--source include/ndb_have_online_alter.inc -- source include/have_ndb.inc -- source include/not_embedded.inc --result_format 2 --exec $NDB_MGM -e show CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undo_1.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 4M UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE 2M ENGINE NDB; CREATE TABLESPACE ts_1 ADD DATAFILE 'data_1.dat' USE LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 INITIAL_SIZE 4M ENGINE NDB; create table t1(id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data char(8)) engine=ndb; create table t2(id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data char(8)) TABLESPACE ts_1 STORAGE DISK engine=ndb; load data local infile 'suite/ndb/data/table_data10000.dat' into table t1 fields terminated by ' ' lines terminated by '\n'; load data local infile 'suite/ndb/data/table_data10000.dat' into table t2 fields terminated by ' ' lines terminated by '\n'; ## Create nodegroup for "new" nodes --exec $NDB_MGM -e "create nodegroup 3,4" # Cluster running after adding two ndbd nodes --exec $NDB_MGM -e show ## Drop --exec $NDB_MGM -e "drop nodegroup 1" ## and create --exec $NDB_MGM -e "create nodegroup 3,4" create table t3(id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data char(8)) engine=ndb; create table t4(id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data char(8)) TABLESPACE ts_1 STORAGE DISK engine=ndb; insert into t3(id, data) VALUES (1,'new'), (2,'new'),(3,'new'),(4,'new'),(5,'new'), (6,'new'),(7,'new'),(8,'new'),(9,'new'),(10,'new'); insert into t4(id, data) VALUES (1,'new'), (2,'new'),(3,'new'),(4,'new'),(5,'new'), (6,'new'),(7,'new'),(8,'new'),(9,'new'),(10,'new'); alter online table t1 reorganize partition; alter online table t2 reorganize partition; ## Drop nodegroup with "new" nodes is not allowed with data one those nodes # NOTE: --error=0 is due to return codes doesnt work on windoze --error 0,255 --exec $NDB_MGM -e "drop nodegroup 1" ## Nodegroup with "new" nodes still exist after dropping it as shown: --exec $NDB_MGM -e show drop table t1,t2,t3,t4; ## Drop nodegroup with "new" nodes --exec $NDB_MGM -e "drop nodegroup 1" ## Nodegroup with "new" nodes still exists after dropping it as shown: --exec $NDB_MGM -e show # Cleanup ALTER TABLESPACE ts_1 DROP DATAFILE 'data_1.dat' ENGINE NDB; DROP TABLESPACE ts_1 ENGINE NDB; DROP LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 ENGINE NDB; exit;