[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
-- source include/not_ndb_default.inc
-- source include/master-slave.inc

connection default;
set @saved_binlog_format = @@global.binlog_format;

# Since this test generates row-based events in the binary log, the
# slave SQL thread cannot be in STATEMENT mode to execute this test,
# so we only execute it for MIXED and ROW as default value of

connection slave;
-- source include/have_binlog_format_mixed_or_row.inc

connection master;
drop database if exists mysqltest1;
create database mysqltest1;
use mysqltest1;
set session binlog_format=row;
set global binlog_format=row;

show global variables like "binlog_format%";
show session variables like "binlog_format%";
select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format;

CREATE TABLE t1 (a varchar(100));

prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select concat(UUID(),?)';
set @string="emergency_1_";
insert into t1 values("work_2_");
execute stmt1 using @string;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?';
insert into t1 values(concat(UUID(),"work_3_"));
execute stmt1 using @string;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

insert into t1 values(concat("for_4_",UUID()));
insert into t1 select "yesterday_5_";

# verify that temp tables prevent a switch to SBR
create temporary table tmp(a char(100));
insert into tmp values("see_6_");
set binlog_format=statement;
insert into t1 select * from tmp;
drop temporary table tmp;

# Now we go to SBR
set binlog_format=statement;
show global variables like "binlog_format%";
show session variables like "binlog_format%";
select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format;
set global binlog_format=statement;
show global variables like "binlog_format%";
show session variables like "binlog_format%";
select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format;

prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?';
set @string="emergency_7_";
insert into t1 values("work_8_");
execute stmt1 using @string;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?';
insert into t1 values("work_9_");
execute stmt1 using @string;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

insert into t1 values("for_10_");
insert into t1 select "yesterday_11_";

# test SET DEFAULT (=statement at this point of test)
set binlog_format=default;
select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format;
# due to cluster it's hard to set back to default
#--error ER_NO_DEFAULT
set global binlog_format=default;
select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format;

prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?';
set @string="emergency_12_";
insert into t1 values("work_13_");
execute stmt1 using @string;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?';
insert into t1 values("work_14_");
execute stmt1 using @string;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

insert into t1 values("for_15_");
insert into t1 select "yesterday_16_";

# and now the mixed mode

set binlog_format=mixed;
select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format;
set global binlog_format=mixed;
select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format;

prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select concat(UUID(),?)';
set @string="emergency_17_";
insert into t1 values("work_18_");
execute stmt1 using @string;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?';
insert into t1 values(concat(UUID(),"work_19_"));
execute stmt1 using @string;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

insert into t1 values(concat("for_20_",UUID()));
insert into t1 select "yesterday_21_";

prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?';
insert into t1 values(concat(UUID(),"work_22_"));
execute stmt1 using @string;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

insert into t1 values(concat("for_23_",UUID()));
insert into t1 select "yesterday_24_";


create table t2 select rpad(UUID(),100,' ');
create table t3 select 1 union select UUID();
create table t4 select * from t1 where 3 in (select 1 union select 2 union select UUID() union select 3);
create table t5 select * from t1 where 3 in (select 1 union select 2 union select curdate() union select 3);
# what if UUID() is first:
insert into t5 select UUID() from t1 where 3 in (select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select * from t4);

# inside a stored procedure

delimiter |;
create procedure foo()
insert into t1 values("work_25_");
insert into t1 values(concat("for_26_",UUID()));
insert into t1 select "yesterday_27_";
create procedure foo2()
insert into t1 values(concat("emergency_28_",UUID()));
insert into t1 values("work_29_");
insert into t1 values(concat("for_30_",UUID()));
set session binlog_format=row; # accepted for stored procs
insert into t1 values("more work_31_");
set session binlog_format=mixed;
create function foo3() returns bigint unsigned
  set session binlog_format=row; # rejected for stored funcs
  insert into t1 values("alarm");
  return 100;
create procedure foo4(x varchar(100))
insert into t1 values(concat("work_250_",x));
insert into t1 select "yesterday_270_";
delimiter ;|
call foo();
call foo2();
call foo4("hello");
call foo4(UUID());
call foo4("world");

# test that can't SET in a stored function
select foo3();
select * from t1 where a="alarm";

# Tests of stored functions/triggers/views for BUG#20930 "Mixed
# binlogging mode does not work with stored functions, triggers,
# views"

# Function which calls procedure
drop function foo3;
delimiter |;
create function foo3() returns bigint unsigned
  insert into t1 values("foo3_32_");
  call foo();
  return 100;
delimiter ;|
insert into t2 select foo3();

prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t2 select foo3()';
execute stmt1;
execute stmt1;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

# Test if stored function calls stored function which calls procedure
# which requires row-based.

delimiter |;
create function foo4() returns bigint unsigned
  insert into t2 select foo3();
  return 100;
delimiter ;|
select foo4();

prepare stmt1 from 'select foo4()';
execute stmt1;
execute stmt1;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

# A simple stored function
delimiter |;
create function foo5() returns bigint unsigned
  insert into t2 select UUID();
  return 100;
delimiter ;|
select foo5();

prepare stmt1 from 'select foo5()';
execute stmt1;
execute stmt1;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

# A simple stored function where UUID() is in the argument
delimiter |;
create function foo6(x varchar(100)) returns bigint unsigned
  insert into t2 select x;
  return 100;
delimiter ;|
select foo6("foo6_1_");
select foo6(concat("foo6_2_",UUID()));

prepare stmt1 from 'select foo6(concat("foo6_3_",UUID()))';
execute stmt1;
execute stmt1;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

# Test of views using UUID()

create view v1 as select uuid();
create table t11 (data varchar(255));
insert into t11 select * from v1;
# Test of querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA which parses the view's body,
# to verify that it binlogs statement-based (is not polluted by
# the parsing of the view's body).
insert into t11 select TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='mysqltest1' and TABLE_NAME IN ('v1','t11');
prepare stmt1 from "insert into t11 select TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='mysqltest1' and TABLE_NAME IN ('v1','t11')";
execute stmt1;
execute stmt1;
deallocate prepare stmt1;

# Test of triggers with UUID()
delimiter |;
create trigger t11_bi before insert on t11 for each row
  set NEW.data = concat(NEW.data,UUID());
delimiter ;|
insert into t11 values("try_560_");

# DELAYED option not supported by table created
# using innodb.
# Test that INSERT DELAYED works in mixed mode (BUG#20649)
#insert delayed into t2 values("delay_1_");
#insert delayed into t2 values(concat("delay_2_",UUID()));
#insert delayed into t2 values("delay_6_");

# Test for BUG#20633 (INSERT DELAYED RAND()/user_variable does not
# replicate fine in statement-based ; we test that in mixed mode it
# works).
#insert delayed into t2 values(rand());
#set @a=2.345;
#insert delayed into t2 values(@a);

sleep 4; # time for the delayed inserts to reach disk

# If you want to do manual testing of the mixed mode regarding UDFs (not
# testable automatically as quite platform- and compiler-dependent),
# you just need to set the variable below to 1, and to
# "make udf_example.so" in sql/, and to copy sql/udf_example.so to
# MYSQL_TEST_DIR/lib/mysql.
let $you_want_to_test_UDF=0;
if ($you_want_to_test_UDF)
  CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME 'udf_example.so';
  prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select metaphon(?)';
  set @string="emergency_133_";
  insert into t1 values("work_134_");
  execute stmt1 using @string;
  deallocate prepare stmt1;
  prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?';
  insert into t1 values(metaphon("work_135_"));
  execute stmt1 using @string;
  deallocate prepare stmt1;
  insert into t1 values(metaphon("for_136_"));
  insert into t1 select "yesterday_137_";
  create table t6 select metaphon("for_138_");
  create table t7 select 1 union select metaphon("for_139_");
  create table t8 select * from t1 where 3 in (select 1 union select 2 union select metaphon("for_140_") union select 3);
  create table t9 select * from t1 where 3 in (select 1 union select 2 union select curdate() union select 3);

create table t20 select * from t1; # save for comparing later
create table t21 select * from t2;
create table t22 select * from t3;
drop table t1,t2,t3;

# This tests the fix to
# BUG#19630 stored function inserting into two auto_increment breaks statement-based binlog
# We verify that under the mixed binlog mode, a stored function
# modifying at least two tables having an auto_increment column,
# is binlogged row-based. Indeed in statement-based binlogging,
# only the auto_increment value generated for the first table
# is recorded in the binlog, the value generated for the 2nd table
# lacking.

create table t1 (a int primary key auto_increment, b varchar(100));
create table t2 (a int primary key auto_increment, b varchar(100));
create table t3 (b varchar(100));
delimiter |;
create function f (x varchar(100)) returns int deterministic
 insert into t1 values(null,x);
 insert into t2 values(null,x);
 return 1;
delimiter ;|
select f("try_41_");
# Two operations which compensate each other except that their net
# effect is that they advance the auto_increment counter of t2 on slave:
use mysqltest1;
insert into t2 values(2,null),(3,null),(4,null);
delete from t2 where a>=2;

connection master;
# this is the call which didn't replicate well
select f("try_42_");

# now use prepared statement and test again, just to see that the RBB
# mode isn't set at PREPARE but at EXECUTE.

insert into t2 values(3,null),(4,null);
delete from t2 where a>=3;

connection master;
prepare stmt1 from 'select f(?)';
set @string="try_43_";
insert into t1 values(null,"try_44_"); # should be SBB
execute stmt1 using @string; # should be RBB
deallocate prepare stmt1;

# verify that if only one table has auto_inc, it does not trigger RBB
# (we'll check in binlog further below)

connection master;
create table t12 select * from t1; # save for comparing later
drop table t1;
create table t1 (a int, b varchar(100), key(a));
select f("try_45_");

# restore table's key
create table t13 select * from t1;
drop table t1;
create table t1 (a int primary key auto_increment, b varchar(100));

# now test if it's two functions, each of them inserts in one table

drop function f;
# we need a unique key to have sorting of rows by mysqldump
create table t14 (unique (a)) select * from t2;
truncate table t2;
delimiter |;
create function f1 (x varchar(100)) returns int deterministic
 insert into t1 values(null,x);
 return 1;
create function f2 (x varchar(100)) returns int deterministic
 insert into t2 values(null,x);
 return 1;
delimiter ;|
select f1("try_46_"),f2("try_47_");

insert into t2 values(2,null),(3,null),(4,null);
delete from t2 where a>=2;

connection master;
# Test with SELECT and INSERT
select f1("try_48_"),f2("try_49_");
insert into t3 values(concat("try_50_",f1("try_51_"),f2("try_52_")));

# verify that if f2 does only read on an auto_inc table, this does not
# switch to RBB
connection master;
drop function f2;
delimiter |;
create function f2 (x varchar(100)) returns int deterministic
 declare y int;
 insert into t1 values(null,x);
 set y = (select count(*) from t2);
 return y;
delimiter ;|
select f1("try_53_"),f2("try_54_");

# And now, a normal statement with a trigger (no stored functions)

connection master;
drop function f2;
delimiter |;
create trigger t1_bi before insert on t1 for each row
  insert into t2 values(null,"try_55_");
delimiter ;|
insert into t1 values(null,"try_56_");
# and now remove one auto_increment and verify SBB
alter table t1 modify a int, drop primary key;
insert into t1 values(null,"try_57_");

# Test for BUG#20499 "mixed mode with temporary table breaks binlog"
# Slave used to have only 2 rows instead of 3.
connection master;
create table t16 like t15;
# we'll verify that this one is done RBB
insert into t16 values("try_65_");
drop table t15;
# we'll verify that this one is done SBB
insert into t16 values("try_66_");

# and now compare:

connection master;

# first check that data on master is sensible
select count(*) from t1;
select count(*) from t2;
select count(*) from t3;
select count(*) from t4;
select count(*) from t5;
select count(*) from t11;
select count(*) from t20;
select count(*) from t21;
select count(*) from t22;
select count(*) from t12;
select count(*) from t13;
select count(*) from t14;
select count(*) from t16;
if ($you_want_to_test_UDF)
  select count(*) from t6;
  select count(*) from t7;
  select count(*) from t8;
  select count(*) from t9;


# Bug#20863 If binlog format is changed between update and unlock of
#           tables, wrong binlog

connection master;
CREATE TABLE t11 (song VARCHAR(255));
INSERT INTO t11 VALUES('Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict');
INSERT INTO t11 VALUES('Careful With That Axe, Eugene');

--query_vertical SELECT * FROM t11
USE mysqltest1;
--query_vertical SELECT * FROM t11

connection master;

--replace_column 2 # 5 #
--replace_regex /table_id: [0-9]+/table_id: #/
show binlog events;

# as we're using UUID we don't SELECT but use "diff" like in rpl_row_UUID
--exec $MYSQL_DUMP --compact --order-by-primary --skip-extended-insert --no-create-info mysqltest1 > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed_master.sql
--exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --order-by-primary --skip-extended-insert --no-create-info mysqltest1 > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed_slave.sql

# Let's compare. Note: If they match test will pass, if they do not match
# the test will show that the diff statement failed and not reject file
# will be created. You will need to go to the mysql-test dir and diff
# the files your self to see what is not matching

diff_files $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed_master.sql $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed_slave.sql;

connection master;
--replace_column 2 # 5 #
--replace_regex /table_id: [0-9]+/table_id: #/
show binlog events;

# Now test that mysqlbinlog works fine on a binlog generated by the
# mixed mode

# BUG#11312 "DELIMITER is not written to the binary log that causes
# syntax error" makes that mysqlbinlog will fail if we pass it the
# text of queries; this forces us to use --base64-output here.

# BUG#20929 "BINLOG command causes invalid free plus assertion
# failure" makes mysqld segfault when receiving --base64-output

# So I can't enable this piece of test

if ($enable_when_11312_or_20929_fixed)
--exec $MYSQL_BINLOG --base64-output $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/log/master-bin.000001 > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqlbinlog_mixed.sql
drop database mysqltest1;
--exec $MYSQL < $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqlbinlog_mixed.sql
--exec $MYSQL_DUMP --compact --order-by-primary --skip-extended-insert --no-create-info mysqltest1 > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed_master.sql
# the old mysqldump output on slave is the same as what it was on
# master before restoring on master.
diff_files $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed_master.sql $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed_slave.sql;

drop database mysqltest1;

connection default;
set global binlog_format= @saved_binlog_format;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ai_init_alter_table.test File 24.9 KB 0644
ai_init_create_table.test File 23.97 KB 0644
ai_init_insert.test File 8.87 KB 0644
ai_init_insert_id.test File 24.08 KB 0644
ai_overflow_error.test File 29.24 KB 0644
ai_reset_by_truncate.test File 54.02 KB 0644
ai_sql_auto_is_null.test File 13.48 KB 0644
an_calendar.test File 873 B 0644
an_number.test File 1.97 KB 0644
an_string.test File 1.08 KB 0644
comment_column.test File 29.09 KB 0644
comment_column2.test File 131.05 KB 0644
comment_index.test File 22.29 KB 0644
comment_table.test File 14.05 KB 0644
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crash_manycolumns_string.test File 16.64 KB 0644
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crash_manytables_string.cnf File 67 B 0644
crash_manytables_string.test File 82.91 KB 0644
data1.inc File 5.24 KB 0644
data2.inc File 2.34 KB 0644
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datetime_function.test File 1008 B 0644
db_alter_character_set.test File 4.17 KB 0644
db_alter_character_set_collate.test File 1.75 KB 0644
db_alter_collate_ascii.test File 1.97 KB 0644
db_alter_collate_utf8.test File 20.04 KB 0644
db_create_character_set.test File 1.26 KB 0644
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db_create_drop.test File 282 B 0644
db_create_error.test File 169 B 0644
db_create_error_reserved.test File 69 B 0644
db_create_if_not_exists.test File 306 B 0644
db_drop_error.test File 170 B 0644
db_use_error.test File 169 B 0644
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de_ignore.test File 2.81 KB 0644
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de_multi_db_table_using.test File 22.06 KB 0644
de_multi_table.test File 17.43 KB 0644
de_multi_table_using.test File 17.62 KB 0644
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de_string_range.test File 17.72 KB 0644
de_truncate.test File 1.46 KB 0644
de_truncate_autoinc.test File 3.19 KB 0644
disabled.def File 5.81 KB 0644
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fu_aggregate_count_number.test File 87.86 KB 0644
fu_aggregate_max_number.test File 86.45 KB 0644
fu_aggregate_max_subquery.test File 2.8 KB 0644
fu_aggregate_min_number.test File 86.55 KB 0644
fu_aggregate_sum_number.test File 86.45 KB 0644
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in_calendar_pk_constraint_ignore.test File 2.07 KB 0644
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in_calendar_unique_constraint_ignore.test File 1.88 KB 0644
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in_enum_null_large_error.test File 32.66 KB 0644
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in_insert_select_autoinc.test File 2.16 KB 0644
in_insert_select_unique_violation.test File 1.99 KB 0644
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in_multicolumn_number_pk_constraint_ignore.test File 9 KB 0644
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in_number_pk_constraint_error.test File 2.79 KB 0644
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in_number_unique_constraint_error.test File 2.67 KB 0644
in_number_unique_constraint_ignore.test File 2.48 KB 0644
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in_set_null_boundary_error.test File 677 B 0644
in_set_null_large.test File 98.11 KB 0644
in_string_2_unique_constraints_duplicate_update.test File 2.35 KB 0644
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in_string_not_null.test File 2.59 KB 0644
in_string_null.test File 2.78 KB 0644
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in_string_pk_constraint_error.test File 925 B 0644
in_string_pk_constraint_ignore.test File 857 B 0644
in_string_set_enum_fail.test File 788 B 0644
in_string_unique_constraint_duplicate_update.test File 941 B 0644
in_string_unique_constraint_error.test File 890 B 0644
in_string_unique_constraint_ignore.test File 821 B 0644
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ix_drop_error.test File 163 B 0644
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ix_index_lob.test File 4.79 KB 0644
ix_index_non_string.test File 9.31 KB 0644
ix_index_string.test File 2.41 KB 0644
ix_index_string_length.test File 2.44 KB 0644
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ix_unique_string.test File 2.48 KB 0644
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ix_using_order.test File 2.6 KB 0644
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jp_comment_index.test File 38.09 KB 0644
jp_comment_older_compatibility1.test File 2.64 KB 0644
jp_comment_table.test File 21.88 KB 0644
ld_all_number_string_calendar_types.test File 505.15 KB 0644
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ld_enum_set.test File 599 B 0644
ld_less_columns.test File 641 B 0644
ld_more_columns_truncated.test File 641 B 0644
ld_null.test File 1.17 KB 0644
ld_quote.test File 671 B 0644
ld_simple.test File 508 B 0644
ld_starting.test File 592 B 0644
ld_unique_error1.test File 875 B 0644
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