# bug in decimal() with negative numbers by kaido@tradenet.ee --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2; --enable_warnings SET SQL_WARNINGS=1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, datatype_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, min_value decimal(20,10) DEFAULT '0.0000000000' NOT NULL, max_value decimal(20,10) DEFAULT '0.0000000000' NOT NULL, valuename varchar(20), forecolor int(11), backcolor int(11), PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE datatype_id (datatype_id, min_value, max_value) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '1', '4', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', 'Ei saja', '0', '16776960'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '2', '4', '1.0000000000', '1.0000000000', 'Sajab', '16777215', '255'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '3', '1', '2.0000000000', '49.0000000000', '', '0', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '60', '11', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', 'Rikkis', '16777215', '16711680'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '4', '12', '1.0000000000', '1.0000000000', 'nork sadu', '65280', '14474460'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '5', '12', '2.0000000000', '2.0000000000', 'keskmine sadu', '255', '14474460'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '6', '12', '3.0000000000', '3.0000000000', 'tugev sadu', '127', '14474460'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '43', '39', '6.0000000000', '6.0000000000', 'lobjakas', '13107327', '16763080'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '40', '39', '2.0000000000', '2.0000000000', 'vihm', '8355839', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '53', '1', '-35.0000000000', '-5.0000000000', '', '0', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '41', '39', '3.0000000000', '3.0000000000', 'k�lm vihm', '120', '16763080'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '12', '21', '21.0000000000', '21.0000000000', 'Kuiv', '13158600', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '13', '21', '13.0000000000', '13.0000000000', 'M�rg', '5263615', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '14', '21', '22.0000000000', '22.0000000000', 'Niiske', '9869055', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '19', '21', '33.0000000000', '33.0000000000', 'M�rg', '5263615', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '15', '21', '23.0000000000', '23.0000000000', 'M�rg', '5263615', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '16', '21', '31.0000000000', '31.0000000000', 'Kuiv', '13158600', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '17', '21', '12.0000000000', '12.0000000000', 'Niiske', '9869055', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '18', '21', '32.0000000000', '32.0000000000', 'Niiske', '9869055', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '20', '21', '331.0000000000', '331.0000000000', 'H�rmatise hoiatus!', '14448840', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '21', '21', '11.0000000000', '11.0000000000', 'Kuiv', '13158600', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '22', '33', '21.0000000000', '21.0000000000', 'Pilves, kuiv', '8355711', '12632256'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '23', '33', '13.0000000000', '13.0000000000', 'Sajab, m�rg', '0', '8355839'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '24', '33', '22.0000000000', '22.0000000000', 'Pilves, niiske', '8355711', '12632319'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '29', '33', '33.0000000000', '33.0000000000', 'Selge, m�rg', '16777215', '8355839'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '25', '33', '23.0000000000', '23.0000000000', 'Pilves, m�rg', '8355711', '8355839'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '26', '33', '31.0000000000', '31.0000000000', 'Selge, kuiv', '16777215', '12632256'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '27', '33', '12.0000000000', '12.0000000000', 'Sajab, niiske', '0', '12632319'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '28', '33', '32.0000000000', '32.0000000000', 'Selge, niiske', '16777215', '12632319'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '30', '33', '331.0000000000', '331.0000000000', 'H�rmatis! selge,kuiv', '16711680', '12632256'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '31', '33', '11.0000000000', '11.0000000000', 'Sajab, kuiv', '0', '12632256'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '32', '11', '1.0000000000', '1.0000000000', 'Korras', '16777215', '49152'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '33', '21', '335.0000000000', '335.0000000000', 'H�rmatis!', '14448840', '11842740'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '34', '21', '134.0000000000', '134.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, M+S!', '255', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '35', '21', '133.0000000000', '133.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, m�rg!', '5263615', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '36', '21', '135.0000000000', '135.0000000000', 'H�rmatis!', '14448840', '11842740'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '37', '21', '334.0000000000', '334.0000000000', 'H�rmatise hoiatus!', '14448840', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '38', '21', '132.0000000000', '132.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, niiske!', '9869055', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '39', '39', '1.0000000000', '1.0000000000', 'ei saja', '11206570', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '44', '39', '4.0000000000', '5.0000000000', 'lumi', '16711680', '16763080'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '45', '12', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '', '16777215', '14474460'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '46', '39', '8.0000000000', '8.0000000000', 'rahe', '9830400', '16763080'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '47', '39', '9.0000000000', '9.0000000000', 't��p ebaselge', '12582912', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '48', '39', '7.0000000000', '7.0000000000', 'lumetuisk', '7209070', '16763080'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '142', '15', '2.0000000000', '49.0000000000', '', '0', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '52', '1', '-4.9000000000', '-0.1000000000', '', '0', '15774720'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '141', '15', '-4.9000000000', '-0.1000000000', '', '0', '15774720'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '55', '8', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '', '0', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '56', '8', '0.0100000000', '0.1000000000', '', '0', '16770560'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '57', '8', '0.1100000000', '25.0000000000', '', '0', '15774720'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '58', '2', '90.0000000000', '94.9000000000', '', NULL, '16770560'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '59', '6', '0.0000000000', '360.0000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '61', '21', '38.0000000000', '38.0000000000', 'Niiske', '9869055', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '62', '38', '500.0000000000', '999.0000000000', '', '0', '16770560'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '63', '38', '1000.0000000000', '2000.0000000000', '', '0', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '64', '17', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '65', '17', '0.1000000000', '10.0000000000', '', NULL, '16770560'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '67', '21', '412.0000000000', '412.0000000000', 'Niiske', '9869055', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '68', '21', '413.0000000000', '413.0000000000', 'M�rg', '5263615', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '69', '21', '113.0000000000', '113.0000000000', 'M�rg', '5263615', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '70', '21', '416.0000000000', '416.0000000000', 'Lumine!', '16711680', '11842740'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '71', '38', '0.0000000000', '499.0000000000', '', NULL, '16711680'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '72', '22', '-49.0000000000', '49.0000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '73', '13', '0.0000000000', '9.9000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '74', '13', '10.0000000000', '14.9000000000', '', NULL, '16770560'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '75', '7', '0.0000000000', '50.0000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '76', '18', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '77', '18', '0.1000000000', '10.0000000000', '', NULL, '16770560'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '78', '19', '300.0000000000', '400.0000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '79', '19', '0.0000000000', '299.0000000000', '', NULL, '16770560'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '80', '23', '0.0000000000', '100.0000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '81', '24', '0.0000000000', '200.0000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '82', '26', '0.0000000000', '0.0000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '83', '26', '0.1000000000', '5.0000000000', '', NULL, '16776960'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '84', '21', '422.0000000000', '422.0000000000', 'Niiske', '9869055', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '85', '21', '411.0000000000', '411.0000000000', 'Saju hoiat.,kuiv!', '16777215', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '86', '21', '423.0000000000', '423.0000000000', 'M�rg', '5263615', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '144', '16', '-49.0000000000', '-5.0000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '88', '16', '2.0000000000', '49.0000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '89', '21', '338.0000000000', '338.0000000000', 'H�rm.hoiatus, N+S!', '16744319', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '90', '21', '332.0000000000', '332.0000000000', 'H�rm.hoiat., niiske!', '16744319', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '91', '21', '114.0000000000', '114.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, M+S!', '255', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '92', '21', '117.0000000000', '117.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, J��!', '14448840', '16711680'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '93', '21', '116.0000000000', '116.0000000000', 'Lumine!', '16711680', '11842740'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '94', '21', '414.0000000000', '414.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, M+S!', '255', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '95', '21', '325.0000000000', '325.0000000000', 'H�rmatis!', '14448840', '11842740'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '96', '21', '321.0000000000', '321.0000000000', 'H�rmatise hoiatus!', '14448840', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '97', '21', '328.0000000000', '328.0000000000', 'H�rm.hoiatus, N+S!', '16744319', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '98', '21', '28.0000000000', '28.0000000000', 'Niiske ja sool', '9869055', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '99', '21', '118.0000000000', '118.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, N+S!', '9869055', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '100', '21', '418.0000000000', '418.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, N+S!', '9869055', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '101', '21', '322.0000000000', '322.0000000000', 'H�rm.hoiat., niiske!', '16744319', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '102', '21', '428.0000000000', '428.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, N+S!', '9869055', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '103', '21', '432.0000000000', '432.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, niiske!', '7895240', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '104', '21', '421.0000000000', '421.0000000000', 'Saju hoiat.,kuiv!', '16777215', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '105', '21', '24.0000000000', '24.0000000000', 'M�rg ja sool', '255', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '106', '21', '438.0000000000', '438.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, N+S!', '9869055', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '107', '21', '112.0000000000', '112.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, niiske!', '9869055', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '108', '21', '34.0000000000', '34.0000000000', 'M�rg ja sool', '255', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '109', '21', '434.0000000000', '434.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, M+S!', '255', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '110', '21', '124.0000000000', '124.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, M+S!', '255', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '111', '21', '424.0000000000', '424.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, M+S!', '255', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '112', '21', '123.0000000000', '123.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, m�rg!', '5263615', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '140', '15', '-49.0000000000', '-5.0000000000', '', '0', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '114', '21', '18.0000000000', '18.0000000000', 'Niiske ja sool', '9869055', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '115', '21', '122.0000000000', '122.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, niiske!', '9869055', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '116', '21', '14.0000000000', '14.0000000000', 'M�rg ja sool', '255', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '117', '21', '311.0000000000', '311.0000000000', 'H�rmatise hoiatus!', '14448840', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '121', '2', '95.0000000000', '100.0000000000', '', NULL, '15774720'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '118', '2', '0.0000000000', '89.9000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '119', '21', '16.0000000000', '16.0000000000', 'Lumine!', '16711680', '11842740'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '120', '21', '26.0000000000', '26.0000000000', 'Lumine!', '16711680', '11842740'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '122', '13', '15.0000000000', '50.0000000000', '', NULL, '15774720'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '123', '5', '0.0000000000', '9.9000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '124', '5', '10.0000000000', '14.9000000000', '', NULL, '16770560'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '125', '5', '15.0000000000', '50.0000000000', '', NULL, '15774720'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '126', '21', '128.0000000000', '128.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, N+S!', '9869055', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '127', '21', '318.0000000000', '318.0000000000', 'H�rm.hoiatus, N+S!', '16744319', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '128', '21', '312.0000000000', '312.0000000000', 'H�rm.hoiat., niiske!', '16744319', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '129', '21', '126.0000000000', '126.0000000000', 'Lumine!', '16711680', '11842740'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '130', '21', '324.0000000000', '324.0000000000', 'H�rmatise hoiatus!', '14448840', '13158600'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '131', '21', '316.0000000000', '316.0000000000', 'Lumine!', '16711680', '11842740'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '132', '1', '0.0000000000', '1.9000000000', '', NULL, '16769024'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '134', '3', '-50.0000000000', '50.0000000000', '', NULL, '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '135', '8', '26.0000000000', '2000.0000000000', '', '9868950', '15774720'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '136', '21', '426.0000000000', '426.0000000000', 'Lumine!', '16711680', '11842740'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '137', '21', '127.0000000000', '127.0000000000', 'Hoiatus, J��!', '14448840', '16711680'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '138', '21', '121.0000000000', '121.0000000000', 'Kuiv', '13158600', '16777215'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '139', '21', '326.0000000000', '326.0000000000', 'Lumine!', '16711680', '11842740'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '143', '16', '-4.9000000000', '-0.1000000000', '', NULL, '15774720'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '145', '15', '0.0000000000', '1.9000000000', '', '0', '16769024'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( '146', '16', '0.0000000000', '1.9000000000', '', '0', '16769024'); select * from t1 where min_value<=1 and max_value>=-1 and datatype_id=16; select * from t1 where min_value<=-1 and max_value>=-1 and datatype_id=16; drop table t1; # # Test of correct handling leading zero and +/- signs # then values are passed as strings # Also test overflow handling in this case # create table t1 (a decimal(10,2)); insert into t1 values ("0.0"),("-0.0"),("+0.0"),("01.0"),("+01.0"),("-01.0"); insert into t1 values ("-.1"),("+.1"),(".1"); insert into t1 values ("00000000000001"),("+0000000000001"),("-0000000000001"); insert into t1 values ("+111111111.11"),("111111111.11"),("-11111111.11"); insert into t1 values ("-111111111.11"),("+1111111111.11"),("1111111111.11"); insert into t1 values ("1e+1000"),("1e-1000"),("-1e+1000"); insert into t1 values ("1e+4294967296"),("1e-4294967296"); insert into t1 values ("1e+18446744073709551615"),("1e+18446744073709551616"),("1e-9223372036854775807"),("1e-9223372036854775809"); insert into t1 values ("123.4e"),("123.4e+2"),("123.4e-2"),("123e1"),("123e+0"); select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a decimal(10,2) unsigned); insert into t1 values ("0.0"),("-0.0"),("+0.0"),("01.0"),("+01.0"),("-01.0"); insert into t1 values ("-.1"),("+.1"),(".1"); insert into t1 values ("00000000000001"),("+0000000000001"),("-0000000000001"); insert into t1 values ("+111111111.11"),("111111111.11"),("-11111111.11"); insert into t1 values ("-111111111.11"),("+1111111111.11"),("1111111111.11"); insert into t1 values ("1e+1000"),("1e-1000"),("-1e+1000"); insert into t1 values ("123.4e"),("123.4e+2"),("123.4e-2"),("123e1"),("123e+0"); select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a decimal(10,2) zerofill); insert into t1 values ("0.0"),("-0.0"),("+0.0"),("01.0"),("+01.0"),("-01.0"); insert into t1 values ("-.1"),("+.1"),(".1"); insert into t1 values ("00000000000001"),("+0000000000001"),("-0000000000001"); insert into t1 values ("+111111111.11"),("111111111.11"),("-11111111.11"); insert into t1 values ("-111111111.11"),("+1111111111.11"),("1111111111.11"); insert into t1 values ("1e+1000"),("1e-1000"),("-1e+1000"); insert into t1 values ("123.4e"),("123.4e+2"),("123.4e-2"),("123e1"),("123e+0"); select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a decimal(10,2)); # The -0.0 needs to be quoted as not all platforms supports this insert into t1 values (0.0),("-0.0"),(+0.0),(01.0),(+01.0),(-01.0); insert into t1 values (-.1),(+.1),(.1); insert into t1 values (00000000000001),(+0000000000001),(-0000000000001); insert into t1 values (+111111111.11),(111111111.11),(-11111111.11); insert into t1 values (-111111111.11),(+1111111111.11),(1111111111.11); insert into t1 values (1e+100),(1e-100),(-1e+100); insert into t1 values (123.4e0),(123.4e+2),(123.4e-2),(123e1),(123e+0); insert into t1 values (MID("987",1,2)),("987 "),("987.6e+2 "); select * from t1; drop table t1; # # Test correct handling of overflowed decimal values # create table t1 (a decimal); insert into t1 values (-99999999999999),(-1),('+1'),('01'),('+00000000000001'),('+12345678901'),(99999999999999); select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a decimal unsigned); insert into t1 values (-99999999999999),(-1),('+1'),('01'),('+00000000000001'),('+1234567890'),(99999999999999); select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a decimal zerofill); insert into t1 values (-99999999999999),(-1),('+1'),('01'),('+00000000000001'),('+1234567890'),(99999999999999); select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a decimal unsigned zerofill); insert into t1 values (-99999999999999),(-1),('+1'),('01'),('+00000000000001'),('+1234567890'),(99999999999999); select * from t1; drop table t1; # Exponent overflow bug create table t1(a decimal(10,0)); insert into t1 values ("1e4294967295"); select * from t1; delete from t1; insert into t1 values("1e4294967297"); select * from t1; drop table t1; # # Test of wrong decimal type # --error 1064 CREATE TABLE t1 (a_dec DECIMAL(-1,0)); --error 1064 CREATE TABLE t1 (a_dec DECIMAL(-2,1)); --error 1064 CREATE TABLE t1 (a_dec DECIMAL(-1,1)); --error 1427 CREATE TABLE t1 (a_dec DECIMAL(0,11)); # # Zero prepend overflow bug # --disable_warnings create table t1(a decimal(7,3)); insert into t1 values ('1'),('+1'),('-1'),('0000000001'),('+0000000001'),('-0000000001'),('10'),('+10'),('-10'),('0000000010'),('+0000000010'),('-0000000010'),('100'),('+100'),('-100'),('0000000100'),('+0000000100'),('-0000000100'),('1000'),('+1000'),('-1000'),('0000001000'),('+0000001000'),('-0000001000'),('10000'),('+10000'),('-10000'),('0000010000'),('+0000010000'),('-0000010000'),('100000'),('+100000'),('-100000'),('0000100000'),('+0000100000'),('-0000100000'),('1000000'),('+1000000'),('-1000000'),('0001000000'),('+0001000000'),('-0001000000'),('10000000'),('+10000000'),('-10000000'),('0010000000'),('+0010000000'),('-0010000000'),('100000000'),('+100000000'),('-100000000'),('0100000000'),('+0100000000'),('-0100000000'),('1000000000'),('+1000000000'),('-1000000000'),('1000000000'),('+1000000000'),('-1000000000'); select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1(a decimal(7,3) unsigned); insert into t1 values ('1'),('+1'),('-1'),('0000000001'),('+0000000001'),('-0000000001'),('10'),('+10'),('-10'),('0000000010'),('+0000000010'),('-0000000010'),('100'),('+100'),('-100'),('0000000100'),('+0000000100'),('-0000000100'),('1000'),('+1000'),('-1000'),('0000001000'),('+0000001000'),('-0000001000'),('10000'),('+10000'),('-10000'),('0000010000'),('+0000010000'),('-0000010000'),('100000'),('+100000'),('-100000'),('0000100000'),('+0000100000'),('-0000100000'),('1000000'),('+1000000'),('-1000000'),('0001000000'),('+0001000000'),('-0001000000'),('10000000'),('+10000000'),('-10000000'),('0010000000'),('+0010000000'),('-0010000000'),('100000000'),('+100000000'),('-100000000'),('0100000000'),('+0100000000'),('-0100000000'),('1000000000'),('+1000000000'),('-1000000000'),('1000000000'),('+1000000000'),('-1000000000'); select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1(a decimal(7,3) zerofill); insert into t1 values ('1'),('+1'),('-1'),('0000000001'),('+0000000001'),('-0000000001'),('10'),('+10'),('-10'),('0000000010'),('+0000000010'),('-0000000010'),('100'),('+100'),('-100'),('0000000100'),('+0000000100'),('-0000000100'),('1000'),('+1000'),('-1000'),('0000001000'),('+0000001000'),('-0000001000'),('10000'),('+10000'),('-10000'),('0000010000'),('+0000010000'),('-0000010000'),('100000'),('+100000'),('-100000'),('0000100000'),('+0000100000'),('-0000100000'),('1000000'),('+1000000'),('-1000000'),('0001000000'),('+0001000000'),('-0001000000'),('10000000'),('+10000000'),('-10000000'),('0010000000'),('+0010000000'),('-0010000000'),('100000000'),('+100000000'),('-100000000'),('0100000000'),('+0100000000'),('-0100000000'),('1000000000'),('+1000000000'),('-1000000000'),('1000000000'),('+1000000000'),('-1000000000'); --enable_warnings select * from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug #7589: a problem with update from column # create table t1(a decimal(10,5), b decimal(10,1)); insert into t1 values(123.12345, 123.12345); update t1 set b=a; select * from t1; drop table t1; --echo End of 4.1 tests # # Test for BUG#8397: decimal type in subselects (Item_cache_decimal) # CREATE TABLE t1 (EMPNUM CHAR(3) NOT NULL, HOURS DECIMAL(5)); CREATE TABLE t2 (EMPNUM CHAR(3) NOT NULL, HOURS BIGINT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('E1',40); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('E8',NULL); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('E1',40); SELECT EMPNUM FROM t1 WHERE HOURS IN (SELECT HOURS FROM t2); SELECT EMPNUM FROM t1 WHERE HOURS IN (SELECT HOURS FROM t1); DROP TABLE t1,t2; # # Test limits of decimal # create table t1 (d decimal(64,0)); insert into t1 values (1); select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (d decimal(5)); show create table t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (d decimal); show create table t1; drop table t1; --error 1426 create table t1 (d decimal(66,0)); # # Test example from manual # CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT, d1 DECIMAL(9,2), d2 DECIMAL(9,2)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 101.40, 21.40), (1, -80.00, 0.00), (2, 0.00, 0.00), (2, -13.20, 0.00), (2, 59.60, 46.40), (2, 30.40, 30.40), (3, 37.00, 7.40), (3, -29.60, 0.00), (4, 60.00, 15.40), (4, -10.60, 0.00), (4, -34.00, 0.00), (5, 33.00, 0.00), (5, -25.80, 0.00), (5, 0.00, 7.20), (6, 0.00, 0.00), (6, -51.40, 0.00); SELECT i, SUM(d1) AS a, SUM(d2) AS b FROM t1 GROUP BY i HAVING a <> b; SELECT i, ROUND(SUM(d1), 2) AS a, ROUND(SUM(d2), 2) AS b FROM t1 GROUP BY i HAVING a <> b; drop table t1; # # A test case for Bug#4956 "strange result, insert into longtext, parameter # with numeric value": ensure that conversion is done identically no matter # where the input data comes from. # create table t1 (c1 varchar(100), c2 longtext); insert into t1 set c1= 'non PS, 1.0 as constant', c2=1.0; prepare stmt from "insert into t1 set c1='PS, 1.0 as constant ', c2=1.0"; execute stmt; set @a=1.0; insert into t1 set c1='non PS, 1.0 in parameter', c2=@a; prepare stmt from "insert into t1 set c1='PS, 1.0 in parameter ', c2=?"; execute stmt using @a; select * from t1; deallocate prepare stmt; drop table t1; # # A test case for Bug#5673 "Rounding problem in 4.0.21 inserting decimal # value into a char field": this is a regression bug in 4.0 tree caused by # a fix for some other decimal conversion issue. The patch never was # approved to get into 4.0 (maybe because it was considered too intrusive) # create table t1 ( strippedproductid char(15) not null default '', zlevelprice decimal(10,2) default null, primary key (strippedproductid) ); create table t2 ( productid char(15) not null default '', zlevelprice char(21) default null, primary key (productid) ); insert into t1 values ('002trans','49.99'); insert into t1 values ('003trans','39.98'); insert into t1 values ('004trans','31.18'); insert INTO t2 SELECT * FROM t1; select * from t2; drop table t1, t2; # # Bug #17826 'type_decimal' fails with ps-protocol # create table t1 (f1 decimal(5)); insert into t1 values (40); flush tables; select f1 from t1 where f1 in (select f1 from t1); drop table t1; # # Bug#22183: Unhandled NULL caused server crash # create table t1 as select from_days(s) as date,t from (select 1 as s,'t' as t union select null, null ) as sub1; select group_concat(t) from t1 group by week(date)/10; drop table t1; # # Bug#28980: ROUND(<dec expr>, <int col>) returned double values # CREATE TABLE t1 ( qty decimal(16,6) default NULL, dps tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1.1325,3); SELECT ROUND(qty,3), dps, ROUND(qty,dps) FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #24541: "Data truncated..." on decimal type columns without any good reason # create table t1 (c1 decimal(10,6)); insert into t1 (c1) values (9.99e-4); insert into t1 (c1) values (9.98e-4); insert into t1 (c1) values (0.000999); insert into t1 (c1) values (cast(9.99e-4 as decimal(10,6))); select * from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug#31019: MOD() function and operator crashes MySQL when # divisor is very long and < 1 # SELECT 1 % .123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789 AS '%'; SELECT MOD(1, .123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789) AS 'MOD()'; # Bug #31227: memory overrun with decimal (6,6) and zerofill and group_concat # valgrind will complain about this (the group_concat(f2)) on unpatched mysqld. # create table t1 (f1 decimal(6,6),f2 decimal(6,6) zerofill); insert into t1 values (-0.123456,0.123456); select group_concat(f1),group_concat(f2) from t1; drop table t1; # # BUG#31450 "Query causes error 1048" # create table t1 ( ua_id decimal(22,0) not null, ua_invited_by_id decimal(22,0) default NULL, primary key(ua_id) ); insert into t1 values (123, NULL), (456, NULL); --echo this must not produce error 1048: select * from t1 where ua_invited_by_id not in (select ua_id from t1); drop table t1; # # Bug #30889: filesort and order by with float/numeric crashes server # --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t3; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t4; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1( a NUMERIC, b INT ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (123456, 40), (123456, 40); SELECT TRUNCATE( a, b ) AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY c; SELECT ROUND( a, b ) AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY c; SELECT ROUND( a, 100 ) AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY c; CREATE TABLE t2( a NUMERIC, b INT ); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (123456, 100); SELECT TRUNCATE( a, b ) AS c FROM t2 ORDER BY c; SELECT ROUND( a, b ) AS c FROM t2 ORDER BY c; CREATE TABLE t3( a DECIMAL, b INT ); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (123456, 40), (123456, 40); SELECT TRUNCATE( a, b ) AS c FROM t3 ORDER BY c; SELECT ROUND( a, b ) AS c FROM t3 ORDER BY c; SELECT ROUND( a, 100 ) AS c FROM t3 ORDER BY c; CREATE TABLE t4( a DECIMAL, b INT ); INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (123456, 40), (123456, 40); SELECT TRUNCATE( a, b ) AS c FROM t4 ORDER BY c; SELECT ROUND( a, b ) AS c FROM t4 ORDER BY c; SELECT ROUND( a, 100 ) AS c FROM t4 ORDER BY c; delete from t1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1234567890, 20), (999.99, 5); show create table t1; select round(a,b) as c from t1 order by c; DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3, t4; # # Bug #33143: Incorrect ORDER BY for ROUND()/TRUNCATE() result # CREATE TABLE t1( a DECIMAL(4, 3), b INT ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( 1, 5 ), ( 2, 4 ), ( 3, 3 ), ( 4, 2 ), ( 5, 1 ); SELECT a, b, ROUND( a, b ) AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY c; SELECT a, b, ROUND( a, b ) AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY c DESC; CREATE TABLE t2 ( a INT, b INT, c DECIMAL(5, 4) ); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ( 0, 1, 1.2345 ), ( 1, 2, 1.2345 ), ( 3, 3, 1.2345 ), ( 2, 4, 1.2345 ); SELECT a, b, MAX(ROUND(c, a)) FROM t2 GROUP BY a, b ORDER BY b; SELECT a, b, ROUND(c, a) FROM t2; CREATE TABLE t3( a INT, b DECIMAL(6, 3) ); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES( 0, 1.5 ); SELECT ROUND( b, a ) FROM t3; CREATE TABLE t4( a INT, b DECIMAL( 12, 0) ); INSERT INTO t4 VALUES( -9, 1.5e9 ); SELECT ROUND( b, a ) FROM t4; CREATE TABLE t5( a INT, b DECIMAL( 13, 12 ) ); INSERT INTO t5 VALUES( 0, 1.5 ); INSERT INTO t5 VALUES( 9, 1.5e-9 ); SELECT ROUND( b, a ) FROM t5; CREATE TABLE t6( a INT ); INSERT INTO t6 VALUES( 6 / 8 ); SELECT * FROM t6; SELECT ROUND(20061108085411.000002); DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6; # # Bug#36023: Incorrect handling of zero length caused an assertion to fail. # create table t1(`c` decimal(9,2)); insert into t1 values (300),(201.11); select max(case 1 when 1 then c else null end) from t1 group by c; drop table t1; --echo End of 5.0 tests # # Bug#52168 decimal casting catastrophes: # crashes and valgrind errors on simple casts # # Uninitialized read when calling Item_cache_decimal::val_int() CREATE TABLE t1 (a INTEGER); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL); CREATE TABLE t2 (b INTEGER); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (NULL), (NULL); SELECT b FROM t1 JOIN t2 WHERE CONVERT(a, DECIMAL)|CONVERT(b, DECIMAL); DROP TABLE t1, t2; # # Bug#52122 crash when converting derived table column to decimal # CREATE TABLE t1 (col0 INTEGER, col1 REAL); CREATE TABLE t2 (col0 INTEGER); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0, 0.0), (NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1); # Uninitialized read when calling Item_cache_decimal::val_real() SELECT 1 FROM t1 JOIN ( SELECT t2.col0 FROM t2 RIGHT JOIN t1 USING(col0) GROUP BY t2.col0 ) AS subq WHERE t1.col1 + CAST(subq.col0 AS DECIMAL); # Uninitialized read when calling Item_cache_decimal::val_str() SELECT 1 FROM t1 JOIN ( SELECT t2.col0 FROM t2 RIGHT JOIN t1 USING(col0) GROUP BY t2.col0 ) AS subq WHERE CONCAT(t1.col1, CAST(subq.col0 AS DECIMAL)); DROP TABLE t1, t2;