include/ Warnings: Note #### Sending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure. Note #### Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information. [connection master] drop table if exists t1; "*** Test 1) Test UDFs via loadable libraries *** "Running on the master" CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_double RETURNS REAL SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; affected rows: 0 CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_int RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; affected rows: 0 CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_nonexist RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; ERROR HY000: Can't find symbol 'myfunc_nonexist' in library SELECT * FROM mysql.func ORDER BY name; name ret dl type myfunc_double 1 UDF_LIB function myfunc_int 2 UDF_LIB function affected rows: 2 "Running on the slave" SELECT * FROM mysql.func ORDER BY name; name ret dl type myfunc_double 1 UDF_LIB function myfunc_int 2 UDF_LIB function affected rows: 2 "Running on the master" CREATE TABLE t1(sum INT, price FLOAT(24)) ENGINE=MyISAM; affected rows: 0 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(myfunc_int(100), myfunc_double(50.00)); affected rows: 1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(myfunc_int(10), myfunc_double(5.00)); affected rows: 1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(myfunc_int(200), myfunc_double(25.00)); affected rows: 1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(myfunc_int(1), myfunc_double(500.00)); affected rows: 1 SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY sum; sum price 1 48.5 10 48.75 100 48.6 200 49 affected rows: 4 "Running on the slave" SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY sum; sum price 1 48.5 10 48.75 100 48.6 200 49 affected rows: 4 SELECT myfunc_int(25); myfunc_int(25) 25 affected rows: 1 SELECT myfunc_double(75.00); myfunc_double(75.00) 50.00 affected rows: 1 "Running on the master" DROP FUNCTION myfunc_double; affected rows: 0 DROP FUNCTION myfunc_int; affected rows: 0 SELECT * FROM mysql.func ORDER BY name; name ret dl type affected rows: 0 "Running on the slave" SELECT * FROM mysql.func ORDER BY name; name ret dl type affected rows: 0 "Running on the master" DROP TABLE t1; affected rows: 0 "*** Test 2) Test UDFs with SQL body *** "Running on the master" CREATE FUNCTION myfuncsql_int(i INT) RETURNS INTEGER DETERMINISTIC RETURN i; affected rows: 0 CREATE FUNCTION myfuncsql_double(d DOUBLE) RETURNS INTEGER DETERMINISTIC RETURN d * 2.00; affected rows: 0 SELECT db, name, type, param_list, body, comment FROM mysql.proc WHERE db = 'test' AND name LIKE 'myfuncsql%' ORDER BY name; db name type param_list body comment test myfuncsql_double FUNCTION d DOUBLE RETURN d * 2.00 test myfuncsql_int FUNCTION i INT RETURN i affected rows: 2 "Running on the slave" SELECT db, name, type, param_list, body, comment FROM mysql.proc WHERE db = 'test' AND name LIKE 'myfuncsql%' ORDER BY name; db name type param_list body comment test myfuncsql_double FUNCTION d DOUBLE RETURN d * 2.00 test myfuncsql_int FUNCTION i INT RETURN i affected rows: 2 "Running on the master" CREATE TABLE t1(sum INT, price FLOAT(24)) ENGINE=MyISAM; affected rows: 0 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(myfuncsql_int(100), myfuncsql_double(50.00)); affected rows: 1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(myfuncsql_int(10), myfuncsql_double(5.00)); affected rows: 1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(myfuncsql_int(200), myfuncsql_double(25.00)); affected rows: 1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(myfuncsql_int(1), myfuncsql_double(500.00)); affected rows: 1 SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY sum; sum price 1 1000 10 10 100 100 200 50 affected rows: 4 "Running on the slave" SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY sum; sum price 1 1000 10 10 100 100 200 50 affected rows: 4 "Running on the master" ALTER FUNCTION myfuncsql_int COMMENT "This was altered."; affected rows: 0 ALTER FUNCTION myfuncsql_double COMMENT "This was altered."; affected rows: 0 SELECT db, name, type, param_list, body, comment FROM mysql.proc WHERE db = 'test' AND name LIKE 'myfuncsql%' ORDER BY name; db name type param_list body comment test myfuncsql_double FUNCTION d DOUBLE RETURN d * 2.00 This was altered. test myfuncsql_int FUNCTION i INT RETURN i This was altered. affected rows: 2 "Running on the slave" SELECT db, name, type, param_list, body, comment FROM mysql.proc WHERE db = 'test' AND name LIKE 'myfuncsql%' ORDER BY name; db name type param_list body comment test myfuncsql_double FUNCTION d DOUBLE RETURN d * 2.00 This was altered. test myfuncsql_int FUNCTION i INT RETURN i This was altered. affected rows: 2 SELECT myfuncsql_int(25); myfuncsql_int(25) 25 affected rows: 1 SELECT myfuncsql_double(75.00); myfuncsql_double(75.00) 150 affected rows: 1 "Running on the master" DROP FUNCTION myfuncsql_double; affected rows: 0 DROP FUNCTION myfuncsql_int; affected rows: 0 SELECT db, name, type, param_list, body, comment FROM mysql.proc WHERE db = 'test' AND name LIKE 'myfuncsql%' ORDER BY name; db name type param_list body comment affected rows: 0 "Running on the slave" SELECT db, name, type, param_list, body, comment FROM mysql.proc WHERE db = 'test' AND name LIKE 'myfuncsql%' ORDER BY name; db name type param_list body comment affected rows: 0 "Running on the master" DROP TABLE t1; affected rows: 0 include/