# # show the global and session values; # # workaround to adjust for the directory separators being different in # different OSes : slash on unixes and backslash or slash on windows. # TODO: fix with a proper comparison in mysqltest let $rcd= `SELECT REPLACE('$MYSQL_CHARSETSDIR', '\\\\\', '.')`; let $rcd= `SELECT REPLACE('$rcd', '/', '.')`; let $regex_charsetdir= `SELECT '/$rcd[\\\\\/\\\\\]/MYSQL_CHARSETSDIR/'`; --replace_regex $regex_charsetdir select @@global.character_sets_dir; --error ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR select @@session.character_sets_dir; --replace_regex $regex_charsetdir show global variables like 'character_sets_dir'; --replace_regex $regex_charsetdir show session variables like 'character_sets_dir'; --replace_regex $regex_charsetdir select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name='character_sets_dir'; --replace_regex $regex_charsetdir select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name='character_sets_dir'; # # show that it's read-only # --error ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR set global character_sets_dir="foo"; --error ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR set session character_sets_dir="foo";