[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
package IO::Compress::Base ;

require 5.006 ;

use strict ;
use warnings;

use IO::Compress::Base::Common 2.061 ;

use IO::File (); ;
use Scalar::Util ();

#use File::Glob;
#require Exporter ;
use Carp() ;
use Symbol();
#use bytes;

our (@ISA, $VERSION);
@ISA    = qw(Exporter IO::File);

$VERSION = '2.061';

#Can't locate object method "SWASHNEW" via package "utf8" (perhaps you forgot to load "utf8"?) at .../ext/Compress-Zlib/Gzip/blib/lib/Compress/Zlib/Common.pm line 16.

sub saveStatus
    my $self   = shift ;
    ${ *$self->{ErrorNo} } = shift() + 0 ;
    ${ *$self->{Error} } = '' ;

    return ${ *$self->{ErrorNo} } ;

sub saveErrorString
    my $self   = shift ;
    my $retval = shift ;
    ${ *$self->{Error} } = shift ;
    ${ *$self->{ErrorNo} } = shift() + 0 if @_ ;

    return $retval;

sub croakError
    my $self   = shift ;
    $self->saveErrorString(0, $_[0]);
    Carp::croak $_[0];

sub closeError
    my $self = shift ;
    my $retval = shift ;

    my $errno = *$self->{ErrorNo};
    my $error = ${ *$self->{Error} };


    *$self->{ErrorNo} = $errno ;
    ${ *$self->{Error} } = $error ;

    return $retval;

sub error
    my $self   = shift ;
    return ${ *$self->{Error} } ;

sub errorNo
    my $self   = shift ;
    return ${ *$self->{ErrorNo} } ;

sub writeAt
    my $self = shift ;
    my $offset = shift;
    my $data = shift;

    if (defined *$self->{FH}) {
        my $here = tell(*$self->{FH});
        return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Cannot seek to end of output filehandle: $!", $!) 
            if $here < 0 ;
        seek(*$self->{FH}, $offset, IO::Handle::SEEK_SET)
            or return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Cannot seek to end of output filehandle: $!", $!) ;
        defined *$self->{FH}->write($data, length $data)
            or return $self->saveErrorString(undef, $!, $!) ;
        seek(*$self->{FH}, $here, IO::Handle::SEEK_SET)
            or return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Cannot seek to end of output filehandle: $!", $!) ;
    else {
        substr(${ *$self->{Buffer} }, $offset, length($data)) = $data ;

    return 1;

sub outputPayload

    my $self = shift ;
    return $self->output(@_);

sub output
    my $self = shift ;
    my $data = shift ;
    my $last = shift ;

    return 1 
        if length $data == 0 && ! $last ;

    if ( *$self->{FilterContainer} ) {
        *_ = \$data;
        &{ *$self->{FilterContainer} }();

    if (length $data) {
        if ( defined *$self->{FH} ) {
                defined *$self->{FH}->write( $data, length $data )
                or return $self->saveErrorString(0, $!, $!); 
        else {
                ${ *$self->{Buffer} } .= $data ;

    return 1;

sub getOneShotParams
    return ( 'multistream' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean,   1],

our %PARAMS = (
            # Generic Parameters
            'autoclose' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean,   0],
            'encode'    => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any,       undef],
            'strict'    => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean,   1],
            'append'    => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean,   0],
            'binmodein' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean,   0],

            'filtercontainer' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_code,  undef],
sub checkParams
    my $self = shift ;
    my $class = shift ;

    my $got = shift || IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::new();


            *$self->{OneShot} ? $self->getOneShotParams() 
                              : (),
        @_) or $self->croakError("${class}: " . $got->getError())  ;

    return $got ;

sub _create
    my $obj = shift;
    my $got = shift;

    *$obj->{Closed} = 1 ;

    my $class = ref $obj;
    $obj->croakError("$class: Missing Output parameter")
        if ! @_ && ! $got ;

    my $outValue = shift ;
    my $oneShot = 1 ;

    if (! $got)
        $oneShot = 0 ;
        $got = $obj->checkParams($class, undef, @_)
            or return undef ;

    my $lax = ! $got->getValue('strict') ;

    my $outType = IO::Compress::Base::Common::whatIsOutput($outValue);

    $obj->ckOutputParam($class, $outValue)
        or return undef ;

    if ($outType eq 'buffer') {
        *$obj->{Buffer} = $outValue;
    else {
        my $buff = "" ;
        *$obj->{Buffer} = \$buff ;

    # Merge implies Append
    my $merge = $got->getValue('merge') ;
    my $appendOutput = $got->getValue('append') || $merge ;
    *$obj->{Append} = $appendOutput;
    *$obj->{FilterContainer} = $got->getValue('filtercontainer') ;

    if ($merge)
        # Switch off Merge mode if output file/buffer is empty/doesn't exist
        if (($outType eq 'buffer' && length $$outValue == 0 ) ||
            ($outType ne 'buffer' && (! -e $outValue || (-w _ && -z _))) )
          { $merge = 0 }

    # If output is a file, check that it is writable
    #no warnings;
    #if ($outType eq 'filename' && -e $outValue && ! -w _)
    #  { return $obj->saveErrorString(undef, "Output file '$outValue' is not writable" ) }

        or $obj->croakError("${class}: " . $obj->error());

    if ($got->getValue('encode')) { 
        my $want_encoding = $got->getValue('encode');
        *$obj->{Encoding} = IO::Compress::Base::Common::getEncoding($obj, $class, $want_encoding);
        my $x = *$obj->{Encoding}; 
    else {
        *$obj->{Encoding} = undef; 
    $obj->saveStatus(STATUS_OK) ;

    my $status ;
    if (! $merge)
        *$obj->{Compress} = $obj->mkComp($got)
            or return undef;
        *$obj->{UnCompSize} = new U64 ;
        *$obj->{CompSize} = new U64 ;

        if ( $outType eq 'buffer') {
            ${ *$obj->{Buffer} }  = ''
                unless $appendOutput ;
        else {
            if ($outType eq 'handle') {
                *$obj->{FH} = $outValue ;
                setBinModeOutput(*$obj->{FH}) ;
                #$outValue->flush() ;
                *$obj->{Handle} = 1 ;
                if ($appendOutput)
                    seek(*$obj->{FH}, 0, IO::Handle::SEEK_END)
                        or return $obj->saveErrorString(undef, "Cannot seek to end of output filehandle: $!", $!) ;

            elsif ($outType eq 'filename') {    
                no warnings;
                my $mode = '>' ;
                $mode = '>>'
                    if $appendOutput;
                *$obj->{FH} = new IO::File "$mode $outValue" 
                    or return $obj->saveErrorString(undef, "cannot open file '$outValue': $!", $!) ;
                *$obj->{StdIO} = ($outValue eq '-'); 
                setBinModeOutput(*$obj->{FH}) ;

        *$obj->{Header} = $obj->mkHeader($got) ;
        $obj->output( *$obj->{Header} )
            or return undef;
        *$obj->{Compress} = $obj->createMerge($outValue, $outType)
            or return undef;

    *$obj->{Closed} = 0 ;
    *$obj->{AutoClose} = $got->getValue('autoclose') ;
    *$obj->{Output} = $outValue;
    *$obj->{ClassName} = $class;
    *$obj->{Got} = $got;
    *$obj->{OneShot} = 0 ;

    return $obj ;

sub ckOutputParam 
    my $self = shift ;
    my $from = shift ;
    my $outType = IO::Compress::Base::Common::whatIsOutput($_[0]);

    $self->croakError("$from: output parameter not a filename, filehandle or scalar ref")
        if ! $outType ;

    #$self->croakError("$from: output filename is undef or null string")
        #if $outType eq 'filename' && (! defined $_[0] || $_[0] eq '')  ;

    $self->croakError("$from: output buffer is read-only")
        if $outType eq 'buffer' && Scalar::Util::readonly(${ $_[0] });
    return 1;    

sub _def
    my $obj = shift ;
    my $class= (caller)[0] ;
    my $name = (caller(1))[3] ;

    $obj->croakError("$name: expected at least 1 parameters\n")
        unless @_ >= 1 ;

    my $input = shift ;
    my $haveOut = @_ ;
    my $output = shift ;

    my $x = new IO::Compress::Base::Validator($class, *$obj->{Error}, $name, $input, $output)
        or return undef ;

    push @_, $output if $haveOut && $x->{Hash};

    *$obj->{OneShot} = 1 ;

    my $got = $obj->checkParams($name, undef, @_)
        or return undef ;

    $x->{Got} = $got ;

#    if ($x->{Hash})
#    {
#        while (my($k, $v) = each %$input)
#        {
#            $v = \$input->{$k} 
#                unless defined $v ;
#            $obj->_singleTarget($x, 1, $k, $v, @_)
#                or return undef ;
#        }
#        return keys %$input ;
#    }

    if ($x->{GlobMap})
        $x->{oneInput} = 1 ;
        foreach my $pair (@{ $x->{Pairs} })
            my ($from, $to) = @$pair ;
            $obj->_singleTarget($x, 1, $from, $to, @_)
                or return undef ;

        return scalar @{ $x->{Pairs} } ;

    if (! $x->{oneOutput} )
        my $inFile = ($x->{inType} eq 'filenames' 
                        || $x->{inType} eq 'filename');

        $x->{inType} = $inFile ? 'filename' : 'buffer';
        foreach my $in ($x->{oneInput} ? $input : @$input)
            my $out ;
            $x->{oneInput} = 1 ;

            $obj->_singleTarget($x, $inFile, $in, \$out, @_)
                or return undef ;

            push @$output, \$out ;
            #if ($x->{outType} eq 'array')
            #  { push @$output, \$out }
            #  { $output->{$in} = \$out }

        return 1 ;

    # finally the 1 to 1 and n to 1
    return $obj->_singleTarget($x, 1, $input, $output, @_);

    Carp::croak "should not be here" ;

sub _singleTarget
    my $obj             = shift ;
    my $x               = shift ;
    my $inputIsFilename = shift;
    my $input           = shift;
    if ($x->{oneInput})
        $obj->getFileInfo($x->{Got}, $input)
            if isaScalar($input) || (isaFilename($input) and $inputIsFilename) ;

        my $z = $obj->_create($x->{Got}, @_)
            or return undef ;

        defined $z->_wr2($input, $inputIsFilename) 
            or return $z->closeError(undef) ;

        return $z->close() ;
        my $afterFirst = 0 ;
        my $inputIsFilename = ($x->{inType} ne 'array');
        my $keep = $x->{Got}->clone();

        #for my $element ( ($x->{inType} eq 'hash') ? keys %$input : @$input)
        for my $element ( @$input)
            my $isFilename = isaFilename($element);

            if ( $afterFirst ++ )
                defined addInterStream($obj, $element, $isFilename)
                    or return $obj->closeError(undef) ;
                $obj->getFileInfo($x->{Got}, $element)
                    if isaScalar($element) || $isFilename;

                $obj->_create($x->{Got}, @_)
                    or return undef ;

            defined $obj->_wr2($element, $isFilename) 
                or return $obj->closeError(undef) ;

            *$obj->{Got} = $keep->clone();
        return $obj->close() ;


sub _wr2
    my $self = shift ;

    my $source = shift ;
    my $inputIsFilename = shift;

    my $input = $source ;
    if (! $inputIsFilename)
        $input = \$source 
            if ! ref $source;

    if ( ref $input && ref $input eq 'SCALAR' )
        return $self->syswrite($input, @_) ;

    if ( ! ref $input  || isaFilehandle($input))
        my $isFilehandle = isaFilehandle($input) ;

        my $fh = $input ;

        if ( ! $isFilehandle )
            $fh = new IO::File "<$input"
                or return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "cannot open file '$input': $!", $!) ;
        binmode $fh if *$self->{Got}->valueOrDefault('binmodein') ;

        my $status ;
        my $buff ;
        my $count = 0 ;
        while ($status = read($fh, $buff, 16 * 1024)) {
            $count += length $buff;
            defined $self->syswrite($buff, @_) 
                or return undef ;

        return $self->saveErrorString(undef, $!, $!) 
            if ! defined $status ;

        if ( (!$isFilehandle || *$self->{AutoClose}) && $input ne '-')
                or return undef ;

        return $count ;

    Carp::croak "Should not be here";
    return undef;

sub addInterStream
    my $self = shift ;
    my $input = shift ;
    my $inputIsFilename = shift ;

    if (*$self->{Got}->getValue('multistream'))
        $self->getFileInfo(*$self->{Got}, $input)
            #if isaFilename($input) and $inputIsFilename ;
            if isaScalar($input) || isaFilename($input) ;

        # TODO -- newStream needs to allow gzip/zip header to be modified
        return $self->newStream();
    elsif (*$self->{Got}->getValue('autoflush'))
        #return $self->flush(Z_FULL_FLUSH);

    return 1 ;

sub getFileInfo

    return $_[0] if ref($_[0]);
    die "OOPS\n" ;
    my $self = shift ;

    my $self = shift ;
    local ($., $@, $!, $^E, $?);
    $self->close() ;

    # TODO - memory leak with 5.8.0 - this isn't called until 
    #        global destruction
    %{ *$self } = () ;
    undef $self ;

sub filterUncompressed

sub syswrite
    my $self = shift ;

    my $buffer ;
    if (ref $_[0] ) {
        $self->croakError( *$self->{ClassName} . "::write: not a scalar reference" )
            unless ref $_[0] eq 'SCALAR' ;
        $buffer = $_[0] ;
    else {
        $buffer = \$_[0] ;

    if (@_ > 1) {
        my $slen = defined $$buffer ? length($$buffer) : 0;
        my $len = $slen;
        my $offset = 0;
        $len = $_[1] if $_[1] < $len;

        if (@_ > 2) {
            $offset = $_[2] || 0;
            $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} . "::write: offset outside string") 
                if $offset > $slen;
            if ($offset < 0) {
                $offset += $slen;
                $self->croakError( *$self->{ClassName} . "::write: offset outside string") if $offset < 0;
            my $rem = $slen - $offset;
            $len = $rem if $rem < $len;

        $buffer = \substr($$buffer, $offset, $len) ;

    return 0 if (! defined $$buffer || length $$buffer == 0) && ! *$self->{FlushPending};
#    *$self->{Pending} .= $$buffer ;
#    return length $$buffer
#        if (length *$self->{Pending} < 1024 * 16 && ! *$self->{FlushPending}) ;
#    $$buffer = *$self->{Pending} ; 
#    *$self->{Pending} = '';
    if (*$self->{Encoding}) {      
        $$buffer = *$self->{Encoding}->encode($$buffer);
    else {
        $] >= 5.008 and ( utf8::downgrade($$buffer, 1) 
            or Carp::croak "Wide character in " .  *$self->{ClassName} . "::write:");


    my $buffer_length = defined $$buffer ? length($$buffer) : 0 ;
    *$self->{UnCompSize}->add($buffer_length) ;

    my $outBuffer='';
    my $status = *$self->{Compress}->compr($buffer, $outBuffer) ;

    return $self->saveErrorString(undef, *$self->{Compress}{Error}, 
        if $status == STATUS_ERROR;

    *$self->{CompSize}->add(length $outBuffer) ;

        or return undef;

    return $buffer_length;

sub print
    my $self = shift;

    #if (ref $self) {
    #    $self = *$self{GLOB} ;

    if (defined $\) {
        if (defined $,) {
            defined $self->syswrite(join($,, @_) . $\);
        } else {
            defined $self->syswrite(join("", @_) . $\);
    } else {
        if (defined $,) {
            defined $self->syswrite(join($,, @_));
        } else {
            defined $self->syswrite(join("", @_));

sub printf
    my $self = shift;
    my $fmt = shift;
    defined $self->syswrite(sprintf($fmt, @_));

sub _flushCompressed
    my $self = shift ;

    my $outBuffer='';
    my $status = *$self->{Compress}->flush($outBuffer, @_) ;
    return $self->saveErrorString(0, *$self->{Compress}{Error}, 
        if $status == STATUS_ERROR;

    if ( defined *$self->{FH} ) {

    *$self->{CompSize}->add(length $outBuffer) ;

        or return 0;
    return 1;        

sub flush
    my $self = shift ;

        or return 0;        

    if ( defined *$self->{FH} ) {
        defined *$self->{FH}->flush()
            or return $self->saveErrorString(0, $!, $!); 

    return 1;

sub beforePayload

sub _newStream
    my $self = shift ;
    my $got  = shift;

    my $class = ref $self;

        or return 0 ;

        or $self->croakError("newStream: $self->{Error}");

    if ($got->getValue('encode')) { 
        my $want_encoding = $got->getValue('encode');
        *$self->{Encoding} = IO::Compress::Base::Common::getEncoding($self, $class, $want_encoding);
    else {
        *$self->{Encoding} = undef;
    *$self->{Compress} = $self->mkComp($got)
        or return 0;

    *$self->{Header} = $self->mkHeader($got) ;
    $self->output(*$self->{Header} )
        or return 0;


    return 1 ;

sub newStream
    my $self = shift ;
    my $got = $self->checkParams('newStream', *$self->{Got}, @_)
        or return 0 ;    


#    *$self->{Compress} = $self->mkComp($got)
#        or return 0;
#    *$self->{Header} = $self->mkHeader($got) ;
#    $self->output(*$self->{Header} )
#        or return 0;
#    *$self->{UnCompSize}->reset();
#    *$self->{CompSize}->reset();
#    $self->beforePayload();
#    return 1 ;

sub reset
    my $self = shift ;
    return *$self->{Compress}->reset() ;

sub _writeTrailer
    my $self = shift ;

    my $trailer = '';

    my $status = *$self->{Compress}->close($trailer) ;
    return $self->saveErrorString(0, *$self->{Compress}{Error}, *$self->{Compress}{ErrorNo})
        if $status == STATUS_ERROR;

    *$self->{CompSize}->add(length $trailer) ;

    $trailer .= $self->mkTrailer();
    defined $trailer
      or return 0;

    return $self->output($trailer);

sub _writeFinalTrailer
    my $self = shift ;

    return $self->output($self->mkFinalTrailer());

sub close
    my $self = shift ;
    return 1 if *$self->{Closed} || ! *$self->{Compress} ;
    *$self->{Closed} = 1 ;

    untie *$self 
        if $] >= 5.008 ;

    *$self->{FlushPending} = 1 ;
        or return 0 ;

        or return 0 ;

    $self->output( "", 1 )
        or return 0;

    if (defined *$self->{FH}) {

        if ((! *$self->{Handle} || *$self->{AutoClose}) && ! *$self->{StdIO}) {
            $! = 0 ;
                or return $self->saveErrorString(0, $!, $!); 
        delete *$self->{FH} ;
        # This delete can set $! in older Perls, so reset the errno
        $! = 0 ;

    return 1;

#sub total_in
#sub total_out
#sub msg
#sub crc
#    my $self = shift ;
#    return *$self->{Compress}->crc32() ;
#sub msg
#    my $self = shift ;
#    return *$self->{Compress}->msg() ;
#sub dict_adler
#    my $self = shift ;
#    return *$self->{Compress}->dict_adler() ;
#sub get_Level
#    my $self = shift ;
#    return *$self->{Compress}->get_Level() ;
#sub get_Strategy
#    my $self = shift ;
#    return *$self->{Compress}->get_Strategy() ;

sub tell
    my $self = shift ;

    return *$self->{UnCompSize}->get32bit() ;

sub eof
    my $self = shift ;

    return *$self->{Closed} ;

sub seek
    my $self     = shift ;
    my $position = shift;
    my $whence   = shift ;

    my $here = $self->tell() ;
    my $target = 0 ;

    #use IO::Handle qw(SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR SEEK_END);
    use IO::Handle ;

    if ($whence == IO::Handle::SEEK_SET) {
        $target = $position ;
    elsif ($whence == IO::Handle::SEEK_CUR || $whence == IO::Handle::SEEK_END) {
        $target = $here + $position ;
    else {
        $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} . "::seek: unknown value, $whence, for whence parameter");

    # short circuit if seeking to current offset
    return 1 if $target == $here ;    

    # Outlaw any attempt to seek backwards
    $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} . "::seek: cannot seek backwards")
        if $target < $here ;

    # Walk the file to the new offset
    my $offset = $target - $here ;

    my $buffer ;
    defined $self->syswrite("\x00" x $offset)
        or return 0;

    return 1 ;

sub binmode
#    my $self     = shift ;
#    return defined *$self->{FH} 
#            ? binmode *$self->{FH} 
#            : 1 ;

sub fileno
    my $self     = shift ;
    return defined *$self->{FH} 
            ? *$self->{FH}->fileno() 
            : undef ;

sub opened
    my $self     = shift ;
    return ! *$self->{Closed} ;

sub autoflush
    my $self     = shift ;
    return defined *$self->{FH} 
            ? *$self->{FH}->autoflush(@_) 
            : undef ;

sub input_line_number
    return undef ;

sub _notAvailable
    my $name = shift ;
    return sub { Carp::croak "$name Not Available: File opened only for output" ; } ;

*read     = _notAvailable('read');
*READ     = _notAvailable('read');
*readline = _notAvailable('readline');
*READLINE = _notAvailable('readline');
*getc     = _notAvailable('getc');
*GETC     = _notAvailable('getc');

*FILENO   = \&fileno;
*PRINT    = \&print;
*PRINTF   = \&printf;
*WRITE    = \&syswrite;
*write    = \&syswrite;
*SEEK     = \&seek; 
*TELL     = \&tell;
*EOF      = \&eof;
*CLOSE    = \&close;
*BINMODE  = \&binmode;

#*sysread  = \&_notAvailable;
#*syswrite = \&_write;



=head1 NAME

IO::Compress::Base - Base Class for IO::Compress modules 


    use IO::Compress::Base ;


This module is not intended for direct use in application code. Its sole
purpose if to to be sub-classed by IO::Compress modules.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Compress::Zlib>, L<IO::Compress::Gzip>, L<IO::Uncompress::Gunzip>, L<IO::Compress::Deflate>, L<IO::Uncompress::Inflate>, L<IO::Compress::RawDeflate>, L<IO::Uncompress::RawInflate>, L<IO::Compress::Bzip2>, L<IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2>, L<IO::Compress::Lzma>, L<IO::Uncompress::UnLzma>, L<IO::Compress::Xz>, L<IO::Uncompress::UnXz>, L<IO::Compress::Lzop>, L<IO::Uncompress::UnLzop>, L<IO::Compress::Lzf>, L<IO::Uncompress::UnLzf>, L<IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate>, L<IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress>


L<File::GlobMapper|File::GlobMapper>, L<Archive::Zip|Archive::Zip>,

=head1 AUTHOR

This module was written by Paul Marquess, F<pmqs@cpan.org>. 


See the Changes file.


Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Adapter Folder 0755
Base Folder 0755
Gzip Folder 0755
Zip Folder 0755
Zlib Folder 0755
Base.pm File 23.27 KB 0644
Bzip2.pm File 17.65 KB 0644
Deflate.pm File 23.09 KB 0644
FAQ.pod File 19.86 KB 0644
Gzip.pm File 33.34 KB 0644
RawDeflate.pm File 25.27 KB 0644
Zip.pm File 56.74 KB 0644