call mtr.add_suppression('InnoDB: Failed to find tablespace for table \'"mysql"."slave_master_info"\' in the cache'); call mtr.add_suppression('InnoDB: Failed to find tablespace for table \'"mysql"."slave_relay_log_info"\' in the cache'); call mtr.add_suppression('InnoDB: Failed to find tablespace for table \'"mysql"."slave_worker_info"\' in the cache'); call mtr.add_suppression('InnoDB: Failed to find tablespace for table \'"test"."t1"\' in the cache'); call mtr.add_suppression('InnoDB: Allocated tablespace [0-9]+, old maximum was [0-9]+'); # Stop server # Restart server. # Restart server. CREATE TABLE t1(c1 INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB STATS_PERSISTENT=0; BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1), (2), (3), (4); SET SESSION debug="+d,crash_commit_before"; COMMIT; ERROR HY000: Lost connection to MySQL server during query SELECT COUNT(*) IN (0,4) yes FROM t1; yes 1 SELECT COUNT(*) IN (0,4) yes FROM t1; yes 1 SELECT COUNT(*) IN (0,4) yes FROM t1; yes 1 DROP TABLE t1;