[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# This test covers behavior for InnoDB tables.
--source include/have_innodb.inc
# This test requires statement/mixed mode binary logging.
# Row-based mode puts weaker serializability requirements
# so weaker locks are acquired for it.
# Also in ROW mode LOCK_S row locks won't be acquired for DML
# and test for bug#51263 won't trigger execution path on which
# this bug was encountered.
--source include/have_binlog_format_mixed_or_statement.inc
# Original test case for bug#51263 needs partitioning.
--source include/have_partition.inc
# Save the initial number of concurrent sessions.
--source include/count_sessions.inc

CALL mtr.add_suppression("Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT");

--echo #
--echo # Test how do we handle locking in various cases when
--echo # we read data from InnoDB tables.
--echo #
--echo # In fact by performing this test we check two things:
--echo # 1) That SQL-layer correctly determine type of thr_lock.c
--echo #    lock to be acquired/passed to InnoDB engine.
--echo # 2) That InnoDB engine correctly interprets this lock
--echo #    type and takes necessary row locks or does not
--echo #    take them if they are not necessary.
--echo #

--echo # This test makes sense only in REPEATABLE-READ mode as
--echo # in SERIALIZABLE mode all statements that read data take
--echo # shared lock on them to enforce its semantics.
select @@session.tx_isolation;

--echo # Prepare playground by creating tables, views,
--echo # routines and triggers used in tests.
connect (con1, localhost, root,,);
connection default;
drop table if exists t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
drop view if exists v1, v2;
drop procedure if exists p1;
drop procedure if exists p2;
drop function if exists f1;
drop function if exists f2;
drop function if exists f3;
drop function if exists f4;
drop function if exists f5;
drop function if exists f6;
drop function if exists f7;
drop function if exists f8;
drop function if exists f9;
drop function if exists f10;
drop function if exists f11;
drop function if exists f12;
drop function if exists f13;
drop function if exists f14;
drop function if exists f15;
create table t1 (i int primary key) engine=innodb;
insert into t1 values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5);
create table t2 (j int primary key) engine=innodb;
insert into t2 values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5);
create table t3 (k int primary key) engine=innodb;
insert into t3 values (1), (2), (3);
create table t4 (l int primary key) engine=innodb;
insert into t4 values (1);
create table t5 (l int primary key) engine=innodb;
insert into t5 values (1);
create view v1 as select i from t1;
create view v2 as select j from t2 where j in (select i from t1);
create procedure p1(k int) insert into t2 values (k);
delimiter |;
create function f1() returns int
  declare j int;
  select i from t1 where i = 1 into j;
  return j;
create function f2() returns int
  declare k int;
  select i from t1 where i = 1 into k;
  insert into t2 values (k + 5);
  return 0;
create function f3() returns int
  return (select i from t1 where i = 3);
create function f4() returns int
  if (select i from t1 where i = 3) then
    return 1;
    return 0;
  end if;
create function f5() returns int
  insert into t2 values ((select i from t1 where i = 1) + 5);
  return 0;
create function f6() returns int
  declare k int;
  select i from v1 where i = 1 into k;
  return k;
create function f7() returns int
  declare k int;
  select j from v2 where j = 1 into k;
  return k;
create function f8() returns int
  declare k int;
  select i from v1 where i = 1 into k;
  insert into t2 values (k+5);
  return k;
create function f9() returns int
  update v2 set j=j+10 where j=1;
  return 1;
create function f10() returns int
  return f1();
create function f11() returns int
  declare k int;
  set k= f1();
  insert into t2 values (k+5);
  return k;
create function f12(p int) returns int
  insert into t2 values (p);
  return p;
create function f13(p int) returns int
  return p;
create procedure p2(inout p int)
  select i from t1 where i = 1 into p;
create function f14() returns int
  declare k int;
  call p2(k);
  insert into t2 values (k+5);
  return k;
create function f15() returns int
  declare k int;
  call p2(k);
  return k;
create trigger t4_bi before insert on t4 for each row
  declare k int;
  select i from t1 where i=1 into k;
  set new.l= k+1;
create trigger t4_bu before update on t4 for each row
  if (select i from t1 where i=1) then
    set new.l= 2;
  end if;
create trigger t4_bd before delete on t4 for each row
  if !(select i from v1 where i=1) then
    signal sqlstate '45000';
  end if;
create trigger t5_bi before insert on t5 for each row
  set new.l= f1()+1;
create trigger t5_bu before update on t5 for each row
  declare j int;
  call p2(j);
  set new.l= j + 1;
delimiter ;|

--echo #
--echo # Set common variables to be used by scripts called below.
--echo #
let $con_aux= con1; 
let $table= t1;

--echo #
--echo # 1. Statements that read tables and do not use subqueries.
--echo #

--echo #
--echo # 1.1 Simple SELECT statement.
--echo #
--echo # No locks are necessary as this statement won't be written
--echo # to the binary log and InnoDB supports snapshots.
let $statement= select * from t1;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 1.2 Multi-UPDATE statement.
--echo #
--echo # Has to take shared locks on rows in the table being read as this
--echo # statement will be written to the binary log and therefore should
--echo # be serialized with concurrent statements.
let $statement= update t2, t1 set j= j - 1 where i = j;
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 1.3 Multi-DELETE statement.
--echo #
--echo # The above is true for this statement as well.
let $statement= delete t2 from t1, t2 where i = j;
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 1.4 DESCRIBE statement.
--echo #
--echo # This statement does not really read data from the
--echo # target table and thus does not take any lock on it.
--echo # We check this for completeness of coverage.
let $statement= describe t1;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 1.5 SHOW statements.
--echo # 
--echo # The above is true for SHOW statements as well.
let $statement= show create table t1;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc
let $statement= show keys from t1;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 2. Statements which read tables through subqueries.
--echo #

--echo #
--echo # 2.1 CALL with a subquery.
--echo # 
--echo # A strong lock is not necessary as this statement is not
--echo # written to the binary log as a whole (it is written
--echo # statement-by-statement) and thanks to MVCC we can always get
--echo # versions of rows prior to the update that has locked them.
--echo # But in practice InnoDB does locking reads for all statements
--echo # other than SELECT (unless it is a READ-COMITTED mode or
--echo # innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog is ON).
let $statement= call p1((select i + 5 from t1 where i = 1));
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 2.2 CREATE TABLE with a subquery.
--echo #
--echo # Has to take shared locks on rows in the table being read as
--echo # this statement is written to the binary log and therefore
--echo # should be serialized with concurrent statements.
let $statement= create table t0 engine=innodb select * from t1;
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
drop table t0;
let $statement= create table t0 engine=innodb select j from t2 where j in (select i from t1);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
drop table t0;

--echo #
--echo # 2.3 DELETE with a subquery.
--echo #
--echo # The above is true for this statement as well.
let $statement= delete from t2 where j in (select i from t1);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 2.4 MULTI-DELETE with a subquery.
--echo #
--echo # Same is true for this statement as well.
let $statement= delete t2 from t3, t2 where k = j and j in (select i from t1);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 2.5 DO with a subquery.
--echo #
--echo # In theory should not take row locks as it is not logged.
--echo # In practice InnoDB takes shared row locks.
let $statement= do (select i from t1 where i = 1);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 2.6 INSERT with a subquery.
--echo #
--echo # Has to take shared locks on rows in the table being read as
--echo # this statement is written to the binary log and therefore
--echo # should be serialized with concurrent statements.
let $statement= insert into t2 select i+5 from t1;
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= insert into t2 values ((select i+5 from t1 where i = 4));
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 2.7 LOAD DATA with a subquery.
--echo # 
--echo # The above is true for this statement as well.
let $statement= load data infile '../../std_data/rpl_loaddata.dat' into table t2 (@a, @b) set j= @b + (select i from t1 where i = 1);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 2.8 REPLACE with a subquery.
--echo # 
--echo # Same is true for this statement as well.
let $statement= replace into t2 select i+5 from t1;
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= replace into t2 values ((select i+5 from t1 where i = 4));
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 2.9 SELECT with a subquery.
--echo #
--echo # Locks are not necessary as this statement is not written
--echo # to the binary log and thanks to MVCC we can always get
--echo # versions of rows prior to the update that has locked them.
--echo #
--echo # Also serves as a test case for bug #46947 "Embedded SELECT
--echo # without FOR UPDATE is causing a lock".
let $statement= select * from t2 where j in (select i from t1);
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 2.10 SET with a subquery.
--echo #
--echo # In theory should not require locking as it is not written
--echo # to the binary log. In practice InnoDB acquires shared row
--echo # locks.
let $statement= set @a:= (select i from t1 where i = 1);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 2.11 SHOW with a subquery.
--echo # 
--echo # Similarly to the previous case, in theory should not require locking
--echo # as it is not written to the binary log. In practice InnoDB
--echo # acquires shared row locks.
let $statement= show tables from test where Tables_in_test = 't2' and (select i from t1 where i = 1);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= show columns from t2 where (select i from t1 where i = 1);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 2.12 UPDATE with a subquery.
--echo #
--echo # Has to take shared locks on rows in the table being read as
--echo # this statement is written to the binary log and therefore
--echo # should be serialized with concurrent statements.
let $statement= update t2 set j= j-10 where j in (select i from t1);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 2.13 MULTI-UPDATE with a subquery.
--echo #
--echo # Same is true for this statement as well.
let $statement= update t2, t3 set j= j -10 where j=k and j in (select i from t1);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 3. Statements which read tables through a view.
--echo #

--echo #
--echo # 3.1 SELECT statement which uses some table through a view.
--echo #
--echo # Since this statement is not written to the binary log
--echo # and old version of rows are accessible thanks to MVCC,
--echo # no locking is necessary.
let $statement= select * from v1;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc
let $statement= select * from v2;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc
let $statement= select * from t2 where j in (select i from v1);
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc
let $statement= select * from t3 where k in (select j from v2);
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 3.2 Statements which modify a table and use views.
--echo #
--echo # Since such statements are going to be written to the binary
--echo # log they need to be serialized against concurrent statements
--echo # and therefore should take shared row locks on data read.
let $statement= update t2 set j= j-10 where j in (select i from v1);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= update t3 set k= k-10 where k in (select j from v2);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= update t2, v1 set j= j-10 where j = i;
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= update v2 set j= j-10 where j = 3;
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4. Statements which read tables through stored functions.
--echo #

--echo #
--echo # 4.1 SELECT/SET with a stored function which does not 
--echo #     modify data and uses SELECT in its turn.
--echo #
--echo # There is no need to take row locks on the table
--echo # being selected from in SF as the call to such function
--echo # won't get into the binary log.
--echo #
--echo # However in practice innodb takes strong lock on tables
--echo # being selected from within SF, when SF is called from
--echo # non SELECT statements like 'set' statement below.
let $statement= select f1();
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into j;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc
let $statement= set @a:= f1();
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into j;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.2 INSERT (or other statement which modifies data) with
--echo #     a stored function which does not modify data and uses
--echo #     SELECT.
--echo #
--echo # Since such statement is written to the binary log it should
--echo # be serialized with concurrent statements affecting the data
--echo # it uses. Therefore it should take row locks on the data
--echo # it reads.
let $statement= insert into t2 values (f1() + 5);
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into j;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.3 SELECT/SET with a stored function which
--echo #     reads and modifies data.
--echo #
--echo # Since a call to such function is written to the binary log,
--echo # it should be serialized with concurrent statements affecting
--echo # the data it uses. Hence, row locks on the data read
--echo # should be taken.
let $statement= select f2();
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into k;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= set @a:= f2();
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into k;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.4. SELECT/SET with a stored function which does not
--echo #      modify data and reads a table through subselect
--echo #      in a control construct.
--echo #
--echo # Call to this function won't get to the
--echo # binary log and thus no locking is needed.
--echo #
--echo # However in practice innodb takes strong lock on tables
--echo # being selected from within SF, when SF is called from
--echo # non SELECT statements like 'set' statement below.
let $statement= select f3();
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc
let $statement= set @a:= f3();
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= select f4();
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc
let $statement= set @a:= f4();
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.5. INSERT (or other statement which modifies data) with
--echo #      a stored function which does not modify data and reads
--echo #      the table through a subselect in one of its control
--echo #      constructs.
--echo #
--echo # Since such statement is written to the binary log it should
--echo # be serialized with concurrent statements affecting data it
--echo # uses. Therefore it should take row locks on the data
--echo # it reads.
let $statement= insert into t2 values (f3() + 5);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= insert into t2 values (f4() + 6);
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.6 SELECT/SET which uses a stored function with
--echo #      DML which reads a table via a subquery.
--echo #
--echo # Since call to such function is written to the binary log
--echo # it should be serialized with concurrent statements.
--echo # Hence reads should take row locks.
let $statement= select f5();
let $wait_statement= insert into t2 values ((select i from t1 where i = 1) + 5);
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= set @a:= f5();
let $wait_statement= insert into t2 values ((select i from t1 where i = 1) + 5);
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.7 SELECT/SET which uses a stored function which
--echo #     doesn't modify data and reads tables through
--echo #     a view.
--echo #
--echo # Calls to such functions won't get into
--echo # the binary log and thus don't need row locks.
--echo #
--echo # However in practice innodb takes strong lock on tables
--echo # being selected from within SF, when SF is called from
--echo # non SELECT statements like 'set' statement below.
let $statement= select f6();
let $wait_statement= select i from v1 where i = 1 into k;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc
let $statement= set @a:= f6();
let $wait_statement= select i from v1 where i = 1 into k;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= select f7();
let $wait_statement= select j from v2 where j = 1 into k;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc
let $statement= set @a:= f7();
let $wait_statement= select j from v2 where j = 1 into k;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.8 INSERT which uses stored function which
--echo #     doesn't modify data and reads a table
--echo #     through a view.
--echo #
--echo # Since such statement is written to the binary log and
--echo # should be serialized with concurrent statements affecting
--echo # the data it uses. Therefore it should take row locks on
--echo # the rows it reads.
let $statement= insert into t3 values (f6() + 5);
let $wait_statement= select i from v1 where i = 1 into k;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= insert into t3 values (f7() + 5);
let $wait_statement= select j from v2 where j = 1 into k;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.9 SELECT which uses a stored function which
--echo #     modifies data and reads tables through a view.
--echo #
--echo # Since a call to such function is written to the binary log
--echo # it should be serialized with concurrent statements.
--echo # Hence, reads should take row locks.
let $statement= select f8();
let $wait_statement= select i from v1 where i = 1 into k;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc
let $statement= select f9();
let $wait_statement= update v2 set j=j+10 where j=1;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.10 SELECT which uses stored function which doesn't modify
--echo #      data and reads a table indirectly, by calling another
--echo #      function.
--echo #
--echo # Calls to such functions won't get into the binary
--echo # log and thus don't need to acquire row locks.
let $statement= select f10();
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into j;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.11 INSERT which uses a stored function which doesn't modify
--echo #      data and reads a table indirectly, by calling another
--echo #      function. 
--echo #
--echo # Since such statement is written to the binary log, it should
--echo # be serialized with concurrent statements affecting the data it
--echo # uses. Therefore it should take row locks on data it reads.
let $statement= insert into t2 values (f10() + 5);
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into j;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.12 SELECT which uses a stored function which modifies
--echo #      data and reads a table indirectly, by calling another
--echo #      function. 
--echo #
--echo # Since a call to such function is written to the binary log
--echo # it should be serialized from concurrent statements.
--echo # Hence, reads should take row locks.
let $statement= select f11();
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into j;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.13 SELECT that reads a table through a subquery passed
--echo #      as a parameter to a stored function which modifies
--echo #      data.
--echo #
--echo # Even though a call to this function is written to the
--echo # binary log, values of its parameters are written as literals.
--echo # So there is no need to acquire row locks on rows used in 
--echo # the subquery.
let $statement= select f12((select i+10 from t1 where i=1));
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 4.14 INSERT that reads a table via a subquery passed
--echo #      as a parameter to a stored function which doesn't
--echo #      modify data.
--echo #
--echo # Since this statement is written to the binary log it should
--echo # be serialized with concurrent statements affecting the data it
--echo # uses. Therefore it should take row locks on the data it reads.
let $statement= insert into t2 values (f13((select i+10 from t1 where i=1)));
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 5. Statements that read tables through stored procedures.
--echo #

--echo #
--echo # 5.1 CALL statement which reads a table via SELECT.
--echo #
--echo # Since neither this statement nor its components are
--echo # written to the binary log, there is no need to take
--echo # row locks on the data it reads.
let $statement= call p2(@a);
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 5.2 Function that modifies data and uses CALL, 
--echo #     which reads a table through SELECT.
--echo #
--echo # Since a call to such function is written to the binary
--echo # log, it should be serialized with concurrent statements.
--echo # Hence, in this case reads should take row locks on data.
let $statement= select f14();
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into p;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 5.3 SELECT that calls a function that doesn't modify data and
--echo #     uses a CALL statement that reads a table via SELECT.
--echo #
--echo # Calls to such functions won't get into the binary
--echo # log and thus don't need to acquire row locks.
let $statement= select f15();
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into p;
--source include/check_no_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 5.4 INSERT which calls function which doesn't modify data and
--echo #     uses CALL statement which reads table through SELECT.
--echo #
--echo # Since such statement is written to the binary log it should
--echo # be serialized with concurrent statements affecting data it
--echo # uses. Therefore it should take row locks on data it reads.
let $statement= insert into t2 values (f15()+5);
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into p;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 6. Statements that use triggers.
--echo #

--echo #
--echo # 6.1 Statement invoking a trigger that reads table via SELECT.
--echo #
--echo # Since this statement is written to the binary log it should
--echo # be serialized with concurrent statements affecting the data
--echo # it uses. Therefore, it should take row locks on the data
--echo # it reads.
let $statement= insert into t4 values (2);
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i=1 into k;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 6.2 Statement invoking a trigger that reads table through
--echo #     a subquery in a control construct.
--echo #
--echo # The above is true for this statement as well.
let $statement= update t4 set l= 2 where l = 1;
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 6.3 Statement invoking a trigger that reads a table through
--echo #     a view.
--echo #
--echo # And for this statement.
let $statement= delete from t4 where l = 1;
let $wait_statement= $statement;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 6.4 Statement invoking a trigger that reads a table through
--echo #     a stored function.
--echo #
--echo # And for this statement.
let $statement= insert into t5 values (2);
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into j;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo #
--echo # 6.5 Statement invoking a trigger that reads a table through
--echo #     stored procedure.
--echo #
--echo # And for this statement.
let $statement= update t5 set l= 2 where l = 1;
let $wait_statement= select i from t1 where i = 1 into p;
--source include/check_shared_row_lock.inc

--echo # Clean-up.
drop function f1;
drop function f2;
drop function f3;
drop function f4;
drop function f5;
drop function f6;
drop function f7;
drop function f8;
drop function f9;
drop function f10;
drop function f11;
drop function f12;
drop function f13;
drop function f14;
drop function f15;
drop view v1, v2;
drop procedure p1;
drop procedure p2;
drop table t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
disconnect con1;

--echo #
--echo # Test for bug#51263 "Deadlock between transactional SELECT
--echo #
connect (con1,localhost,root,,test,,);
connection default;
drop table if exists t1, t2;
create table t1 (i int auto_increment not null primary key) engine=innodb;
create table t2 (i int) engine=innodb;
insert into t1 values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5);

--echo # Acquire SR metadata lock on t1 and LOCK_S row-locks on its rows.
insert into t2 select count(*) from t1;

--echo # Switching to connection 'con1'.
connection con1;
--echo # Sending:
--send alter table t1 add column j int

--echo # Switching to connection 'default'.
connection default;
--echo # Wait until ALTER is blocked because it tries to upgrade SNW
--echo # metadata lock to X lock.
--echo # It should not be blocked during copying data to new version of
--echo # table as it acquires LOCK_S locks on rows of old version, which
--echo # are compatible with locks acquired by connection 'con1'.
let $wait_condition=
  select count(*) = 1 from information_schema.processlist
  where state = "Waiting for table metadata lock" and
        info = "alter table t1 add column j int";
--source include/wait_condition.inc

--echo # The below statement will deadlock because it will try to acquire
--echo # SW lock on t1, which will conflict with ALTER's SNW lock. And
--echo # ALTER will be waiting for this connection to release its SR lock.
--echo # This deadlock should be detected by an MDL subsystem and this
--echo # statement should be aborted with an appropriate error.
insert into t1 values (6);
--echo # Unblock ALTER TABLE.

--echo # Switching to connection 'con1'.
connection con1;
--echo # Reaping ALTER TABLE.

--echo # Switching to connection 'default'.
connection default;

--echo #
--echo # Now test for scenario in which bug was reported originally.
--echo #
drop tables t1, t2;
create table t1 (i int auto_increment not null primary key) engine=innodb
  partition by hash (i) partitions 4;
create table t2 (i int) engine=innodb;
insert into t1 values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5);

--echo # Acquire SR metadata lock on t1.
select * from t1;

--echo # Switching to connection 'con1'.
connection con1;
--echo # Sending:
--send alter table t1 rebuild partition p0

--echo # Switching to connection 'default'.
connection default;
--echo # Wait until ALTER is blocked because of active SR lock.
let $wait_condition=
  select count(*) = 1 from information_schema.processlist
  where state = "Waiting for table metadata lock" and
        info = "alter table t1 rebuild partition p0";
--source include/wait_condition.inc

--echo # The below statement should succeed as transaction
--echo # has SR metadata lock on t1 and only going to read
--echo # rows from it.
insert into t2 select count(*) from t1;
--echo # Unblock ALTER TABLE.

--echo # Switching to connection 'con1'.
connection con1;
--echo # Reaping ALTER TABLE.

--echo # Switching to connection 'default'.
connection default;
disconnect con1;
--echo # Clean-up.
drop tables t1, t2;

# Check that all connections opened by test cases in this file are really
# gone so execution of other tests won't be affected by their presence.
--source include/wait_until_count_sessions.inc


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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ansi.test File 847 B 0644
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archive.test File 106.4 KB 0644
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bootstrap.test File 1.64 KB 0644
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bug12969156.test File 498 B 0644
bug17076131-master.opt File 57 B 0644
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bug33509.test File 2.52 KB 0644
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bug46080.test File 723 B 0644
bug46261-master.opt File 40 B 0644
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bug46760-master.opt File 53 B 0644
bug46760.test File 970 B 0644
bug47671-master.opt File 66 B 0644
bug47671.test File 448 B 0644
bug58669-master.opt File 12 B 0644
bug58669.test File 495 B 0644
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cache_innodb-master.opt File 21 B 0644
cache_innodb.test File 707 B 0644
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cast.test File 9.18 KB 0644
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check.test File 1.59 KB 0644
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commit.test File 15.16 KB 0644
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compare.test File 2.25 KB 0644
compress.test File 827 B 0644
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create.test File 65.6 KB 0644
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ctype_utf8mb4_innodb.test File 162 B 0644
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lowercase_mixed_tmpdir_innodb-master.sh File 180 B 0755
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lowercase_table-master.opt File 25 B 0644
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lowercase_table4-master.opt File 27 B 0644
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lowercase_utf8-master.opt File 58 B 0644
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main.lowercase_table_qcache-master.opt File 21 B 0644
mdl_sync-master.opt File 32 B 0644
mdl_sync.test File 144.7 KB 0644
merge-big.test File 3.04 KB 0644
merge.test File 84.28 KB 0644
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merge_mmap-master.opt File 18 B 0644
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metadata.test File 5.96 KB 0644
mix2_myisam-master.opt File 33 B 0644
mix2_myisam.test File 864 B 0644
mix2_myisam_ucs2.test File 847 B 0644
multi_plugin_load-master.opt File 92 B 0644
multi_plugin_load.test File 412 B 0644
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validate_password_plugin.test File 11.44 KB 0644
varbinary.test File 2.85 KB 0644
variables-big.test File 1.93 KB 0644
variables-master.opt File 21 B 0644
variables-notembedded-master.opt File 47 B 0644
variables-notembedded.test File 10.74 KB 0644
variables-win.test File 393 B 0644
variables.test File 48.46 KB 0644
variables_community.test File 241 B 0644
variables_debug.test File 2.75 KB 0644
view.test File 114.56 KB 0644
view_alias.test File 4.03 KB 0644
view_grant.test File 63.28 KB 0644
wait_timeout.test File 5.31 KB 0644
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warnings.test File 5.53 KB 0644
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windows.test File 2.21 KB 0644
wl4435_generated.inc File 10.43 KB 0644
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wl6219-innodb.test File 112 B 0644
wl6219-memory.test File 112 B 0644
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wl6219-myisam.test File 112 B 0644
wl6219-upgrade.test File 3.92 KB 0644
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wl6301_2_not_windows-master.opt File 43 B 0644
wl6301_2_not_windows.test File 493 B 0644
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wl6443_deprecation-master.opt File 23 B 0644
wl6443_deprecation.test File 3.85 KB 0644
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