[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
package CPANPLUS::Internals;

### we /need/ perl5.6.1 or higher -- we use coderefs in @INC,
### and 5.6.0 is just too buggy
use 5.006001;

use strict;
use Config;

use CPANPLUS::Error;

use CPANPLUS::Selfupdate;

use CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract;
use CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch;
use CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils;
use CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants;
use CPANPLUS::Internals::Search;
use CPANPLUS::Internals::Report;

require base;
use Cwd                         qw[cwd];
use Module::Load                qw[load];
use Params::Check               qw[check];
use Locale::Maketext::Simple    Class => 'CPANPLUS', Style => 'gettext';
use Module::Load::Conditional   qw[can_load];

use Object::Accessor;

local $Params::Check::VERBOSE = 1;

use vars qw[@ISA $VERSION];

@ISA = qw[

$VERSION = "0.9138";


=head1 NAME

CPANPLUS::Internals - CPANPLUS internals


    my $internals   = CPANPLUS::Internals->_init( _conf => $conf );
    my $backend     = CPANPLUS::Internals->_retrieve_id( $ID );


This module is the guts of CPANPLUS -- it inherits from all other
modules in the CPANPLUS::Internals::* namespace, thus defying normal
rules of OO programming -- but if you're reading this, you already
know what's going on ;)

Please read the C<CPANPLUS::Backend> documentation for the normal API.


=over 4

=item _conf

Get/set the configure object

=item _id

Get/set the id


### autogenerate accessors ###
for my $key ( qw[_conf _id _modules _hosts _methods _status _path
                 _callbacks _selfupdate _mtree _atree]
) {
    no strict 'refs';
    *{__PACKAGE__."::$key"} = sub {
        $_[0]->{$key} = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
        return $_[0]->{$key};



=head1 METHODS

=head2 $internals = CPANPLUS::Internals->_init( _conf => CONFIG_OBJ )

C<_init> creates a new CPANPLUS::Internals object.

You have to pass it a valid C<CPANPLUS::Configure> object.

Returns the object on success, or dies on failure.


{   ### NOTE:
    ### if extra callbacks are added, don't forget to update the
    ### 02-internals.t test script with them!
    my $callback_map = {
        ### name                default value
        install_prerequisite    => 1,   # install prereqs when 'ask' is set?
        edit_test_report        => 0,   # edit the prepared test report?
        send_test_report        => 1,   # send the test report?
                                        # munge the test report
        munge_test_report       => sub { return $_[1] },
                                        # filter out unwanted prereqs
        filter_prereqs          => sub { return $_[1] },
                                        # continue if 'make test' fails?
        proceed_on_test_failure => sub { return 0 },
        munge_dist_metafile     => sub { return $_[1] },

    my $status = Object::Accessor->new;

    my $callback = Object::Accessor->new;
    $callback->mk_accessors(keys %$callback_map);

    my $conf;
    my $Tmpl = {
        _conf       => { required => 1, store => \$conf,
                            allow => IS_CONFOBJ },
        _id         => { default => '',                 no_override => 1 },
        _authortree => { default => '',                 no_override => 1 },
        _modtree    => { default => '',                 no_override => 1 },
        _hosts      => { default => {},                 no_override => 1 },
        _methods    => { default => {},                 no_override => 1 },
        _status     => { default => '<empty>',          no_override => 1 },
        _callbacks  => { default => '<empty>',          no_override => 1 },
        _path       => { default => $ENV{PATH} || '',   no_override => 1 },

    sub _init {
        my $class   = shift;
        my %hash    = @_;

        ### temporary warning until we fix the storing of multiple id's
        ### and their serialization:
        ### probably not going to happen --kane
        if( my $id = $class->_last_id ) {
            # make it a singleton.
            warn loc(q[%1 currently only supports one %2 object per ] .
                     qq[running program\n], 'CPANPLUS', $class);

            return $class->_retrieve_id( $id );

        my $args = check($Tmpl, \%hash)
                    or die loc(qq[Could not initialize '%1' object], $class);

        bless $args, $class;

        $args->{'_id'}          = $args->_inc_id;
        $args->{'_status'}      = $status;
        $args->{'_callbacks'}   = $callback;

        ### initialize callbacks to default state ###
        for my $name ( $callback->ls_accessors ) {
            my $rv = ref $callback_map->{$name} ? 'sub return value' :
                         $callback_map->{$name} ? 'true' : 'false';

                sub { msg(loc("DEFAULT '%1' HANDLER RETURNING '%2'",
                              $name, $rv), $args->_conf->get_conf('debug'));
                      return ref $callback_map->{$name}
                                ? $callback_map->{$name}->( @_ )
                                : $callback_map->{$name};

        ### create a selfupdate object
        $args->_selfupdate( CPANPLUS::Selfupdate->new( $args ) );

        ### initialize it as an empty hashref ###
        $args->_status->pending_prereqs( {} );

        $conf->_set_build( startdir => cwd() ),
            or error( loc("couldn't locate current dir!") );

        $ENV{FTP_PASSIVE} = 1, if $conf->get_conf('passive');

        my $id = $args->_store_id( $args );

        unless ( $id == $args->_id ) {
            error( loc("IDs do not match: %1 != %2. Storage failed!",
                        $id, $args->_id) );

        ### different source engines available now, so set them here
        {   my $store = $conf->get_conf( 'source_engine' )
                            || DEFAULT_SOURCE_ENGINE;

            unless( can_load( modules => { $store => '0.0' }, verbose => 1 ) ) {
                error( loc( "Could not load source engine '%1'", $store ) );

                if( $store ne DEFAULT_SOURCE_ENGINE ) {
                    msg( loc("Falling back to %1", DEFAULT_SOURCE_ENGINE), 1 );

                    load DEFAULT_SOURCE_ENGINE;

                    base->import( DEFAULT_SOURCE_ENGINE );
                } else {
            } else {
                 base->import( $store );

        return $args;


=head2 $bool = $internals->_flush( list => \@caches )

Flushes the designated caches from the C<CPANPLUS> object.

Returns true on success, false if one or more caches could not be
be flushed.


    sub _flush {
        my $self = shift;
        my $conf = $self->configure_object;
        my %hash = @_;

        my $aref;
        my $tmpl = {
            list    => { required => 1, default => [],
                            strict_type => 1, store => \$aref },

        my $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

        my $flag = 0;
        for my $what (@$aref) {
            my $cache = '_' . $what;

            ### set the include paths back to their original ###
            if( $what eq 'lib' ) {
                $ENV{PERL5LIB}  = $conf->_perl5lib || '';
                @INC            = @{$conf->_lib};
                $ENV{PATH}      = $self->_path || '';

            ### give all modules a new status object -- this is slightly
            ### costly, but the best way to make sure all statuses are
            ### forgotten --kane
            } elsif ( $what eq 'modules' ) {
                for my $modobj ( values %{$self->module_tree} ) {


            ### blow away the methods cache... currently, that's only
            ### File::Fetch's method fail list
            } elsif ( $what eq 'methods' ) {

                ### still unbelievably p4 :( ###
                $File'Fetch::METHOD_FAIL = $File'Fetch::METHOD_FAIL = {};

            ### blow away the m::l::c cache, so modules can be (re)loaded
            ### again if they become available
            } elsif ( $what eq 'load' ) {
                undef $Module::Load::Conditional::CACHE;

            } else {
                unless ( exists $self->{$cache} && exists $Tmpl->{$cache} ) {
                    error( loc( "No such cache: '%1'", $what ) );
                } else {
                    $self->$cache( {} );
        return !$flag;

### NOTE:
### if extra callbacks are added, don't forget to update the
### 02-internals.t test script with them!


=head2 $bool = $internals->_register_callback( name => CALLBACK_NAME, code => CODEREF );

Registers a callback for later use by the internal libraries.

Here is a list of the currently used callbacks:

=over 4

=item install_prerequisite

Is called when the user wants to be C<asked> about what to do with
prerequisites. Should return a boolean indicating true to install
the prerequisite and false to skip it.

=item send_test_report

Is called when the user should be prompted if he wishes to send the
test report. Should return a boolean indicating true to send the
test report and false to skip it.

=item munge_test_report

Is called when the test report message has been composed, giving
the user a chance to programatically alter it. Should return the
(munged) message to be sent.

=item edit_test_report

Is called when the user should be prompted to edit test reports
about to be sent out by Test::Reporter. Should return a boolean
indicating true to edit the test report in an editor and false
to skip it.

=item proceed_on_test_failure

Is called when 'make test' or 'Build test' fails. Should return
a boolean indicating whether the install should continue even if
the test failed.

=item munge_dist_metafile

Is called when the C<CPANPLUS::Dist::*> metafile is created, like
C<control> for C<CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb>, giving the user a chance to
programatically alter it. Should return the (munged) text to be
written to the metafile.



    sub _register_callback {
        my $self = shift or return;
        my %hash = @_;

        my ($name,$code);
        my $tmpl = {
            name    => { required => 1, store => \$name,
                         allow => [$callback->ls_accessors] },
            code    => { required => 1, allow => IS_CODEREF,
                         store => \$code },

        check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

        $self->_callbacks->$name( $code ) or return;

        return 1;

# =head2 $bool = $internals->_add_callback( name => CALLBACK_NAME, code => CODEREF );
# Adds a new callback to be used from anywhere in the system. If the callback
# is already known, an error is raised and false is returned. If the callback
# is not yet known, it is added, and the corresponding coderef is registered
# using the
# =cut
#     sub _add_callback {
#         my $self = shift or return;
#         my %hash = @_;
#         my ($name,$code);
#         my $tmpl = {
#             name    => { required => 1, store => \$name, },
#             code    => { required => 1, allow => IS_CODEREF,
#                          store => \$code },
#         };
#         check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
#         if( $callback->can( $name ) ) {
#             error(loc("Callback '%1' is already registered"));
#             return;
#         }
#         $callback->mk_accessor( $name );
#         $self->_register_callback( name => $name, code => $code ) or return;
#         return 1;
#     }



=head2 $bool = $internals->_add_to_includepath( directories => \@dirs )

Adds a list of directories to the include path.
This means they get added to C<@INC> as well as C<$ENV{PERL5LIB}>.

Returns true on success, false on failure.


sub _add_to_includepath {
    my $self = shift;
    my %hash = @_;

    my $dirs;
    my $tmpl = {
        directories => { required => 1, default => [], store => \$dirs,
                         strict_type => 1 },

    check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    my $s = $Config{'path_sep'};

    ### only add if it's not added yet
    for my $lib (@$dirs) {
        push @INC, $lib unless grep { $_ eq $lib } @INC;
        ### it will be complaining if $ENV{PERL5LIB] is not defined (yet).
        local $^W;
        $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} .= $s . $lib
            unless $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} =~ qr|\Q$s$lib\E|;

    return 1;


=head2 $bool = $internals->_add_to_path( directories => \@dirs )

Adds a list of directories to the PATH, but only if they actually
contain anything.

Returns true on success, false on failure.


sub _add_to_path {
    my $self = shift;
    my %hash = @_;

    my $dirs;
    my $tmpl = {
        directories => { required => 1, default => [], store => \$dirs,
                         strict_type => 1 },

    check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    my $s = $Config{'path_sep'};

    require File::Glob;

    ### only add if it's not added yet
    for my $dir (@$dirs) {
        $dir =~ s![\\/]*$!!g;
        next if $ENV{PATH} =~ qr|\Q$dir\E|;
        next unless -d $dir;
        next unless File::Glob::bsd_glob( $dir . q{/*} );
        $ENV{PATH} = join $s, $dir, $ENV{PATH};

    return 1;


=head2 $id = CPANPLUS::Internals->_last_id

Return the id of the last object stored.

=head2 $id = CPANPLUS::Internals->_store_id( $internals )

Store this object; return its id.

=head2 $obj = CPANPLUS::Internals->_retrieve_id( $ID )

Retrieve an object based on its ID -- return false on error.

=head2 CPANPLUS::Internals->_remove_id( $ID )

Remove the object marked by $ID from storage.

=head2 @objs = CPANPLUS::Internals->_return_all_objects

Return all stored objects.


### code for storing multiple objects
### -- although we only support one right now
### XXX when support for multiple objects comes, saving source will have
### to change
    my $idref = {};
    my $count = 0;

    sub _inc_id { return ++$count; }

    sub _last_id { $count }

    sub _store_id {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $obj     = shift or return;

       unless( IS_INTERNALS_OBJ->($obj) ) {
            error( loc("The object you passed has the wrong ref type: '%1'",
                        ref $obj) );

        $idref->{ $obj->_id } = $obj;
        return $obj->_id;

    sub _retrieve_id {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $id      = shift or return;

        my $obj = $idref->{$id};
        return $obj;

    sub _remove_id {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $id      = shift or return;

        return delete $idref->{$id};

    sub _return_all_objects { return values %$idref }


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Name Type Size Permission Actions
Backend Folder 0755
Config Folder 0755
Configure Folder 0755
Dist Folder 0755
Internals Folder 0755
Module Folder 0755
Shell Folder 0755
Backend.pm File 39.39 KB 0644
Config.pm File 23.21 KB 0644
Configure.pm File 15.95 KB 0644
Dist.pm File 24.63 KB 0644
Error.pm File 5.13 KB 0644
FAQ.pod File 657 B 0644
Hacking.pod File 3.67 KB 0644
Internals.pm File 14.94 KB 0644
Module.pm File 53.6 KB 0644
Selfupdate.pm File 16.49 KB 0644
Shell.pm File 9.42 KB 0644