[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# Test various issues ndb_restore had at some time

-- source include/have_ndb.inc
-- source include/ndb_default_cluster.inc

# Directory containing the saved backup files
let $backup_data_dir=$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/ndb/backups;

# Bug #27775 - mediumint auto inc not restored correctly
#            - check mediumint
  `capgoaledatta` mediumint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `goaledatta` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `maturegarbagefa` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`capgoaledatta`,`goaledatta`,`maturegarbagefa`)
) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
INSERT INTO `t1_c` VALUES (2,'3','q3plus.qt'),(400,'4','q3plus.qt'),(1,'3','q3.net'),(3,'4','q3.net'),(3000,'20','threetrees.qt');
# Bug #27758 Restoring NDB backups makes table usable in SQL nodes
# - space in key made table unusable after restore
# Bug #27775 - mediumint auto inc not restored correctly
#            - check smallint
  `capgotod` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `gotod` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `goaledatta` char(2) default NULL,
  `maturegarbagefa` varchar(32) default NULL,
  `descrpooppo` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `svcutonsa` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`capgotod`),
  KEY `i quadaddsvr` (`gotod`)
) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
INSERT INTO `t2_c` VALUES (500,4,'','q3.net','addavp:MK_CASELECTOR=1','postorod rattoaa'),(2,1,'4','','addavp:MK_BRANDTAD=345','REDS Brandtad'),(3,2,'4','q3.net','execorder','fixedRatediPO REDS'),(1,1,'3','','addavp:MK_BRANDTAD=123','TEST Brandtad'),(6,5,'','told.q3.net','addavp:MK_BRANDTAD=123','Brandtad Toldzone'),(4,3,'3','q3.net','addavp:MK_POOLHINT=2','ratedi PO TEST'),(5,0,'',NULL,NULL,'');

# Added ROW_FORMAT=FIXED to use below to see that setting is preserved
# by restore
  `CapGoaledatta` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `capgotod` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`capgotod`,`CapGoaledatta`)
INSERT INTO `t3_c` VALUES (5,3),(2,4),(5,4),(1,3);

# Bug #27775 - mediumint auto inc not restored correctly
#            - check bigint
  `capfa` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `realm` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `authpwchap` varchar(32) default NULL,
  `fa` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `payyingatta` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  `status` char(1) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`fa`,`realm`),
  KEY `capfa` (`capfa`),
  KEY `i_quadentity` (`fa`,`realm`)
) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
INSERT INTO `t4_c` VALUES (18,'john.smith','q3.net','dessjohn.smith',0,NULL),(21,'quad_katt_with_brandtad','q3.net','acne',0,NULL),(2200,'quad_katt_carattoaa','q3.net','acne',0,NULL),(26,'436462612809','sqasdt.q3.net','N/A',0,'6'),(19,'john','smith.qt','dessjohn',0,NULL),(33,'436643196120','sqasdt.q3.net','N/A',1,'6'),(28,'436642900019','sqasdt.q3.net','N/A',0,'6'),(30,'436462900209','sqasdt.q3.net','N/A',0,'6'),(16,'436640006666','sqasdt.q3.net','',0,NULL),(19,'dette','el-redun.com','dessdette',0,NULL),(12,'quad_kattPP','q3.net','acne',2,NULL),(14,'436640008888','sqasdt.q3.net','',0,NULL),(29,'463624900028','sqasdt.q3.net','N/A',0,'6'),(15,'436640099099','sqasdt.q3.net','',0,NULL),(13,'pap','q3plus.qt','acne',1,NULL),(19,'436642612091','sqasdt.q3.net','N/A',0,'6'),(12,'quad_katt','q3.net','acne',0,NULL),(11,'quad_kattVK','q3.net','acne',1,NULL),(32000,'463641969502','sqasdt.q3.net','N/A',1,'6'),(20,'joe','q3.net','joedesswd',0,NULL),(290000000,'436642900034','sqasdt.q3.net','N/A',0,'6'),(25,'contind','armerde.qt','acne',1,NULL);

  `capfa` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `gotod` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `orderutonsa` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`capfa`,`gotod`,`orderutonsa`)
) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
INSERT INTO `t5_c` VALUES (21,2,''),(21,1,''),(22,4,'');

  `capfa_parent` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `capfa_child` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `relatta` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`capfa_child`,`capfa_parent`,`relatta`)
) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
INSERT INTO `t6_c` VALUES (15,16,0),(19,20,0),(18326932092909551615,30,0),(26,29,0),(18326932092909551615,29,0),(19,18,0),(26,28,0),(12,14,0);

# Bug #27775 - mediumint auto inc not restored correctly
#            - check tinyint
  `dardpo` char(15) NOT NULL default '',
  `dardtestard` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `FastFA` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
  `FastCode` char(6) NOT NULL default '',
  `Fastca` char(1) NOT NULL default '',
  `Fastmag` char(1) NOT NULL default '',
  `Beareratta` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`dardpo`,`dardtestard`)
) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
INSERT INTO `t7_c` VALUES ('',24,'CECHP','54545','0','0','5'),('',26,'CANFA','33223','1','1','4'),('',28,'ITALD','54222','1','0','5'),('129..0.0.eins',28,'G','99999','1','1','5'),('',24,'AUTPT','32323','0','1','3');

  `kattjame` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `realm` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `realm_entered` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `maturegarbagefa` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `hunderaaarbagefa_parent` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `kattjame_entered` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `hunderaaarbagefa` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `gest` varchar(16) default NULL,
  `hassetino` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
  `aaaproxysessfa` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `autologonallowed` char(1) default NULL,
  `squardporoot` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  `naspo` varchar(15) default NULL,
  `beareratta` char(2) default NULL,
  `fastCode` varchar(6) default NULL,
  `fastFA` varchar(5) default NULL,
  `fastca` char(1) default NULL,
  `fastmag` char(1) default NULL,
  `lastupdate` datetime default NULL,
  `hassetistart` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  `accthassetitime` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
  `acctoutputoctets` bigint(20) unsigned default NULL,
  `acctinputoctets` bigint(20) unsigned default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`kattjame`,`hunderaaarbagefa`,`hassetistart`,`hassetino`),
  KEY `squardporoot` (`squardporoot`)
) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
INSERT INTO `t8_c` VALUES ('4tt45345235','pap','q3plus.qt','q3plus.qt','q3.net','436643196120','436643196929','8956234534568968','5524595699','uxasmt21.net.acne.qt/481889229462692422','','','','4','86989','34','x','x','2012-03-12 12:55:34','2012-12-05 11:20:04',3223433,3369,9565),('4545435545','john','q3.net','q3.net','acne.li','436643196120','436643196929','45345234568968','995696699','uxasmt21.net.acne.qt/481889229462692423','','','','2','86989','34','x','x','2012-03-12 11:35:03','2012-12-05 08:50:04',8821923,169,3565),('versteckter_q3net_katt','joe','q3.net','elredun.com','q3.net','436643196120','436643196939','91341234568968','695595699','uxasmt21.net.acne.qt/481889229462692421','','','','3','86989','34','x','x','2012-03-12 18:35:04','2012-12-05 12:35:04',1923123,9569,6565);

  `kattjame` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `kattjame_entered` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `realm` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `realm_entered` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `maturegarbagefa` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `hunderaaarbagefa` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `hunderaaarbagefa_parent` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `gest` varchar(16) default NULL,
  `hassetino` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
  `squardporoot` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  `naspo` varchar(15) default NULL,
  `beareratta` char(2) default NULL,
  `fastCode` varchar(6) default NULL,
  `fastFA` varchar(5) default NULL,
  `fastca` char(1) default NULL,
  `fastmag` char(1) default NULL,
  `lastupdate` datetime default NULL,
  `hassetistart` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  `accthassetitime` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
  `actcoutpuocttets` bigint(20) unsigned default NULL,
  `actinputocctets` bigint(20) unsigned default NULL,
  `terminateraste` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`kattjame`,`hunderaaarbagefa`,`hassetistart`,`hassetino`)
) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
INSERT INTO `t9_c` VALUES ('3g4jh8gar2t','joe','q3.net','elredun.com','q3.net','436643316120','436643316939','91341234568968','695595699','','','3','86989','34','x','x','2012-03-12 18:35:04','2012-12-05 12:35:04',3123123,9569,6565,1),('4tt45345235','pap','q3plus.qt','q3plus.qt','q3.net','436643316120','436643316939','8956234534568968','5254595969','','','4','86989','34','x','x','2012-03-12 12:55:34','2012-12-05 11:20:04',3223433,3369,9565,2),('4545435545','john','q3.net','q3.net','acne.li','436643316120','436643316939','45345234568968','995696699','','','2','86998','34','x','x','2012-03-12 11:35:03','2012-12-05 08:50:04',8823123,169,3565,3);

# Bug #20820
# auto inc table not handled correctly when restored from cluster backup
# - before fix ndb_restore would not set auto inc value correct,
#   seen by select below
INSERT INTO t10_c VALUES (1),(2),(3);
# Bug #27775 - mediumint auto inc not restored correctly
#            - check int
insert into t10_c values (10000),(2000),(3000);

CREATE TABLE t11_c (a int, b00 int null, b01 int null,b02 int null,b03 int null,b04 int null,b05 int null,b06 int null,b07 int null,b08 int null,b90 int null,b10 int null,b11 int null,b12 int null,b13 int null,b14 int null,b15 int null,b16 int null,b17 int null,b18 int null,b19 int null,b20 int null,b21 int null,b22 int null,b23 int null,b24 int null,b25 int null,b26 int null,b27 int null,b28 int null,b29 int null,b30 int null,b31 int null,b32 int null) engine = ndb;
insert into t11_c values (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1);

create table t1 engine=myisam as select * from t1_c;
create table t2 engine=myisam as select * from t2_c;
create table t3 engine=myisam as select * from t3_c;
create table t4 engine=myisam as select * from t4_c;
create table t5 engine=myisam as select * from t5_c;
create table t6 engine=myisam as select * from t6_c;
create table t7 engine=myisam as select * from t7_c;
create table t8 engine=myisam as select * from t8_c;
create table t9 engine=myisam as select * from t9_c;
create table t10 engine=myisam as select * from t10_c;
create table t11 engine=myisam as select * from t11_c;

# check that force varpart is preserved by ndb_restore
# t3_c has ROW_FORMAT=FIXED i.e. ForceVarPart=0
let $show_varpart_table=t3_c;
source show_varpart.inc;
let $show_varpart_table=t2_c;
source show_varpart.inc;

--source include/ndb_backup.inc
drop table t1_c,t2_c,t3_c,t4_c,t5_c,t6_c,t7_c,t8_c,t9_c,t10_c,t11_c;
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -m -r --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 2 -r --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
# check that force varpart is preserved by ndb_restore
# t3_c has ROW_FORMAT=FIXED i.e. ForceVarPart=0
let $show_varpart_table=t3_c;
source show_varpart.inc;
let $show_varpart_table=t2_c;
source show_varpart.inc;

# Bug #30667
# ndb table discovery does not work correcly with information schema
# - prior to bug fix this would yeild no output and a warning
# (priviliges differ on embedded and server so replace)
--replace_column 18 #
select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = "t1_c";

# random output order??
#show tables;

select count(*) from t1;
select count(*) from t1_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t1 union 
        select * from t1_c) a;

select count(*) from t2;
select count(*) from t2_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t2 union 
        select * from t2_c) a;

select count(*) from t3;
select count(*) from t3_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t3 union 
        select * from t3_c) a;

select count(*) from t4;
select count(*) from t4_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t4 union 
        select * from t4_c) a;

select count(*) from t5;
select count(*) from t5_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t5 union 
        select * from t5_c) a;

select count(*) from t6;
select count(*) from t6_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t6 union 
        select * from t6_c) a;

select count(*) from t7;
select count(*) from t7_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t7 union 
        select * from t7_c) a;

select count(*) from t8;
select count(*) from t8_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t8 union 
        select * from t8_c) a;

select count(*) from t9;
select count(*) from t9_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t9 union 
        select * from t9_c) a;

select count(*) from t10;
select count(*) from t10_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t10 union 
        select * from t10_c) a;

select count(*) from t11;
select count(*) from t11_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t11 union 
        select * from t11_c) a;

# Bug #20820 cont'd
select * from t10_c order by a;
# Bug #27775 cont'd
# - auto inc info should be correct
select max(capgoaledatta) from t1_c;
select auto_increment from information_schema.tables
where table_name = 't1_c';
select max(capgotod) from t2_c;
select auto_increment from information_schema.tables
where table_name = 't2_c';
select max(capfa) from t4_c;
select auto_increment from information_schema.tables
where table_name = 't4_c';
select max(dardtestard) from t7_c;
select auto_increment from information_schema.tables
where table_name = 't7_c';
select max(a) from t10_c;
select auto_increment from information_schema.tables
where table_name = 't10_c';

# Try Partitioned tables as well
PARTITION BY LINEAR KEY (`dardtestard`);

--source include/ndb_backup.inc
drop table t1_c,t2_c,t3_c,t4_c,t5_c,t6_c,t7_c,t8_c,t9_c,t10_c,t11_c;
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -m -r --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 2 -r --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT

select count(*) from t1;
select count(*) from t1_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t1 union 
        select * from t1_c) a;

select count(*) from t2;
select count(*) from t2_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t2 union 
        select * from t2_c) a;

select count(*) from t3;
select count(*) from t3_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t3 union 
        select * from t3_c) a;

select count(*) from t4;
select count(*) from t4_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t4 union 
        select * from t4_c) a;

select count(*) from t5;
select count(*) from t5_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t5 union 
        select * from t5_c) a;

select count(*) from t6;
select count(*) from t6_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t6 union 
        select * from t6_c) a;

select count(*) from t7;
select count(*) from t7_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t7 union 
        select * from t7_c) a;

select count(*) from t8;
select count(*) from t8_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t8 union 
        select * from t8_c) a;

select count(*) from t9;
select count(*) from t9_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t9 union 
        select * from t9_c) a;

select count(*) from t10;
select count(*) from t10_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t10 union 
        select * from t10_c) a;

select count(*) from t11;
select count(*) from t11_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t11 union 
        select * from t11_c) a;

drop table t1_c,t2_c,t3_c,t4_c,t5_c,t6_c,t7_c,t8_c,t9_c,t10_c,t11_c;
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -m -r --ndb-nodegroup_map "(0,0)" --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 2 -r --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT

select count(*) from t1;
select count(*) from t1_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t1 union 
        select * from t1_c) a;

select count(*) from t2;
select count(*) from t2_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t2 union 
        select * from t2_c) a;

select count(*) from t3;
select count(*) from t3_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t3 union 
        select * from t3_c) a;

select count(*) from t4;
select count(*) from t4_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t4 union 
        select * from t4_c) a;

select count(*) from t5;
select count(*) from t5_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t5 union 
        select * from t5_c) a;

select count(*) from t6;
select count(*) from t6_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t6 union 
        select * from t6_c) a;

select count(*) from t7;
select count(*) from t7_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t7 union 
        select * from t7_c) a;

select count(*) from t8;
select count(*) from t8_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t8 union 
        select * from t8_c) a;

select count(*) from t9;
select count(*) from t9_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t9 union 
        select * from t9_c) a;

select count(*) from t10;
select count(*) from t10_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t10 union 
        select * from t10_c) a;

select count(*) from t11;
select count(*) from t11_c;
select count(*)
  from (select * from t11 union 
        select * from t11_c) a;
# Drop all table except t2_c
#   This to make sure that error returned from ndb_restore below is 
#     guaranteed to be from t2_c, this since order of tables in backup
#     is none deterministic
drop table t1_c,t3_c,t4_c,t5_c,t6_c,t7_c,t8_c,t9_c,t10_c,t11_c;
--source include/ndb_backup.inc

# ndb_restore should now fail, table t2_c already exists
--replace_regex /Backup Id = [0-9]+/Backup Id = the_backup_id/
--error 1
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults --core=0 -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -m -r --ndb-nodegroup_map "(0,1)" --verbose=0 $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id 2>&1 

  c1 int primary key, c2 char(10), c3 varchar(10)
) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

  c1 int primary key, c2 char(10), c3 varchar(10)
) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

INSERT INTO t11_c VALUES(1, "aaaaa", "bbbbb"), (2, "ccccc", "ddddd"), (3, "eeeee","fffff");
INSERT INTO t12_c VALUES(4, "ggggg", "hhhhh"), (5, "iiiii", "jjjjj"), (6, "kkkkk","lllll");
--source include/ndb_backup.inc
drop table t2_c,t11_c,t12_c;
# Only part of tables is restored, it should work
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -m -r --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id test t11_c >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 2 -r --print --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id test t11_c >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
#Should only t11_c is restored

# Cleanup

drop table t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11,t11_c;

# Test BUG#10287

source include/ndb_backup_id.inc;

# End of 5.0 tests (4.1 test intermixed to save test time)

# Test restore of epoch number bug#

# ensure correct restore of epoch numbers in old versions
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults --core=0 -e -b 1 -n 1 $backup_data_dir/50 >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
select epoch from mysql.ndb_apply_status where server_id=0;
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults --core=0 -e -b 1 -n 1 $backup_data_dir/51 >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
select epoch from mysql.ndb_apply_status where server_id=0;
# ensure correct restore of epoch numbers in current version
# number hould be "big"
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults --core=0 -e -b $the_backup_id -n 1 $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
# should evaluate to true == 1
select epoch > (1 << 32) from mysql.ndb_apply_status where server_id=0;

# Bug#40428 core dumped when restore backup log file(redo log)
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --print --print_meta -b 1 -n 1 $backup_data_dir/50 >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT

# Bug #33040 ndb_restore crashes with --print_log
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --print_log -b 1 -n 1 $backup_data_dir/50 >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT

# Bug#48005 ndb backup / restore does not restore the auto_increment
create table t1 (a int not null primary key auto_increment, b int) auto_increment=200
show create table t1;
--source include/ndb_backup.inc
drop table t1;
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -m -r --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 2 -r --print_meta $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
show create table t1;
drop table t1;

# mtoib
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 1 -m -r --print_meta --disable-indexes $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 2 -r --print_meta --disable-indexes $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 1 --rebuild-indexes $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
drop table t1;

# Bug#51374
create table t1 (a int, b int, c int not null, 
primary key (a) using hash, unique(c) using hash)
engine = ndb;
insert into t1 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3);
--source include/ndb_backup.inc
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults -b $the_backup_id -n 1 --disable-indexes --rebuild-indexes $NDB_BACKUPS-$the_backup_id >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
select * from t1 order by 1;
drop table t1;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ndb_show_tables_results (
  id INT,
  type VARCHAR(20),
  state VARCHAR(20),
  logging VARCHAR(20),
  _database VARCHAR(255),
  _schema VARCHAR(20),
  name VARCHAR(255)
--source ndb_show_tables_result.inc
# the db fields include single quotes...
select id into @tmp1 from ndb_show_tables_results
where name like '%ndb_index_stat_sample_x1%';
select * from ndb_show_tables_results
where type like '%Index%'
and name not like '%ndb_index_stat_sample_x1%'
and name not like concat('%NDB$INDEX_',@tmp1,'_CUSTOM%')
order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7;
drop table ndb_show_tables_results;

# Bug#51432
--exec $NDB_RESTORE --no-defaults --core=0 -e -b 1 -n 2 -m $backup_data_dir/hashmap >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT

# Bug#56285
create table t1 (a int primary key) engine = ndb;
--exec $NDB_MGM --no-defaults --ndb-connectstring="$NDB_CONNECTSTRING" -e "abort backup 33" >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
--exec $NDB_MGM --no-defaults --ndb-connectstring="$NDB_CONNECTSTRING" -e "abort backup 33" >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT
drop table t1;

# test backup of table with many attributes
let $i=499;
let $separator=;
let $sql=create table t1 (;
while ($i)
  let $sql=$sql$separator c$i int;
  let $separator=,;
  dec $i;
let $sql=$sql, c500 varchar(11000);
let $sql=$sql, primary key using hash(c1)) engine=ndb;
eval $sql; # eval the sql and create the table

set @v10 = '0123456789';
set @v100 = concat(@v10,@v10,@v10,@v10,@v10,@v10,@v10,@v10,@v10,@v10);
set @v1000 =concat(@v100,@v100,@v100,@v100,@v100,@v100,@v100,@v100,@v100,@v100);
set @v10000 = concat(@v1000,@v1000,@v1000,@v1000,@v1000,@v1000,@v1000,@v1000,@v1000,@v1000);
set @v11000 = concat(@v10000, @v1000);

insert into t1 (c1,c500) values (1,@v11000), (2,@v11000), (3,@v11000);
--source include/ndb_backup.inc
drop table t1;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
bug36547.test File 386 B 0644
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have_ndb_dist_priv.inc File 857 B 0644
have_ndb_error_insert.inc File 931 B 0644
have_ndbinfo.inc File 821 B 0644
loaddata_autocom_ndb.test File 98 B 0644
ndb_add_partition.test File 6.78 KB 0644
ndb_addnode.cnf File 664 B 0644
ndb_addnode.test File 2.18 KB 0644
ndb_alter_table.test File 9.6 KB 0644
ndb_alter_table2.test File 1.31 KB 0644
ndb_alter_table3.test File 1.47 KB 0644
ndb_alter_table_backup.test File 1.53 KB 0644
ndb_alter_table_error.test File 953 B 0644
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ndb_alter_table_online_multi.test File 1.92 KB 0644
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ndb_basic.test File 20.68 KB 0644
ndb_bitfield.test File 6.33 KB 0644
ndb_blob.test File 17.7 KB 0644
ndb_blob_big.cnf File 353 B 0644
ndb_blob_big.test File 1.62 KB 0644
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ndb_bug26793.test File 843 B 0644
ndb_bug31477.test File 2.13 KB 0644
ndb_bug31754.test File 206 B 0644
ndb_bulk_delete.test File 3.92 KB 0644
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ndb_cache2.test File 11.05 KB 0644
ndb_cache_multi.test File 1.89 KB 0644
ndb_cache_multi2.test File 4.3 KB 0644
ndb_cache_trans.test File 4.64 KB 0644
ndb_charset.test File 6.41 KB 0644
ndb_column_properties.test File 4.48 KB 0644
ndb_condition_pushdown.test File 80.54 KB 0644
ndb_config.test File 3.53 KB 0644
ndb_config2.test File 346 B 0644
ndb_create_table.test File 795 B 0644
ndb_cursor.test File 918 B 0644
ndb_database.test File 2.99 KB 0644
ndb_dbug_lock.test File 1.94 KB 0644
ndb_dbug_tc_select.test File 3.81 KB 0644
ndb_dbug_tc_select_1.inc File 1.83 KB 0644
ndb_dbug_tc_select_2.inc File 1.91 KB 0644
ndb_dbug_tc_select_3.inc File 2.06 KB 0644
ndb_dd_alter.test File 7.87 KB 0644
ndb_dd_basic.test File 20.17 KB 0644
ndb_dd_bug12581213.cnf File 111 B 0644
ndb_dd_bug12581213.test File 370 B 0644
ndb_dd_ddl.test File 7.37 KB 0644
ndb_dd_disk2memory.test File 10.02 KB 0644
ndb_dd_dump.test File 10.58 KB 0644
ndb_dd_restore_compat.test File 949 B 0644
ndb_dd_sql_features.test File 16.14 KB 0644
ndb_ddl_open_trans.test File 2.54 KB 0644
ndb_disconnect_ddl.test File 1.31 KB 0644
ndb_discover_db-master.opt File 43 B 0644
ndb_discover_db.test File 1.88 KB 0644
ndb_dist_priv.test File 7.09 KB 0644
ndb_gis.test File 211 B 0644
ndb_global_schema_lock.test File 3.51 KB 0644
ndb_global_schema_lock_error.test File 1.53 KB 0644
ndb_grant.later File 10.98 KB 0644
ndb_hidden_pk.test File 2.55 KB 0644
ndb_index.test File 11.9 KB 0644
ndb_index_ordered.test File 15.46 KB 0644
ndb_index_stat.test File 9.91 KB 0644
ndb_index_stat_enable.inc File 1.18 KB 0644
ndb_index_unique.test File 14.63 KB 0644
ndb_init_schema_locks_count.inc File 226 B 0644
ndb_insert.test File 36.32 KB 0644
ndb_join_pushdown.test File 110.53 KB 0644
ndb_jtie.test File 990 B 0644
ndb_limit.test File 2.25 KB 0644
ndb_load.test File 2.12 KB 0644
ndb_loaddatalocal.test File 2.43 KB 0644
ndb_lock.test File 5.69 KB 0644
ndb_lock_table.test File 284 B 0644
ndb_mgm.inc File 130 B 0644
ndb_mgm.test File 3.38 KB 0644
ndb_minmax.test File 1.28 KB 0644
ndb_multi.test File 5.79 KB 0644
ndb_multi_row.test File 1.78 KB 0644
ndb_native_default_support.test File 25.47 KB 0644
ndb_optimize_table.test File 2.44 KB 0644
ndb_optimized_node_selection.test File 908 B 0644
ndb_partition_error.test File 1.83 KB 0644
ndb_partition_error2.test File 369 B 0644
ndb_partition_hash.test File 1.53 KB 0644
ndb_partition_key.test File 6.85 KB 0644
ndb_partition_list.test File 2.67 KB 0644
ndb_partition_range.test File 7.91 KB 0644
ndb_read_multi_range.test File 14.6 KB 0644
ndb_reconnect.test File 1.76 KB 0644
ndb_rename.test File 858 B 0644
ndb_replace.test File 3.95 KB 0644
ndb_restart_nostart.inc File 147 B 0644
ndb_restart_start.inc File 130 B 0644
ndb_restore_compat_compression-master.opt File 46 B 0644
ndb_restore_compat_compression.test File 589 B 0644
ndb_restore_compat_downward.test File 3.99 KB 0644
ndb_restore_compat_endianness.test File 6.68 KB 0644
ndb_restore_conv_lossy_charbinary.test File 16.86 KB 0644
ndb_restore_conv_lossy_integral.test File 22.53 KB 0644
ndb_restore_conv_padding.test File 9.09 KB 0644
ndb_restore_conv_promotion.test File 12.71 KB 0644
ndb_restore_discover.test File 1.72 KB 0644
ndb_restore_misc.test File 23.18 KB 0644
ndb_restore_print.test File 6.82 KB 0644
ndb_restore_schema_blobs.test File 4.26 KB 0644
ndb_restore_schema_partitions.test File 14.93 KB 0644
ndb_restore_schema_rewrites.test File 16.26 KB 0644
ndb_restore_schema_subsets.test File 10.97 KB 0644
ndb_restore_schema_tolerance.test File 6.55 KB 0644
ndb_restore_undolog.test File 16.53 KB 0644
ndb_row_count.test File 2.95 KB 0644
ndb_row_format.test File 1.89 KB 0644
ndb_schema_locks_count.inc File 209 B 0644
ndb_select_count.test File 364 B 0644
ndb_share.cnf File 652 B 0644
ndb_share.test File 9.38 KB 0644
ndb_short_sigs.cnf File 170 B 0644
ndb_short_sigs.test File 2.5 KB 0644
ndb_show_tables_result.inc File 563 B 0644
ndb_single_user-master.opt File 32 B 0644
ndb_single_user.test File 4.76 KB 0644
ndb_sp.test File 909 B 0644
ndb_sql_allow_batching.test File 1.12 KB 0644
ndb_statistics.inc File 3.33 KB 0644
ndb_statistics0.test File 232 B 0644
ndb_statistics1.test File 231 B 0644
ndb_subquery.test File 2.53 KB 0644
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ndb_tmp_table_and_DDL.test File 393 B 0644
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ndb_waiter.inc File 148 B 0644
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strict_autoinc_5ndb.test File 146 B 0644
test_mgmd.cnf File 232 B 0644
test_mgmd.test File 195 B 0644
test_ndbinfo.test File 229 B 0644