[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# -*- Mode: cperl; coding: utf-8; cperl-indent-level: 4 -*-
# vim: ts=4 sts=4 sw=4:
package CPAN::Module;
use strict;
@CPAN::Module::ISA = qw(CPAN::InfoObj);

use vars qw(
$VERSION = "5.5001";

    # alarm() is not implemented in perl 5.6.x and earlier under Windows
    *ALARM_IMPLEMENTED = sub () { $] >= 5.007 || $^O !~ /MSWin/ };

# Accessors
#-> sub CPAN::Module::userid
sub userid {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ro = $self->ro;
    return unless $ro;
    return $ro->{userid} || $ro->{CPAN_USERID};
#-> sub CPAN::Module::description
sub description {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ro = $self->ro or return "";

#-> sub CPAN::Module::distribution
sub distribution {
    my($self) = @_;

#-> sub CPAN::Module::_is_representative_module
sub _is_representative_module {
    my($self) = @_;
    return $self->{_is_representative_module} if defined $self->{_is_representative_module};
    my $pm = $self->cpan_file or return $self->{_is_representative_module} = 0;
    $pm =~ s|.+/||;
    $pm =~ s{\.(?:tar\.(bz2|gz|Z)|t(?:gz|bz)|zip)$}{}i; # see base_id
    $pm =~ s|-\d+\.\d+.+$||;
    $pm =~ s|-[\d\.]+$||;
    $pm =~ s/-/::/g;
    $self->{_is_representative_module} = $pm eq $self->{ID} ? 1 : 0;
    # warn "DEBUG: $pm eq $self->{ID} => $self->{_is_representative_module}";

#-> sub CPAN::Module::undelay
sub undelay {
    my $self = shift;
    delete $self->{later};
    if ( my $dist = CPAN::Shell->expand("Distribution", $self->cpan_file) ) {

# mark as dirty/clean
#-> sub CPAN::Module::color_cmd_tmps ;
sub color_cmd_tmps {
    my($self) = shift;
    my($depth) = shift || 0;
    my($color) = shift || 0;
    my($ancestors) = shift || [];
    # a module needs to recurse to its cpan_file

    return if exists $self->{incommandcolor}
        && $color==1
        && $self->{incommandcolor}==$color;
    return if $color==0 && !$self->{incommandcolor};
    if ($color>=1) {
        if ( $self->uptodate ) {
            $self->{incommandcolor} = $color;
        } elsif (my $have_version = $self->available_version) {
            # maybe what we have is good enough
            if (@$ancestors) {
                my $who_asked_for_me = $ancestors->[-1];
                my $obj = CPAN::Shell->expandany($who_asked_for_me);
                if (0) {
                } elsif ($obj->isa("CPAN::Bundle")) {
                    # bundles cannot specify a minimum version
                } elsif ($obj->isa("CPAN::Distribution")) {
                    if (my $prereq_pm = $obj->prereq_pm) {
                        for my $k (keys %$prereq_pm) {
                            if (my $want_version = $prereq_pm->{$k}{$self->id}) {
                                if (CPAN::Version->vcmp($have_version,$want_version) >= 0) {
                                    $self->{incommandcolor} = $color;
    } else {
        $self->{incommandcolor} = $color; # set me before recursion,
                                          # so we can break it
    if ($depth>=$CPAN::MAX_RECURSION) {
    # warn "color_cmd_tmps $depth $color " . $self->id; # sleep 1;

    if ( my $dist = CPAN::Shell->expand("Distribution", $self->cpan_file) ) {
        $dist->color_cmd_tmps($depth+1,$color,[@$ancestors, $self->id]);
    # unreached code?
    # if ($color==0) {
    #    delete $self->{badtestcnt};
    # }
    $self->{incommandcolor} = $color;

#-> sub CPAN::Module::as_glimpse ;
sub as_glimpse {
    my($self) = @_;
    my $class = ref($self);
    $class =~ s/^CPAN:://;
    my $color_on = "";
    my $color_off = "";
    if (
       ) {
        $color_on = Term::ANSIColor::color("green");
        $color_off = Term::ANSIColor::color("reset");
    my $uptodateness = " ";
    unless ($class eq "Bundle") {
        my $u = $self->uptodate;
        $uptodateness = $u ? "=" : "<" if defined $u;
    my $id = do {
        my $d = $self->distribution;
        $d ? $d -> pretty_id : $self->cpan_userid;
    push @m, sprintf("%-7s %1s %s%-22s%s (%s)\n",
    join "", @m;

#-> sub CPAN::Module::dslip_status
sub dslip_status {
    my($self) = @_;
    # development status
    @{$stat->{D}}{qw,i c a b R M S,}     = qw,idea
                                              pre-alpha alpha beta released
                                              mature standard,;
    # support level
    @{$stat->{S}}{qw,m d u n a,}         = qw,mailing-list
                                              developer comp.lang.perl.*
                                              none abandoned,;
    # language
    @{$stat->{L}}{qw,p c + o h,}         = qw,perl C C++ other hybrid,;
    # interface
    @{$stat->{I}}{qw,f r O p h n,}       = qw,functions
                                              object-oriented pragma
                                              hybrid none,;
    # public licence
    @{$stat->{P}}{qw,p g l b a 2 o d r n,} = qw,Standard-Perl
                                              GPL LGPL
                                              BSD Artistic Artistic_2
    for my $x (qw(d s l i p)) {
        $stat->{$x}{' '} = 'unknown';
        $stat->{$x}{'?'} = 'unknown';
    my $ro = $self->ro;
    return +{} unless $ro && $ro->{statd};
    return {
            D  => $ro->{statd},
            S  => $ro->{stats},
            L  => $ro->{statl},
            I  => $ro->{stati},
            P  => $ro->{statp},
            DV => $stat->{D}{$ro->{statd}},
            SV => $stat->{S}{$ro->{stats}},
            LV => $stat->{L}{$ro->{statl}},
            IV => $stat->{I}{$ro->{stati}},
            PV => $stat->{P}{$ro->{statp}},

#-> sub CPAN::Module::as_string ;
sub as_string {
    my($self) = @_;
    CPAN->debug("$self entering as_string") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
    my $class = ref($self);
    $class =~ s/^CPAN:://;
    local($^W) = 0;
    push @m, $class, " id = $self->{ID}\n";
    my $sprintf = "    %-12s %s\n";
    push @m, sprintf($sprintf, 'DESCRIPTION', $self->description)
        if $self->description;
    my $sprintf2 = "    %-12s %s (%s)\n";
    $userid = $self->userid;
    if ( $userid ) {
        my $author;
        if ($author = CPAN::Shell->expand('Author',$userid)) {
            my $email = "";
            my $m; # old perls
            if ($m = $author->email) {
                $email = " <$m>";
            push @m, sprintf(
                             $author->fullname . $email
    push @m, sprintf($sprintf, 'CPAN_VERSION', $self->cpan_version)
        if $self->cpan_version;
    if (my $cpan_file = $self->cpan_file) {
        push @m, sprintf($sprintf, 'CPAN_FILE', $cpan_file);
        if (my $dist = CPAN::Shell->expand("Distribution",$cpan_file)) {
            my $upload_date = $dist->upload_date;
            if ($upload_date) {
                push @m, sprintf($sprintf, 'UPLOAD_DATE', $upload_date);
    my $sprintf3 = "    %-12s %1s%1s%1s%1s%1s (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)\n";
    my $dslip = $self->dslip_status;
    push @m, sprintf(
                     @{$dslip}{qw(D S L I P DV SV LV IV PV)},
                    ) if $dslip->{D};
    my $local_file = $self->inst_file;
    unless ($self->{MANPAGE}) {
        my $manpage;
        if ($local_file) {
            $manpage = $self->manpage_headline($local_file);
        } else {
            # If we have already untarred it, we should look there
            my $dist = $CPAN::META->instance('CPAN::Distribution',
            # warn "dist[$dist]";
            # mff=manifest file; mfh=manifest handle
            if (
                (-f  ($mff = File::Spec->catfile($dist->{build_dir}, "MANIFEST")))
                $mfh = FileHandle->new($mff)
               ) {
                CPAN->debug("mff[$mff]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
                my $lfre = $self->id; # local file RE
                $lfre =~ s/::/./g;
                $lfre .= "\\.pm\$";
                my($lfl); # local file file
                local $/ = "\n";
                my(@mflines) = <$mfh>;
                for (@mflines) {
                while (length($lfre)>5 and !$lfl) {
                    ($lfl) = grep /$lfre/, @mflines;
                    CPAN->debug("lfl[$lfl]lfre[$lfre]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
                    $lfre =~ s/.+?\.//;
                $lfl =~ s/\s.*//; # remove comments
                $lfl =~ s/\s+//g; # chomp would maybe be too system-specific
                my $lfl_abs = File::Spec->catfile($dist->{build_dir},$lfl);
                # warn "lfl_abs[$lfl_abs]";
                if (-f $lfl_abs) {
                    $manpage = $self->manpage_headline($lfl_abs);
        $self->{MANPAGE} = $manpage if $manpage;
    for $item (qw/MANPAGE/) {
        push @m, sprintf($sprintf, $item, $self->{$item})
            if exists $self->{$item};
    for $item (qw/CONTAINS/) {
        push @m, sprintf($sprintf, $item, join(" ",@{$self->{$item}}))
            if exists $self->{$item} && @{$self->{$item}};
    push @m, sprintf($sprintf, 'INST_FILE',
                     $local_file || "(not installed)");
    push @m, sprintf($sprintf, 'INST_VERSION',
                     $self->inst_version) if $local_file;
    if (%{$CPAN::META->{is_tested}||{}}) { # XXX needs to be methodified somehow
        my $available_file = $self->available_file;
        if ($available_file && $available_file ne $local_file) {
            push @m, sprintf($sprintf, 'AVAILABLE_FILE', $available_file);
            push @m, sprintf($sprintf, 'AVAILABLE_VERSION', $self->available_version);
    join "", @m, "\n";

#-> sub CPAN::Module::manpage_headline
sub manpage_headline {
    my($self,$local_file) = @_;
    my(@local_file) = $local_file;
    $local_file =~ s/\.pm(?!\n)\Z/.pod/;
    push @local_file, $local_file;
    for $locf (@local_file) {
        next unless -f $locf;
        my $fh = FileHandle->new($locf)
            or $Carp::Frontend->mydie("Couldn't open $locf: $!");
        my $inpod = 0;
        local $/ = "\n";
        while (<$fh>) {
            $inpod = m/^=(?!head1\s+NAME\s*$)/ ? 0 :
                m/^=head1\s+NAME\s*$/ ? 1 : $inpod;
            next unless $inpod;
            next if /^=/;
            next if /^\s+$/;
            push @result, $_;
        close $fh;
        last if @result;
    for (@result) {
    join " ", @result;

#-> sub CPAN::Module::cpan_file ;
# Note: also inherited by CPAN::Bundle
sub cpan_file {
    my $self = shift;
    # CPAN->debug(sprintf "id[%s]", $self->id) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
    unless ($self->ro) {
    my $ro = $self->ro;
    if ($ro && defined $ro->{CPAN_FILE}) {
        return $ro->{CPAN_FILE};
    } else {
        my $userid = $self->userid;
        if ( $userid ) {
            if ($CPAN::META->exists("CPAN::Author",$userid)) {
                my $author = $CPAN::META->instance("CPAN::Author",
                my $fullname = $author->fullname;
                my $email = $author->email;
                unless (defined $fullname && defined $email) {
                    return sprintf("Contact Author %s",
                return "Contact Author $fullname <$email>";
            } else {
                return "Contact Author $userid (Email address not available)";
        } else {
            return "N/A";

#-> sub CPAN::Module::cpan_version ;
sub cpan_version {
    my $self = shift;

    my $ro = $self->ro;
    unless ($ro) {
        # Can happen with modules that are not on CPAN
        $ro = {};
    $ro->{CPAN_VERSION} = 'undef'
        unless defined $ro->{CPAN_VERSION};

#-> sub CPAN::Module::force ;
sub force {
    my($self) = @_;
    $self->{force_update} = 1;

#-> sub CPAN::Module::fforce ;
sub fforce {
    my($self) = @_;
    $self->{force_update} = 2;

#-> sub CPAN::Module::notest ;
sub notest {
    my($self) = @_;
    # $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("XDEBUG: set notest for Module");

#-> sub CPAN::Module::rematein ;
sub rematein {
    my($self,$meth) = @_;
    $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf("Running %s for module '%s'\n",
    my $cpan_file = $self->cpan_file;
    if ($cpan_file eq "N/A" || $cpan_file =~ /^Contact Author/) {
        $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(sprintf qq{
  The module %s isn\'t available on CPAN.

  Either the module has not yet been uploaded to CPAN, or it is
  temporary unavailable. Please contact the author to find out
  more about the status. Try 'i %s'.
    my $pack = $CPAN::META->instance('CPAN::Distribution',$cpan_file);
    if (exists $self->{force_update}) {
        if ($self->{force_update} == 2) {
        } else {
    $pack->notest($meth) if exists $self->{notest} && $self->{notest};

    $pack->{reqtype} ||= "";
                "self-reqtype[$self->{reqtype}]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        if ($pack->{reqtype}) {
            if ($pack->{reqtype} eq "b" && $self->{reqtype} =~ /^[rc]$/) {
                $pack->{reqtype} = $self->{reqtype};
                if (
                    exists $pack->{install}
                     UNIVERSAL::can($pack->{install},"failed") ?
                     $pack->{install}->failed :
                     $pack->{install} =~ /^NO/
                   ) {
                    delete $pack->{install};
                        ("Promoting $pack->{ID} from 'build_requires' to 'requires'");
        } else {
            $pack->{reqtype} = $self->{reqtype};

    my $success = eval {
    my $err = $@;
    $pack->unforce if $pack->can("unforce") && exists $self->{force_update};
    $pack->unnotest if $pack->can("unnotest") && exists $self->{notest};
    delete $self->{force_update};
    delete $self->{notest};
    if ($err) {
        die $err;
    return $success;

#-> sub CPAN::Module::perldoc ;
sub perldoc { shift->rematein('perldoc') }
#-> sub CPAN::Module::readme ;
sub readme  { shift->rematein('readme') }
#-> sub CPAN::Module::look ;
sub look    { shift->rematein('look') }
#-> sub CPAN::Module::cvs_import ;
sub cvs_import { shift->rematein('cvs_import') }
#-> sub CPAN::Module::get ;
sub get     { shift->rematein('get',@_) }
#-> sub CPAN::Module::make ;
sub make    { shift->rematein('make') }
#-> sub CPAN::Module::test ;
sub test   {
    my $self = shift;
    # $self->{badtestcnt} ||= 0;

#-> sub CPAN::Module::deprecated_in_core ;
sub deprecated_in_core {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return unless $CPAN::META->has_inst('Module::CoreList') && Module::CoreList->can('is_deprecated');
    return Module::CoreList::is_deprecated($self->{ID});

#-> sub CPAN::Module::inst_deprecated;
# Indicates whether the *installed* version of the module is a deprecated *and*
# installed as part of the Perl core library path
sub inst_deprecated {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $inst_file = $self->inst_file or return;
    return $self->deprecated_in_core && $self->_in_priv_or_arch($inst_file);

#-> sub CPAN::Module::uptodate ;
sub uptodate {
    my ($self) = @_;
    local ($_);
    my $inst = $self->inst_version or return 0;
    my $cpan = $self->cpan_version;
    return 0 if CPAN::Version->vgt($cpan,$inst) || $self->inst_deprecated;
          "returning uptodate. ",
         )) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
    return 1;

# returns true if installed in privlib or archlib
sub _in_priv_or_arch {
    my($self,$inst_file) = @_;
    for my $confdirname (qw(archlibexp privlibexp)) {
        my $confdir = $Config::Config{$confdirname};
        if ($confdir eq substr($inst_file,0,length($confdir))) {
            return 1;
    return 0;

#-> sub CPAN::Module::install ;
sub install {
    my($self) = @_;
    my($doit) = 0;
    if ($self->uptodate
        not exists $self->{force_update}
       ) {
        $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf("%s is up to date (%s).\n",
    } else {
        $doit = 1;
    my $ro = $self->ro;
    if ($ro && $ro->{stats} && $ro->{stats} eq "a") {
\n\n\n     ***WARNING***
     The module $self->{ID} has no active maintainer (CPAN support level flag 'abandoned').\n\n\n
    return $doit ? $self->rematein('install') : 1;
#-> sub CPAN::Module::clean ;
sub clean  { shift->rematein('clean') }

#-> sub CPAN::Module::inst_file ;
sub inst_file {
    my($self) = @_;

#-> sub CPAN::Module::available_file ;
sub available_file {
    my($self) = @_;
    my $sep = $Config::Config{path_sep};
    my $perllib = $ENV{PERL5LIB};
    $perllib = $ENV{PERLLIB} unless defined $perllib;
    my @perllib = split(/$sep/,$perllib) if defined $perllib;
    my @cpan_perl5inc;
    if ($CPAN::Perl5lib_tempfile) {
        my $yaml = CPAN->_yaml_loadfile($CPAN::Perl5lib_tempfile);
        @cpan_perl5inc = @{$yaml->[0]{inc} || []};

#-> sub CPAN::Module::file_in_path ;
sub _file_in_path {
    my($self,$path) = @_;
    @packpath = split /::/, $self->{ID};
    $packpath[-1] .= ".pm";
    if (@packpath == 1 && $packpath[0] eq "readline.pm") {
        unshift @packpath, "Term", "ReadLine"; # historical reasons
    foreach $dir (@$path) {
        my $pmfile = File::Spec->catfile($dir,@packpath);
        if (-f $pmfile) {
            return $pmfile;

#-> sub CPAN::Module::xs_file ;
sub xs_file {
    my($self) = @_;
    @packpath = split /::/, $self->{ID};
    push @packpath, $packpath[-1];
    $packpath[-1] .= "." . $Config::Config{'dlext'};
    foreach $dir (@INC) {
        my $xsfile = File::Spec->catfile($dir,'auto',@packpath);
        if (-f $xsfile) {
            return $xsfile;

#-> sub CPAN::Module::inst_version ;
sub inst_version {
    my($self) = @_;
    my $parsefile = $self->inst_file or return;
    my $have = $self->parse_version($parsefile);

#-> sub CPAN::Module::inst_version ;
sub available_version {
    my($self) = @_;
    my $parsefile = $self->available_file or return;
    my $have = $self->parse_version($parsefile);

#-> sub CPAN::Module::parse_version ;
sub parse_version {
    my($self,$parsefile) = @_;
        my $timeout = (exists($CPAN::Config{'version_timeout'}))
                            ? $CPAN::Config{'version_timeout'}
                            : 15;
    my $have = eval {
        local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
    if ($@) {
        $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Error while parsing version number in file '$parsefile'\n");
    alarm(0) if ALARM_IMPLEMENTED;
    my $leastsanity = eval { defined $have && length $have; };
    $have = "undef" unless $leastsanity;
    $have =~ s/^ //; # since the %vd hack these two lines here are needed
    $have =~ s/ $//; # trailing whitespace happens all the time

    $have = CPAN::Version->readable($have);

    $have =~ s/\s*//g; # stringify to float around floating point issues
    $have; # no stringify needed, \s* above matches always

#-> sub CPAN::Module::reports
sub reports {
    my($self) = @_;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
API Folder 0755
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FTP Folder 0755
HTTP Folder 0755
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Admin.pm File 7.61 KB 0444
Author.pm File 6.68 KB 0644
Bundle.pm File 9.03 KB 0644
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Complete.pm File 5.85 KB 0644
Config.pm File 9.81 KB 0644
Config.pm.1495584755 File 10.08 KB 0644
Config.pm.1496275908 File 10.08 KB 0644
Config.pm.1498608719 File 10.07 KB 0644
Config.pm.1499904706 File 10.04 KB 0644
Config.pm.1499991045 File 10.08 KB 0644
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Config.pm.1500336657 File 10.08 KB 0644
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Config.pm.1505261476 File 9.97 KB 0644
Config.pm.1505779932 File 9.93 KB 0644
Config.pm.1506557632 File 9.93 KB 0644
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Config.pm.1510963855 File 9.86 KB 0644
Config.pm.1511223072 File 9.85 KB 0644
Config.pm.1513037604 File 9.86 KB 0644
Config.pm.1513642246 File 9.9 KB 0644
Config.pm.1513901506 File 9.9 KB 0644
Config.pm.1515456673 File 9.9 KB 0644
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Config.pm.1516234390 File 9.86 KB 0644
Config.pm.1516666262 File 9.82 KB 0644
Config.pm.1517443921 File 9.82 KB 0644
Config.pm.1519344677 File 9.82 KB 0644
Config.pm.1520986232 File 9.82 KB 0644
Config.pm.1521504678 File 9.84 KB 0644
Config.pm.1522714247 File 9.31 KB 0644
Config.pm.1524096686 File 9.78 KB 0644
Config.pm.1525738266 File 9.87 KB 0644
Config.pm.1526947858 File 9.87 KB 0644
Debug.pm File 2.05 KB 0644
DeferredCode.pm File 189 B 0644
Distribution.pm File 145.09 KB 0644
Distroprefs.pm File 10.84 KB 0644
Distrostatus.pm File 972 B 0644
FTP.pm File 41.19 KB 0644
FirstTime.pm File 66.98 KB 0644
HandleConfig.pm File 22.61 KB 0644
Index.pm File 21.43 KB 0644
InfoObj.pm File 6.75 KB 0644
Kwalify.pm File 3.35 KB 0644
Mirrors.pm File 14.55 KB 0644
Module.pm File 21.52 KB 0644
Nox.pm File 928 B 0644
Plugin.pm File 3.14 KB 0444
Prompt.pm File 567 B 0644
Queue.pm File 6.31 KB 0644
Shell.pm File 68.45 KB 0644
Tarzip.pm File 15.69 KB 0644
URL.pm File 588 B 0644
Version.pm File 4.21 KB 0644