[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
package CPAN::Meta::YAML;
  $CPAN::Meta::YAML::VERSION = '0.008';

use strict;

# UTF Support?
sub HAVE_UTF8 () { $] >= 5.007003 }
	if ( HAVE_UTF8 ) {
		# The string eval helps hide this from Test::MinimumVersion
		eval "require utf8;";
		die "Failed to load UTF-8 support" if $@;

	# Class structure
	require 5.004;
	require Exporter;
	require Carp;
	@CPAN::Meta::YAML::ISA       = qw{ Exporter  };
	@CPAN::Meta::YAML::EXPORT    = qw{ Load Dump };
	@CPAN::Meta::YAML::EXPORT_OK = qw{ LoadFile DumpFile freeze thaw };

	# Error storage
	$CPAN::Meta::YAML::errstr    = '';

# The character class of all characters we need to escape
# NOTE: Inlined, since it's only used once
# my $RE_ESCAPE = '[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b-\\x0d\\x0e-\\x1f\"\n]';

# Printed form of the unprintable characters in the lowest range
# of ASCII characters, listed by ASCII ordinal position.
	z    x01  x02  x03  x04  x05  x06  a
	x08  t    n    v    f    r    x0e  x0f
	x10  x11  x12  x13  x14  x15  x16  x17
	x18  x19  x1a  e    x1c  x1d  x1e  x1f

# Printable characters for escapes
	z => "\x00", a => "\x07", t    => "\x09",
	n => "\x0a", v => "\x0b", f    => "\x0c",
	r => "\x0d", e => "\x1b", '\\' => '\\',

# Special magic boolean words
my %QUOTE = map { $_ => 1 } qw{
	null Null NULL
	y Y yes Yes YES n N no No NO
	true True TRUE false False FALSE
	on On ON off Off OFF

# Implementation

# Create an empty CPAN::Meta::YAML object
sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	bless [ @_ ], $class;

# Create an object from a file
sub read {
	my $class = ref $_[0] ? ref shift : shift;

	# Check the file
	my $file = shift or return $class->_error( 'You did not specify a file name' );
	return $class->_error( "File '$file' does not exist" )              unless -e $file;
	return $class->_error( "'$file' is a directory, not a file" )       unless -f _;
	return $class->_error( "Insufficient permissions to read '$file'" ) unless -r _;

	# Slurp in the file
	local $/ = undef;
	local *CFG;
	unless ( open(CFG, $file) ) {
		return $class->_error("Failed to open file '$file': $!");
	my $contents = <CFG>;
	unless ( close(CFG) ) {
		return $class->_error("Failed to close file '$file': $!");

	$class->read_string( $contents );

# Create an object from a string
sub read_string {
	my $class  = ref $_[0] ? ref shift : shift;
	my $self   = bless [], $class;
	my $string = $_[0];
	eval {
		unless ( defined $string ) {
			die \"Did not provide a string to load";

		# Byte order marks
		# NOTE: Keeping this here to educate maintainers
		# my %BOM = (
		#     "\357\273\277" => 'UTF-8',
		#     "\376\377"     => 'UTF-16BE',
		#     "\377\376"     => 'UTF-16LE',
		#     "\377\376\0\0" => 'UTF-32LE'
		#     "\0\0\376\377" => 'UTF-32BE',
		# );
		if ( $string =~ /^(?:\376\377|\377\376|\377\376\0\0|\0\0\376\377)/ ) {
			die \"Stream has a non UTF-8 BOM";
		} else {
			# Strip UTF-8 bom if found, we'll just ignore it
			$string =~ s/^\357\273\277//;

		# Try to decode as utf8
		utf8::decode($string) if HAVE_UTF8;

		# Check for some special cases
		return $self unless length $string;
		unless ( $string =~ /[\012\015]+\z/ ) {
			die \"Stream does not end with newline character";

		# Split the file into lines
		my @lines = grep { ! /^\s*(?:\#.*)?\z/ }
			    split /(?:\015{1,2}\012|\015|\012)/, $string;

		# Strip the initial YAML header
		@lines and $lines[0] =~ /^\%YAML[: ][\d\.]+.*\z/ and shift @lines;

		# A nibbling parser
		while ( @lines ) {
			# Do we have a document header?
			if ( $lines[0] =~ /^---\s*(?:(.+)\s*)?\z/ ) {
				# Handle scalar documents
				shift @lines;
				if ( defined $1 and $1 !~ /^(?:\#.+|\%YAML[: ][\d\.]+)\z/ ) {
					push @$self, $self->_read_scalar( "$1", [ undef ], \@lines );

			if ( ! @lines or $lines[0] =~ /^(?:---|\.\.\.)/ ) {
				# A naked document
				push @$self, undef;
				while ( @lines and $lines[0] !~ /^---/ ) {
					shift @lines;

			} elsif ( $lines[0] =~ /^\s*\-/ ) {
				# An array at the root
				my $document = [ ];
				push @$self, $document;
				$self->_read_array( $document, [ 0 ], \@lines );

			} elsif ( $lines[0] =~ /^(\s*)\S/ ) {
				# A hash at the root
				my $document = { };
				push @$self, $document;
				$self->_read_hash( $document, [ length($1) ], \@lines );

			} else {
				die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML failed to classify the line '$lines[0]'";
	if ( ref $@ eq 'SCALAR' ) {
		return $self->_error(${$@});
	} elsif ( $@ ) {
		require Carp;

	return $self;

# Deparse a scalar string to the actual scalar
sub _read_scalar {
	my ($self, $string, $indent, $lines) = @_;

	# Trim trailing whitespace
	$string =~ s/\s*\z//;

	# Explitic null/undef
	return undef if $string eq '~';

	# Single quote
	if ( $string =~ /^\'(.*?)\'(?:\s+\#.*)?\z/ ) {
		return '' unless defined $1;
		$string = $1;
		$string =~ s/\'\'/\'/g;
		return $string;

	# Double quote.
	# The commented out form is simpler, but overloaded the Perl regex
	# engine due to recursion and backtracking problems on strings
	# larger than 32,000ish characters. Keep it for reference purposes.
	# if ( $string =~ /^\"((?:\\.|[^\"])*)\"\z/ ) {
	if ( $string =~ /^\"([^\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\"]*)*)\"(?:\s+\#.*)?\z/ ) {
		# Reusing the variable is a little ugly,
		# but avoids a new variable and a string copy.
		$string = $1;
		$string =~ s/\\"/"/g;
		$string =~ s/\\([never\\fartz]|x([0-9a-fA-F]{2}))/(length($1)>1)?pack("H2",$2):$UNESCAPES{$1}/gex;
		return $string;

	# Special cases
	if ( $string =~ /^[\'\"!&]/ ) {
		die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support a feature in line '$string'";
	return {} if $string =~ /^{}(?:\s+\#.*)?\z/;
	return [] if $string =~ /^\[\](?:\s+\#.*)?\z/;

	# Regular unquoted string
	if ( $string !~ /^[>|]/ ) {
		if (
			$string =~ /^(?:-(?:\s|$)|[\@\%\`])/
			$string =~ /:(?:\s|$)/
		) {
			die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML found illegal characters in plain scalar: '$string'";
		$string =~ s/\s+#.*\z//;
		return $string;

	# Error
	die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML failed to find multi-line scalar content" unless @$lines;

	# Check the indent depth
	$lines->[0]   =~ /^(\s*)/;
	$indent->[-1] = length("$1");
	if ( defined $indent->[-2] and $indent->[-1] <= $indent->[-2] ) {
		die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML found bad indenting in line '$lines->[0]'";

	# Pull the lines
	my @multiline = ();
	while ( @$lines ) {
		$lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)/;
		last unless length($1) >= $indent->[-1];
		push @multiline, substr(shift(@$lines), length($1));

	my $j = (substr($string, 0, 1) eq '>') ? ' ' : "\n";
	my $t = (substr($string, 1, 1) eq '-') ? ''  : "\n";
	return join( $j, @multiline ) . $t;

# Parse an array
sub _read_array {
	my ($self, $array, $indent, $lines) = @_;

	while ( @$lines ) {
		# Check for a new document
		if ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(?:---|\.\.\.)/ ) {
			while ( @$lines and $lines->[0] !~ /^---/ ) {
				shift @$lines;
			return 1;

		# Check the indent level
		$lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)/;
		if ( length($1) < $indent->[-1] ) {
			return 1;
		} elsif ( length($1) > $indent->[-1] ) {
			die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML found bad indenting in line '$lines->[0]'";

		if ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*\-\s+)[^\'\"]\S*\s*:(?:\s+|$)/ ) {
			# Inline nested hash
			my $indent2 = length("$1");
			$lines->[0] =~ s/-/ /;
			push @$array, { };
			$self->_read_hash( $array->[-1], [ @$indent, $indent2 ], $lines );

		} elsif ( $lines->[0] =~ /^\s*\-(\s*)(.+?)\s*\z/ ) {
			# Array entry with a value
			shift @$lines;
			push @$array, $self->_read_scalar( "$2", [ @$indent, undef ], $lines );

		} elsif ( $lines->[0] =~ /^\s*\-\s*\z/ ) {
			shift @$lines;
			unless ( @$lines ) {
				push @$array, undef;
				return 1;
			if ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)\-/ ) {
				my $indent2 = length("$1");
				if ( $indent->[-1] == $indent2 ) {
					# Null array entry
					push @$array, undef;
				} else {
					# Naked indenter
					push @$array, [ ];
					$self->_read_array( $array->[-1], [ @$indent, $indent2 ], $lines );

			} elsif ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)\S/ ) {
				push @$array, { };
				$self->_read_hash( $array->[-1], [ @$indent, length("$1") ], $lines );

			} else {
				die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML failed to classify line '$lines->[0]'";

		} elsif ( defined $indent->[-2] and $indent->[-1] == $indent->[-2] ) {
			# This is probably a structure like the following...
			# ---
			# foo:
			# - list
			# bar: value
			# ... so lets return and let the hash parser handle it
			return 1;

		} else {
			die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML failed to classify line '$lines->[0]'";

	return 1;

# Parse an array
sub _read_hash {
	my ($self, $hash, $indent, $lines) = @_;

	while ( @$lines ) {
		# Check for a new document
		if ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(?:---|\.\.\.)/ ) {
			while ( @$lines and $lines->[0] !~ /^---/ ) {
				shift @$lines;
			return 1;

		# Check the indent level
		$lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)/;
		if ( length($1) < $indent->[-1] ) {
			return 1;
		} elsif ( length($1) > $indent->[-1] ) {
			die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML found bad indenting in line '$lines->[0]'";

		# Get the key
		unless ( $lines->[0] =~ s/^\s*([^\'\" ][^\n]*?)\s*:(\s+(?:\#.*)?|$)// ) {
			if ( $lines->[0] =~ /^\s*[?\'\"]/ ) {
				die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support a feature in line '$lines->[0]'";
			die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML failed to classify line '$lines->[0]'";
		my $key = $1;

		# Do we have a value?
		if ( length $lines->[0] ) {
			# Yes
			$hash->{$key} = $self->_read_scalar( shift(@$lines), [ @$indent, undef ], $lines );
		} else {
			# An indent
			shift @$lines;
			unless ( @$lines ) {
				$hash->{$key} = undef;
				return 1;
			if ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)-/ ) {
				$hash->{$key} = [];
				$self->_read_array( $hash->{$key}, [ @$indent, length($1) ], $lines );
			} elsif ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)./ ) {
				my $indent2 = length("$1");
				if ( $indent->[-1] >= $indent2 ) {
					# Null hash entry
					$hash->{$key} = undef;
				} else {
					$hash->{$key} = {};
					$self->_read_hash( $hash->{$key}, [ @$indent, length($1) ], $lines );

	return 1;

# Save an object to a file
sub write {
	my $self = shift;
	my $file = shift or return $self->_error('No file name provided');

	# Write it to the file
	open( CFG, '>' . $file ) or return $self->_error(
		"Failed to open file '$file' for writing: $!"
	print CFG $self->write_string;
	close CFG;

	return 1;

# Save an object to a string
sub write_string {
	my $self = shift;
	return '' unless @$self;

	# Iterate over the documents
	my $indent = 0;
	my @lines  = ();
	foreach my $cursor ( @$self ) {
		push @lines, '---';

		# An empty document
		if ( ! defined $cursor ) {
			# Do nothing

		# A scalar document
		} elsif ( ! ref $cursor ) {
			$lines[-1] .= ' ' . $self->_write_scalar( $cursor, $indent );

		# A list at the root
		} elsif ( ref $cursor eq 'ARRAY' ) {
			unless ( @$cursor ) {
				$lines[-1] .= ' []';
			push @lines, $self->_write_array( $cursor, $indent, {} );

		# A hash at the root
		} elsif ( ref $cursor eq 'HASH' ) {
			unless ( %$cursor ) {
				$lines[-1] .= ' {}';
			push @lines, $self->_write_hash( $cursor, $indent, {} );

		} else {
			Carp::croak("Cannot serialize " . ref($cursor));

	join '', map { "$_\n" } @lines;

sub _write_scalar {
	my $string = $_[1];
	return '~'  unless defined $string;
	return "''" unless length  $string;
	if ( $string =~ /[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0d\x0e-\x1f\"\'\n]/ ) {
		$string =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
		$string =~ s/"/\\"/g;
		$string =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
		$string =~ s/([\x00-\x1f])/\\$UNPRINTABLE[ord($1)]/g;
		return qq|"$string"|;
	if ( $string =~ /(?:^\W|\s|:\z)/ or $QUOTE{$string} ) {
		return "'$string'";
	return $string;

sub _write_array {
	my ($self, $array, $indent, $seen) = @_;
	if ( $seen->{refaddr($array)}++ ) {
		die "CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support circular references";
	my @lines  = ();
	foreach my $el ( @$array ) {
		my $line = ('  ' x $indent) . '-';
		my $type = ref $el;
		if ( ! $type ) {
			$line .= ' ' . $self->_write_scalar( $el, $indent + 1 );
			push @lines, $line;

		} elsif ( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
			if ( @$el ) {
				push @lines, $line;
				push @lines, $self->_write_array( $el, $indent + 1, $seen );
			} else {
				$line .= ' []';
				push @lines, $line;

		} elsif ( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
			if ( keys %$el ) {
				push @lines, $line;
				push @lines, $self->_write_hash( $el, $indent + 1, $seen );
			} else {
				$line .= ' {}';
				push @lines, $line;

		} else {
			die "CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support $type references";


sub _write_hash {
	my ($self, $hash, $indent, $seen) = @_;
	if ( $seen->{refaddr($hash)}++ ) {
		die "CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support circular references";
	my @lines  = ();
	foreach my $name ( sort keys %$hash ) {
		my $el   = $hash->{$name};
		my $line = ('  ' x $indent) . "$name:";
		my $type = ref $el;
		if ( ! $type ) {
			$line .= ' ' . $self->_write_scalar( $el, $indent + 1 );
			push @lines, $line;

		} elsif ( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
			if ( @$el ) {
				push @lines, $line;
				push @lines, $self->_write_array( $el, $indent + 1, $seen );
			} else {
				$line .= ' []';
				push @lines, $line;

		} elsif ( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
			if ( keys %$el ) {
				push @lines, $line;
				push @lines, $self->_write_hash( $el, $indent + 1, $seen );
			} else {
				$line .= ' {}';
				push @lines, $line;

		} else {
			die "CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support $type references";


# Set error
sub _error {
	$CPAN::Meta::YAML::errstr = $_[1];

# Retrieve error
sub errstr {

# YAML Compatibility

sub Dump {

sub Load {
	my $self = CPAN::Meta::YAML->read_string(@_);
	unless ( $self ) {
		Carp::croak("Failed to load YAML document from string");
	if ( wantarray ) {
		return @$self;
	} else {
		# To match YAML.pm, return the last document
		return $self->[-1];

	*freeze = *Dump;
	*thaw   = *Load;

sub DumpFile {
	my $file = shift;

sub LoadFile {
	my $self = CPAN::Meta::YAML->read($_[0]);
	unless ( $self ) {
		Carp::croak("Failed to load YAML document from '" . ($_[0] || '') . "'");
	if ( wantarray ) {
		return @$self;
	} else {
		# Return only the last document to match YAML.pm, 
		return $self->[-1];

# Use Scalar::Util if possible, otherwise emulate it

	local $@;
	eval {
		require Scalar::Util;
	my $v = eval("$Scalar::Util::VERSION") || 0;
	if ( $@ or $v < 1.18 ) {
		eval <<'END_PERL';
# Scalar::Util failed to load or too old
sub refaddr {
	my $pkg = ref($_[0]) or return undef;
	if ( !! UNIVERSAL::can($_[0], 'can') ) {
		bless $_[0], 'Scalar::Util::Fake';
	} else {
		$pkg = undef;
	"$_[0]" =~ /0x(\w+)/;
	my $i = do { local $^W; hex $1 };
	bless $_[0], $pkg if defined $pkg;
	} else {
		*refaddr = *Scalar::Util::refaddr;



=head1 NAME

CPAN::Meta::YAML - Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files

=head1 VERSION

version 0.008


    use CPAN::Meta::YAML;

    # reading a META file
    open $fh, "<:utf8", "META.yml";
    $yaml_text = do { local $/; <$fh> };
    $yaml = CPAN::Meta::YAML->read_string($yaml_text)
      or die CPAN::Meta::YAML->errstr;

    # finding the metadata
    $meta = $yaml->[0];

    # writing a META file
    $yaml_text = $yaml->write_string
      or die CPAN::Meta::YAML->errstr;
    open $fh, ">:utf8", "META.yml";
    print $fh $yaml_text;


This module implements a subset of the YAML specification for use in reading
and writing CPAN metadata files like F<META.yml> and F<MYMETA.yml>.  It should
not be used for any other general YAML parsing or generation task.

NOTE: F<META.yml> (and F<MYMETA.yml>) files should be UTF-8 encoded.  Users are
responsible for proper encoding and decoding.  In particular, the C<read> and
C<write> methods do B<not> support UTF-8 and should not be used.

=head1 SUPPORT

This module is currently derived from L<YAML::Tiny> by Adam Kennedy.  If
there are bugs in how it parses a particular META.yml file, please file
a bug report in the YAML::Tiny bugtracker:

=head1 SEE ALSO


=for :stopwords cpan testmatrix url annocpan anno bugtracker rt cpants kwalitee diff irc mailto metadata placeholders metacpan

=head1 SUPPORT

=head2 Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker
at L<http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=CPAN-Meta-YAML>.
You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue.

=head2 Source Code

This is open source software.  The code repository is available for
public review and contribution under the terms of the license.


  git clone https://github.com/dagolden/cpan-meta-yaml.git

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Adam Kennedy <adamk@cpan.org>

=item *

David Golden <dagolden@cpan.org>



This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Adam Kennedy.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.



# ABSTRACT: Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Converter.pm File 39.91 KB 0644
Feature.pm File 2.22 KB 0644
History.pm File 5.19 KB 0644
Prereqs.pm File 6.56 KB 0644
Requirements.pm File 17.3 KB 0644
Spec.pm File 33.55 KB 0644
Validator.pm File 29.69 KB 0644
YAML.pm File 17.18 KB 0644