############################################################################# # Original Author: JBM # # Original Date: Aug/15/2005 # # Updated: Aug/29/2005: Removed sleeps # ############################################################################# # Test: Tests SPs with cursors, flow logic, and alter sp. In addition the # # tests SPs with insert and update operations. # ############################################################################# # 2006-02-08 By JBM added ORDER BY for use with NDB engine ############################################################################# # Includes -- source include/have_binlog_format_row.inc -- source include/master-slave.inc # Begin clean up test section connection master; --disable_warnings DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS test.p1; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS test.p2; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t2; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t3; --enable_warnings # End of cleanup # Begin test section 1 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.t1(id INT, data CHAR(16),PRIMARY KEY(id)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.t2(id2 INT,PRIMARY KEY(id2)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.t3(id3 INT,PRIMARY KEY(id3), c CHAR(16)); delimiter |; CREATE PROCEDURE test.p1() BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE spa CHAR(16); DECLARE spb,spc INT; DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id,data FROM test.t1 ORDER BY id; DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR SELECT id2 FROM test.t2 ORDER BY id2; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE '02000' SET done = 1; OPEN cur1; OPEN cur2; REPEAT FETCH cur1 INTO spb, spa; FETCH cur2 INTO spc; IF NOT done THEN IF spb < spc THEN INSERT INTO test.t3 VALUES (spb,spa); ELSE INSERT INTO test.t3 VALUES (spc,spa); END IF; END IF; UNTIL done END REPEAT; CLOSE cur1; CLOSE cur2; END| CREATE PROCEDURE test.p2() BEGIN INSERT INTO test.t1 VALUES (4,'MySQL'),(20,'ROCKS'),(11,'Texas'),(10,'kyle'); INSERT INTO test.t2 VALUES (4),(2),(1),(3); UPDATE test.t1 SET id=id+4 WHERE id=4; END| delimiter ;| let $message=< ---- Master selects-- >; --source include/show_msg.inc CALL test.p2(); SELECT * FROM test.t1 ORDER BY id; SELECT * FROM test.t2 ORDER BY id2; let $message=< ---- Slave selects-- >; --source include/show_msg.inc --source include/sync_slave_sql_with_master.inc SELECT * FROM test.t1 ORDER BY id; SELECT * FROM test.t2 ORDER BY id2; let $message=< ---- Master selects-- >; --source include/show_msg.inc connection master; CALL test.p1(); let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) = 4 FROM t3; --source include/wait_condition.inc save_master_pos; SELECT * FROM test.t3 ORDER BY id3; let $message=< ---- Slave selects-- >; --source include/show_msg.inc --source include/sync_slave_sql_with_master.inc SELECT * FROM test.t3 ORDER BY id3; connection master; ALTER PROCEDURE test.p1 MODIFIES SQL DATA; #show binlog events; # Cleanup connection master; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS test.p1; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS test.p2; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t2; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t3; --source include/sync_slave_sql_with_master.inc # End of 5.0 test case --source include/rpl_end.inc