DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS t2; CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE = MyISAM; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t2 AS SELECT thread_id FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE 1 = 2; SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 AS expect_1 FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE name = 'thread/sql/delayed_insert'; expect_1 1 INSERT INTO t2 SELECT thread_id FROM performance_schema.threads; INSERT DELAYED INTO t1 SET f1 = SLEEP(3); Warnings: Warning 1287 'INSERT DELAYED' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use INSERT instead SELECT name, type, instrumented, processlist_user, processlist_host FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE thread_id NOT IN (SELECT thread_id FROM t2); name type instrumented processlist_user processlist_host thread/sql/delayed_insert FOREGROUND YES root localhost DROP TABLE t1; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t2;