[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
package CPANPLUS::Error;

use strict;
use vars qw[$VERSION];
$VERSION = "0.9138";

use Log::Message private => 0;;


=head1 NAME

CPANPLUS::Error - error handling for CPANPLUS


    use CPANPLUS::Error qw[cp_msg cp_error];


This module provides the error handling code for the CPANPLUS
libraries, and is mainly intended for internal use.


=head2 cp_msg("message string" [,VERBOSE])

Records a message on the stack, and prints it to C<STDOUT> (or actually
C<$MSG_FH>, see the C<GLOBAL VARIABLES> section below), if the
C<VERBOSE> option is true.
The C<VERBOSE> option defaults to false.

=head2 msg()

An alias for C<cp_msg>.

=head2 cp_error("error string" [,VERBOSE])

Records an error on the stack, and prints it to C<STDERR> (or actually
C<$ERROR_FH>, see the C<GLOBAL VARIABLES> sections below), if the
C<VERBOSE> option is true.
The C<VERBOSE> options defaults to true.

=head2 error()

An alias for C<cp_error>.


=head2 CPANPLUS::Error->stack()

Retrieves all the items on the stack. Since C<CPANPLUS::Error> is
implemented using C<Log::Message>, consult its manpage for the
function C<retrieve> to see what is returned and how to use the items.

=head2 CPANPLUS::Error->stack_as_string([TRACE])

Returns the whole stack as a printable string. If the C<TRACE> option is
true all items are returned with C<Carp::longmess> output, rather than
just the message.
C<TRACE> defaults to false.

=head2 CPANPLUS::Error->flush()

Removes all the items from the stack and returns them. Since
C<CPANPLUS::Error> is  implemented using C<Log::Message>, consult its
manpage for the function C<retrieve> to see what is returned and how
to use the items.


    use Exporter;
    use Params::Check   qw[check];
    use vars            qw[@EXPORT @ISA $ERROR_FH $MSG_FH];

    @ISA        = 'Exporter';
    @EXPORT     = qw[cp_error cp_msg error msg];

    my $log     = new Log::Message;

    for my $func ( @EXPORT ) {
        no strict 'refs';

        my $prefix  = 'cp_';
        my $name    = $func;
        $name       =~ s/^$prefix//g;

        *$func = sub {
                        my $msg     = shift;

                        ### no point storing non-messages
                        return unless defined $msg;

                                message => $msg,
                                tag     => uc $name,
                                level   => $prefix . $name,
                                extra   => [@_]

    sub flush {
        my @foo = $log->flush;
        return unless @foo;
        return reverse @foo;

    sub stack {
        return $log->retrieve( chrono => 1 );

    sub stack_as_string {
        my $class = shift;
        my $trace = shift() ? 1 : 0;

        return join $/, map {
                        '[' . $_->tag . '] [' . $_->when . '] ' .
                        ($trace ? $_->message . ' ' . $_->longmess
                                : $_->message);
                    } __PACKAGE__->stack;


=over 4

=item $ERROR_FH

This is the filehandle all the messages sent to C<error()> are being
printed. This defaults to C<*STDERR>.

=item $MSG_FH

This is the filehandle all the messages sent to C<msg()> are being
printed. This default to C<*STDOUT>.



local $| = 1;
$MSG_FH     = \*STDOUT;

package # Hide from Pause
use Carp ();


    sub cp_msg {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $verbose = shift;

        ### so you don't want us to print the msg? ###
        return if defined $verbose && $verbose == 0;

        my $old_fh = select $CPANPLUS::Error::MSG_FH;

        print '['. $self->tag . '] ' . $self->message . "\n";
        select $old_fh;


    sub cp_error {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $verbose = shift;

        ### so you don't want us to print the error? ###
        return if defined $verbose && $verbose == 0;

        my $old_fh = select $CPANPLUS::Error::ERROR_FH;

        ### is only going to be 1 for now anyway ###
        ### C::I may not be loaded, so do a can() check first
        my $cb      = CPANPLUS::Internals->can('_return_all_objects')
                        ? (CPANPLUS::Internals->_return_all_objects)[0]
                        : undef;

        ### maybe we didn't initialize an internals object (yet) ###
        my $debug   = $cb ? $cb->configure_object->get_conf('debug') : 0;
        my $msg     =  '['. $self->tag . '] ' . $self->message . "\n";

        ### i'm getting this warning in the test suite:
        ### Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::warn(), qualify as such or
        ### use & at CPANPLUS/Error.pm line 57.
        ### no idea where it's coming from, since there's no 'sub warn'
        ### anywhere to be found, but i'll mark it explicitly nonetheless
        ### --kane
        print $debug ? Carp::shortmess($msg) : $msg . "\n";

        select $old_fh;



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Name Type Size Permission Actions
Backend Folder 0755
Config Folder 0755
Configure Folder 0755
Dist Folder 0755
Internals Folder 0755
Module Folder 0755
Shell Folder 0755
Backend.pm File 39.39 KB 0644
Config.pm File 23.21 KB 0644
Configure.pm File 15.95 KB 0644
Dist.pm File 24.63 KB 0644
Error.pm File 5.13 KB 0644
FAQ.pod File 657 B 0644
Hacking.pod File 3.67 KB 0644
Internals.pm File 14.94 KB 0644
Module.pm File 53.6 KB 0644
Selfupdate.pm File 16.49 KB 0644
Shell.pm File 9.42 KB 0644