and dropping the created users

--echo **** Disconnecting the open sessions and dropping the created users

connection default;

disconnect con7;
disconnect con8;
disconnect con9;
disconnect con13;
disconnect con14;
disconnect con15;

connection default;

Drop user 'user1'@'localhost';
Drop user 'user2'@'localhost';
Drop user 'user3'@'localhost';

--echo =======================================================================
--echo Checking the privillages with grant user command
--echo =======================================================================

#### Checking the password plugin assignment with grant user command

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_native_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=0;
GRANT select on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_old_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=1;
GRANT select on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_old_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' = password('abc');

--echo **** Creating user with sha256_password plugin

set @@session.old_passwords=2;
GRANT select on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'sha256_password';
SET PASSWORD for 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' = password('abc');

## Granting and revoking the privellages from the above users

--echo **** Validating the granted privilleges

select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser1' and host='localhost';
--echo mysql_native_password Expected

select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser2' and host='localhost';
--echo mysql_old_password Expected

select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser3' and host='localhost';
--echo sha256_password Expected

# Revoking select on mysql database
--echo **** Revoking select on mysql database

connection default;

Revoke select on mysql.* from 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Revoke select on mysql.* from 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Revoke select on mysql.* from 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

--echo **** Validating the Revoked privilleges

connection con16;
select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser1' and host='localhost';
select user(), current_user();

connection con17;
select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser2' and host='localhost';
select user(), current_user();

connection con18;
select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser3' and host='localhost';
select user(), current_user();

## Granting and revoking the privellages from the above users

connection default;

Grant usage on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Grant usage on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Grant usage on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

--echo **** Validating the granted privilleges

connection con16;
select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser1' and host='localhost';
select user(), current_user();

connection con17;
select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser2' and host='localhost';
select user(), current_user();

connection con18;
select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser3' and host='localhost';
select user(), current_user();

# Granting All on mysql database

--echo **** Validating the granted privilleges

connection default;

Grant All on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Grant All on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Grant All on mysql.* to 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser1' and host='localhost';
--echo mysql_native_password Expected

select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser2' and host='localhost';
--echo mysql_old_password Expected

select plugin from mysql.user where user='Tanjotuser3' and host='localhost';
--echo sha256_password Expected

## Disconnecting the open sessions and dropping the created users

--echo **** Disconnecting the open sessions and dropping the created users

connection default;

disconnect con16;
disconnect con17;
disconnect con18;

disconnect con50;
disconnect con51;
disconnect con52;

connection default;

Drop user 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

--echo =============================================================================
--echo Checking the password assignment using the update command on the user table
--echo =============================================================================

#### Checking the password plugin assignment and password hashing based on the update command

## Creating a user with respect to all the 3 password authentication plugin

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_native_password plugin

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password';
set @@session.old_passwords=0;
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('abc') WHERE User='Tanjotuser1' AND Host='localhost';

--echo **** Creating user with mysql_old_password plugin

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_old_password';
set @@session.old_passwords=1;
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('abc') WHERE User='Tanjotuser2' AND Host='localhost';

--echo **** Creating user with sha256_password plugin

CREATE USER 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'sha256_password';
set @@session.old_passwords=2;
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('abc') WHERE User='Tanjotuser3' AND Host='localhost';

select user(), current_user();
set password=password('abcd');

select user(), current_user();
set password=password('abcd');

# Below section is hashed out till Bug #16050188 is fixed

#select user(), current_user();
#set password=password('abcd');

select user(), current_user();

select user(), current_user();

#select user(), current_user();

## Disconnecting the open sessions and dropping the created users

--echo **** Disconnecting the open sessions and dropping the created users

connection default;

disconnect con19;
disconnect con20;
#disconnect con21;
disconnect con22;
disconnect con23;
#disconnect con24;

connection default;

Drop user 'Tanjotuser1'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser2'@'localhost';
Drop user 'Tanjotuser3'@'localhost';

## Final Cleanup
set @@session.old_passwords=default;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
access_credential_control-master.opt File 170 B 0644
access_credential_control.test File 35.48 KB 0644
cert_verify.test File 2.17 KB 0644
key_value_auth-master.opt File 170 B 0644
key_value_auth.test File 37.92 KB 0644
key_value_auth.test_old File 42.09 KB 0644
mysql_native_plugin.test File 31.23 KB 0644
mysql_no_login-master.opt File 20 B 0644
mysql_no_login.test File 4.62 KB 0644
mysql_old_passwords-master.opt File 170 B 0644
mysql_old_passwords.test File 38.19 KB 0644
mysql_old_plugin.test File 31.96 KB 0644
mysql_old_plugin.test_old File 32.12 KB 0644
mysql_sha256_plugin-master.opt File 170 B 0644
mysql_sha256_plugin.test File 30.39 KB 0644
password_expired-master.opt File 170 B 0644
password_expired.test File 31.95 KB 0644
secure_file_priv_error.test File 1.4 KB 0644
secure_file_priv_null.test File 1.82 KB 0644
secure_file_priv_warnings.test File 2.41 KB 0644
secure_file_priv_warnings_not_win.test File 1.22 KB 0644
secure_file_priv_warnings_win.test File 1.35 KB 0644
server_withssl_client_withoutssl-master.opt File 405 B 0644
server_withssl_client_withoutssl.test File 28.92 KB 0644
server_withssl_client_withssl-master.opt File 405 B 0644
server_withssl_client_withssl.test File 40.52 KB 0644