CREATE USER test_2@localhost; --source include/ --disable_result_log --disable_query_log --source suite/parts/inc/ --enable_result_log --enable_query_log # 8) Exchanges partition and table and back in 2 sessions with an insert. # Parallel INSERT and SELECT # LOCK behaviour when exchanging different partitons. --echo send --send ALTER TABLE tp EXCHANGE PARTITION p0 WITH TABLE t_10; --echo connect (test_2,localhost,test_2,,test,MASTER_MYPORT,MASTER_MYSOCK); connect (test_2,localhost,test_2,,test,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK); # Wait until exchange has been done. let $wait_condition= SELECT count(a)>0 FROM tp WHERE a=1; --source include/ # Expect 1,3,5,9 in tp and 2,4,6,8 in t_10 --sorted_result SELECT * FROM t_10; --sorted_result SELECT * FROM tp WHERE a BETWEEN 0 AND 10; # Exchange back. INSERT INTO tp VALUES (7,"Seven"); # Expect 2,4,6,8 in tp --sorted_result SELECT * FROM tp WHERE a BETWEEN 0 AND 10; ALTER TABLE tp EXCHANGE PARTITION p0 WITH TABLE t_10; --echo connection default; connection default; --echo reap; reap; --sorted_result SELECT * FROM t_10; --sorted_result SELECT * FROM tp WHERE a BETWEEN 0 AND 10; --echo connection test_2; connection test_2; let $wait_condition= SELECT count(a)>0 FROM tp WHERE a=2; --source include/ --sorted_result SELECT * FROM t_10; --sorted_result SELECT * FROM tp WHERE a BETWEEN 0 AND 10; --echo disconnect test_2; disconnect test_2; --echo connection default; connection default; --sorted_result SELECT * FROM t_10; --sorted_result SELECT * FROM tp WHERE a BETWEEN 0 AND 10; --source suite/parts/inc/ DROP USER test_2@localhost;