############################################################################# # Original Author: JBM # # Original Date: Aug/16/2005 # # Updated: 8/29/2005 Remove sleep calls add dump and diff # ############################################################################# # TEST: This test includes all trigger types. BEFORE/AFTER INSERT, UPDATE & # # DELETE. In addition, includes cursor, bit, varchar, flow control, # # looping, ROUND(), NOW(), YEAR(), TIMESTAMP # ############################################################################# # Includes -- source include/have_binlog_format_row.inc -- source include/master-slave.inc #-- disable_query_log #-- disable_result_log # Begin clean up test section connection master; --disable_warnings --error 0,1360 DROP TRIGGER test.t1_bi; --error 0,1360 DROP TRIGGER test.t2_ai; --error 0,1360 DROP TRIGGER test.t1_bu; --error 0,1360 DROP TRIGGER test.t2_au; --error 0,1360 DROP TRIGGER test.t1_bd; --error 0,1360 DROP TRIGGER test.t2_ad; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t2; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t3; --enable_warnings # test section 1 CREATE TABLE test.t1 (id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, b1 BIT(8), vc VARCHAR(255), bc CHAR(255), d DECIMAL(10,4) DEFAULT 0, f FLOAT DEFAULT 0, total BIGINT UNSIGNED, y YEAR, t TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY(id)); CREATE TABLE test.t2 (id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, b1 BIT(8), vc VARCHAR(255), bc CHAR(255), d DECIMAL(10,4) DEFAULT 0, f FLOAT DEFAULT 0, total BIGINT UNSIGNED, y YEAR, t TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY(id)); CREATE TABLE test.t3 (id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, b1 BIT(8), vc VARCHAR(255), bc CHAR(255), d DECIMAL(10,4) DEFAULT 0, f FLOAT DEFAULT 0, total BIGINT UNSIGNED, y YEAR, t TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY(id)); # Note Most of these cause the slave to core or do not produce desired results. Currently commenting out the ones not working until they are fixed. delimiter |; CREATE TRIGGER test.t1_bi BEFORE INSERT ON test.t1 FOR EACH ROW UPDATE test.t3 SET b1=1 and y=YEAR(NOW())| CREATE TRIGGER test.t2_ai AFTER INSERT ON test.t2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO test.t3 VALUES(NULL,0,'MySQL Replication team rocks!', 'Dark beer in prague is #1',12345.34,12.51,0,1965,NOW()); UPDATE test.t3 SET f = ROUND(f); END| CREATE TRIGGER test.t1_bu BEFORE UPDATE on test.t1 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE test.t3 SET y = '2000'; INSERT INTO test.t3 VALUES(NULL,1,'Testing MySQL databases before update ', 'Insert should work',621.43, 0105.21,0,1974,NOW()); END| CREATE TRIGGER test.t2_au AFTER UPDATE on test.t2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE a DECIMAL(10,4); DECLARE b FLOAT; DECLARE num MEDIUMINT; DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT t2.id, t2.d, t2.f FROM test.t2; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE '02000' SET done = 1; OPEN cur1; REPEAT FETCH cur1 INTO num, a, b; IF NOT done THEN UPDATE test.t3 SET total =(a*b) WHERE ID = num; END IF; UNTIL done END REPEAT; CLOSE cur1; END| CREATE TRIGGER test.t1_bd BEFORE DELETE on test.t1 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE a BIT(8); DECLARE b VARCHAR(255); DECLARE c CHAR(255); DECLARE d DECIMAL(10,4); DECLARE e FLOAT; DECLARE f BIGINT UNSIGNED; DECLARE g YEAR; DECLARE h TIMESTAMP; DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT t1.b1, t1.vc, t1.bc, t1.d, t1.f, t1.total, t1.y, t1.t FROM test.t1; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE '02000' SET done = 1; OPEN cur1; REPEAT FETCH cur1 INTO a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h; IF NOT done THEN INSERT INTO test.t3 VALUES(NULL, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); END IF; UNTIL done END REPEAT; CLOSE cur1; END| CREATE TRIGGER test.t2_ad AFTER DELETE ON test.t2 FOR EACH ROW DELETE FROM test.t1| delimiter ;| INSERT INTO test.t1 VALUES(NULL,1,'Testing MySQL databases is a cool ', 'Must make it bug free for the customer',654321.4321,15.21,0,1965,NOW()); INSERT INTO test.t2 VALUES(NULL,0,'Testing MySQL databases is a cool ', 'MySQL Customers ROCK!',654321.4321,1.24521,0,YEAR(NOW()),NOW()); UPDATE test.t1 SET b1 = 0 WHERE b1 = 1; INSERT INTO test.t2 VALUES(NULL,1,'This is an after update test.', 'If this works, total will not be zero on the master or slave',1.4321,5.221,0,YEAR(NOW()),NOW()); UPDATE test.t2 SET b1 = 0 WHERE b1 = 1; INSERT INTO test.t1 VALUES(NULL,1,'add some more test data test.', 'and hope for the best', 3.321,5.221,0,YEAR(NOW()),NOW()); # To make sure BUG#14698 is gone, we sleep before calling trigger # (with the bug in, that caused differences in TIMESTAMP columns). # We just need to let the machine's clock advance, it's not # to do synchronization. let $wait_condition= SELECT SUM(f)= ROUND(SUM(f)) FROM t3; --source include/wait_condition.inc DELETE FROM test.t1 WHERE id = 1; DELETE FROM test.t2 WHERE id = 1; --source include/sync_slave_sql_with_master.inc connection master; # time to dump the databases and so we can see if they match --exec $MYSQL_DUMP --compact --order-by-primary --skip-extended-insert --no-create-info test > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/trg003_master.sql --exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --order-by-primary --skip-extended-insert --no-create-info test > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/trg003_slave.sql # cleanup --disable_warnings --error 0,1360 DROP TRIGGER test.t1_bi; --error 0,1360 DROP TRIGGER test.t2_ai; --error 0,1360 DROP TRIGGER test.t1_bu; --error 0,1360 DROP TRIGGER test.t2_au; --error 0,1360 DROP TRIGGER test.t1_bd; --error 0,1360 DROP TRIGGER test.t2_ad; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t2; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t3; --enable_warnings diff_files $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/trg003_master.sql $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/trg003_slave.sql; # End of 5.0 test case --source include/rpl_end.inc