include/ [topology=1->2->3] include/ [creating cluster1] include/ [creating cluster2] include/ [creating cluster3] [connection cluster1] show variables like 'server_id'; Variable_name Value server_id 1 select @cluster1_server_id:=(variable_value+0) from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'server_id'; @cluster1_server_id:=(variable_value+0) 1 [connection cluster2] show variables like 'server_id'; Variable_name Value server_id 2 [connection cluster3] show variables like 'server_id'; Variable_name Value server_id 3 First show replication 1->2->3 [connection cluster1] use test; create table t1(a int primary key, b varchar(50)) engine=ndb; insert into t1 values (1,'Summertime'); Cluster2 has insert and apply_status from Cluster1 show variables like 'server_id'; Variable_name Value server_id 2 select * from mysql.ndb_apply_status order by server_id; server_id epoch log_name start_pos end_pos 1 # # # # select * from test.t1; a b 1 Summertime Cluster3 has insert and apply_status from Cluster1+2 show variables like 'server_id'; Variable_name Value server_id 3 select * from mysql.ndb_apply_status order by server_id; server_id epoch log_name start_pos end_pos 1 # # # # 2 # # # # select * from test.t1; a b 1 Summertime Break Cluster3's link with Cluster2 [connection cluster3] include/ Make further changes on Cluster1 [connection cluster1] insert into test.t1 values (2, "The cotton is high"); insert into test.t1 values (3, "Daddys rich"); Show changes exist on Cluster2 select * from test.t1 order by a; a b 1 Summertime 2 The cotton is high 3 Daddys rich Check data on Cluster3 [connection cluster3] select * from test.t1 order by a; a b 1 Summertime Now change Cluster3 to skip-over Cluster2 and get binlog direct from Cluster1 select * from mysql.ndb_apply_status order by server_id; server_id epoch log_name start_pos end_pos 1 # # # # 2 # # # # include/ [new topology=1->2,1->3] include/ [connection cluster1] Now show that cluster 3 is successfully replicating from Cluster1 [connection cluster3] select * from test.t1 order by a; a b 1 Summertime 2 The cotton is high 3 Daddys rich Clean up [connection cluster1] drop table test.t1; include/