#### Setup tables #### CREATE TABLE t0 (a CHAR(100)); CREATE TABLE t1 (a CHAR(100)); CREATE TABLE t2 (a CHAR(100)); CREATE TABLE ta0 (a CHAR(100)); CREATE TABLE ta1 (a CHAR(100)); CREATE TABLE ta2 (a CHAR(100)); CREATE TABLE autoinc_table (a INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT); CREATE TABLE data_table (a CHAR(100)); INSERT INTO data_table VALUES ('foo'); CREATE TABLE trigger_table_1 (a INT); CREATE TABLE trigger_table_2 (a INT); CREATE TABLE trigger_table_3 (a INT); CREATE TABLE double_autoinc_table (a INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT); SET @old_debug= @@global.debug; SET GLOBAL debug='+d,make_stmt_only_engines'; CREATE TRIGGER double_autoinc_trig BEFORE INSERT ON double_autoinc_table FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO autoinc_table VALUES (NULL); END| CREATE FUNCTION multi_unsafe_func() RETURNS INT BEGIN INSERT INTO t0 VALUES(CONCAT(@@hostname, @@hostname)); INSERT INTO t0 VALUES(0); INSERT INTO t0 VALUES(CONCAT(UUID(), @@hostname)); RETURN 1; END| CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_int RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; ==== Testing UUID() unsafeness ==== Invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. CREATE FUNCTION func_retval_1() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); RETURN UUID(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1()); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT func_retval_1(); Invoking function func_retval_2 returning value from function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. CREATE FUNCTION func_retval_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); RETURN func_retval_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (func_retval_2()); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT func_retval_2(); DROP FUNCTION func_retval_2; Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1()); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1()); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1()); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_retval_2 returning value from function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. CREATE VIEW view_retval_2 AS SELECT func_retval_1(); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_retval_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT * FROM view_retval_2; DROP VIEW view_retval_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1())"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP FUNCTION func_retval_1; Invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_1() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (UUID()); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE VIEW view_sidef_2 AS SELECT func_sidef_1(); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP VIEW view_sidef_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_1; Invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_1() BEGIN INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (UUID()); INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN CALL proc_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "CALL proc_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP PROCEDURE proc_1; Invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE TRIGGER trig_1 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_1 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (UUID()); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1)"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP TRIGGER trig_1; Invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. CREATE VIEW view_retval_1 AS SELECT UUID(); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_retval_2 returning value from view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. CREATE VIEW view_retval_2 AS SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_retval_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT * FROM view_retval_2; DROP VIEW view_retval_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UUID() function. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP VIEW view_retval_1; Invoking prepared statement prep_1 invoking unsafe UUID() function. PREPARE prep_1 FROM "INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (UUID())"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_1; Invoking unsafe UUID() function. * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (UUID()); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT UUID(); ==== Testing @@hostname unsafeness ==== Invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE FUNCTION func_retval_1() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); RETURN @@hostname; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1()); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT func_retval_1(); Invoking function func_retval_2 returning value from function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE FUNCTION func_retval_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); RETURN func_retval_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (func_retval_2()); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT func_retval_2(); DROP FUNCTION func_retval_2; Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1()); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1()); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1()); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_retval_2 returning value from function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE VIEW view_retval_2 AS SELECT func_retval_1(); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_retval_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT * FROM view_retval_2; DROP VIEW view_retval_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe @@hostname variable. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1())"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP FUNCTION func_retval_1; Invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_1() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (@@hostname); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE VIEW view_sidef_2 AS SELECT func_sidef_1(); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP VIEW view_sidef_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_1; Invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_1() BEGIN INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (@@hostname); INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN CALL proc_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "CALL proc_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP PROCEDURE proc_1; Invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE TRIGGER trig_1 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_1 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (@@hostname); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1)"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP TRIGGER trig_1; Invoking prepared statement prep_1 invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. PREPARE prep_1 FROM "INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (@@hostname)"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_1; Invoking unsafe @@hostname variable. * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (@@hostname); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. ==== Testing SELECT...LIMIT unsafeness ==== Invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_1() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t0 SELECT * FROM data_table LIMIT 1; RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE VIEW view_sidef_2 AS SELECT func_sidef_1(); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP VIEW view_sidef_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_1; Invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_1() BEGIN INSERT INTO t0 SELECT * FROM data_table LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN CALL proc_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "CALL proc_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP PROCEDURE proc_1; Invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE TRIGGER trig_1 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_1 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t0 SELECT * FROM data_table LIMIT 1; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1)"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP TRIGGER trig_1; Invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE VIEW view_retval_1 AS SELECT * FROM data_table LIMIT 1; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_retval_2 returning value from view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. CREATE VIEW view_retval_2 AS SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_retval_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT * FROM view_retval_2; DROP VIEW view_retval_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP VIEW view_retval_1; Invoking prepared statement prep_1 invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. PREPARE prep_1 FROM "INSERT INTO t0 SELECT * FROM data_table LIMIT 1"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. DROP PREPARE prep_1; Invoking unsafe SELECT...LIMIT statement. * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t0 SELECT * FROM data_table LIMIT 1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT * FROM data_table LIMIT 1; ==== Testing unsafeness of insert of two autoinc values ==== Invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_1() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO double_autoinc_table VALUES (NULL); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE VIEW view_sidef_2 AS SELECT func_sidef_1(); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP VIEW view_sidef_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_1; Invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_1() BEGIN INSERT INTO double_autoinc_table VALUES (NULL); INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN CALL proc_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "CALL proc_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP PROCEDURE proc_1; Invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE TRIGGER trig_1 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_1 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO double_autoinc_table VALUES (NULL); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1)"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP TRIGGER trig_1; Invoking prepared statement prep_1 invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. PREPARE prep_1 FROM "INSERT INTO double_autoinc_table VALUES (NULL)"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. DROP PREPARE prep_1; Invoking unsafe update of two autoinc columns. * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO double_autoinc_table VALUES (NULL); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly. ==== Testing unsafeness of UDF's ==== Invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UDF. CREATE FUNCTION func_retval_1() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); RETURN myfunc_int(10); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1()); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT func_retval_1(); Invoking function func_retval_2 returning value from function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UDF. CREATE FUNCTION func_retval_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); RETURN func_retval_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (func_retval_2()); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT func_retval_2(); DROP FUNCTION func_retval_2; Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UDF. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1()); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UDF. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1()); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UDF. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1()); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_retval_2 returning value from function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UDF. CREATE VIEW view_retval_2 AS SELECT func_retval_1(); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_retval_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT * FROM view_retval_2; DROP VIEW view_retval_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking function func_retval_1 returning value from unsafe UDF. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (func_retval_1())"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP FUNCTION func_retval_1; Invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_1() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (myfunc_int(10)); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE VIEW view_sidef_2 AS SELECT func_sidef_1(); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP VIEW view_sidef_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UDF. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_1; Invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_1() BEGIN INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (myfunc_int(10)); INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN CALL proc_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe UDF. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "CALL proc_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP PROCEDURE proc_1; Invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE TRIGGER trig_1 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_1 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (myfunc_int(10)); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe UDF. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1)"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP TRIGGER trig_1; Invoking view view_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE VIEW view_sidef_1 AS SELECT myfunc_int(10); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking view view_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_1; RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking view view_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_1; INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking view view_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_1; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_sidef_2 invoking view view_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UDF. CREATE VIEW view_sidef_2 AS SELECT * FROM view_sidef_1; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP VIEW view_sidef_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking view view_sidef_1 invoking unsafe UDF. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_1"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP VIEW view_sidef_1; Invoking prepared statement prep_1 invoking unsafe UDF. PREPARE prep_1 FROM "INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (myfunc_int(10))"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_1; Invoking unsafe UDF. * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t0 VALUES (myfunc_int(10)); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave. ==== Testing unsafeness of access to mysql.general_log ==== Invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_1() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.general_log; RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE VIEW view_sidef_2 AS SELECT func_sidef_1(); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP VIEW view_sidef_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_1; Invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_1() BEGIN INSERT INTO t0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.general_log; INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN CALL proc_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "CALL proc_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP PROCEDURE proc_1; Invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE TRIGGER trig_1 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_1 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.general_log; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1)"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP TRIGGER trig_1; Invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE VIEW view_retval_1 AS SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.general_log; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_retval_2 returning value from view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe use of mysql.general_log. CREATE VIEW view_retval_2 AS SELECT * FROM view_retval_1; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_retval_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT * FROM view_retval_2; DROP VIEW view_retval_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking view view_retval_1 returning value from unsafe use of mysql.general_log. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_retval_1"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP VIEW view_retval_1; Invoking prepared statement prep_1 invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. PREPARE prep_1 FROM "INSERT INTO t0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.general_log"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. EXECUTE prep_1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. DROP PREPARE prep_1; Invoking unsafe use of mysql.general_log. * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 1 warnings. INSERT INTO t0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.general_log; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves. * Invoke statement so that return value is discarded: expect no warning. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.general_log; ==== Testing a statement that is unsafe several times ==== Invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_1() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO ta0 VALUES (multi_unsafe_func()); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_sidef_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE VIEW view_sidef_2 AS SELECT func_sidef_1(); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP VIEW view_sidef_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking function func_sidef_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT func_sidef_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_1; Invoking procedure proc_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_1() BEGIN INSERT INTO ta0 VALUES (multi_unsafe_func()); INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. CALL proc_1(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN CALL proc_1(); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); CALL proc_1(); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking procedure proc_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "CALL proc_1()"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP PROCEDURE proc_1; Invoking trigger trig_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE TRIGGER trig_1 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_1 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO ta0 VALUES (multi_unsafe_func()); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking trigger trig_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO trigger_table_1 VALUES (1)"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP TRIGGER trig_1; Invoking view view_sidef_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE VIEW view_sidef_1 AS SELECT multi_unsafe_func(); * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Invoking function func_sidef_2 invoking view view_sidef_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE FUNCTION func_sidef_2() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_1; RETURN 0; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT func_sidef_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP FUNCTION func_sidef_2; Invoking procedure proc_2 invoking view view_sidef_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE PROCEDURE proc_2() BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_1; INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. CALL proc_2(); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PROCEDURE proc_2; Invoking trigger trig_2 invoking view view_sidef_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta2 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_1; END; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO trigger_table_2 VALUES (1); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER trig_2; Invoking view view_sidef_2 invoking view view_sidef_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. CREATE VIEW view_sidef_2 AS SELECT * FROM view_sidef_1; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP VIEW view_sidef_2; Invoking prepared statement prep_2 invoking view view_sidef_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. PREPARE prep_2 FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM view_sidef_1"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. EXECUTE prep_2; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_2; DROP VIEW view_sidef_1; Invoking prepared statement prep_1 invoking statement that is unsafe several times. PREPARE prep_1 FROM "INSERT INTO ta0 VALUES (multi_unsafe_func())"; * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. EXECUTE prep_1; Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP PREPARE prep_1; Invoking statement that is unsafe several times. * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect 2 warnings. INSERT INTO ta0 VALUES (multi_unsafe_func()); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave. * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings. * binlog_format = MIXED: expect error since the engine is only statement capable and doesn't have row logging capability. ERROR HY000: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP TRIGGER double_autoinc_trig; DROP TABLE t0, t1, t2, ta0, ta1, ta2, autoinc_table, double_autoinc_table, data_table, trigger_table_1, trigger_table_2, trigger_table_3; DROP FUNCTION myfunc_int; DROP FUNCTION multi_unsafe_func; ==== Special system variables that should *not* be unsafe ==== CREATE TABLE t1 (a VARCHAR(1000)); CREATE TABLE autoinc_table (a INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.auto_increment_increment); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.auto_increment_offset); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.character_set_client); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.character_set_connection); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.character_set_database); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.character_set_server); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.collation_connection); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.collation_database); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.collation_server); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.foreign_key_checks); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.identity); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.last_insert_id); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.lc_time_names); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.pseudo_thread_id); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.sql_auto_is_null); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.timestamp); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.time_zone); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.unique_checks); SET @my_var= 4711; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@my_var); SET insert_id= 12; INSERT INTO autoinc_table VALUES (NULL); The following variables *should* give a warning, despite they are replicated. INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.sql_mode); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (@@session.insert_id); Warnings: Note 1592 Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave. DROP TABLE t1, autoinc_table; SET GLOBAL debug= @old_debug; "End of tests"