[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
package Locale::Codes;
# Copyright (C) 2001      Canon Research Centre Europe (CRE).
# Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Neil Bowers
# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Sullivan Beck
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

use strict;
require 5.006;
use warnings;

use Carp;
use Locale::Codes::Constants;

#       Public Global Variables

# This module is not called directly... %Data is filled in by the
# calling modules.


# $Data{ TYPE }{ code2id   }{ CODESET } { CODE }  = [ ID, I ]
#              { id2code   }{ CODESET } { ID }    = CODE
#              { id2names  }{ ID }                = [ NAME, NAME, ... ]
#              { alias2id  }{ NAME }              = [ ID, I ]
#              { id        }                      = FIRST_UNUSED_ID
#              { codealias }{ CODESET } { ALIAS } = CODE
# $Retired{ TYPE }{ CODESET }{ code }{ CODE } = NAME
#                            { name }{ NAME } = [CODE,NAME]  (the key is lowercase)



sub _code {
   return 1  if (@_ > 3);

   my($type,$code,$codeset) = @_;
   $code = ''  if (! $code);

   # Determine the codeset

   $codeset = $ALL_CODESETS{$type}{'default'}
     if (! defined($codeset)  ||  $codeset eq '');
   $codeset = lc($codeset);
   return 1  if (! exists $ALL_CODESETS{$type}{'codesets'}{$codeset});
   return (0,$code,$codeset)  if (! $code);

   # Determine the properties of the codeset

   my($op,@args) = @{ $ALL_CODESETS{$type}{'codesets'}{$codeset} };

   if      ($op eq 'lc') {
      $code = lc($code);

   } elsif ($op eq 'uc') {
      $code = uc($code);

   } elsif ($op eq 'ucfirst') {
      $code = ucfirst(lc($code));

   } elsif ($op eq 'numeric') {
      return (1)  unless ($code =~ /^\d+$/);
      my $l = $args[0];
      $code    = sprintf("%.${l}d", $code);

   return (0,$code,$codeset);

# _code2name ( TYPE,CODE [,CODESET] [,'retired'] )

sub _code2name {
   my($type,@args)         = @_;
   my $retired             = 0;
   if (@args > 0  &&  $args[$#args]  &&  $args[$#args] eq 'retired') {
      $retired             = 1;

   my($err,$code,$codeset) = _code($type,@args);
   return undef  if ($err  ||
                     ! defined $code);

   $code = $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code}
     if (exists $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code});

   if (exists $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}  &&
       exists $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code}) {
      my ($id,$i) = @{ $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code} };
      my $name    = $Data{$type}{'id2names'}{$id}[$i];
      return $name;

   } elsif ($retired  &&  exists $Retired{$type}{$codeset}{'code'}{$code}) {
      return $Retired{$type}{$codeset}{'code'}{$code};

   } else {
      return undef;

# _name2code ( TYPE,NAME [,CODESET] [,'retired'] )

sub _name2code {
   my($type,$name,@args)   = @_;
   return undef  if (! $name);
   $name                   = lc($name);

   my $retired             = 0;
   if (@args > 0  &&  $args[$#args]  &&  $args[$#args] eq 'retired') {
      $retired             = 1;

   my($err,$tmp,$codeset) = _code($type,'',@args);
   return undef  if ($err);

   if (exists $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{$name}) {
      my $id = $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{$name}[0];
      if (exists $Data{$type}{'id2code'}{$codeset}{$id}) {
         return $Data{$type}{'id2code'}{$codeset}{$id};

   } elsif ($retired  &&  exists $Retired{$type}{$codeset}{'name'}{$name}) {
      return $Retired{$type}{$codeset}{'name'}{$name}[0];

   return undef;

# _code2code ( TYPE,CODE,CODESET )

sub _code2code {
   my($type,@args) = @_;
   (@args == 3) or croak "${type}_code2code() takes 3 arguments!";

   my($code,$inset,$outset) = @args;
   ($err,$code,$inset) = _code($type,$code,$inset);
   return undef  if ($err);
   ($err,$tmp,$outset) = _code($type,'',$outset);
   return undef  if ($err);

   my $name    = _code2name($type,$code,$inset);
   my $outcode = _name2code($type,$name,$outset);
   return $outcode;

# _all_codes ( TYPE [,CODESET] [,'retired'] )

sub _all_codes {
   my($type,@args)         = @_;
   my $retired             = 0;
   if (@args > 0  &&  $args[$#args]  &&  $args[$#args] eq 'retired') {
      $retired             = 1;

   my ($err,$tmp,$codeset) = _code($type,'',@args);
   return ()  if ($err);

   if (! exists $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}) {
      return ();
   my @codes = keys %{ $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset} };
   push(@codes,keys %{ $Retired{$type}{$codeset}{'code'} })  if ($retired);
   return (sort @codes);

# _all_names ( TYPE [,CODESET] [,'retired'] )

sub _all_names {
   my($type,@args)         = @_;
   my $retired             = 0;
   if (@args > 0  &&  $args[$#args]  &&  $args[$#args] eq 'retired') {
      $retired             = 1;

   my ($err,$tmp,$codeset) = _code($type,'',@args);
   return ()  if ($err);

   my @codes = _all_codes($type,$codeset);
   my @names;

   foreach my $code (@codes) {
      my($id,$i) = @{ $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code} };
      my $name   = $Data{$type}{'id2names'}{$id}[$i];
   if ($retired) {
      foreach my $lc (keys %{ $Retired{$type}{$codeset}{'name'} }) {
         my $name = $Retired{$type}{$codeset}{'name'}{$lc}[1];
         push @names,$name;
   return (sort @names);

# Change the official name for a code. The original is retained
# as an alias, but the new name will be returned if you lookup the
# name from code.

sub _rename {
   my($type,$code,$new_name,@args) = @_;

   my $nowarn   = 0;
   $nowarn      = 1, pop(@args)  if (@args  &&  $args[$#args] eq "nowarn");

   my $codeset  = shift(@args);
   my $err;
   ($err,$code,$codeset) = _code($type,$code,$codeset);

   if (! $codeset) {
      carp "rename_$type(): unknown codeset\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   $code = $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code}
     if (exists $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code});

   # Check that $code exists in the codeset.

   my $id;
   if (exists $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code}) {
      $id = $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code}[0];
   } else {
      carp "rename_$type(): unknown code: $code\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   # Cases:
   #   1. Renaming to a name which exists with a different ID
   #      Error
   #   2. Renaming to a name which exists with the same ID
   #      Just change code2id (I value)
   #   3. Renaming to a new name
   #      Create a new alias
   #      Change code2id (I value)

   if (exists $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($new_name)}) {
      # Existing name (case 1 and 2)

      my ($new_id,$i) = @{ $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($new_name)} };
      if ($new_id != $id) {
         # Case 1
         carp "rename_$type(): rename to an existing $type not allowed\n"
           unless ($nowarn);
         return 0;

      # Case 2

      $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code}[1] = $i;

   } else {

      # Case 3

      push @{ $Data{$type}{'id2names'}{$id} },$new_name;
      my $i = $#{ $Data{$type}{'id2names'}{$id} };
      $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($new_name)} = [ $id,$i ];
      $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code}[1] = $i;

   return 1;

# _add_code ( TYPE,CODE,NAME,CODESET )
# Add a new code to the codeset. Both CODE and NAME must be
# unused in the code set.

sub _add_code {
   my($type,$code,$name,@args) = @_;

   my $nowarn   = 0;
   $nowarn      = 1, pop(@args)  if (@args  &&  $args[$#args] eq "nowarn");

   my $codeset  = shift(@args);
   my $err;
   ($err,$code,$codeset) = _code($type,$code,$codeset);

   if (! $codeset) {
      carp "add_$type(): unknown codeset\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   # Check that $code is unused.

   if (exists $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code}  ||
       exists $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code}) {
      carp "add_$type(): code already in use: $code\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   # Check to see that $name is unused in this code set.  If it is
   # used (but not in this code set), we'll use that ID.  Otherwise,
   # we'll need to get the next available ID.

   my ($id,$i);
   if (exists $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($name)}) {
      ($id,$i) = @{ $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($name)} };
      if (exists $Data{$type}{'id2code'}{$codeset}{$id}) {
         carp "add_$type(): name already in use: $name\n"  unless ($nowarn);
         return 0;

   } else {
      $id = $Data{$type}{'id'}++;
      $i  = 0;
      $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($name)} = [ $id,$i ];
      $Data{$type}{'id2names'}{$id}       = [ $name ];

   # Add the new code

   $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code} = [ $id,$i ];
   $Data{$type}{'id2code'}{$codeset}{$id}   = $code;

   return 1;

# _delete_code ( TYPE,CODE,CODESET )
# Delete a code from the codeset.

sub _delete_code {
   my($type,$code,@args) = @_;

   my $nowarn   = 0;
   $nowarn      = 1, pop(@args)  if (@args  &&  $args[$#args] eq "nowarn");

   my $codeset  = shift(@args);
   my $err;
   ($err,$code,$codeset) = _code($type,$code,$codeset);

   if (! $codeset) {
      carp "delete_$type(): unknown codeset\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   $code = $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code}
     if (exists $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code});

   # Check that $code is valid.

   if (! exists $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code}) {
      carp "delete_$type(): code does not exist: $code\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   # Delete the code

   my $id = $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code}[0];
   delete $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code};
   delete $Data{$type}{'id2code'}{$codeset}{$id};

   # Delete any aliases that are linked to this code

   foreach my $alias (keys %{ $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset} }) {
      next  if ($Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$alias} ne $code);
      delete $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$alias};

   # If this ID is not used in any other codeset, delete it completely.

   foreach my $c (keys %{ $Data{$type}{'id2code'} }) {
      return 1  if (exists $Data{$type}{'id2code'}{$c}{$id});

   my @names = @{ $Data{$type}{'id2names'}{$id} };
   delete $Data{$type}{'id2names'}{$id};

   foreach my $name (@names) {
      delete $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($name)};

   return 1;

# _add_alias ( TYPE,NAME,NEW_NAME )
# Add a new alias. NAME must exist, and NEW_NAME must be unused.

sub _add_alias {
   my($type,$name,$new_name,$nowarn) = @_;

   $nowarn   = (defined($nowarn)  &&  $nowarn eq "nowarn" ? 1 : 0);

   # Check that $name is used and $new_name is new.

   if (exists $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($name)}) {
      $id = $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($name)}[0];
   } else {
      carp "add_${type}_alias(): name does not exist: $name\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   if (exists $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($new_name)}) {
      carp "add_${type}_alias(): alias already in use: $new_name\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   # Add the new alias

   push @{ $Data{$type}{'id2names'}{$id} },$new_name;
   my $i = $#{ $Data{$type}{'id2names'}{$id} };
   $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($new_name)} = [ $id,$i ];

   return 1;

# _delete_alias ( TYPE,NAME )
# This deletes a name from the list of names used by an element.
# NAME must be used, but must NOT be the only name in the list.
# Any id2name that references this name will be changed to
# refer to the first name in the list.

sub _delete_alias {
   my($type,$name,$nowarn) = @_;

   $nowarn   = (defined($nowarn)  &&  $nowarn eq "nowarn" ? 1 : 0);

   # Check that $name is used.

   if (exists $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($name)}) {
      ($id,$i) = @{ $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($name)} };
   } else {
      carp "delete_${type}_alias(): name does not exist: $name\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   my $n = $#{ $Data{$type}{'id2names'}{$id} } + 1;
   if ($n == 1) {
      carp "delete_${type}_alias(): only one name defined (use _delete_${type} instead)\n"
        unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   # Delete the alias.

   splice (@{ $Data{$type}{'id2names'}{$id} },$i,1);
   delete $Data{$type}{'alias2id'}{lc($name)};

   # Every element that refers to this ID:
   #   Ignore     if I < $i
   #   Set to 0   if I = $i
   #   Decrement  if I > $i

   foreach my $codeset (keys %{ $Data{'code2id'} }) {
      foreach my $code (keys %{ $Data{'code2id'}{$codeset} }) {
         my($jd,$j) = @{ $Data{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code} };
         next  if ($jd ne $id  ||
                   $j < $i);
         if ($i == $j) {
            $Data{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code}[1] = 0;
         } else {

   return 1;

# _rename_code ( TYPE,CODE,NEW_CODE,CODESET )
# Change the official code. The original is retained as an alias, but
# the new name will be returned if you lookup the code from name.

sub _rename_code {
   my($type,$code,$new_code,@args) = @_;

   my $nowarn   = 0;
   $nowarn      = 1, pop(@args)  if (@args  &&  $args[$#args] eq "nowarn");

   my $codeset  = shift(@args);
   my $err;
   ($err,$code,$codeset)     = _code($type,$code,$codeset);
   ($err,$new_code,$codeset) = _code($type,$new_code,$codeset)
     if (! $err);

   if (! $codeset) {
      carp "rename_$type(): unknown codeset\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   $code = $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code}
     if (exists $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code});

   # Check that $code exists in the codeset.

   if (! exists $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code}) {
      carp "rename_$type(): unknown code: $code\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   # Cases:
   #   1. Renaming code to an existing alias of this code:
   #      Make the alias real and the code an alias
   #   2. Renaming code to some other existing alias:
   #      Error
   #   3. Renaming code to some other code:
   #      Error (
   #   4. Renaming code to a new code:
   #      Make code into an alias
   #      Replace code with new_code.

   if (exists $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$new_code}) {
      # Cases 1 and 2
      if ($Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$new_code} eq $code) {
         # Case 1

         delete $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$new_code};

      } else {
         # Case 2
         carp "rename_$type(): new code already in use: $new_code\n"  unless ($nowarn);
         return 0;

   } elsif (exists $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$new_code}) {
      # Case 3
      carp "rename_$type(): new code already in use: $new_code\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   # Cases 1 and 4

   $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code} = $new_code;

   my $id = $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code}[0];
   $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$new_code} = $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code};
   delete $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code};

   $Data{$type}{'id2code'}{$codeset}{$id} = $new_code;

   return 1;

# _add_code_alias ( TYPE,CODE,NEW_CODE,CODESET )
# Adds an alias for the code.

sub _add_code_alias {
   my($type,$code,$new_code,@args) = @_;

   my $nowarn   = 0;
   $nowarn      = 1, pop(@args)  if (@args  &&  $args[$#args] eq "nowarn");

   my $codeset  = shift(@args);
   my $err;
   ($err,$code,$codeset)     = _code($type,$code,$codeset);
   ($err,$new_code,$codeset) = _code($type,$new_code,$codeset)
     if (! $err);

   if (! $codeset) {
      carp "add_${type}_code_alias(): unknown codeset\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   $code = $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code}
     if (exists $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code});

   # Check that $code exists in the codeset and that $new_code
   # does not exist.

   if (! exists $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$code}) {
      carp "add_${type}_code_alias(): unknown code: $code\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   if (exists $Data{$type}{'code2id'}{$codeset}{$new_code}  ||
       exists $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$new_code}) {
      carp "add_${type}_code_alias(): code already in use: $new_code\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   # Add the alias

   $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$new_code} = $code;

   return 1;

# _delete_code_alias ( TYPE,CODE,CODESET )
# Deletes an alias for the code.

sub _delete_code_alias {
   my($type,$code,@args) = @_;

   my $nowarn   = 0;
   $nowarn      = 1, pop(@args)  if (@args  &&  $args[$#args] eq "nowarn");

   my $codeset  = shift(@args);
   my $err;
   ($err,$code,$codeset)     = Locale::Codes::_code($type,$code,$codeset);

   if (! $codeset) {
      carp "delete_${type}_code_alias(): unknown codeset\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   # Check that $code exists in the codeset as an alias.

   if (! exists $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code}) {
      carp "delete_${type}_code_alias(): no alias defined: $code\n"  unless ($nowarn);
      return 0;

   # Delete the alias

   delete $Data{$type}{'codealias'}{$codeset}{$code};

   return 1;

# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# cperl-indent-level: 3
# cperl-continued-statement-offset: 2
# cperl-continued-brace-offset: 0
# cperl-brace-offset: 0
# cperl-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
# cperl-label-offset: -2
# End:


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Codes Folder 0755
Maketext Folder 0755
Codes.pm File 19.32 KB 0644
Codes.pod File 9.45 KB 0644
Country.pm File 1.53 KB 0644
Country.pod File 6.61 KB 0644
Currency.pm File 1.48 KB 0644
Currency.pod File 3 KB 0644
Language.pm File 1.48 KB 0644
Language.pod File 3.28 KB 0644
Maketext.pm File 28.05 KB 0644
Maketext.pod File 48.27 KB 0644
Script.pm File 1.43 KB 0644
Script.pod File 3.08 KB 0644