[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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package CPANPLUS::Internals::Source;

use strict;

use CPANPLUS::Error;
use CPANPLUS::Module;
use CPANPLUS::Module::Fake;
use CPANPLUS::Module::Author;
use CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants;

use File::Fetch;
use Archive::Extract;

use IPC::Cmd                    qw[can_run];
use File::Temp                  qw[tempdir];
use File::Basename              qw[dirname];
use Params::Check               qw[check];
use Module::Load::Conditional   qw[can_load];
use Locale::Maketext::Simple    Class => 'CPANPLUS', Style => 'gettext';

use vars qw[$VERSION];
$VERSION = "0.9138";

$Params::Check::VERBOSE = 1;

### list of methods the parent class must implement
{   for my $sub ( qw[_init_trees _finalize_trees
                     _standard_trees_completed _custom_trees_completed
                     _add_module_object _add_author_object _save_state
    ) {
        no strict 'refs';
        *$sub = sub {
            my $self    = shift;
            my $class   = ref $self || $self;

            require Carp;
            Carp::croak( loc( "Class %1 must implement method '%2'",
                              $class, $sub ) );

    my $recurse; # flag to prevent recursive calls to *_tree functions

    ### lazy loading of module tree
    sub _module_tree {
        my $self = $_[0];

        unless ($self->_mtree or $recurse++ > 0) {
            my $uptodate = $self->_check_trees( @_[1..$#_] );
            $self->_build_trees(uptodate => $uptodate);

        return $self->_mtree;

    ### lazy loading of author tree
    sub _author_tree {
        my $self = $_[0];

        unless ($self->_atree or $recurse++ > 0) {
            my $uptodate = $self->_check_trees( @_[1..$#_] );
            $self->_build_trees(uptodate => $uptodate);

        return $self->_atree;



=head1 NAME

CPANPLUS::Internals::Source - internals for updating source files


    ### lazy load author/module trees ###



CPANPLUS::Internals::Source controls the updating of source files and
the parsing of them into usable module/author trees to be used by

Functions exist to check if source files are still C<good to use> as
well as update them, and then parse them.

The flow looks like this:

    $cb->_author_tree || $cb->_module_tree
            ### engine methods
            {   $cb->_init_trees;
                ### engine methods
                { $cb->_add_author_object }
                ### engine methods
                { $cb->_add_module_object }


=head1 METHODS



=head2 $cb->_build_trees( uptodate => BOOL, [use_stored => BOOL, path => $path, verbose => BOOL] )

This method rebuilds the author- and module-trees from source.

It takes the following arguments:

=over 4

=item uptodate

Indicates whether any on disk caches are still ok to use.

=item path

The absolute path to the directory holding the source files.

=item verbose

A boolean flag indicating whether or not to be verbose.

=item use_stored

A boolean flag indicating whether or not it is ok to use previously
stored trees. Defaults to true.


Returns a boolean indicating success.


### (re)build the trees ###
sub _build_trees {
    my ($self, %hash)   = @_;
    my $conf            = $self->configure_object;

    my $tmpl = {
        path        => { default => $conf->get_conf('base'), store => \$path },
        verbose     => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'), store => \$verbose },
        uptodate    => { required => 1, store => \$uptodate },
        use_stored  => { default => 1, store => \$use_stored },

    my $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

        path        => $path,
        uptodate    => $uptodate,
        verbose     => $verbose,
        use_stored  => $use_stored,
    ) or do {
        error( loc("Could not initialize trees" ) );

    ### return if we weren't able to build the trees ###
    return unless $self->_mtree && $self->_atree;

    ### did we get everything from a stored state? if not,
    ### process them now.
    if( not $self->_standard_trees_completed ) {

        ### first, prep the author tree
                uptodate    => $uptodate,
                path        => $path,
                verbose     => $verbose,
        ) or return;

        ### and now the module tree
                uptodate    => $uptodate,
                path        => $path,
                verbose     => $verbose,
        ) or return;

    ### XXX unpleasant hack. since custom sources uses ->parse_module, we
    ### already have a special module object with extra meta data. that
    ### doesn't gelwell with the sqlite storage engine. So, we check 'normal'
    ### trees from separate trees, so the engine can treat them differently.
    ### Effectively this means that with the SQLite engine, for now, custom
    ### sources are continuously reparsed =/ -kane
    if( not $self->_custom_trees_completed ) {

        ### update them if the other sources are also deemed out of date
        if( $conf->get_conf('enable_custom_sources') ) {
            $self->__update_custom_module_sources( verbose => $verbose )
                or error(loc("Could not update custom module sources"));

        ### add custom sources here if enabled
        if( $conf->get_conf('enable_custom_sources') ) {
            $self->__create_custom_module_entries( verbose => $verbose )
                or error(loc("Could not create custom module entries"));

    ### give the source engine a chance to wrap up creation
        path        => $path,
        uptodate    => $uptodate,
        verbose     => $verbose,
        use_stored  => $use_stored,
    ) or do {
        error(loc( "Could not finalize trees" ));

    ### still necessary? can only run one instance now ###
    ### will probably stay that way --kane
#     my $id = $self->_store_id( $self );
#     unless ( $id == $self->_id ) {
#         error( loc("IDs do not match: %1 != %2. Storage failed!", $id, $self->_id) );
#     }

    return 1;


=head2 $cb->_check_trees( [update_source => BOOL, path => PATH, verbose => BOOL] )

Retrieve source files and return a boolean indicating whether or not
the source files are up to date.

Takes several arguments:

=over 4

=item update_source

A flag to force re-fetching of the source files, even
if they are still up to date.

=item path

The absolute path to the directory holding the source files.

=item verbose

A boolean flag indicating whether or not to be verbose.


Will get information from the config file by default.


### retrieve source files, and returns a boolean indicating if it's up to date
sub _check_trees {
    my ($self, %hash) = @_;
    my $conf          = $self->configure_object;

    my $update_source;
    my $verbose;
    my $path;

    my $tmpl = {
        path            => { default => $conf->get_conf('base'),
                             store => \$path
        verbose         => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
                             store => \$verbose
        update_source   => { default => 0, store => \$update_source },

    my $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    ### if the user never wants to update their source without explicitly
    ### telling us, shortcircuit here
    return 1 if $conf->get_conf('no_update') && !$update_source;

    ### a check to see if our source files are still up to date ###
    msg( loc("Checking if source files are up to date"), $verbose );

    my $uptodate = 1; # default return value

    for my $name (qw[auth mod]) {
        for my $file ( $conf->_get_source( $name ) ) {
                file            => File::Spec->catfile( $path, $file ),
                name            => $name,
                update_source   => $update_source,
                verbose         => $verbose,
            ) or $uptodate = 0;

    ### if we're explicitly asked to update the sources, or if the
    ### standard source files are out of date, update the custom sources
    ### as well
    ### RT #47820: Don't try to update custom sources if they are disabled
    ### in the configuration.
    $self->__update_custom_module_sources( verbose => $verbose )
        if $conf->get_conf('enable_custom_sources') and ( $update_source or !$uptodate );

    return $uptodate;


=head2 $cb->__check_uptodate( file => $file, name => $name, [update_source => BOOL, verbose => BOOL] )

C<__check_uptodate> checks if a given source file is still up-to-date
and if not, or when C<update_source> is true, will re-fetch the source

Takes the following arguments:

=over 4

=item file

The source file to check.

=item name

The internal shortcut name for the source file (used for config

=item update_source

Flag to force updating of sourcefiles regardless.

=item verbose

Boolean to indicate whether to be verbose or not.


Returns a boolean value indicating whether the current files are up
to date or not.


### this method checks whether or not the source files we are using are still up to date
sub __check_uptodate {
    my $self = shift;
    my %hash = @_;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;

    my $tmpl = {
        file            => { required => 1 },
        name            => { required => 1 },
        update_source   => { default => 0 },
        verbose         => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose') },

    my $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    my $flag;
    unless ( -e $args->{'file'} && (
            ( stat $args->{'file'} )[9]
            + $conf->_get_source('update') )
            > time ) {
        $flag = 1;

    if ( $flag or $args->{'update_source'} ) {

         if ( $self->_update_source( name => $args->{'name'} ) ) {
              return 0;       # return 0 so 'uptodate' will be set to 0, meaning no
                              # use of previously stored hashrefs!
         } else {
              msg( loc("Unable to update source, attempting to get away with using old source file!"), $args->{verbose} );
              return 1;

    } else {
        return 1;


=head2 $cb->_update_source( name => $name, [path => $path, verbose => BOOL] )

This method does the actual fetching of source files.

It takes the following arguments:

=over 4

=item name

The internal shortcut name for the source file (used for config

=item path

The full path where to write the files.

=item verbose

Boolean to indicate whether to be verbose or not.


Returns a boolean to indicate success.


### this sub fetches new source files ###
sub _update_source {
    my $self = shift;
    my %hash = @_;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;

    my $verbose;
    my $tmpl = {
        name    => { required => 1 },
        path    => { default => $conf->get_conf('base') },
        verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'), store => \$verbose },

    my $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    my $path = $args->{path};
    {   ### this could use a clean up - Kane
        ### no worries about the / -> we get it from the _ftp configuration, so
        ### it's not platform dependant. -kane
        my ($dir, $file) = $conf->_get_mirror( $args->{'name'} ) =~ m|(.+/)(.+)$|sg;

        msg( loc("Updating source file '%1'", $file), $verbose );

        my $fake = CPANPLUS::Module::Fake->new(
                        module  => $args->{'name'},
                        path    => $dir,
                        package => $file,
                        _id     => $self->_id,

        ### can't use $fake->fetch here, since ->parent won't work --
        ### the sources haven't been saved yet
        my $rv = $self->_fetch(
                    module      => $fake,
                    fetchdir    => $path,
                    force       => 1,

        unless ($rv) {
            error( loc("Couldn't fetch '%1'", $file) );

        $self->_update_timestamp( file => File::Spec->catfile($path, $file) );

    return 1;


=head2 $cb->__create_author_tree([path => $path, uptodate => BOOL, verbose => BOOL])

This method opens a source files and parses its contents into a
searchable author-tree or restores a file-cached version of a
previous parse, if the sources are uptodate and the file-cache exists.

It takes the following arguments:

=over 4

=item uptodate

A flag indicating whether the file-cache is uptodate or not.

=item path

The absolute path to the directory holding the source files.

=item verbose

A boolean flag indicating whether or not to be verbose.


Will get information from the config file by default.

Returns a tree on success, false on failure.


sub __create_author_tree {
    my $self = shift;
    my %hash = @_;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;

    my $tmpl = {
        path     => { default => $conf->get_conf('base') },
        verbose  => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose') },
        uptodate => { default => 0 },

    my $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    my $file = File::Spec->catfile(

    msg(loc("Rebuilding author tree, this might take a while"),

    ### extract the file ###
    my $ae      = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $file ) or return;
    my $out     = STRIP_GZ_SUFFIX->($file);

    ### make sure to set the PREFER_BIN flag if desired ###
    {   local $Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN = $conf->get_conf('prefer_bin');
        $ae->extract( to => $out )                              or return;

    my $cont    = $self->_get_file_contents( file => $out ) or return;

    ### don't need it anymore ###
    unlink $out;

    my ($tot,$prce,$prc,$idx);

    if ( $args->{verbose} and local $|=1 ) {
      no warnings;
      $tot = scalar(split /\n/, $cont);
      ($prce, $prc, $idx) = (int $tot / 25, 0, 0);
      print "\t0%";

    for ( split /\n/, $cont ) {
        my($id, $name, $email) = m/^alias \s+
                                    (\S+) \s+
                                    "\s* ([^\"\<]+?) \s* <(.+)> \s*"

            author  => $name,           #authors name
            email   => $email,          #authors email address
            cpanid  => $id,             #authors CPAN ID
        ) or error( loc("Could not add author '%1'", $name ) );

       and (

         and ($prc+=4,$idx=0,print ".")),

              (($prc % 10)
              or $idx
              or print $prc,'%')


   and print "\n";

    return $self->_atree;

} #__create_author_tree


=head2 $cb->_create_mod_tree([path => $path, uptodate => BOOL, verbose => BOOL])

This method opens a source files and parses its contents into a
searchable module-tree or restores a file-cached version of a
previous parse, if the sources are uptodate and the file-cache exists.

It takes the following arguments:

=over 4

=item uptodate

A flag indicating whether the file-cache is up-to-date or not.

=item path

The absolute path to the directory holding the source files.

=item verbose

A boolean flag indicating whether or not to be verbose.


Will get information from the config file by default.

Returns a tree on success, false on failure.


### this builds a hash reference with the structure of the cpan module tree ###
sub _create_mod_tree {
    my $self = shift;
    my %hash = @_;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;
    my $base = $conf->_get_mirror('base');

    my $tmpl = {
        path     => { default => $conf->get_conf('base') },
        verbose  => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose') },
        uptodate => { default => 0 },

    my $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return undef;
    my $file = File::Spec->catfile($args->{path}, $conf->_get_source('mod'));

    msg(loc("Rebuilding module tree, this might take a while"),

    my $dslip_tree = $self->__create_dslip_tree( %$args );

    my $author_tree = $self->author_tree;

    ### extract the file ###
    my $ae      = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $file ) or return;
    my $out     = STRIP_GZ_SUFFIX->($file);

    ### make sure to set the PREFER_BIN flag if desired ###
    {   local $Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN = $conf->get_conf('prefer_bin');
        $ae->extract( to => $out )                              or return;

    my $content = $self->_get_file_contents( file => $out ) or return;
    my $lines   = $content =~ tr/\n/\n/;

    ### don't need it anymore ###
    unlink $out;

    my($past_header, $count, $tot, $prce, $prc, $idx);

    if ( $args->{verbose} and local $|=1 ) {
      no warnings;
      $tot = scalar(split /\n/, $content);
      ($prce, $prc, $idx) = (int $tot / 25, 0, 0);
      print "\t0%";

    for ( split /\n/, $content ) {

        ### we're still in the header -- find the amount of lines we expect
        unless( $past_header ) {

            ### header has ended -- did we get the line count?
            if( m|^\s*$| ) {
                unless( $count ) {
                    error(loc("Could not determine line count from %1", $file));
                $past_header = 1;

            ### if the line count doesn't match what we expect, bail out
            ### this should address: #45644: detect broken index
            } else {
                $count = $1 if /^Line-Count:\s+(\d+)/;
                if( $count ) {
                    if( $lines < $count ) {
                        error(loc("Expected to read at least %1 lines, but %2 ".
                                  "contains only %3 lines!",
                                  $count, $file, $lines ));

            ### still in the header, keep moving

        my @data = split /\s+/;
        ### three fields expected on each line
        next unless @data == 3;

        ### filter out the author and filename as well ###
        ### authors can apparently have digits in their names,
        ### and dirs can have dots... blah!
        my ($author, $package) = $data[2] =~
                m|  (?:[A-Z\d-]/)?
                    ([A-Z\d-]+) (?:/[\S]+)?/

        ### remove file name from the path
        $data[2] =~ s|/[^/]+$||;

        my $aobj = $author_tree->{$author};
        unless( $aobj ) {
            error( loc( "No such author '%1' -- can't make module object " .
                        "'%2' that is supposed to belong to this author",
                        $author, $data[0] ) );

        my $dslip_mod = $dslip_tree->{ $data[0] };

        ### adding the dslip info
        my $dslip;
        for my $item ( qw[ statd stats statl stati statp ] ) {
            ### checking if there's an entry in the dslip info before
            ### catting it on. appeasing warnings this way
            $dslip .= $dslip_mod->{$item} || ' ';

        ### XXX this could be sped up if we used author names, not author
        ### objects in creation, and then look them up in the author tree
        ### when needed. This will need a fix to all the places that create
        ### fake author/module objects as well.

        ### callback to store the individual object
            module      => $data[0],            # full module name
            version     => ($data[1] eq 'undef' # version number
                                ? '0.0'
                                : $data[1]),
            path        => File::Spec::Unix->catfile(
                            ),          # extended path on the cpan mirror,
                                        # like /A/AB/ABIGAIL
            comment     => $data[3],    # comment on the module
            author      => $aobj,
            package     => $package,    # package name, like
                                        # 'foo-bar-baz-1.03.tar.gz'
            description => $dslip_mod->{'description'},
            dslip       => $dslip,
            mtime       => '',
        ) or error( loc( "Could not add module '%1'", $data[0] ) );

       and (

         and ($prc+=4,$idx=0,print ".")),

              (($prc % 10)
              or $idx
              or print $prc,'%')

    } #for

   and print "\n";

    return $self->_mtree;

} #_create_mod_tree


=head2 $cb->__create_dslip_tree([path => $path, uptodate => BOOL, verbose => BOOL])

This method opens a source files and parses its contents into a
searchable dslip-tree or restores a file-cached version of a
previous parse, if the sources are uptodate and the file-cache exists.

It takes the following arguments:

=over 4

=item uptodate

A flag indicating whether the file-cache is uptodate or not.

=item path

The absolute path to the directory holding the source files.

=item verbose

A boolean flag indicating whether or not to be verbose.


Will get information from the config file by default.

Returns a tree on success, false on failure.


sub __create_dslip_tree {
    my $self = shift;
    my %hash = @_;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;

    return {}; # Quick hack

    my $tmpl = {
        path     => { default => $conf->get_conf('base') },
        verbose  => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose') },
        uptodate => { default => 0 },

    my $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    ### get the file name of the source ###
    my $file = File::Spec->catfile($args->{path}, $conf->_get_source('dslip'));

    ### extract the file ###
    my $ae      = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $file ) or return;
    my $out     = STRIP_GZ_SUFFIX->($file);

    ### make sure to set the PREFER_BIN flag if desired ###
    {   local $Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN = $conf->get_conf('prefer_bin');
        $ae->extract( to => $out )                              or return;

    my $in      = $self->_get_file_contents( file => $out ) or return;

    ### don't need it anymore ###
    unlink $out;

    ### get rid of the comments and the code ###
    ### need a smarter parser, some people have this in their dslip info:
    # [
    # 'Statistics::LTU',
    # 'R',
    # 'd',
    # 'p',
    # 'O',
    # '?',
    # 'Implements Linear Threshold Units',
    # ...skipping...
    # "\x{c4}dd \x{fc}ml\x{e4}\x{fc}ts t\x{f6} \x{eb}v\x{eb}r\x{ff}th\x{ef}ng!",
    # 'BENNIE',
    # '11'
    # ],
    ### also, older versions say:
    ### $cols = [....]
    ### and newer versions say:
    ### $CPANPLUS::Modulelist::cols = [...]
    ### split '$cols' and '$data' into 2 variables ###
    ### use this regex to make sure dslips with ';' in them don't cause
    ### parser errors
    my ($ds_one, $ds_two) = ($in =~ m|.+}\s+

    ### eval them into existence ###
    ### still not too fond of this solution - kane ###
    my ($cols, $data);
    {   #local $@; can't use this, it's buggy -kane

        $cols = eval $ds_one;
        error( loc("Error in eval of dslip source files: %1", $@) ) if $@;

        $data = eval $ds_two;
        error( loc("Error in eval of dslip source files: %1", $@) ) if $@;


    my $tree = {};
    my $primary = "modid";

    ### this comes from CPAN::Modulelist
    ### which is in 03modlist.data.gz
    for (@$data){
        my %hash;
        @hash{@$cols} = @$_;
        $tree->{$hash{$primary}} = \%hash;

    return $tree;

} #__create_dslip_tree


=head2 $cb->_dslip_defs ()

This function returns the definition structure (ARRAYREF) of the
dslip tree.


### these are the definitions used for dslip info
### they shouldn't change over time.. so hardcoding them doesn't appear to
### be a problem. if it is, we need to parse 03modlist.data better to filter
### all this out.
### right now, this is just used to look up dslip info from a module
sub _dslip_defs {
    my $self = shift;

    my $aref = [

        # D
        [ q|Development Stage|, {
            i   => loc('Idea, listed to gain consensus or as a placeholder'),
            c   => loc('under construction but pre-alpha (not yet released)'),
            a   => loc('Alpha testing'),
            b   => loc('Beta testing'),
            R   => loc('Released'),
            M   => loc('Mature (no rigorous definition)'),
            S   => loc('Standard, supplied with Perl 5'),

        # S
        [ q|Support Level|, {
            m   => loc('Mailing-list'),
            d   => loc('Developer'),
            u   => loc('Usenet newsgroup comp.lang.perl.modules'),
            n   => loc('None known, try comp.lang.perl.modules'),
            a   => loc('Abandoned; volunteers welcome to take over maintenance'),

        # L
        [ q|Language Used|, {
            p   => loc('Perl-only, no compiler needed, should be platform independent'),
            c   => loc('C and perl, a C compiler will be needed'),
            h   => loc('Hybrid, written in perl with optional C code, no compiler needed'),
            '+' => loc('C++ and perl, a C++ compiler will be needed'),
            o   => loc('perl and another language other than C or C++'),

        # I
        [ q|Interface Style|, {
            f   => loc('plain Functions, no references used'),
            h   => loc('hybrid, object and function interfaces available'),
            n   => loc('no interface at all (huh?)'),
            r   => loc('some use of unblessed References or ties'),
            O   => loc('Object oriented using blessed references and/or inheritance'),

        # P
        [ q|Public License|, {
            p   => loc('Standard-Perl: user may choose between GPL and Artistic'),
            g   => loc('GPL: GNU General Public License'),
            l   => loc('LGPL: "GNU Lesser General Public License" (previously known as "GNU Library General Public License")'),
            b   => loc('BSD: The BSD License'),
            a   => loc('Artistic license alone'),
            o   => loc('other (but distribution allowed without restrictions)'),

    return $aref;

=head2 $file = $cb->_add_custom_module_source( uri => URI, [verbose => BOOL] );

Adds a custom source index and updates it based on the provided URI.

Returns the full path to the index file on success or false on failure.


sub _add_custom_module_source {
    my $self = shift;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;
    my %hash = @_;

    my $tmpl = {
        verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
                     store   => \$verbose },
        uri     => { required => 1, store => \$uri }

    check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    ### what index file should we use on disk?
    my $index = $self->__custom_module_source_index_file( uri => $uri );

    ### already have it.
    if( IS_FILE->( $index ) ) {
        msg(loc("Source '%1' already added", $uri));
        return 1;

    ### do we need to create the targe dir?
    {   my $dir = dirname( $index );
        unless( IS_DIR->( $dir ) ) {
            $self->_mkdir( dir => $dir ) or return

    ### write the file
    my $fh = OPEN_FILE->( $index => '>' ) or do {
        error(loc("Could not open index file for '%1'", $uri));

    ### basically we 'touched' it. Check the return value, may be
    ### important on win32 and similar OS, where there's file length
    ### limits
    close $fh or do {
        error(loc("Could not write index file to disk for '%1'", $uri));

                remote  => $uri,
                local   => $index,
                verbose => $verbose,
            ) or do {
                ### we faild to update it, we probably have an empty
                ### possibly silly filename on disk now -- remove it
                1 while unlink $index;

    return $index;

=head2 $index = $cb->__custom_module_source_index_file( uri => $uri );

Returns the full path to the encoded index file for C<$uri>, as used by
all C<custom module source> routines.


sub __custom_module_source_index_file {
    my $self = shift;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;
    my %hash = @_;

    my $tmpl = {
        uri     => { required => 1, store => \$uri }

    check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    my $index = File::Spec->catfile(
                    $self->_uri_encode( uri => $uri ),

    return $index;

=head2 $file = $cb->_remove_custom_module_source( uri => URI, [verbose => BOOL] );

Removes a custom index file based on the URI provided.

Returns the full path to the index file on success or false on failure.


sub _remove_custom_module_source {
    my $self = shift;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;
    my %hash = @_;

    my $tmpl = {
        verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
                     store   => \$verbose },
        uri     => { required => 1, store => \$uri }

    check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    ### use uri => local, instead of the other way around
    my %files = reverse $self->__list_custom_module_sources;

    ### On VMS the case of key to %files can be either exact or lower case
    ### XXX abstract this lookup out? --kane
    my $file = $files{ $uri };
    $file    = $files{ lc $uri } if !defined($file) && ON_VMS;

    unless (defined $file) {
        error(loc("No such custom source '%1'", $uri));

    1 while unlink $file;

    if( IS_FILE->( $file ) ) {
        error(loc("Could not remove index file '%1' for custom source '%2'",
                    $file, $uri));

    msg(loc("Successfully removed index file for '%1'", $uri), $verbose);

    return $file;

=head2 %files = $cb->__list_custom_module_sources

This method scans the 'custom-sources' directory in your base directory
for additional sources to include in your module tree.

Returns a list of key value pairs as follows:

  /full/path/to/source/file%3Fencoded => http://decoded/mirror/path


sub __list_custom_module_sources {
    my $self = shift;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;

    my $tmpl = {
        verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
                     store   => \$verbose },

    my $dir = File::Spec->catdir(

    unless( IS_DIR->( $dir ) ) {
        msg(loc("No '%1' dir, skipping custom sources", $dir), $verbose);

    ### unencode the files
    ### skip ones starting with # though
    my %files = map {
        my $org = $_;
        my $dec = $self->_uri_decode( uri => $_ );
        File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $org ) => $dec
    } grep { $_ !~ /^#/ } READ_DIR->( $dir );

    return %files;

=head2 $bool = $cb->__update_custom_module_sources( [verbose => BOOL] );

Attempts to update all the index files to your custom module sources.

If the index is missing, and it's a C<file://> uri, it will generate
a new local index for you.

Return true on success, false on failure.


sub __update_custom_module_sources {
    my $self = shift;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;
    my %hash = @_;

    my $verbose;
    my $tmpl = {
        verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
                     store   => \$verbose }

    check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    my %files = $self->__list_custom_module_sources;

    ### uptodate check has been done a few levels up.
    my $fail;
    while( my($local,$remote) = each %files ) {

                    remote  => $remote,
                    local   => $local,
                    verbose => $verbose,
                ) or ( $fail++, next );

    error(loc("Failed updating one or more remote sources files")) if $fail;

    return if $fail;
    return 1;

=head2 $ok = $cb->__update_custom_module_source

Attempts to update all the index files to your custom module sources.

If the index is missing, and it's a C<file://> uri, it will generate
a new local index for you.

Return true on success, false on failure.


sub __update_custom_module_source {
    my $self = shift;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;
    my %hash = @_;

    my $tmpl = {
        verbose => { default  => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
                     store    => \$verbose },
        local   => { store    => \$local, allow => FILE_EXISTS },
        remote  => { required => 1, store => \$remote },

    check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    msg( loc("Updating sources from '%1'", $remote), $verbose);

    ### if you didn't provide a local file, we'll look in your custom
    ### dir to find the local encoded version for you
    $local ||= do {
        ### find all files we know of
        my %files = reverse $self->__list_custom_module_sources or do {
            error(loc("No custom modules sources defined -- need '%1' argument",

        ### On VMS the case of key to %files can be either exact or lower case
        ### XXX abstract this lookup out? --kane
        my $file = $files{ $remote };
        $file    = $files{ lc $remote } if !defined ($file) && ON_VMS;

        ### return the local file we're supposed to use
        $file or do {
            error(loc("Remote source '%1' unknown -- needs '%2' argument",
                      $remote, 'local'));

    my $uri =  join '/', $remote, $conf->_get_source('custom_index');
    my $ff  =  File::Fetch->new( uri => $uri );

    ### tempdir doesn't clean up by default, as opposed to tempfile()
    ### so add it explicitly.
    my $dir =  tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );

    my $res =  do {
                    local $File::Fetch::WARN = 0;
                    local $File::Fetch::TIMEOUT = $conf->get_conf('timeout');
                    $ff->fetch( to => $dir );

    ### couldn't get the file
    unless( $res ) {

        ### it's not a local scheme, so can't auto index
        unless( $ff->scheme eq 'file' ) {
            error(loc("Could not update sources from '%1': %2",
                      $remote, $ff->error ));

        ### it's a local uri, we can index it ourselves
        } else {
            msg(loc("No index file found at '%1', generating one",
                    $ff->uri), $verbose );

            ### ON VMS, if you are working with a UNIX file specification,
            ### you need currently use the UNIX variants of the File::Spec.
            my $ff_path = do {
                my $file_class = 'File::Spec';
                $file_class .= '::Unix' if ON_VMS;
                $file_class->catdir( File::Spec::Unix->splitdir( $ff->path ) );

                path    => $ff_path,
                to      => $local,
                verbose => $verbose,
            ) or return;

            ### XXX don't write that here, __write_custom_module_index
            ### already prints this out
            #msg(loc("Index file written to '%1'", $to), $verbose);

    ### copy it to the real spot and update its timestamp
    } else {
        $self->_move( file => $res, to => $local ) or return;
        $self->_update_timestamp( file => $local );

        msg(loc("Index file saved to '%1'", $local), $verbose);

    return $local;

=head2 $bool = $cb->__write_custom_module_index( path => /path/to/packages, [to => /path/to/index/file, verbose => BOOL] )

Scans the C<path> you provided for packages and writes an index with all
the available packages to C<$path/packages.txt>. If you'd like the index
to be written to a different file, provide the C<to> argument.

Returns true on success and false on failure.


sub __write_custom_module_index {
    my $self = shift;
    my $conf = $self->configure_object;
    my %hash = @_;

    my ($verbose, $path, $to);
    my $tmpl = {
        verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
                     store   => \$verbose },
        path    => { required => 1, allow => DIR_EXISTS, store => \$path },
        to      => { store => \$to },

    check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    ### no explicit to? then we'll use our default
    $to ||= File::Spec->catfile( $path, $conf->_get_source('custom_index') );

    my @files;
    require File::Find;
    File::Find::find( sub {
        ### let's see if A::E can even parse it
        my $ae = do {
            local $Archive::Extract::WARN = 0;
            local $Archive::Extract::WARN = 0;
            Archive::Extract->new( archive => $File::Find::name )
        } or return;

        ### it's a type A::E recognize, so we can add it
        $ae->type or return;

        ### neither $_ nor $File::Find::name have the chunk of the path in
        ### it starting $path -- it's either only the filename, or the full
        ### path, so we have to strip it ourselves
        ### make sure to remove the leading slash as well.
        my $copy = $File::Find::name;
        my $re   = quotemeta($path);
        $copy    =~ s|^$re[\\/]?||i;

        push @files, $copy;

    }, $path );

    ### does the dir exist? if not, create it.
    {   my $dir = dirname( $to );
        unless( IS_DIR->( $dir ) ) {
            $self->_mkdir( dir => $dir ) or return

    ### create the index file
    my $fh = OPEN_FILE->( $to => '>' ) or return;

    print $fh "$_\n" for @files;
    close $fh;

    msg(loc("Successfully written index file to '%1'", $to), $verbose);

    return $to;

=head2 $bool = $cb->__create_custom_module_entries( [verbose => BOOL] )

Creates entries in the module tree based upon the files as returned
by C<__list_custom_module_sources>.

Returns true on success, false on failure.


### use $auth_obj as a persistent version, so we don't have to recreate
### modules all the time
{   my $auth_obj;

    sub __create_custom_module_entries {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $conf    = $self->configure_object;
        my %hash    = @_;

        my $verbose;
        my $tmpl = {
            verbose     => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'), store => \$verbose },

        check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return undef;

        my %files = $self->__list_custom_module_sources;

        while( my($file,$name) = each %files ) {

            msg(loc("Adding packages from custom source '%1'", $name), $verbose);

            my $fh = OPEN_FILE->( $file ) or next;

            while( local $_ = <$fh> ) {
                next if /^#/;
                next unless /\S+/;

                ### join on / -- it's a URI after all!
                my $parse = join '/', $name, $_;

                ### try to make a module object out of it
                my $mod = $self->parse_module( module => $parse ) or (
                    error(loc("Could not parse '%1'", $_)),

                ### mark this object with a custom author
                $auth_obj ||= do {
                    my $id = CUSTOM_AUTHOR_ID;

                    ### if the object is being created for the first time,
                    ### make sure there's an entry in the author tree as
                    ### well, so we can search on the CPAN ID
                    $self->author_tree->{ $id } =
                        CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake->new( cpanid => $id );

                $mod->author( $auth_obj );

                ### and now add it to the module tree -- this MAY
                ### override things of course
                if( my $old_mod = $self->module_tree( $mod->module ) ) {

                    ### On VMS use the old module name to get the real case
                    $mod->module( $old_mod->module ) if ON_VMS;

                    msg(loc("About to overwrite module tree entry for '%1' with '%2'",
                            $mod->module, $mod->package), $verbose);

                ### mark where it came from
                $mod->description( loc("Custom source from '%1'",$name) );

                ### store it in the module tree
                $self->module_tree->{ $mod->module } = $mod;

        return 1;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Constants Folder 0755
Source Folder 0755
Utils Folder 0755
Constants.pm File 16.45 KB 0644
Extract.pm File 7.45 KB 0644
Fetch.pm File 15.72 KB 0644
Report.pm File 22.17 KB 0644
Search.pm File 11.85 KB 0644
Source.pm File 41.42 KB 0644
Utils.pm File 16.84 KB 0644