[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
package CPANPLUS::Internals::Search;

use strict;

use CPANPLUS::Error;
use CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants;
use CPANPLUS::Module;
use CPANPLUS::Module::Author;

use File::Find;
use File::Spec;

use Params::Check               qw[check allow];
use Locale::Maketext::Simple    Class => 'CPANPLUS', Style => 'gettext';

use vars qw[$VERSION];
$VERSION = "0.9138";

$Params::Check::VERBOSE = 1;


=head1 NAME

CPANPLUS::Internals::Search - internals for searching for modules


    my $aref = $cpan->_search_module_tree(
                        type    => 'package',
                        allow   => [qr/DBI/],

    my $aref = $cpan->_search_author_tree(
                        type    => 'cpanid',
                        data    => \@old_results,
                        verbose => 1,
                        allow   => [qw|KANE AUTRIJUS|],

    my $aref = $cpan->_all_installed( );


The functions in this module are designed to find module(objects)
based on certain criteria and return them.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 _search_module_tree( type => TYPE, allow => \@regexes, [data => \@previous_results ] )

Searches the moduletree for module objects matching the criteria you
specify. Returns an array ref of module objects on success, and false
on failure.

It takes the following arguments:

=over 4

=item type

This can be any of the accessors for the C<CPANPLUS::Module> objects.
This is a required argument.

=item allow

A set of rules, or more precisely, a list of regexes (via C<qr//> or
plain strings), that the C<type> must adhere too. You can specify as
many as you like, and it will be treated as an C<OR> search.
For an C<AND> search, see the C<data> argument.

This is a required argument.

=item data

An arrayref of previous search results. This is the way to do an C<AND>
search -- C<_search_module_tree> will only search the module objects
specified in C<data> if provided, rather than the moduletree itself.



# Although the Params::Check solution is more graceful, it is WAY too slow.
# This sample script:
#     use CPANPLUS::Backend;
#     my $cb = new CPANPLUS::Backend;
#     $cb->module_tree;
#     my @list = $cb->search( type => 'module', allow => [qr/^Acme/] );
#     print $_->module, $/ for @list;
# Produced the following output using Dprof WITH params::check code
#     Total Elapsed Time = 3.670024 Seconds
#       User+System Time = 3.390373 Seconds
#     Exclusive Times
#     %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
#      88.7   3.008  4.463  20610   0.0001 0.0002  Params::Check::check
#      47.4   1.610  1.610      1   1.6100 1.6100  Storable::net_pstore
#      25.6   0.869  0.737  20491   0.0000 0.0000  Locale::Maketext::Simple::_default
#                                                  _gettext
#      23.2   0.789  0.524  40976   0.0000 0.0000  Params::Check::_who_was_it
#      23.2   0.789  0.677  20610   0.0000 0.0000  Params::Check::_sanity_check
#      19.7   0.670  0.670      1   0.6700 0.6700  Storable::pretrieve
#      14.1   0.480  0.211  41350   0.0000 0.0000  Params::Check::_convert_case
#      11.5   0.390  0.256  20610   0.0000 0.0000  Params::Check::_hashdefs
#      11.5   0.390  0.255  20697   0.0000 0.0000  Params::Check::_listreqs
#      11.4   0.389  0.177  20653   0.0000 0.0000  Params::Check::_canon_key
#      10.9   0.370  0.356  20697   0.0000 0.0000  Params::Check::_hasreq
#      8.02   0.272  4.750      1   0.2723 4.7501  CPANPLUS::Internals::Search::_sear
#                                                  ch_module_tree
#      6.49   0.220  0.086  20653   0.0000 0.0000  Params::Check::_iskey
#      6.19   0.210  0.077  20488   0.0000 0.0000  Params::Check::_store_error
#      5.01   0.170  0.036  20680   0.0000 0.0000  CPANPLUS::Module::__ANON__
# and this output /without/
#     Total Elapsed Time = 2.803426 Seconds
#       User+System Time = 2.493426 Seconds
#     Exclusive Times
#     %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
#      56.9   1.420  1.420      1   1.4200 1.4200  Storable::net_pstore
#      25.6   0.640  0.640      1   0.6400 0.6400  Storable::pretrieve
#      9.22   0.230  0.096  20680   0.0000 0.0000  CPANPLUS::Module::__ANON__
#      7.06   0.176  0.272      1   0.1762 0.2719  CPANPLUS::Internals::Search::_sear
#                                                  ch_module_tree
#      3.21   0.080  0.098     10   0.0080 0.0098  IPC::Cmd::BEGIN
#      1.60   0.040  0.205     13   0.0031 0.0158  CPANPLUS::Internals::BEGIN
#      1.20   0.030  0.030     29   0.0010 0.0010  vars::BEGIN
#      1.20   0.030  0.117     10   0.0030 0.0117  Log::Message::BEGIN
#      1.20   0.030  0.029      9   0.0033 0.0033  CPANPLUS::Internals::Search::BEGIN
#      0.80   0.020  0.020      5   0.0040 0.0040  DynaLoader::dl_load_file
#      0.80   0.020  0.127     10   0.0020 0.0127  CPANPLUS::Module::BEGIN
#      0.80   0.020  0.389      2   0.0099 0.1944  main::BEGIN
#      0.80   0.020  0.359     12   0.0017 0.0299  CPANPLUS::Backend::BEGIN
#      0.40   0.010  0.010     30   0.0003 0.0003  Config::FETCH
#      0.40   0.010  0.010     18   0.0006 0.0005  Locale::Maketext::Simple::load_loc

sub _search_module_tree {

    my $self = shift;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;
    my %hash = @_;

    my $tmpl = {
        data    => { default    => [],
                     strict_type=> 1, store     => \$mods },
        allow   => { required   => 1, default   => [ ], strict_type => 1,
                     store      => \$list },
        verbose => { default    => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
                     store      => \$verbose },
        type    => { required   => 1, allow => [CPANPLUS::Module->accessors()],
                     store      => \$type },

    my $args = do {
        ### don't check the template for sanity
        ### -- we know it's good and saves a lot of performance
        local $Params::Check::SANITY_CHECK_TEMPLATE = 0;

        check( $tmpl, \%hash );
    } or return;

    ### a list of module objects was supplied
    if( @$mods ) {
        local $Params::Check::VERBOSE = 0;

        my @rv;
        for my $mod (@$mods) {
            #push @rv, $mod if check(
            #                        { $type => { allow => $list } },
            #                        { $type => $mod->$type() }
            #                    );
            push @rv, $mod if allow( $mod->$type() => $list );

        return \@rv;

    } else {
        my @rv = $self->_source_search_module_tree(
            allow   => $list,
            type    => $type,
        return \@rv;


=head2 _search_author_tree( type => TYPE, allow => \@regexex, [data => \@previous_results ] )

Searches the authortree for author objects matching the criteria you
specify. Returns an array ref of author objects on success, and false
on failure.

It takes the following arguments:

=over 4

=item type

This can be any of the accessors for the C<CPANPLUS::Module::Author>
objects. This is a required argument.

=item allow

A set of rules, or more precisely, a list of regexes (via C<qr//> or
plain strings), that the C<type> must adhere too. You can specify as
many as you like, and it will be treated as an C<OR> search.
For an C<AND> search, see the C<data> argument.

This is a required argument.

=item data

An arrayref of previous search results. This is the way to do an C<and>
search -- C<_search_author_tree> will only search the author objects
specified in C<data> if provided, rather than the authortree itself.



sub _search_author_tree {
    my $self = shift;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;
    my %hash = @_;

    my $tmpl = {
        data    => { default    => [],
                     strict_type=> 1, store     => \$authors },
        allow   => { required   => 1, default   => [ ], strict_type => 1,
                     store      => \$list },
        verbose => { default    => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
                     store      => \$verbose },
        type    => { required   => 1, allow => [CPANPLUS::Module::Author->accessors()],
                     store      => \$type },

    my $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    if( @$authors ) {
        local $Params::Check::VERBOSE = 0;

        my @rv;
        for my $auth (@$authors) {
            #push @rv, $auth if check(
            #                        { $type => { allow => $list } },
            #                        { $type => $auth->$type }
            #                    );
            push @rv, $auth if allow( $auth->$type() => $list );
        return \@rv;
    } else {
        my @rv = $self->_source_search_author_tree(
            allow   => $list,
            type    => $type,
        return \@rv;


=head2 _all_installed()

This function returns an array ref of module objects of modules that
are installed on this system.


sub _all_installed {
    my $self = shift;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;
    my %hash = @_;

    ### File::Find uses follow_skip => 1 by default, which doesn't die
    ### on duplicates, unless they are directories or symlinks.
    ### Ticket #29796 shows this code dying on Alien::WxWidgets,
    ### which uses symlinks.
    ### File::Find doc says to use follow_skip => 2 to ignore duplicates
    ### so this will stop it from dying.
    my %find_args = ( follow_skip => 2 );

    ### File::Find uses lstat, which quietly becomes stat on win32
    ### it then uses -l _ which is not allowed by the statbuffer because
    ### you did a stat, not an lstat (duh!). so don't tell win32 to
    ### follow symlinks, as that will break badly
    $find_args{'follow_fast'} = 1 unless ON_WIN32;

    ### never use the @INC hooks to find installed versions of
    ### modules -- they're just there in case they're not on the
    ### perl install, but the user shouldn't trust them for *other*
    ### modules!
    ### XXX CPANPLUS::inc is now obsolete, remove the calls
    #local @INC = CPANPLUS::inc->original_inc;

    my %seen; my @rv;
    for my $dir (@INC ) {
        next if $dir eq '.';

        ### not a directory after all
        ### may be coderef or some such
        next unless -d $dir;

        ### make sure to clean up the directories just in case,
        ### as we're making assumptions about the length
        ### This solves rt.cpan issue #19738

        ### John M. notes: On VMS cannonpath can not currently handle
        ### the $dir values that are in UNIX format.
        $dir = File::Spec->canonpath( $dir ) unless ON_VMS;

        ### have to use F::S::Unix on VMS, or things will break
        my $file_spec = ON_VMS ? 'File::Spec::Unix' : 'File::Spec';

        ### XXX in some cases File::Find can actually die!
        ### so be safe and wrap it in an eval.
        eval { File::Find::find(
            {   %find_args,
                wanted      => sub {

                    return unless /\.pm$/i;
                    my $mod = $File::Find::name;

                    ### make sure it's in Unix format, as it
                    ### may be in VMS format on VMS;
                    $mod = VMS::Filespec::unixify( $mod ) if ON_VMS;

                    $mod = substr($mod, length($dir) + 1, -3);
                    $mod = join '::', $file_spec->splitdir($mod);

                    return if $seen{$mod}++;

                    my $modobj = $self->module_tree($mod);

                    ### separate return, a list context return with one ''
                    ### in it, is also true!
                    return unless $modobj;

                    push @rv, $modobj;
            }, $dir
        ) };

        ### report the error if file::find died
        error(loc("Error finding installed files in '%1': %2", $dir, $@)) if $@;

    return \@rv;


# Local variables:
# c-indentation-style: bsd
# c-basic-offset: 4
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:
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Name Type Size Permission Actions
Constants Folder 0755
Source Folder 0755
Utils Folder 0755
Constants.pm File 16.45 KB 0644
Extract.pm File 7.45 KB 0644
Fetch.pm File 15.72 KB 0644
Report.pm File 22.17 KB 0644
Search.pm File 11.85 KB 0644
Source.pm File 41.42 KB 0644
Utils.pm File 16.84 KB 0644