"================== con1 connected ==================" select "MARKER_BEGIN" as marker; marker MARKER_BEGIN select "This is simple statement one" as payload; payload This is simple statement one select "This is simple statement two" as payload; payload This is simple statement two select "This is the first part of a multi query" as payload; select "And this is the second part of a multi query" as payload; select "With a third part to make things complete" as payload; $$ payload This is the first part of a multi query payload And this is the second part of a multi query payload With a third part to make things complete select "MARKER_END" as marker; marker MARKER_END select "Con1 is done with payload" as status; status Con1 is done with payload "================== con1 done ==================" set @con1_tid = (select thread_id from performance_schema.threads where processlist_user = 'user1'); select (@con1_tid is not null) as expected; expected 1 set @marker_begin = (select event_id from performance_schema.events_statements_history_long where sql_text like "%MARKER_BEGIN%" and thread_id = @con1_tid); select (@marker_begin is not null) as expected; expected 1 set @marker_end = (select end_event_id from performance_schema.events_statements_history_long where sql_text like "%MARKER_END%" and thread_id = @con1_tid); select (@marker_end is not null) as expected; expected 1 show status like "performance_schema%"; Variable_name Value Performance_schema_accounts_lost 0 Performance_schema_cond_classes_lost 0 Performance_schema_cond_instances_lost 0 Performance_schema_digest_lost 0 Performance_schema_file_classes_lost 0 Performance_schema_file_handles_lost 0 Performance_schema_file_instances_lost 0 Performance_schema_hosts_lost 0 Performance_schema_locker_lost 0 Performance_schema_mutex_classes_lost 0 Performance_schema_mutex_instances_lost 0 Performance_schema_rwlock_classes_lost 0 Performance_schema_rwlock_instances_lost 0 Performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_lost 0 Performance_schema_socket_classes_lost 0 Performance_schema_socket_instances_lost 0 Performance_schema_stage_classes_lost 0 Performance_schema_statement_classes_lost 0 Performance_schema_table_handles_lost 0 Performance_schema_table_instances_lost 0 Performance_schema_thread_classes_lost 0 Performance_schema_thread_instances_lost 0 Performance_schema_users_lost 0 select * from ( ( select (event_id - @marker_begin) as relative_event_id, (end_event_id - @marker_begin) as relative_end_event_id, event_name, sql_text as comment, nesting_event_type, (nesting_event_id - @marker_begin) as relative_nesting_event_id from performance_schema.events_statements_history_long where (thread_id = @con1_tid) and (@marker_begin <= event_id) and (end_event_id <= @marker_end) ) union ( select (event_id - @marker_begin) as relative_event_id, (end_event_id - @marker_begin) as relative_end_event_id, event_name, "(stage)" as comment, nesting_event_type, (nesting_event_id - @marker_begin) as relative_nesting_event_id from performance_schema.events_stages_history_long where (thread_id = @con1_tid) and (@marker_begin <= event_id) and (end_event_id <= @marker_end) ) union ( select (event_id - @marker_begin) as relative_event_id, (end_event_id - @marker_begin) as relative_end_event_id, event_name, operation as comment, nesting_event_type, (nesting_event_id - @marker_begin) as relative_nesting_event_id from performance_schema.events_waits_history_long where (thread_id = @con1_tid) and (@marker_begin <= event_id) and (end_event_id <= @marker_end) ) ) all_events order by relative_event_id asc; relative_event_id relative_end_event_id event_name comment nesting_event_type relative_nesting_event_id 0 17 statement/sql/select select "MARKER_BEGIN" as marker NULL NULL 1 5 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 0 2 2 wait/io/socket/sql/client_connection recv STAGE 1 3 3 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 1 4 4 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 1 5 5 wait/io/file/sql/query_log write STAGE 1 6 6 stage/sql/checking permissions (stage) STATEMENT 0 7 7 stage/sql/Opening tables (stage) STATEMENT 0 8 8 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 0 9 9 stage/sql/optimizing (stage) STATEMENT 0 10 10 stage/sql/executing (stage) STATEMENT 0 11 11 stage/sql/end (stage) STATEMENT 0 12 12 stage/sql/query end (stage) STATEMENT 0 13 13 stage/sql/closing tables (stage) STATEMENT 0 14 15 stage/sql/freeing items (stage) STATEMENT 0 15 15 wait/io/socket/sql/client_connection send STAGE 14 16 17 stage/sql/cleaning up (stage) STATEMENT 0 17 17 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 16 18 18 idle idle NULL NULL 19 36 statement/sql/select select "This is simple statement one" as payload NULL NULL 20 24 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 19 21 21 wait/io/socket/sql/client_connection recv STAGE 20 22 22 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 20 23 23 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 20 24 24 wait/io/file/sql/query_log write STAGE 20 25 25 stage/sql/checking permissions (stage) STATEMENT 19 26 26 stage/sql/Opening tables (stage) STATEMENT 19 27 27 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 19 28 28 stage/sql/optimizing (stage) STATEMENT 19 29 29 stage/sql/executing (stage) STATEMENT 19 30 30 stage/sql/end (stage) STATEMENT 19 31 31 stage/sql/query end (stage) STATEMENT 19 32 32 stage/sql/closing tables (stage) STATEMENT 19 33 34 stage/sql/freeing items (stage) STATEMENT 19 34 34 wait/io/socket/sql/client_connection send STAGE 33 35 36 stage/sql/cleaning up (stage) STATEMENT 19 36 36 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 35 37 37 idle idle NULL NULL 38 55 statement/sql/select select "This is simple statement two" as payload NULL NULL 39 43 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 38 40 40 wait/io/socket/sql/client_connection recv STAGE 39 41 41 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 39 42 42 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 39 43 43 wait/io/file/sql/query_log write STAGE 39 44 44 stage/sql/checking permissions (stage) STATEMENT 38 45 45 stage/sql/Opening tables (stage) STATEMENT 38 46 46 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 38 47 47 stage/sql/optimizing (stage) STATEMENT 38 48 48 stage/sql/executing (stage) STATEMENT 38 49 49 stage/sql/end (stage) STATEMENT 38 50 50 stage/sql/query end (stage) STATEMENT 38 51 51 stage/sql/closing tables (stage) STATEMENT 38 52 53 stage/sql/freeing items (stage) STATEMENT 38 53 53 wait/io/socket/sql/client_connection send STAGE 52 54 55 stage/sql/cleaning up (stage) STATEMENT 38 55 55 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 54 56 56 idle idle NULL NULL 57 72 statement/sql/select select "This is the first part of a multi query" as payload; select "And this is the second part of a multi query" as payload; select "With a third part to make things complete" as payload NULL NULL 58 62 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 57 59 59 wait/io/socket/sql/client_connection recv STAGE 58 60 60 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 58 61 61 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 58 62 62 wait/io/file/sql/query_log write STAGE 58 63 63 stage/sql/checking permissions (stage) STATEMENT 57 64 64 stage/sql/Opening tables (stage) STATEMENT 57 65 65 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 57 66 66 stage/sql/optimizing (stage) STATEMENT 57 67 67 stage/sql/executing (stage) STATEMENT 57 68 68 stage/sql/end (stage) STATEMENT 57 69 69 stage/sql/query end (stage) STATEMENT 57 70 70 stage/sql/closing tables (stage) STATEMENT 57 71 72 stage/sql/freeing items (stage) STATEMENT 57 72 72 wait/io/socket/sql/client_connection send STAGE 71 73 86 statement/sql/select select "And this is the second part of a multi query" as payload; select "With a third part to make things complete" as payload NULL NULL 74 76 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 73 75 75 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 74 76 76 wait/io/file/sql/query_log write STAGE 74 77 77 stage/sql/checking permissions (stage) STATEMENT 73 78 78 stage/sql/Opening tables (stage) STATEMENT 73 79 79 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 73 80 80 stage/sql/optimizing (stage) STATEMENT 73 81 81 stage/sql/executing (stage) STATEMENT 73 82 82 stage/sql/end (stage) STATEMENT 73 83 83 stage/sql/query end (stage) STATEMENT 73 84 84 stage/sql/closing tables (stage) STATEMENT 73 85 86 stage/sql/freeing items (stage) STATEMENT 73 86 86 wait/io/socket/sql/client_connection send STAGE 85 87 102 statement/sql/select select "With a third part to make things complete" as payload NULL NULL 88 90 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 87 89 89 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 88 90 90 wait/io/file/sql/query_log write STAGE 88 91 91 stage/sql/checking permissions (stage) STATEMENT 87 92 92 stage/sql/Opening tables (stage) STATEMENT 87 93 93 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 87 94 94 stage/sql/optimizing (stage) STATEMENT 87 95 95 stage/sql/executing (stage) STATEMENT 87 96 96 stage/sql/end (stage) STATEMENT 87 97 97 stage/sql/query end (stage) STATEMENT 87 98 98 stage/sql/closing tables (stage) STATEMENT 87 99 100 stage/sql/freeing items (stage) STATEMENT 87 100 100 wait/io/socket/sql/client_connection send STAGE 99 101 102 stage/sql/cleaning up (stage) STATEMENT 87 102 102 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 101 103 103 idle idle NULL NULL 104 121 statement/sql/select select "MARKER_END" as marker NULL NULL 105 109 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 104 106 106 wait/io/socket/sql/client_connection recv STAGE 105 107 107 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 105 108 108 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 105 109 109 wait/io/file/sql/query_log write STAGE 105 110 110 stage/sql/checking permissions (stage) STATEMENT 104 111 111 stage/sql/Opening tables (stage) STATEMENT 104 112 112 stage/sql/init (stage) STATEMENT 104 113 113 stage/sql/optimizing (stage) STATEMENT 104 114 114 stage/sql/executing (stage) STATEMENT 104 115 115 stage/sql/end (stage) STATEMENT 104 116 116 stage/sql/query end (stage) STATEMENT 104 117 117 stage/sql/closing tables (stage) STATEMENT 104 118 119 stage/sql/freeing items (stage) STATEMENT 104 119 119 wait/io/socket/sql/client_connection send STAGE 118 120 121 stage/sql/cleaning up (stage) STATEMENT 104 121 121 wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data lock STAGE 120