[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
result_format: 2

FROM information_schema.plugins WHERE PLUGIN_NAME = 'ndbinfo';
ndbinfo	0.1	ACTIVE	STORAGE ENGINE	NULL	NULL	Sun Microsystems Inc.	MySQL Cluster system information storage engine

## Creation of temporary tables should not be supported by NDBINFO engine
  `dummy` INT UNSIGNED
ERROR HY000: Table storage engine 'ndbinfo' does not support the create option 'TEMPORARY'

USE ndbinfo;

Table	Create Table
ndb$tables	CREATE TABLE `ndb$tables` (
  `table_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `table_name` varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL,
  `comment` varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=NDBINFO DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='metadata for tables available through ndbinfo'

SELECT * FROM ndb$tables;
table_id	table_name	comment
0	tables	metadata for tables available through ndbinfo
1	columns	metadata for columns available through ndbinfo 
2	test	for testing
3	pools	pool usage
4	transporters	transporter status
5	logspaces	logspace usage
6	logbuffers	logbuffer usage
7	resources	resources usage (a.k.a superpool)
8	counters	monotonic counters
9	nodes	node status
10	diskpagebuffer	disk page buffer info
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ndb$tables;
SELECT * FROM ndb$tables WHERE table_id = 2;
table_id	table_name	comment
2	test	for testing
SELECT * FROM ndb$tables WHERE table_id > 5;
table_id	table_name	comment
6	logbuffers	logbuffer usage
7	resources	resources usage (a.k.a superpool)
8	counters	monotonic counters
9	nodes	node status
10	diskpagebuffer	disk page buffer info
SELECT * FROM ndb$tables WHERE table_name = 'LOGDESTINATION';
table_id	table_name	comment
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ndb$tables t1, ndb$tables t2 WHERE t1.table_id = t1.table_id;

SELECT table_id, table_name, comment from ndb$tables
  WHERE table_id > 2 AND table_id <= 5 ORDER BY table_id;
table_id	table_name	comment
3	pools	pool usage
4	transporters	transporter status
5	logspaces	logspace usage
SELECT table_id FROM ndb$tables  WHERE table_id = 2 ORDER BY table_name;
SELECT table_id, table_name FROM ndb$tables ORDER BY table_name;
table_id	table_name
1	columns
8	counters
10	diskpagebuffer
6	logbuffers
5	logspaces
9	nodes
3	pools
7	resources
0	tables
2	test
4	transporters

SELECT table_id, column_id, column_name FROM ndb$columns LIMIT 7;
table_id	column_id	column_name
0	0	table_id
0	1	table_name
0	2	comment
1	0	table_id
1	1	column_id
1	2	column_name
1	3	column_type

UPDATE ndb$tables SET table_id=2 WHERE table_id=3;
ERROR HY000: Table 'ndb$tables' is read only

UPDATE ndb$tables SET table_id=9 WHERE 1=0;
ERROR HY000: Table 'ndb$tables' is read only

UPDATE ndb$tables SET table_id=9 WHERE table_id > 1;
ERROR HY000: Table 'ndb$tables' is read only

DELETE FROM ndb$tables WHERE table_id=3;
ERROR HY000: Table 'ndb$tables' is read only

DELETE FROM ndb$tables WHERE 1=0;
ERROR HY000: Table 'ndb$tables' is read only

DELETE FROM ndb$tables WHERE table_id > 1;
ERROR HY000: Table 'ndb$tables' is read only

ALTER TABLE ndb$test ADD COLUMN another_col varchar(255);
ERROR HY000: Table storage engine for 'ndb$test' doesn't have this option

SELECT table_id FROM ndb$tables;

TRUNCATE ndb$tables;
ERROR HY000: Table 'ndb$tables' is read only

## Variables and status
Variable_name	Value
Variable_name	Value
ndbinfo_database	ndbinfo
ndbinfo_max_bytes	0
ndbinfo_max_rows	10
ndbinfo_offline	OFF
ndbinfo_show_hidden	OFF
ndbinfo_table_prefix	ndb$
ndbinfo_version	NDB_VERSION_D

SELECT counter, HEX(counter2) FROM ndb$test LIMIT 10;
counter	HEX(counter2)
0	0
1	100000000
2	200000000
3	300000000
4	400000000
5	500000000
6	600000000
7	700000000
8	800000000
9	900000000

Tables_in_ndbinfo (ndb$te%)
set @@ndbinfo_show_hidden=TRUE;
Tables_in_ndbinfo (ndb$te%)
set @@ndbinfo_show_hidden=default;

set @@ndbinfo_table_prefix="somethingelse";
ERROR HY000: Variable 'ndbinfo_table_prefix' is a read only variable

set @@ndbinfo_database="somethingelse";
ERROR HY000: Variable 'ndbinfo_database' is a read only variable

SELECT count(*) >= 20 FROM blocks;
count(*) >= 20

## 1) More columns in NDB -> allowed, with warning
DROP TABLE ndb$test;
CREATE TABLE ndb$test (node_id int unsigned) ENGINE = ndbinfo;
SELECT node_id != 0 FROM ndb$test LIMIT 1;
node_id != 0
Note	40001	Table 'ndb$test' is defined differently in NDB, there are more columns available. The SQL to regenerate is: 'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED, `block_number` INT UNSIGNED, `block_instance` INT UNSIGNED, `counter` INT UNSIGNED, `counter2` BIGINT UNSIGNED) ENGINE=NDBINFO'
DROP TABLE ndb$test;

## 2) Column does not exist in NDB -> allowed, with warning, non existing
##    column(s) return NULL
## 2a) Extra column at end
CREATE TABLE ndb$test (node_id int, non_existing int) ENGINE = ndbinfo;
SELECT DISTINCT node_id, non_existing FROM ndb$test;
node_id	non_existing
Warning	40001	Table 'ndb$test' is defined differently in NDB, column 'non_existing' does not exist. The SQL to regenerate is: 'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED, `block_number` INT UNSIGNED, `block_instance` INT UNSIGNED, `counter` INT UNSIGNED, `counter2` BIGINT UNSIGNED) ENGINE=NDBINFO'
Note	40001	Table 'ndb$test' is defined differently in NDB, there are more columns available. The SQL to regenerate is: 'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED, `block_number` INT UNSIGNED, `block_instance` INT UNSIGNED, `counter` INT UNSIGNED, `counter2` BIGINT UNSIGNED) ENGINE=NDBINFO'
DROP TABLE ndb$test;

## 2b) Extra column(s) in middle
CREATE TABLE ndb$test (
  node_id int unsigned,
  non_existing int unsigned,
  block_number int unsigned,
  block_instance int unsigned,
  counter int unsigned,
  counter2 bigint unsigned
) ENGINE = ndbinfo;
SELECT DISTINCT node_id, non_existing, block_number FROM ndb$test;
node_id	non_existing	block_number
1	NULL	249
2	NULL	249
Warning	40001	Table 'ndb$test' is defined differently in NDB, column 'non_existing' does not exist. The SQL to regenerate is: 'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED, `block_number` INT UNSIGNED, `block_instance` INT UNSIGNED, `counter` INT UNSIGNED, `counter2` BIGINT UNSIGNED) ENGINE=NDBINFO'
DROP TABLE ndb$test;

## 2c) Extra column first
CREATE TABLE ndb$test (non_existing int, node_id int) ENGINE = ndbinfo;
SELECT DISTINCT node_id, non_existing FROM ndb$test;
node_id	non_existing
Warning	40001	Table 'ndb$test' is defined differently in NDB, column 'non_existing' does not exist. The SQL to regenerate is: 'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED, `block_number` INT UNSIGNED, `block_instance` INT UNSIGNED, `counter` INT UNSIGNED, `counter2` BIGINT UNSIGNED) ENGINE=NDBINFO'
Note	40001	Table 'ndb$test' is defined differently in NDB, there are more columns available. The SQL to regenerate is: 'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED, `block_number` INT UNSIGNED, `block_instance` INT UNSIGNED, `counter` INT UNSIGNED, `counter2` BIGINT UNSIGNED) ENGINE=NDBINFO'
SELECT DISTINCT non_existing, node_id FROM ndb$test;
non_existing	node_id
DROP TABLE ndb$test;

## 3) Incompatible column type -> error, with warning
## 3a) int instead of bigint
CREATE TABLE ndb$test (counter2 int) ENGINE = ndbinfo;
SELECT * FROM ndb$test;
ERROR HY000: Got error 40001 'Incompatible table definitions' from NDBINFO
Level	Code	Message
Warning	40001	Table 'ndb$test' is defined differently in NDB, column 'counter2' is not compatible. The SQL to regenerate is: 'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED, `block_number` INT UNSIGNED, `block_instance` INT UNSIGNED, `counter` INT UNSIGNED, `counter2` BIGINT UNSIGNED) ENGINE=NDBINFO'
Error	1296	Got error 40001 'Incompatible table definitions' from NDBINFO
## 3b) bigint instead of int
DROP TABLE ndb$test;
CREATE TABLE ndb$test (node_id bigint) ENGINE = ndbinfo;
SELECT * FROM ndb$test;
ERROR HY000: Got error 40001 'Incompatible table definitions' from NDBINFO
Level	Code	Message
Warning	40001	Table 'ndb$test' is defined differently in NDB, column 'node_id' is not compatible. The SQL to regenerate is: 'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED, `block_number` INT UNSIGNED, `block_instance` INT UNSIGNED, `counter` INT UNSIGNED, `counter2` BIGINT UNSIGNED) ENGINE=NDBINFO'
Error	1296	Got error 40001 'Incompatible table definitions' from NDBINFO
## 3c) varchar instead of int
DROP TABLE ndb$test;
CREATE TABLE ndb$test (node_id varchar(255)) ENGINE = ndbinfo;
SELECT * FROM ndb$test;
ERROR HY000: Got error 40001 'Incompatible table definitions' from NDBINFO
Level	Code	Message
Warning	40001	Table 'ndb$test' is defined differently in NDB, column 'node_id' is not compatible. The SQL to regenerate is: 'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED, `block_number` INT UNSIGNED, `block_instance` INT UNSIGNED, `counter` INT UNSIGNED, `counter2` BIGINT UNSIGNED) ENGINE=NDBINFO'
Error	1296	Got error 40001 'Incompatible table definitions' from NDBINFO
DROP TABLE ndb$test;
## 3d) column which is NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE ndb$test (node_id int unsigned NOT NULL) ENGINE = ndbinfo;
SELECT * FROM ndb$test;
ERROR HY000: Got error 40001 'Incompatible table definitions' from NDBINFO
Level	Code	Message
Warning	40001	Table 'ndb$test' is defined differently in NDB, column 'node_id' is NOT NULL. The SQL to regenerate is: 'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED, `block_number` INT UNSIGNED, `block_instance` INT UNSIGNED, `counter` INT UNSIGNED, `counter2` BIGINT UNSIGNED) ENGINE=NDBINFO'
Error	1296	Got error 40001 'Incompatible table definitions' from NDBINFO
DROP TABLE ndb$test;
## 3e) non existing column which is NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE ndb$test (
  block_number int unsigned,
  non_existing int NOT NULL) ENGINE = ndbinfo;
SELECT * FROM ndb$test;
ERROR HY000: Got error 40001 'Incompatible table definitions' from NDBINFO
Level	Code	Message
Warning	40001	Table 'ndb$test' is defined differently in NDB, column 'non_existing' is NOT NULL. The SQL to regenerate is: 'CREATE TABLE `ndbinfo`.`ndb$test` (`node_id` INT UNSIGNED, `block_number` INT UNSIGNED, `block_instance` INT UNSIGNED, `counter` INT UNSIGNED, `counter2` BIGINT UNSIGNED) ENGINE=NDBINFO'
Error	1296	Got error 40001 'Incompatible table definitions' from NDBINFO
DROP TABLE ndb$test;

## 4) Table with primary key/indexes not supported
CREATE TABLE ndb$test (node_id int, block_number int PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE = ndbinfo;
ERROR 42000: Too many keys specified; max 0 keys allowed

## 5) Table with blobs not supported
CREATE TABLE ndb$test (node_id int, block_number blob) ENGINE = ndbinfo;
ERROR 42000: The used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columns

## 6) Table with autoincrement not supported
CREATE TABLE ndb$test (node_id int AUTO_INCREMENT) ENGINE = ndbinfo;
ERROR 42000: The used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columns

select distinct node_id
from ndbinfo.diskpagebuffer;

set @@ndbinfo_offline=1;
ERROR HY000: Variable 'ndbinfo_offline' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL

SELECT DISTINCT(node_id) FROM ndbinfo.counters ORDER BY node_id;

set @@global.ndbinfo_offline=TRUE;
select @@ndbinfo_offline;

CREATE TABLE ndb$does_not_exist_in_ndb(
  node_id int,
  message varchar(255)
) ENGINE = ndbinfo;

CREATE VIEW view_on_table_which_does_not_exist_in_ndb AS
  SELECT node_id, message
  FROM ndbinfo.ndb$does_not_exist_in_ndb;

SHOW CREATE TABLE ndb$does_not_exist_in_ndb;
Table	Create Table
ndb$does_not_exist_in_ndb	CREATE TABLE `ndb$does_not_exist_in_ndb` (
  `node_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `message` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL

SELECT * FROM view_on_table_which_does_not_exist_in_ndb;
node_id	message
Note	1	'NDBINFO' has been started in offline mode since the 'NDBCLUSTER' engine is disabled or @@global.ndbinfo_offline is turned on - no rows can be returned
SELECT * FROM ndb$does_not_exist_in_ndb;
node_id	message
Note	1	'NDBINFO' has been started in offline mode since the 'NDBCLUSTER' engine is disabled or @@global.ndbinfo_offline is turned on - no rows can be returned
SELECT DISTINCT(node_id) FROM ndbinfo.counters ORDER BY node_id;
Note	1	'NDBINFO' has been started in offline mode since the 'NDBCLUSTER' engine is disabled or @@global.ndbinfo_offline is turned on - no rows can be returned

DROP VIEW view_on_table_which_does_not_exist_in_ndb;
DROP TABLE ndb$does_not_exist_in_ndb;

set @@global.ndbinfo_offline = FALSE;

SELECT DISTINCT(node_id) FROM ndbinfo.counters ORDER BY node_id;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
bug36547.result File 455 B 0644
loaddata_autocom_ndb.result File 726 B 0644
ndb_add_partition.result File 5.91 KB 0644
ndb_alter_table.result File 10.88 KB 0644
ndb_alter_table2.result File 685 B 0644
ndb_alter_table3.result File 1.48 KB 0644
ndb_alter_table_backup.result File 1.76 KB 0644
ndb_alter_table_error.result File 648 B 0644
ndb_alter_table_online.result File 26.79 KB 0644
ndb_alter_table_online2.result File 2.62 KB 0644
ndb_alter_table_online_multi.result File 1.98 KB 0644
ndb_auto_increment.result File 9.99 KB 0644
ndb_autoinc.result File 793 B 0644
ndb_basic.result File 29.94 KB 0644
ndb_bitfield.result File 8.26 KB 0644
ndb_blob.result File 22.71 KB 0644
ndb_blob_big.result File 1.24 KB 0644
ndb_blob_partition.result File 9.03 KB 0644
ndb_bug26793.result File 257 B 0644
ndb_bug31477.result File 1.85 KB 0644
ndb_bug31754.result File 262 B 0644
ndb_bulk_delete.result File 1.87 KB 0644
ndb_cache.result File 8.68 KB 0644
ndb_cache2.result File 13.31 KB 0644
ndb_cache_multi.result File 1.67 KB 0644
ndb_cache_multi2.result File 1.68 KB 0644
ndb_cache_trans.result File 6.65 KB 0644
ndb_charset.result File 5.77 KB 0644
ndb_column_properties.result File 15.98 KB 0644
ndb_condition_pushdown.result File 72.29 KB 0644
ndb_config.result File 3.21 KB 0644
ndb_config2.result File 475 B 0644
ndb_create_table.result File 1.02 KB 0644
ndb_cursor.result File 865 B 0644
ndb_database.result File 1.23 KB 0644
ndb_dbug_lock.result File 1.64 KB 0644
ndb_dbug_tc_select.result File 5.98 KB 0644
ndb_dd_alter.result File 27.07 KB 0644
ndb_dd_basic.result File 20.67 KB 0644
ndb_dd_bug12581213.result File 334 B 0644
ndb_dd_ddl.result File 5.56 KB 0644
ndb_dd_disk2memory.result File 12.99 KB 0644
ndb_dd_dump.result File 15.97 KB 0644
ndb_dd_restore_compat.result File 3.61 KB 0644
ndb_dd_sql_features.result File 22.4 KB 0644
ndb_ddl_open_trans.result File 1.36 KB 0644
ndb_disconnect_ddl.result File 281 B 0644
ndb_discover_db.result File 1.55 KB 0644
ndb_dist_priv.result File 4.8 KB 0644
ndb_gis.result File 47.18 KB 0644
ndb_global_schema_lock.result File 3.43 KB 0644
ndb_global_schema_lock_error.result File 1.94 KB 0644
ndb_grant.result File 17.65 KB 0644
ndb_hidden_pk.result File 10.55 KB 0644
ndb_index.result File 13.93 KB 0644
ndb_index_ordered.result File 16.71 KB 0644
ndb_index_stat.result File 14.33 KB 0644
ndb_index_unique.result File 17.43 KB 0644
ndb_insert.result File 36.2 KB 0644
ndb_join_pushdown.result File 274.88 KB 0644
ndb_limit.result File 2.01 KB 0644
ndb_load.result File 2.64 KB 0644
ndb_loaddatalocal.result File 1.39 KB 0644
ndb_lock.result File 4.17 KB 0644
ndb_lock_table.result File 205 B 0644
ndb_mgm.result File 3.55 KB 0644
ndb_minmax.result File 1.47 KB 0644
ndb_multi.result File 3.7 KB 0644
ndb_multi_row.result File 1.33 KB 0644
ndb_native_default_support.result File 47.23 KB 0644
ndb_optimize_table.result File 2 KB 0644
ndb_optimized_node_selection.result File 1017 B 0644
ndb_partition_error.result File 1.41 KB 0644
ndb_partition_error2.result File 150 B 0644
ndb_partition_hash.result File 890 B 0644
ndb_partition_key.result File 8.16 KB 0644
ndb_partition_list.result File 2.31 KB 0644
ndb_partition_range.result File 7.91 KB 0644
ndb_read_multi_range.result File 14.54 KB 0644
ndb_reconnect.result File 560 B 0644
ndb_rename.result File 772 B 0644
ndb_replace.result File 3.64 KB 0644
ndb_restore_compat_downward.result File 132.43 KB 0644
ndb_restore_compat_endianness.result File 10.87 KB 0644
ndb_restore_conv_lossy_charbinary.result File 15.46 KB 0644
ndb_restore_conv_lossy_integral.result File 20.72 KB 0644
ndb_restore_conv_padding.result File 6.14 KB 0644
ndb_restore_conv_promotion.result File 23.26 KB 0644
ndb_restore_discover.result File 540 B 0644
ndb_restore_misc.result File 23.77 KB 0644
ndb_restore_print.result File 9.8 KB 0644
ndb_restore_schema_blobs.result File 6.44 KB 0644
ndb_restore_schema_partitions.result File 13.3 KB 0644
ndb_restore_schema_rewrites.result File 12.22 KB 0644
ndb_restore_schema_subsets.result File 95.9 KB 0644
ndb_restore_schema_tolerance.result File 4.57 KB 0644
ndb_restore_undolog.result File 18.66 KB 0644
ndb_row_count.result File 5.11 KB 0644
ndb_row_format.result File 1.74 KB 0644
ndb_select_count.result File 334 B 0644
ndb_share.result File 9.85 KB 0644
ndb_short_sigs.result File 2.53 KB 0644
ndb_single_user.result File 3.97 KB 0644
ndb_sp.result File 1.1 KB 0644
ndb_sql_allow_batching.result File 918 B 0644
ndb_statistics0.result File 7.78 KB 0644
ndb_statistics1.result File 8.04 KB 0644
ndb_subquery.result File 3.07 KB 0644
ndb_temporary.result File 939 B 0644
ndb_tmp_table_and_DDL.result File 3.11 KB 0644
ndb_transaction.result File 4.62 KB 0644
ndb_trigger.result File 9.38 KB 0644
ndb_truncate.result File 425 B 0644
ndb_types.result File 3.12 KB 0644
ndb_update.result File 2.76 KB 0644
ndb_update_no_read.result File 11.37 KB 0644
ndb_view.result File 597 B 0644
ndbapi.result File 734 B 0644
ndbinfo.result File 12.86 KB 0644
ndbinfo_cache.result File 423 B 0644
ndbinfo_dump.result File 95 B 0644
ps_7ndb.result File 103.12 KB 0644
strict_autoinc_5ndb.result File 651 B 0644