############################################################# # Author: Guangbao Ni # Date: 2008-12 # Purpose: ndb native default support test ############################################################## --source include/ndb_have_online_alter.inc -- source include/have_ndb.inc -- source include/ndb_default_cluster.inc # Directory containing the saved backup files let $backup_data_dir=$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/ndb/backups; --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1,bit1; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mysqltest; --enable_warnings CREATE DATABASE mysqltest; USE mysqltest; ############################################################### # BASIC SQL STATEMENT TEST FOR NDB NATIVE DEFAULT VALUE SUPPORT ############################################################### # Create table with default values for some types. # Create table for bit type. # Test cases include: # 1. Create table with default values # 2. Insert statement: # --Insert default values into, the default values can be inserted into table correctly # --Insert record supplied by client, it can inserted correctly # --Insert record (including default value and value supplied by client) # 3. Update statement: # --Update with primary key condition # --Update with non-primary key condtion # 4. Replace statement: # --Replace with default values when the record isn't existed in table # --Replace with part default values and part value supplied by client when the record isn't existed in table. # --Replace with part default values and part value suppliced by client when the record already existed in table. # 5. Delete statement: --echo *************************************************************** --echo * BASIC SQL STATEMENT TEST FOR NDB NATIVE DEFAULT VALUE SUPPORT --echo *************************************************************** CREATE TABLE t1( i INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, j INT DEFAULT 6, f FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 6.6, d DOUBLE DEFAULT 8.8, d2 DOUBLE NOT NULL, #d2 gets 'data-type-specific default', i.e. 0. ch CHAR(19) DEFAULT "aaa", vch VARCHAR(19) DEFAULT "bbb", b BINARY(19) DEFAULT "ccc", vb VARBINARY(19) DEFAULT "ddd", blob1 BLOB, text1 TEXT, timestamp_c TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP )ENGINE=NDB; --disable_warnings INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(),(); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES( 10, 10, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, "nnnnn", "nnnnn", "nnnnn", "nnnnn", "nnnnn", "nnnnn", "2008-11-16 08:13:32"); INSERT INTO t1(i, ch) VALUES(11, "mmm"); --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c FROM t1 ORDER BY i; UPDATE t1 SET ch = "xxx" WHERE i = 10; --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c FROM t1 ORDER BY i; UPDATE t1 SET blob1 = "yyy" WHERE j = 10; --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c FROM t1 ORDER BY i; REPLACE INTO t1(i, j, ch) VALUES(1, 1, "zzz"); REPLACE INTO t1(i, j, ch) VALUES(20, 20, "www"); --enable_warnings --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c FROM t1 ORDER BY i; DELETE FROM t1 WHERE i > 9; --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c FROM t1 ORDER BY i; #Test BIT TYPE CREATE TABLE bit1( pk INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, b1 BIT(3) DEFAULT B'111', b2 BIT(9) DEFAULT B'101', b3 BIT(23) DEFAULT B'110', b4 BIT(37) DEFAULT B'011', b5 BIT(63) DEFAULT B'101011' )ENGINE = NDB; INSERT INTO bit1 VALUES(); INSERT INTO bit1(b1,b4) VALUES(B'101',B'111'); SELECT pk,BIN(b1),BIN(b2),BIN(b3),BIN(b4),BIN(b5) FROM bit1 ORDER BY pk; UPDATE bit1 SET b5=B'11111' WHERE pk = 1; REPLACE INTO bit1(pk, b3) VALUES(2, B'1'); REPLACE INTO bit1(pk, b3) VALUES(6, B'101'); SELECT pk,BIN(b1),BIN(b2),BIN(b3),BIN(b4),BIN(b5) FROM bit1 ORDER BY pk; DELETE FROM bit1 WHERE pk = 2; SELECT pk,BIN(b1),BIN(b2),BIN(b3),BIN(b4),BIN(b5) FROM bit1 ORDER BY pk; ############################################################# # ALTER TABLE WITH DEFAULT VALUES TEST ############################################################# --echo ******************************************************** --echo * Alter table to add column with default value --echo ******************************************************** ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN ch2 CHAR(30) DEFAULT "alter table"; --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c, ch2 FROM t1 ORDER BY i; --disable_warnings INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(); --enable_warnings --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c, ch2 FROM t1 ORDER BY i; --echo ******************************************************** --echo * Alter table with default value can fail safely --echo ******************************************************** --disable_warnings --error 1060 ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN ch2 CHAR(30) DEFAULT "alter table"; --error 1067 ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN ch3 CHAR(3) DEFAULT "alter table"; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(); --enable_warnings --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c, ch2 FROM t1 ORDER BY i; ############################################################## # BACKUP AND RESTORE TEST FOR TABLE WITH DEFAULT VALUES ############################################################## #the above two tables are backuped, they can restore correctly. #The default values can be inserted correctly after restored. --echo ******************************************************** --echo * The tables with default values BACKUP and RESTORE test --echo ******************************************************** --source include/ndb_backup.inc DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, bit1; --echo ******************************************************** --echo * Begin to restore data from backup --echo ******************************************************** --exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -A -m -r --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 2 -A -r --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --sorted_result SHOW TABLES; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d mysqltest t1 --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc --let ndb_desc_opts= -d mysqltest bit1 --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc SELECT pk,BIN(b1),BIN(b2),BIN(b3),BIN(b4),BIN(b5) FROM bit1 ORDER BY pk; --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c, ch2 FROM t1 ORDER BY i; --disable_warnings INSERT INTO t1(i, ch) VALUES(99, "restore"); --enable_warnings INSERT INTO bit1(pk, b5) VALUES(99, B'11111111'); SELECT pk,BIN(b1),BIN(b2),BIN(b3),BIN(b4),BIN(b5) FROM bit1 ORDER BY pk; --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c, ch2 FROM t1 ORDER BY i; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, bit1; --exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -A -m -r --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 2 -A -r --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --sorted_result SHOW TABLES; --replace_column 1 MAX_VALUE 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c, ch2 FROM t1 WHERE i >= (SELECT MAX(i) FROM t1) ORDER BY i; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, bit1; DROP DATABASE mysqltest; ############################################################################### # RESTORE THE BACKUP FROM 6.3 OR 6.4, WHICH DON'T SUPPORT NATIVE DEFAULT VALUE # SO DEFAULT VALUES AREN'T STORED IN NDBD KERNEL ############################################################################### --echo ****************************************************************************** --echo * Restore the backup from 6.3 or 6.4, which don't support native default value --echo ****************************************************************************** --exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b 1 -n 1 -m -r $backup_data_dir/before_native_default >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b 1 -n 2 -r $backup_data_dir/before_native_default >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT #### # Bug# 53539 Ndb : MySQLD default values in frm embedded in backup not endian-converted # Bug# 53818 Default values in .frm file not byte-order-independent # Due to this, on big-endian platforms the backup file restored above # has corrupt values for the endian-sensitive defaults (int, float, double) # Until this is fixed we cannot robustly examine the MySQL schema. # Workaround is to offline-alter the defaults to what they should be. # # Show that restored tables have no native defaults --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test t1 --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test bit1 --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc USE test; --sorted_result SHOW TABLES; # SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; # Disabled til bug#53539 fixed as it show junk on big-endian SHOW CREATE TABLE bit1; --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c FROM t1 ORDER BY i; SELECT pk,BIN(b1),BIN(b2),BIN(b3),BIN(b4),BIN(b5) FROM bit1 ORDER BY pk; # bug#53539 workaround - overwrites bad default values from frm in # opposite-byte-order case. ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE COLUMN j j INT DEFAULT 6, CHANGE COLUMN f f FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 6.6, CHANGE COLUMN d d DOUBLE DEFAULT 8.8; # Show that the MySQL defaults are now ok. SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; # Show that the defaults are now native --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test t1 --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc --disable_warnings INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(); UPDATE t1 SET ch = "RESTORE FROM 6.3" WHERE i = 12; REPLACE INTO t1(i, j, ch) VALUES(20, 20, "RESTORE FROM 6.3"); --enable_warnings --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c FROM t1 ORDER BY i; # Show that table with MySQL, but no native defaults is still handled # correctly. # (This works as bit defaults have no endian problems) INSERT INTO bit1 VALUES(); UPDATE bit1 SET b5=b'1111111' WHERE pk = 1; REPLACE INTO bit1(pk, b3) VALUES(6, B'110011'); SELECT pk,BIN(b1),BIN(b2),BIN(b3),BIN(b4),BIN(b5) FROM bit1 ORDER BY pk; # Following commented-out as it's done above due to bug#53539 ######################################################################### # OFFLINE ALTER OF 'OLD' TABLE WITH NO DEFAULTS TO 'NEW' TABLE # WITH NATIVE DEFAULTS. (This is done above with bug#53539 workaround) ######################################################################### #--echo ******************************************************************************** #--echo * Alter table restoring from 6.3 backup to new table with native default support #--echo ******************************************************************************** #--let ndb_desc_opts= -d test t1 #--source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc # #ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE COLUMN j j INT DEFAULT 6; # #--let ndb_desc_opts= -d test t1 #--source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc --disable_warnings INSERT INTO t1(i, ch) VALUES(99, "native default support"); --enable_warnings --replace_column 12 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, vch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c FROM t1 ORDER BY i; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, bit1; --echo ************************************************************* --echo * Test adding a unique index to a column with a default value --echo ************************************************************* CREATE TABLE t2( i INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, j INT DEFAULT 6, f FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 6.6, d DOUBLE DEFAULT 8.8, UNIQUE INDEX t2_unique_index(j) )ENGINE =NDB; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(); --error 1062 INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(10, 10, 10.0, 10.0); SELECT * FROM t2 ORDER BY i; --echo ************************************************************* --echo * Test offline alter of default values --echo ************************************************************* ALTER TABLE t2 MODIFY COLUMN j INT DEFAULT 666; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test t2 --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(); SELECT * FROM t2 ORDER BY i; --echo ************************************************************* --echo * Test that online alter of default values fails --echo ************************************************************* --error 1235 ALTER ONLINE TABLE t2 MODIFY COLUMN j INT DEFAULT 888; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t2; --echo ************************************************************** --echo * Test not null-after-defaults example that failed previously --echo ************************************************************** CREATE TABLE t1 (a int primary key, b int default 12, c char not null) engine=ndb; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test t1 --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc DROP TABLE t1; --echo ************************************************************** --echo * Test mix of null, not-null, default etc.. --echo ************************************************************** CREATE TABLE t1 (a int primary key, b int default 12, c char not null, d varchar(6) default 'Daniel', e char(3) default 'Stu', f enum('NBFry','Kebab') default 'NBFry', g set('Chips','Pie','Fish') default 'Fish,Chips', h enum('Pig','Lion') not null, i char(2) default '66') engine=ndb; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test t1 --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc DROP TABLE t1; --echo ****************************************** --echo * Test binary default with null char value --echo ****************************************** CREATE TABLE t1 (a int primary key, b binary(10) default 0x4142430045464748494a, c varbinary(100) default 0x4142430045464748494a) engine=ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test t1 --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc DROP TABLE t1; --echo *********************************** --echo * Test timestamp column weirdness --echo http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/timestamp.html --echo *********************************** --echo Timestamp updated on insert + update CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp) engine =ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); --replace_column 2 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo Full syntax for update on insert + update CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) engine =ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); --replace_column 2 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo Default on insert only CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); --replace_column 2 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo Set on update only CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp DEFAULT 0 ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, c int) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a,c) VALUES (1,1); SELECT * from variant; UPDATE variant SET c=2; --replace_column 2 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo No auto-set default 0 CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp DEFAULT 0) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo No auto-set default non-zero CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp DEFAULT 19770623000001) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo Non-first timestamp default insert value CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp DEFAULT 19770623000001, c timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); --replace_column 3 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo Non-first timestamp default update value CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp DEFAULT 19770623000001, c timestamp ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); SELECT * from variant; UPDATE variant SET b=20100603000001; --replace_column 3 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo Non-first timestamp set on insert+update CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp DEFAULT 19770623000001, c timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); --replace_column 3 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo Nullable timestamp no default CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp NULL) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo Nullable timestamp default zero CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp NULL DEFAULT 0) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo Nullable timestamp default non-zero CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp NULL DEFAULT 19770623000001) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo Nullable timestamp auto insert val CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); --replace_column 2 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo Nullable timestamp auto update val CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, c int) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a,c) VALUES (1,1); SELECT * from variant; UPDATE variant SET c=2; --replace_column 2 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo Nullable timestamp auto insert+update val CREATE TABLE variant (a int primary key, b timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) engine = ndb; SHOW CREATE TABLE variant; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test variant --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc INSERT INTO variant (a) VALUES (1); --replace_column 2 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SELECT * from variant; DROP TABLE variant; --echo ************************************************************* --echo * Restore data-only from old backup without native defaults * --echo ************************************************************* --echo Create schema manually with differences for ndb_restore to --echo deal with. See the backup (or above) for the original schema. --echo - J changed from Int -> Bigint, and default changed from 6 to 6006 --echo requires --promote-attribute AND default ignoring --echo - ch default changed from 'aaa' to 'aaaAAA', requires default ignoring --echo - vch missing in DB schema, requires --exclude-missing-columns --echo - timestamp_c default changed from CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to a const default (native) --echo requires default ignoring --echo - newOne is a new column with a default value, requires --exclude-missing-columns --echo - newTwo is a new nullable column with no default value, requires --exclude-missing-columns CREATE TABLE t1 ( `i` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `j` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '6006', `f` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '6.6', `d` double DEFAULT '8.8', `d2` double NOT NULL, `ch` char(19) DEFAULT 'aaaAAA', `b` binary(19) DEFAULT 'ccc\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', `vb` varbinary(19) DEFAULT 'ddd', `blob1` blob, `text1` text, `timestamp_c` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '2010-06-07 13:06:22', `newOne` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'Comment field default', `newTwo` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`i`) ) ENGINE=ndbcluster AUTO_INCREMENT=18446744073709551615 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; # Bit1 currently unchanged CREATE TABLE bit1 ( `pk` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `b1` bit(3) DEFAULT b'111', `b2` bit(9) DEFAULT b'101', `b3` bit(23) DEFAULT b'110', `b4` bit(37) DEFAULT b'11', `b5` bit(63) DEFAULT b'101011', PRIMARY KEY (`pk`) ) ENGINE=ndbcluster AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; --let ndb_desc_opts= -d test t1 --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_desc_print.inc --exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b 1 -n 1 -r --promote-attribute --exclude-missing-columns $backup_data_dir/before_native_default >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b 1 -n 2 -r --promote-attribute --exclude-missing-columns $backup_data_dir/before_native_default >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c, newOne, newTwo from t1 order by i; drop table bit1; --echo Now backup the current data and restore data-only to a different schema --source include/ndb_backup.inc drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( `i` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `j` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT '6', `f` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '6.6', `d` double DEFAULT '8.8', `d2` double NOT NULL, `ch` char(19) DEFAULT 'aaa', `b` binary(19) DEFAULT 'ccc\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', `vb` varbinary(19) DEFAULT 'ddd', `blob1` blob, `text1` text, `timestamp_c` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `newOne` varchar(256) DEFAULT 'Comment field default', PRIMARY KEY (`i`) ) ENGINE=ndbcluster AUTO_INCREMENT=18446744073709551615 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; --exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -r --promote-attribute --exclude-missing-columns $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 2 -r --promote-attribute --exclude-missing-columns $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c, newOne from t1 order by i; --echo Now backup the current data then restore data-only to a schema with different defaults and no special ndb_restore options --source include/ndb_backup.inc drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( `i` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `j` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT '20', `f` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '6.66', `d` double DEFAULT '8.88', `d2` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '9.99', `ch` char(19) DEFAULT 'aaaZZZ', `b` binary(19) DEFAULT 'ccccc\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', `vb` varbinary(19) DEFAULT 'dddDDDddd', `blob1` blob, `text1` text, `timestamp_c` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT 20100608133131, `newOne` varchar(256), PRIMARY KEY (`i`) ) ENGINE=ndbcluster AUTO_INCREMENT=18446744073709551615 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; --exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -r $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 2 -r $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT SELECT i, j, f, d, d2, ch, HEX(b), HEX(vb), HEX(blob1), text1, timestamp_c, newOne from t1 order by i; drop table t1; --echo Bug#55121 error 839 'Illegal null attribute' from NDB for fields with default value --echo Ensure that Ndb handler doesn't expect native defaults for Blobs. set @save_sql_mode = @@session.sql_mode; set sql_mode=STRICT_TRANS_TABLES; --error ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT CREATE TABLE t1 ( fid smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', f01 text NOT NULL, f02 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', f03 text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (fid) ) engine=ndb; set sql_mode=@save_sql_mode; --disable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1 ( fid smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', f01 text NOT NULL, f02 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', f03 text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (fid) ) engine=ndb; --enable_warnings show create table t1; insert into t1(fid) value(100); select fid, isnull(f01), isnull(f02), isnull(f03) from t1; drop table t1;