include/ Warnings: Note #### Sending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure. Note #### Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information. [connection master] CREATE TABLE t1(c1 INT); include/ Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info master-bin.000001 # Query # # use `test`; CREATE TABLE t1(c1 INT) # Case 1: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # In a statement, some CCs are applied while others are not. The CCs # which are not applied on master will be binlogged as common comments. /*!99999 --- */INSERT /*!INTO*/ /*!10000 t1 */ VALUES(10) /*!99999 ,(11)*/; include/ Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info master-bin.000001 # Query # # BEGIN master-bin.000001 # Query # # use `test`; /* 99999 --- */INSERT /*!INTO*/ /*!10000 t1 */ VALUES(10) /* 99999 ,(11)*/ master-bin.000001 # Query # # COMMIT include/ include/ [master:t1,slave:t1] # Case 2: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Verify whether it can be binlogged correctly when executing prepared # statement. PREPARE stmt FROM 'INSERT INTO /*!99999 blabla*/ t1 VALUES(60) /*!99999 ,(61)*/'; EXECUTE stmt; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1(c1 INT); EXECUTE stmt; include/ include/ [master:t1,slave:t1] SET @value=62; PREPARE stmt FROM 'INSERT INTO /*!99999 blabla */ t1 VALUES(?) /*!99999 ,(63)*/'; EXECUTE stmt USING @value; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1(c1 INT); EXECUTE stmt USING @value; include/ Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info master-bin.000001 # Query # # BEGIN master-bin.000001 # Query # # use `test`; INSERT INTO /* 99999 blabla*/ t1 VALUES(60) /* 99999 ,(61)*/ master-bin.000001 # Query # # COMMIT master-bin.000001 # Query # # use `test`; DROP TABLE `t1` /* generated by server */ master-bin.000001 # Query # # use `test`; CREATE TABLE t1(c1 INT) master-bin.000001 # Query # # BEGIN master-bin.000001 # Query # # use `test`; INSERT INTO /* 99999 blabla*/ t1 VALUES(60) /* 99999 ,(61)*/ master-bin.000001 # Query # # COMMIT master-bin.000001 # Query # # BEGIN master-bin.000001 # Query # # use `test`; INSERT INTO /* 99999 blabla */ t1 VALUES(62) /* 99999 ,(63)*/ master-bin.000001 # Query # # COMMIT master-bin.000001 # Query # # use `test`; DROP TABLE `t1` /* generated by server */ master-bin.000001 # Query # # use `test`; CREATE TABLE t1(c1 INT) master-bin.000001 # Query # # BEGIN master-bin.000001 # Query # # use `test`; INSERT INTO /* 99999 blabla */ t1 VALUES(62) /* 99999 ,(63)*/ master-bin.000001 # Query # # COMMIT include/ include/ [master:t1,slave:t1] # Case 3: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Verify it can restore the '!', if the it is an uncomplete conditional # comments SELECT c1 FROM /*!99999 t1 WHEREN; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '/*!99999 t1 WHEREN' at line 1 # # Bug#53373 Comments are not properly removed from the # pre-processed query buffer. # CREATE/*!*/EVENT e1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 DAY DO/*!*/SELECT 'abc'; include/ Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info master-bin.000001 # Query # # use `test`; CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` EVENT e1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 DAY DO SELECT 'abc' DROP TABLE t1; DROP EVENT e1; include/