[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# Check the impact of different entries in performance_schema.setup_actors
# on when and how activity of users is recordeed in performance_schema.threads.
# The checks for indirect activity caused by users, system threads etc.
# are within setup_actors1.test.

--source include/not_windows.inc
--source include/not_embedded.inc
--source include/have_perfschema.inc

# The initial number of rows is 1. The initial row always looks like this:
# mysql> select * from performance_schema.setup_actors;
# +------+------+------+
# | Host | User | ROLE |
# +------+------+------+
# | %    | %    | %    |
# +------+------+------+
select * from performance_schema.setup_actors;

truncate table performance_schema.setup_actors;

insert into performance_schema.setup_actors
values ('hosta', 'user1', '%');

insert into performance_schema.setup_actors
values ('%', 'user2', '%');

insert into performance_schema.setup_actors
values ('localhost', 'user3', '%');

insert into performance_schema.setup_actors
values ('hostb', '%', '%');

select * from performance_schema.setup_actors
order by USER, HOST, ROLE;

grant ALL on *.* to user1@localhost;
grant ALL on *.* to user2@localhost;
grant ALL on *.* to user3@localhost;
grant ALL on *.* to user4@localhost;
grant select on test.* to user5@localhost;

flush privileges;

--echo # Switch to (con1, localhost, user1, , )
connect (con1, localhost, user1, , );

# INSTRUMENTED must be NO because there is no match in performance_schema.setup_actors
from performance_schema.threads
where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id();
let $con1_thread_id= `select THREAD_ID from performance_schema.threads
  where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id()`;

--echo # Switch to connection default
--connection default
insert into performance_schema.setup_actors
values ('%', 'user1', '%');

--echo # Switch to connection con1
--connection con1
# INSTRUMENTED must be NO because there was no match in performance_schema.setup_actors
# when our current session made its connect. Later changes in setup_actors have no
# impact.
from performance_schema.threads
where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id();

--echo # Disconnect con1
--disconnect con1

--echo # Switch to (con2, localhost, user2, , )
connect (con2, localhost, user2, , );

# INSTRUMENTED must be YES because there is a match via
# (HOST,USER,ROLE) = ('%', 'user2', '%') in performance_schema.setup_actors.
from performance_schema.threads
where PROCESSLIST_ID=connection_id();
let $con2_thread_id= `select THREAD_ID from performance_schema.threads
  where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id()`;

--echo # Disconnect con2
--disconnect con2

--echo # Switch to connection default
--connection default
# If a thread dies, we don't expect its THREAD_ID value will be re-used.
if ($con2_thread_id <= $con1_thread_id)
   --echo ERROR: THREAD_ID of con2 is not bigger than THREAD_ID of con1
   eval SELECT $con2_thread_id as THREAD_ID_con2, $con1_thread_id THREAD_ID_con1;

drop table if exists test.t1;
create table test.t1 (col1 bigint);
lock table test.t1 write;

--echo # Switch to (con3, localhost, user3, , )
connect (con3, localhost, user3, , );

# INSTRUMENTED must be YES because there is a match via
# (HOST,USER,ROLE) = ('localhost', 'user3', '%') in performance_schema.setup_actors.
from performance_schema.threads
where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id();

# PROCESSLIST_ columns are:
#   (if name like '%OneConnection') all the same as what you'd get if you
#   run a select on INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST for the corresponding thread.
# Check at least once that this is fulfilled.
# Note(mleich):
#   A join between INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST and performance_schema.threads
#   Example:
#      select count(*) = 1
#      from performance_schema.threads T inner join information_schema.PROCESSLIST P
#      where T.PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id() and T.NAME = 'thread/sql/one_connection'
#   executed by the current connection looks like some of the most elegant solutions
#   for revealing this. But such a join suffers from sporadic differences like
#      column |  observation
#      -------|-------------
#      state  |  "Sending data" vs. "executing"
#      time   |  0 vs. 1 (high load on the testing box)
#      info   |  <full statement> vs. NULL (use of "--ps-protocol")
#   IMHO the differences are harmless.
#   Therefore we use here a different solution.
--echo # Send a statement to the server, but do not wait till the result
--echo # comes back. We will pull this later.
insert into test.t1 set col1 = 1;
--echo # Switch to (con4, localhost, user4, , )
connect (con4, localhost, user4, , );
--echo # Poll till INFO is no more NULL and State = 'Waiting for table metadata lock'.
let $wait_condition= select count(*) from information_schema.processlist
        where user = 'user3' and info is not null
        and state = 'Waiting for table metadata lock';
--source include/wait_condition.inc
# Expect to get 1 now
select count(*) = 1
from performance_schema.threads T inner join information_schema.PROCESSLIST P
where T.PROCESSLIST_USER = 'user3' and T.NAME = 'thread/sql/one_connection';

# Resolve the situation + some cleanup
--echo # Switch to connection default
--connection default
unlock tables;
--echo # Switch to connection con3 and reap the result of the no more blocked insert
--connection con3
--echo # Switch to connection default
--connection default
drop table test.t1;
--echo # Disconnect con3
--disconnect con3

--echo # Switch to connection con4
--connection con4
# INSTRUMENTED must be NO because there is no match in performance_schema.setup_actors
from performance_schema.threads
where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id();

--echo # Disconnect con4
--disconnect con4

--echo # Switch to connection default
--connection default

insert into performance_schema.setup_actors
values ('localhost', '%', '%');

select * from performance_schema.setup_actors
order by USER, HOST, ROLE;

--echo # Switch to (con4b, localhost, user4, , )
connect (con4b, localhost, user4, , );

# INSTRUMENTED must be YES because there is a match via
# (HOST,USER,ROLE) = ('localhost', '%', '%') in performance_schema.setup_actors.
from performance_schema.threads
where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id();

--echo # Disconnect con4b
--disconnect con4b

--echo # Switch to connection default
--connection default
insert into performance_schema.setup_actors
values ('%', 'user5', '%');

create sql security definer view test.v1 as select NAME, TYPE, INSTRUMENTED, PROCESSLIST_USER, PROCESSLIST_HOST
from performance_schema.threads
where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id();

--echo # Switch to (con5, localhost, user5, , )
connect (con5, localhost, user5, , );

select * from performance_schema.threads;
# 1. INSTRUMENTED must be YES because there are two matches
#    (HOST,USER,ROLE) = ('localhost', '%', '%')
#    (HOST,USER,ROLE) = ('%', 'user5', '%')
#    in performance_schema.setup_actors.
#    But the instrument will only count once which means we must get only one row.
# 2. PROCESSLIST_USER refers to USER(), the user who connected,
#    not the user we might be temporarily acting as (with definer's rights).
#    Therefore PROCESSLIST_USER must be 'user5' though we run with right's of definer 'root'
select * from test.v1;

--echo # Disconnect con5
--disconnect con5
--source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc

--echo # Switch to connection default and cleanup
--connection default

drop view test.v1;
revoke all privileges, grant option from user1@localhost;
revoke all privileges, grant option from user2@localhost;
revoke all privileges, grant option from user3@localhost;
revoke all privileges, grant option from user4@localhost;
revoke all privileges, grant option from user5@localhost;
drop user user1@localhost;
drop user user2@localhost;
drop user user3@localhost;
drop user user4@localhost;
drop user user5@localhost;
flush privileges;

truncate table performance_schema.setup_actors;

insert into performance_schema.setup_actors
values ('%', '%', '%');

select * from performance_schema.setup_actors;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
all_tests.test File 2.28 KB 0644
bad_option_1.test File 950 B 0644
bad_option_2.test File 923 B 0644
bad_option_3.test File 889 B 0644
bad_option_4.test File 928 B 0644
bad_option_5.test File 1 KB 0644
binlog_edge_mix-master.opt File 41 B 0644
binlog_edge_mix.test File 208 B 0644
binlog_edge_row-master.opt File 41 B 0644
binlog_edge_row.test File 206 B 0644
binlog_edge_stmt-master.opt File 41 B 0644
binlog_edge_stmt.test File 212 B 0644
binlog_ok_mix-master.opt File 41 B 0644
binlog_ok_mix.test File 206 B 0644
binlog_ok_row-master.opt File 41 B 0644
binlog_ok_row.test File 204 B 0644
binlog_ok_stmt-master.opt File 41 B 0644
binlog_ok_stmt.test File 210 B 0644
checksum.test File 6.28 KB 0644
cnf_option.cnf File 273 B 0644
cnf_option.test File 281 B 0644
column_privilege.test File 1.69 KB 0644
connect_attrs.test File 2.24 KB 0644
connection.test File 163 B 0644
connection_3a-master.opt File 43 B 0644
connection_3a.test File 163 B 0644
connection_3a_3u-master.opt File 83 B 0644
connection_3a_3u.test File 163 B 0644
connection_3u-master.opt File 40 B 0644
connection_3u.test File 163 B 0644
csv_table_io.test File 791 B 0644
ddl_accounts.test File 487 B 0644
ddl_cond_instances.test File 514 B 0644
ddl_esgs_by_account_by_event_name.test File 621 B 0644
ddl_esgs_by_host_by_event_name.test File 609 B 0644
ddl_esgs_by_thread_by_event_name.test File 617 B 0644
ddl_esgs_by_user_by_event_name.test File 609 B 0644
ddl_esgs_global_by_event_name.test File 609 B 0644
ddl_esms_by_account_by_event_name.test File 637 B 0644
ddl_esms_by_digest.test File 1.68 KB 0644
ddl_esms_by_host_by_event_name.test File 625 B 0644
ddl_esms_by_thread_by_event_name.test File 633 B 0644
ddl_esms_by_user_by_event_name.test File 625 B 0644
ddl_esms_global_by_event_name.test File 625 B 0644
ddl_events_stages_current.test File 515 B 0644
ddl_events_stages_history.test File 515 B 0644
ddl_events_stages_history_long.test File 535 B 0644
ddl_events_statements_current.test File 531 B 0644
ddl_events_statements_history.test File 531 B 0644
ddl_events_statements_history_long.test File 551 B 0644
ddl_events_waits_current.test File 511 B 0644
ddl_events_waits_history.test File 511 B 0644
ddl_events_waits_history_long.test File 531 B 0644
ddl_ews_by_account_by_event_name.test File 617 B 0644
ddl_ews_by_host_by_event_name.test File 605 B 0644
ddl_ews_by_instance.test File 563 B 0644
ddl_ews_by_thread_by_event_name.test File 613 B 0644
ddl_ews_by_user_by_event_name.test File 605 B 0644
ddl_ews_global_by_event_name.test File 605 B 0644
ddl_file_instances.test File 524 B 0644
ddl_fs_by_event_name.test File 527 B 0644
ddl_fs_by_instance.test File 519 B 0644
ddl_host_cache.test File 459 B 0644
ddl_hosts.test File 475 B 0644
ddl_mutex_instances.test File 518 B 0644
ddl_os_global_by_type.test File 563 B 0644
ddl_performance_timers.test File 542 B 0644
ddl_rwlock_instances.test File 522 B 0644
ddl_session_account_connect_attrs.test File 553 B 0644
ddl_session_connect_attrs.test File 521 B 0644
ddl_setup_actors.test File 798 B 0644
ddl_setup_consumers.test File 518 B 0644
ddl_setup_instruments.test File 526 B 0644
ddl_setup_objects.test File 823 B 0644
ddl_setup_timers.test File 506 B 0644
ddl_socket_instances.test File 532 B 0644
ddl_socket_summary_by_event_name.test File 537 B 0644
ddl_socket_summary_by_instance.test File 537 B 0644
ddl_threads.test File 506 B 0644
ddl_tiws_by_index_usage.test File 585 B 0644
ddl_tiws_by_table.test File 561 B 0644
ddl_tlws_by_table.test File 569 B 0644
ddl_users.test File 475 B 0644
digest_null_literal.test File 872 B 0644
digest_table_full-master.opt File 42 B 0644
digest_table_full.test File 1 KB 0644
disabled.def File 404 B 0644
dml_accounts.test File 1.01 KB 0644
dml_cond_instances.test File 901 B 0644
dml_esgs_by_account_by_event_name.test File 1.41 KB 0644
dml_esgs_by_host_by_event_name.test File 1.38 KB 0644
dml_esgs_by_thread_by_event_name.test File 1.39 KB 0644
dml_esgs_by_user_by_event_name.test File 1.38 KB 0644
dml_esgs_global_by_event_name.test File 1.35 KB 0644
dml_esms_by_account_by_event_name.test File 1.45 KB 0644
dml_esms_by_digest.test File 2.41 KB 0644
dml_esms_by_host_by_event_name.test File 1.42 KB 0644
dml_esms_by_thread_by_event_name.test File 1.43 KB 0644
dml_esms_by_user_by_event_name.test File 1.42 KB 0644
dml_esms_global_by_event_name.test File 1.39 KB 0644
dml_events_stages_current.test File 1.14 KB 0644
dml_events_stages_history.test File 1.38 KB 0644
dml_events_stages_history_long.test File 1.43 KB 0644
dml_events_statements_current.test File 1.18 KB 0644
dml_events_statements_history.test File 1.43 KB 0644
dml_events_statements_history_long.test File 1.49 KB 0644
dml_events_waits_current.test File 1.14 KB 0644
dml_events_waits_history.test File 1.38 KB 0644
dml_events_waits_history_long.test File 1.44 KB 0644
dml_ews_by_account_by_event_name.test File 1.42 KB 0644
dml_ews_by_host_by_event_name.test File 1.38 KB 0644
dml_ews_by_instance.test File 1.74 KB 0644
dml_ews_by_thread_by_event_name.test File 1.39 KB 0644
dml_ews_by_user_by_event_name.test File 1.38 KB 0644
dml_ews_global_by_event_name.test File 1.35 KB 0644
dml_file_instances.test File 929 B 0644
dml_fs_by_event_name.test File 1.21 KB 0644
dml_fs_by_instance.test File 1.2 KB 0644
dml_handler.test File 1.29 KB 0644
dml_host_cache.test File 1.08 KB 0644
dml_hosts.test File 985 B 0644
dml_mutex_instances.test File 909 B 0644
dml_os_global_by_type.test File 1.98 KB 0644
dml_performance_timers.test File 1.06 KB 0644
dml_rwlock_instances.test File 917 B 0644
dml_session_account_connect_attrs.test File 1.17 KB 0644
dml_session_connect_attrs.test File 1.1 KB 0644
dml_setup_actors.test File 1.72 KB 0644
dml_setup_consumers.test File 1008 B 0644
dml_setup_instruments.test File 2.63 KB 0644
dml_setup_objects.test File 2.58 KB 0644
dml_setup_timers.test File 1.78 KB 0644
dml_socket_instances.test File 918 B 0644
dml_socket_summary_by_event_name.test File 1.2 KB 0644
dml_socket_summary_by_instance.test File 1.21 KB 0644
dml_threads.test File 1.27 KB 0644
dml_tiws_by_index_usage.test File 1.32 KB 0644
dml_tiws_by_table.test File 1.27 KB 0644
dml_tlws_by_table.test File 1.29 KB 0644
dml_users.test File 985 B 0644
event_aggregate-master.opt File 32 B 0644
event_aggregate.test File 215 B 0644
event_aggregate_no_a-master.opt File 75 B 0644
event_aggregate_no_a.test File 215 B 0644
event_aggregate_no_a_no_h-master.opt File 115 B 0644
event_aggregate_no_a_no_h.test File 215 B 0644
event_aggregate_no_a_no_u-master.opt File 115 B 0644
event_aggregate_no_a_no_u.test File 215 B 0644
event_aggregate_no_a_no_u_no_h-master.opt File 155 B 0644
event_aggregate_no_a_no_u_no_h.test File 215 B 0644
event_aggregate_no_h-master.opt File 72 B 0644
event_aggregate_no_h.test File 215 B 0644
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event_aggregate_no_u.test File 215 B 0644
event_aggregate_no_u_no_h-master.opt File 112 B 0644
event_aggregate_no_u_no_h.test File 215 B 0644
func_file_io.test File 5.68 KB 0644
func_mutex.test File 4.45 KB 0644
global_read_lock.test File 2.21 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_again_allow.test File 1.29 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_again_deny.test File 1.17 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_bad_allow.test File 1.4 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_bad_deny.test File 1.29 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_good_allow.test File 1.33 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_good_deny.test File 1.16 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_noname_allow.test File 1.45 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_noname_deny.test File 1.16 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_auth_plugin-master.opt File 35 B 0644
hostcache_ipv4_auth_plugin.test File 2.57 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_blocked.test File 3.95 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_format.test File 1.07 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_max_con.test File 6.37 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_nameinfo_again_allow.test File 1.85 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_nameinfo_again_deny.test File 1.58 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_nameinfo_noname_allow.test File 1.22 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_nameinfo_noname_deny.test File 1.11 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_passwd.test File 2.28 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv4_ssl.test File 1.9 KB 0644
hostcache_ipv6_addrinfo_again_allow-master.opt File 15 B 0644
hostcache_ipv6_addrinfo_again_allow.test File 1.31 KB 0644
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hostcache_ipv6_passwd-master.opt File 15 B 0644
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hostcache_ipv6_ssl-master.opt File 15 B 0644
hostcache_ipv6_ssl.test File 1.91 KB 0644
hostcache_peer_addr.test File 1.12 KB 0644
indexed_table_io.test File 4.13 KB 0644
information_schema.test File 1.6 KB 0644
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memory_table_io.test File 794 B 0644
merge_table_io.test File 1.44 KB 0644
misc.test File 7.62 KB 0644
multi_table_io.test File 1.52 KB 0644
myisam_file_io.opt File 57 B 0644
myisam_file_io.test File 1.87 KB 0644
myisam_table_io.test File 794 B 0644
nesting.test File 6.03 KB 0644
no_threads-master.opt File 140 B 0644
no_threads.test File 1.55 KB 0644
one_thread_per_con-master.opt File 44 B 0644
one_thread_per_con.test File 1.71 KB 0644
ortho_iter.test File 4.86 KB 0644
part_table_io.test File 864 B 0644
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pfs_upgrade_table.test File 1.12 KB 0644
pfs_upgrade_view.test File 1.13 KB 0644
pool_of_threads-master.opt File 24 B 0644
privilege.test File 11.38 KB 0644
privilege_table_io.test File 1.73 KB 0644
query_cache-master.opt File 21 B 0644
query_cache.test File 1.49 KB 0644
read_only.test File 1.93 KB 0644
relaylog-slave.opt File 16 B 0644
relaylog.test File 6.47 KB 0644
rollback_table_io.test File 1.13 KB 0644
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rpl_statements-master.opt File 22 B 0644
rpl_statements-slave.opt File 22 B 0644
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schema.test File 200 B 0644
selects-master.opt File 18 B 0644
selects.test File 4.53 KB 0644
server_init.test File 5.95 KB 0644
setup_actors.test File 8.71 KB 0644
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setup_instruments_defaults-master.opt File 1.67 KB 0644
setup_instruments_defaults.test File 2.51 KB 0644
setup_objects.test File 5.46 KB 0644
short_option_1-master.opt File 43 B 0644
short_option_1.test File 424 B 0644
short_option_2-master.opt File 5 B 0644
short_option_2.test File 458 B 0644
sizing_default.cnf File 1.31 KB 0644
sizing_default.test File 844 B 0644
sizing_growth-master.opt File 43 B 0644
sizing_growth.test File 11.49 KB 0644
sizing_high.cnf File 1.92 KB 0644
sizing_high.test File 220 B 0644
sizing_low.cnf File 1.06 KB 0644
sizing_low.test File 316 B 0644
sizing_med.cnf File 1.06 KB 0644
sizing_med.test File 220 B 0644
sizing_off.cnf File 1.2 KB 0644
sizing_off.test File 252 B 0644
socket_connect.test File 8.91 KB 0644
socket_instances_func-master.opt File 20 B 0644
socket_instances_func.test File 12.2 KB 0644
socket_instances_func_win-master.opt File 20 B 0644
socket_instances_func_win.test File 8.92 KB 0644
socket_summary_by_event_name_func.test File 11.86 KB 0644
socket_summary_by_instance_func.test File 62.35 KB 0644
socket_summary_by_instance_func_win.test File 62.54 KB 0644
stage_mdl_function.test File 1.37 KB 0644
stage_mdl_global-master.opt File 21 B 0644
stage_mdl_global.test File 1.24 KB 0644
stage_mdl_procedure.test File 1.63 KB 0644
stage_mdl_table.test File 1.3 KB 0644
start_server_1_digest-master.opt File 36 B 0644
start_server_1_digest.test File 484 B 0644
start_server_disable_idle-master.opt File 49 B 0644
start_server_disable_idle.test File 965 B 0644
start_server_disable_stages-master.opt File 52 B 0644
start_server_disable_stages.test File 841 B 0644
start_server_disable_statements-master.opt File 56 B 0644
start_server_disable_statements.test File 873 B 0644
start_server_disable_waits-master.opt File 51 B 0644
start_server_disable_waits.test File 978 B 0644
start_server_innodb-master.opt File 34 B 0644
start_server_innodb.test File 272 B 0644
start_server_low_digest-master.opt File 23 B 0644
start_server_low_digest.test File 996 B 0644
start_server_no_account-master.opt File 77 B 0644
start_server_no_account.test File 428 B 0644
start_server_no_cond_class-master.opt File 80 B 0644
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