[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# !!!!!!!   DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   !!!!!!!
# This file is machine-generated by lib/unicore/mktables from the Unicode
# database, Version 6.1.0.  Any changes made here will be lost!

# !!!!!!!   INTERNAL PERL USE ONLY   !!!!!!!
# This file is for internal use by core Perl only.  The format and even the
# name or existence of this file are subject to change without notice.  Don't
# use it directly.

return <<'END';
1100	11FF
3001	3003
3008	3011
3013	301F
302E	3030
303E	303F
3131	318E
31C0	31E3
3200	321E
3220	3243
3260	327E
3280	32B0
32C0	32CB
3358	3370
337B	337F
33E0	33FE
A960	A97C
AC00	D7A3
D7B0	D7C6
FE45	FE46
FF61	FF65


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Arab.pl File 936 B 0644
Armi.pl File 447 B 0644
Armn.pl File 480 B 0644
Avst.pl File 447 B 0644
Bali.pl File 443 B 0644
Bamu.pl File 445 B 0644
Batk.pl File 443 B 0644
Beng.pl File 567 B 0644
Bopo.pl File 614 B 0644
Brah.pl File 447 B 0644
Brai.pl File 433 B 0644
Bugi.pl File 443 B 0644
Buhd.pl File 443 B 0644
Cakm.pl File 447 B 0644
Cans.pl File 443 B 0644
Cari.pl File 435 B 0644
Cham.pl File 463 B 0644
Cher.pl File 433 B 0644
Copt.pl File 453 B 0644
Cprt.pl File 519 B 0644
Cyrl.pl File 484 B 0644
Deva.pl File 473 B 0644
Dsrt.pl File 435 B 0644
Egyp.pl File 435 B 0644
Ethi.pl File 737 B 0644
Geor.pl File 498 B 0644
Glag.pl File 443 B 0644
Goth.pl File 435 B 0644
Grek.pl File 733 B 0644
Gujr.pl File 560 B 0644
Guru.pl File 594 B 0644
Han.pl File 705 B 0644
Hang.pl File 707 B 0644
Hano.pl File 433 B 0644
Hebr.pl File 510 B 0644
Hira.pl File 650 B 0644
Ital.pl File 447 B 0644
Java.pl File 453 B 0644
Kali.pl File 433 B 0644
Kana.pl File 635 B 0644
Khar.pl File 519 B 0644
Khmr.pl File 463 B 0644
Knda.pl File 560 B 0644
Kthi.pl File 445 B 0644
Lana.pl File 473 B 0644
Lao.pl File 585 B 0644
Latn.pl File 705 B 0644
Lepc.pl File 453 B 0644
Limb.pl File 470 B 0644
Linb.pl File 543 B 0644
Lisu.pl File 433 B 0644
Lyci.pl File 435 B 0644
Lydi.pl File 443 B 0644
Mand.pl File 447 B 0644
Merc.pl File 447 B 0644
Mero.pl File 435 B 0644
Miao.pl File 459 B 0644
Mlym.pl File 530 B 0644
Mong.pl File 463 B 0644
Mtei.pl File 453 B 0644
Mymr.pl File 443 B 0644
Nko.pl File 433 B 0644
Ogam.pl File 433 B 0644
Olck.pl File 433 B 0644
Orkh.pl File 435 B 0644
Orya.pl File 573 B 0644
Osma.pl File 447 B 0644
Phag.pl File 450 B 0644
Phli.pl File 447 B 0644
Phnx.pl File 443 B 0644
Prti.pl File 447 B 0644
Rjng.pl File 440 B 0644
Runr.pl File 443 B 0644
Samr.pl File 443 B 0644
Sarb.pl File 435 B 0644
Saur.pl File 443 B 0644
Shaw.pl File 435 B 0644
Shrd.pl File 447 B 0644
Sinh.pl File 524 B 0644
Sora.pl File 447 B 0644
Sund.pl File 443 B 0644
Sylo.pl File 433 B 0644
Syrc.pl File 498 B 0644
Tagb.pl File 463 B 0644
Takr.pl File 467 B 0644
Tale.pl File 443 B 0644
Talu.pl File 463 B 0644
Taml.pl File 574 B 0644
Tavt.pl File 443 B 0644
Telu.pl File 563 B 0644
Tfng.pl File 450 B 0644
Tglg.pl File 453 B 0644
Thaa.pl File 478 B 0644
Thai.pl File 443 B 0644
Tibt.pl File 493 B 0644
Ugar.pl File 443 B 0644
Vai.pl File 433 B 0644
Xpeo.pl File 447 B 0644
Xsux.pl File 459 B 0644
Yi.pl File 490 B 0644
Zinh.pl File 632 B 0644
Zyyy.pl File 1.83 KB 0644
Zzzz.pl File 5.35 KB 0644