[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# -*- mode: cperl; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; basic-offset: 2 -*-
# vim:ts=8:sw=2:et:sta:sts=2
package Module::Build::Base;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use warnings;

$VERSION = '0.4005';
BEGIN { require 5.006001 }

use Carp;
use Cwd ();
use File::Copy ();
use File::Find ();
use File::Path ();
use File::Basename ();
use File::Spec 0.82 ();
use File::Compare ();
use Module::Build::Dumper ();
use IO::File ();
use Text::ParseWords ();

use Module::Build::ModuleInfo;
use Module::Build::Notes;
use Module::Build::Config;
use Module::Build::Version;

#################### Constructors ###########################
sub new {
  my $self = shift()->_construct(@_);

  $self->{invoked_action} = $self->{action} ||= 'Build_PL';

  die "Too early to specify a build action '$self->{action}'.  Do 'Build $self->{action}' instead.\n"
    if $self->{action} && $self->{action} ne 'Build_PL';


  # All checks must run regardless if one fails, so no short circuiting!
  if( grep { !$_ } $self->check_prereq, $self->check_autofeatures ) {

ERRORS/WARNINGS FOUND IN PREREQUISITES.  You may wish to install the versions
of the modules indicated above before proceeding with this installation

    unless (
      $self->dist_name eq 'Module-Build' ||
    ) {
        "Run 'Build installdeps' to install missing prerequisites.\n\n"

  # record for later use in resume;
  $self->{properties}{_added_to_INC} = [ $self->_added_to_INC ];


  $self->_guess_module_name unless $self->module_name;


  return $self;

sub resume {
  my $package = shift;
  my $self = $package->_construct(@_);

  my @added_earlier = @{ $self->{properties}{_added_to_INC} || [] };

  @INC = ($self->_added_to_INC, @added_earlier, $self->_default_INC);

  # If someone called Module::Build->current() or
  # Module::Build->new_from_context() and the correct class to use is
  # actually a *subclass* of Module::Build, we may need to load that
  # subclass here and re-delegate the resume() method to it.
  unless ( UNIVERSAL::isa($package, $self->build_class) ) {
    my $build_class = $self->build_class;
    my $config_dir = $self->config_dir || '_build';
    my $build_lib = File::Spec->catdir( $config_dir, 'lib' );
    unshift( @INC, $build_lib );
    unless ( $build_class->can('new') ) {
      eval "require $build_class; 1" or die "Failed to re-load '$build_class': $@";
    return $build_class->resume(@_);

  unless ($self->_perl_is_same($self->{properties}{perl})) {
    my $perl = $self->find_perl_interpreter;
* FATAL ERROR: Perl interpreter mismatch. Configuration was initially
  created with '$self->{properties}{perl}'
  but we are now using '$perl'.  You must
  run 'Build realclean' or 'make realclean' and re-configure.


  unless ($self->allow_mb_mismatch) {
    my $mb_version = $Module::Build::VERSION;
    if ( $mb_version ne $self->{properties}{mb_version} ) {
* WARNING: Configuration was initially created with Module::Build
  version '$self->{properties}{mb_version}' but we are now using version '$mb_version'.
  If errors occur, you must re-run the Build.PL or Makefile.PL script.

  $self->{invoked_action} = $self->{action} ||= 'build';

  return $self;

sub new_from_context {
  my ($package, %args) = @_;

  return $package->resume;

sub current {
  # hmm, wonder what the right thing to do here is
  local @ARGV;
  return shift()->resume;

sub _construct {
  my ($package, %input) = @_;

  my $args   = delete $input{args}   || {};
  my $config = delete $input{config} || {};

  my $self = bless {
      args => {%$args},
      config => Module::Build::Config->new(values => $config),
      properties => {
          base_dir        => $package->cwd,
          mb_version      => $Module::Build::VERSION,
      phash => {},
      stash => {}, # temporary caching, not stored in _build
  }, $package;

  my ($p, $ph) = ($self->{properties}, $self->{phash});

  foreach (qw(notes config_data features runtime_params cleanup auto_features)) {
    my $file = File::Spec->catfile($self->config_dir, $_);
    $ph->{$_} = Module::Build::Notes->new(file => $file);
    $ph->{$_}->restore if -e $file;
    if (exists $p->{$_}) {
      my $vals = delete $p->{$_};
      while (my ($k, $v) = each %$vals) {
        $self->$_($k, $v);

  # The following warning could be unnecessary if the user is running
  # an embedded perl, but there aren't too many of those around, and
  # embedded perls aren't usually used to install modules, and the
  # installation process sometimes needs to run external scripts
  # (e.g. to run tests).
  $p->{perl} = $self->find_perl_interpreter
    or $self->log_warn("Warning: Can't locate your perl binary");

  my $blibdir = sub { File::Spec->catdir($p->{blib}, @_) };
  $p->{bindoc_dirs} ||= [ $blibdir->("script") ];
  $p->{libdoc_dirs} ||= [ $blibdir->("lib"), $blibdir->("arch") ];

  $p->{dist_author} = [ $p->{dist_author} ] if defined $p->{dist_author} and not ref $p->{dist_author};

  # Synonyms
  $p->{requires} = delete $p->{prereq} if defined $p->{prereq};
  $p->{script_files} = delete $p->{scripts} if defined $p->{scripts};

  # Convert to from shell strings to arrays
  for ('extra_compiler_flags', 'extra_linker_flags') {
    $p->{$_} = [ $self->split_like_shell($p->{$_}) ] if exists $p->{$_};

  # Convert to arrays
  for ('include_dirs') {
    $p->{$_} = [ $p->{$_} ] if exists $p->{$_} && !ref $p->{$_}

  $self->add_to_cleanup( @{delete $p->{add_to_cleanup}} )
    if $p->{add_to_cleanup};

  return $self;

################## End constructors #########################

sub log_info {
  my $self = shift;
  print @_ if ref($self) && ( $self->verbose || ! $self->quiet );
sub log_verbose {
  my $self = shift;
  print @_ if ref($self) && $self->verbose;
sub log_debug {
  my $self = shift;
  print @_ if ref($self) && $self->debug;

sub log_warn {
  # Try to make our call stack invisible
  if (@_ and $_[-1] !~ /\n$/) {
    my (undef, $file, $line) = caller();
    warn @_, " at $file line $line.\n";
  } else {
    warn @_;

# install paths must be generated when requested to be sure all changes
# to config (from various sources) are included
sub _default_install_paths {
  my $self = shift;
  my $c = $self->{config};
  my $p = {};

  my @libstyle = $c->get('installstyle') ?
      File::Spec->splitdir($c->get('installstyle')) : qw(lib perl5);
  my $arch     = $c->get('archname');
  my $version  = $c->get('version');

  my $bindoc  = $c->get('installman1dir') || undef;
  my $libdoc  = $c->get('installman3dir') || undef;

  my $binhtml = $c->get('installhtml1dir') || $c->get('installhtmldir') || undef;
  my $libhtml = $c->get('installhtml3dir') || $c->get('installhtmldir') || undef;

  $p->{install_sets} =
     core   => {
       lib     => $c->get('installprivlib'),
       arch    => $c->get('installarchlib'),
       bin     => $c->get('installbin'),
       script  => $c->get('installscript'),
       bindoc  => $bindoc,
       libdoc  => $libdoc,
       binhtml => $binhtml,
       libhtml => $libhtml,
     site   => {
       lib     => $c->get('installsitelib'),
       arch    => $c->get('installsitearch'),
       bin     => $c->get('installsitebin')      || $c->get('installbin'),
       script  => $c->get('installsitescript')   ||
         $c->get('installsitebin') || $c->get('installscript'),
       bindoc  => $c->get('installsiteman1dir')  || $bindoc,
       libdoc  => $c->get('installsiteman3dir')  || $libdoc,
       binhtml => $c->get('installsitehtml1dir') || $binhtml,
       libhtml => $c->get('installsitehtml3dir') || $libhtml,
     vendor => {
       lib     => $c->get('installvendorlib'),
       arch    => $c->get('installvendorarch'),
       bin     => $c->get('installvendorbin')      || $c->get('installbin'),
       script  => $c->get('installvendorscript')   ||
         $c->get('installvendorbin') || $c->get('installscript'),
       bindoc  => $c->get('installvendorman1dir')  || $bindoc,
       libdoc  => $c->get('installvendorman3dir')  || $libdoc,
       binhtml => $c->get('installvendorhtml1dir') || $binhtml,
       libhtml => $c->get('installvendorhtml3dir') || $libhtml,

  $p->{original_prefix} =
     core   => $c->get('installprefixexp') || $c->get('installprefix') ||
               $c->get('prefixexp')        || $c->get('prefix') || '',
     site   => $c->get('siteprefixexp'),
     vendor => $c->get('usevendorprefix') ? $c->get('vendorprefixexp') : '',
  $p->{original_prefix}{site} ||= $p->{original_prefix}{core};

  # Note: you might be tempted to use $Config{installstyle} here
  # instead of hard-coding lib/perl5, but that's been considered and
  # (at least for now) rejected.  `perldoc Config` has some wisdom
  # about it.
  $p->{install_base_relpaths} =
     lib     => ['lib', 'perl5'],
     arch    => ['lib', 'perl5', $arch],
     bin     => ['bin'],
     script  => ['bin'],
     bindoc  => ['man', 'man1'],
     libdoc  => ['man', 'man3'],
     binhtml => ['html'],
     libhtml => ['html'],

  $p->{prefix_relpaths} =
     core => {
       lib        => [@libstyle],
       arch       => [@libstyle, $version, $arch],
       bin        => ['bin'],
       script     => ['bin'],
       bindoc     => ['man', 'man1'],
       libdoc     => ['man', 'man3'],
       binhtml    => ['html'],
       libhtml    => ['html'],
     vendor => {
       lib        => [@libstyle],
       arch       => [@libstyle, $version, $arch],
       bin        => ['bin'],
       script     => ['bin'],
       bindoc     => ['man', 'man1'],
       libdoc     => ['man', 'man3'],
       binhtml    => ['html'],
       libhtml    => ['html'],
     site => {
       lib        => [@libstyle, 'site_perl'],
       arch       => [@libstyle, 'site_perl', $version, $arch],
       bin        => ['bin'],
       script     => ['bin'],
       bindoc     => ['man', 'man1'],
       libdoc     => ['man', 'man3'],
       binhtml    => ['html'],
       libhtml    => ['html'],
    return $p

sub _find_nested_builds {
  my $self = shift;
  my $r = $self->recurse_into or return;

  my ($file, @r);
  if (!ref($r) && $r eq 'auto') {
    local *DH;
    opendir DH, $self->base_dir
      or die "Can't scan directory " . $self->base_dir . " for nested builds: $!";
    while (defined($file = readdir DH)) {
      my $subdir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->base_dir, $file );
      next unless -d $subdir;
      push @r, $subdir if -e File::Spec->catfile( $subdir, 'Build.PL' );


sub cwd {
  return Cwd::cwd();

sub _quote_args {
  # Returns a string that can become [part of] a command line with
  # proper quoting so that the subprocess sees this same list of args.
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

  my @quoted;

  for (@args) {
    if ( /^[^\s*?!\$<>;\\|'"\[\]\{\}]+$/ ) {
      # Looks pretty safe
      push @quoted, $_;
    } else {
      # XXX this will obviously have to improve - is there already a
      # core module lying around that does proper quoting?
      push @quoted, qq('$_');

  return join " ", @quoted;

sub _backticks {
  my ($self, @cmd) = @_;
  if ($self->have_forkpipe) {
    local *FH;
    my $pid = open *FH, "-|";
    if ($pid) {
      return wantarray ? <FH> : join '', <FH>;
    } else {
      die "Can't execute @cmd: $!\n" unless defined $pid;
      exec { $cmd[0] } @cmd;
  } else {
    my $cmd = $self->_quote_args(@cmd);
    return `$cmd`;

# Tells us whether the construct open($fh, '-|', @command) is
# supported.  It would probably be better to dynamically sense this.
sub have_forkpipe { 1 }

# Determine whether a given binary is the same as the perl
# (configuration) that started this process.
sub _perl_is_same {
  my ($self, $perl) = @_;

  my @cmd = ($perl);

  # When run from the perl core, @INC will include the directories
  # where perl is yet to be installed. We need to reference the
  # absolute path within the source distribution where it can find
  # it's Config.pm This also prevents us from picking up a Config.pm
  # from a different configuration that happens to be already
  # installed in @INC.
  if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
    push @cmd, '-I' . File::Spec->catdir(File::Basename::dirname($perl), 'lib');

  push @cmd, qw(-MConfig=myconfig -e print -e myconfig);
  return $self->_backticks(@cmd) eq Config->myconfig;

# cache _discover_perl_interpreter() results
  my $known_perl;
  sub find_perl_interpreter {
    my $self = shift;

    return $known_perl if defined($known_perl);
    return $known_perl = $self->_discover_perl_interpreter;

# Returns the absolute path of the perl interpreter used to invoke
# this process. The path is derived from $^X or $Config{perlpath}. On
# some platforms $^X contains the complete absolute path of the
# interpreter, on other it may contain a relative path, or simply
# 'perl'. This can also vary depending on whether a path was supplied
# when perl was invoked. Additionally, the value in $^X may omit the
# executable extension on platforms that use one. It's a fatal error
# if the interpreter can't be found because it can result in undefined
# behavior by routines that depend on it (generating errors or
# invoking the wrong perl.)
sub _discover_perl_interpreter {
  my $proto = shift;
  my $c     = ref($proto) ? $proto->{config} : 'Module::Build::Config';

  my $perl  = $^X;
  my $perl_basename = File::Basename::basename($perl);

  my @potential_perls;

  # Try 1, Check $^X for absolute path
  push( @potential_perls, $perl )
      if File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($perl);

  # Try 2, Check $^X for a valid relative path
  my $abs_perl = File::Spec->rel2abs($perl);
  push( @potential_perls, $abs_perl );

  # Try 3, Last ditch effort: These two option use hackery to try to locate
  # a suitable perl. The hack varies depending on whether we are running
  # from an installed perl or an uninstalled perl in the perl source dist.
  if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {

    # Try 3.A, If we are in a perl source tree, running an uninstalled
    # perl, we can keep moving up the directory tree until we find our
    # binary. We wouldn't do this under any other circumstances.

    # CBuilder is also in the core, so it should be available here
    require ExtUtils::CBuilder;
    my $perl_src = Cwd::realpath( ExtUtils::CBuilder->perl_src );
    if ( defined($perl_src) && length($perl_src) ) {
      my $uninstperl =
        File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile( $perl_src, $perl_basename ));
      push( @potential_perls, $uninstperl );

  } else {

    # Try 3.B, First look in $Config{perlpath}, then search the user's
    # PATH. We do not want to do either if we are running from an
    # uninstalled perl in a perl source tree.

    push( @potential_perls, $c->get('perlpath') );

    push( @potential_perls,
          map File::Spec->catfile($_, $perl_basename), File::Spec->path() );

  # Now that we've enumerated the potential perls, it's time to test
  # them to see if any of them match our configuration, returning the
  # absolute path of the first successful match.
  my $exe = $c->get('exe_ext');
  foreach my $thisperl ( @potential_perls ) {

    if (defined $exe) {
      $thisperl .= $exe unless $thisperl =~ m/$exe$/i;

    if ( -f $thisperl && $proto->_perl_is_same($thisperl) ) {
      return $thisperl;

  # We've tried all alternatives, and didn't find a perl that matches
  # our configuration. Throw an exception, and list alternatives we tried.
  my @paths = map File::Basename::dirname($_), @potential_perls;
  die "Can't locate the perl binary used to run this script " .
      "in (@paths)\n";

# Adapted from IPC::Cmd::can_run()
sub find_command {
  my ($self, $command) = @_;

  if( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($command) ) {
    return $self->_maybe_command($command);

  } else {
    for my $dir ( File::Spec->path ) {
      my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $command);
      return $abs if $abs = $self->_maybe_command($abs);

# Copied from ExtUtils::MM_Unix::maybe_command
sub _maybe_command {
  my($self,$file) = @_;
  return $file if -x $file && ! -d $file;

sub _is_interactive {
  return -t STDIN && (-t STDOUT || !(-f STDOUT || -c STDOUT)) ;   # Pipe?

# NOTE this is a blocking operation if(-t STDIN)
sub _is_unattended {
  my $self = shift;
    ( !$self->_is_interactive && eof STDIN );

sub _readline {
  my $self = shift;
  return undef if $self->_is_unattended;

  my $answer = <STDIN>;
  chomp $answer if defined $answer;
  return $answer;

sub prompt {
  my $self = shift;
  my $mess = shift
    or die "prompt() called without a prompt message";

  # use a list to distinguish a default of undef() from no default
  my @def;
  @def = (shift) if @_;
  # use dispdef for output
  my @dispdef = scalar(@def) ?
    ('[', (defined($def[0]) ? $def[0] . ' ' : ''), ']') :
    (' ', '');

  local $|=1;
  print "$mess ", @dispdef;

  if ( $self->_is_unattended && !@def ) {
    die <<EOF;
ERROR: This build seems to be unattended, but there is no default value
for this question.  Aborting.

  my $ans = $self->_readline();

  if ( !defined($ans)        # Ctrl-D or unattended
       or !length($ans) ) {  # User hit return
    print "$dispdef[1]\n";
    $ans = scalar(@def) ? $def[0] : '';

  return $ans;

sub y_n {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($mess, $def)  = @_;

  die "y_n() called without a prompt message" unless $mess;
  die "Invalid default value: y_n() default must be 'y' or 'n'"
    if $def && $def !~ /^[yn]/i;

  my $answer;
  while (1) { # XXX Infinite or a large number followed by an exception ?
    $answer = $self->prompt(@_);
    return 1 if $answer =~ /^y/i;
    return 0 if $answer =~ /^n/i;
    local $|=1;
    print "Please answer 'y' or 'n'.\n";

sub current_action { shift->{action} }
sub invoked_action { shift->{invoked_action} }

sub notes        { shift()->{phash}{notes}->access(@_) }
sub config_data  { shift()->{phash}{config_data}->access(@_) }
sub runtime_params { shift->{phash}{runtime_params}->read( @_ ? shift : () ) }  # Read-only
sub auto_features  { shift()->{phash}{auto_features}->access(@_) }

sub features     {
  my $self = shift;
  my $ph = $self->{phash};

  if (@_) {
    my $key = shift;
    if ($ph->{features}->exists($key)) {
      return $ph->{features}->access($key, @_);

    if (my $info = $ph->{auto_features}->access($key)) {
      my $disabled;
      for my $type ( @{$self->prereq_action_types} ) {
        next if $type eq 'description' || $type eq 'recommends' || ! exists $info->{$type};
        my $prereqs = $info->{$type};
        for my $modname ( sort keys %$prereqs ) {
          my $spec = $prereqs->{$modname};
          my $status = $self->check_installed_status($modname, $spec);
          if ((!$status->{ok}) xor ($type =~ /conflicts$/)) { return 0; }
          if ( ! eval "require $modname; 1" ) { return 0; }
      return 1;

    return $ph->{features}->access($key, @_);

  # No args - get the auto_features & overlay the regular features
  my %features;
  my %auto_features = $ph->{auto_features}->access();
  while (my ($name, $info) = each %auto_features) {
    my $failures = $self->prereq_failures($info);
    my $disabled = grep( /^(?:\w+_)?(?:requires|conflicts)$/,
                        keys %$failures ) ? 1 : 0;
    $features{$name} = $disabled ? 0 : 1;
  %features = (%features, $ph->{features}->access());

  return wantarray ? %features : \%features;
BEGIN { *feature = \&features } # Alias

sub _mb_feature {
  my $self = shift;

  if (($self->module_name || '') eq 'Module::Build') {
    # We're building Module::Build itself, so ...::ConfigData isn't
    # valid, but $self->features() should be.
    return $self->feature(@_);
  } else {
    require Module::Build::ConfigData;
    return Module::Build::ConfigData->feature(@_);

sub _warn_mb_feature_deps {
  my $self = shift;
  my $name = shift;
    "The '$name' feature is not available.  Please install missing\n" .
    "feature dependencies and try again.\n".
    $self->_feature_deps_msg($name) . "\n"

sub add_build_element {
    my ($self, $elem) = @_;
    my $elems = $self->build_elements;
    push @$elems, $elem unless grep { $_ eq $elem } @$elems;

sub ACTION_config_data {
  my $self = shift;
  return unless $self->has_config_data;

  my $module_name = $self->module_name
    or die "The config_data feature requires that 'module_name' be set";
  my $notes_name = $module_name . '::ConfigData'; # TODO: Customize name ???
  my $notes_pm = File::Spec->catfile($self->blib, 'lib', split /::/, "$notes_name.pm");

  return if $self->up_to_date(['Build.PL',
                              ], $notes_pm);

  $self->log_verbose("Writing config notes to $notes_pm\n");

     file => $notes_pm,
     module => $module_name,
     config_module => $notes_name,
     config_data => scalar $self->config_data,
     feature => scalar $self->{phash}{features}->access(),
     auto_features => scalar $self->auto_features,

{ # enclosing these lexicals -- TODO
  my %valid_properties = ( __PACKAGE__,  {} );
  my %additive_properties;

  sub _mb_classes {
    my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
    return ($class, $class->mb_parents);

  sub valid_property {
    my ($class, $prop) = @_;
    return grep exists( $valid_properties{$_}{$prop} ), $class->_mb_classes;

  sub valid_properties {
    return keys %{ shift->valid_properties_defaults() };

  sub valid_properties_defaults {
    my %out;
    for my $class (reverse shift->_mb_classes) {
      @out{ keys %{ $valid_properties{$class} } } = map {
      } values %{ $valid_properties{$class} };
    return \%out;

  sub array_properties {
    for (shift->_mb_classes) {
      return @{$additive_properties{$_}->{ARRAY}}
        if exists $additive_properties{$_}->{ARRAY};

  sub hash_properties {
    for (shift->_mb_classes) {
      return @{$additive_properties{$_}->{'HASH'}}
        if exists $additive_properties{$_}->{'HASH'};

  sub add_property {
    my ($class, $property) = (shift, shift);
    die "Property '$property' already exists"
      if $class->valid_property($property);
    my %p = @_ == 1 ? ( default => shift ) : @_;

    my $type = ref $p{default};
    $valid_properties{$class}{$property} =
      $type eq 'CODE' ? $p{default}                           :
      $type eq 'HASH' ? sub { return { %{ $p{default} } }   } :
      $type eq 'ARRAY'? sub { return [ @{ $p{default} } ]   } :
                        sub { return $p{default}            } ;

    push @{$additive_properties{$class}->{$type}}, $property
      if $type;

    unless ($class->can($property)) {
      # TODO probably should put these in a util package
      my $sub = $type eq 'HASH'
        ? _make_hash_accessor($property, \%p)
        : _make_accessor($property, \%p);
      no strict 'refs';
      *{"$class\::$property"} = $sub;

    return $class;

    sub property_error {
      my $self = shift;
      die 'ERROR: ', @_;

  sub _set_defaults {
    my $self = shift;

    # Set the build class.
    $self->{properties}{build_class} ||= ref $self;

    # If there was no orig_dir, set to the same as base_dir
    $self->{properties}{orig_dir} ||= $self->{properties}{base_dir};

    my $defaults = $self->valid_properties_defaults;

    foreach my $prop (keys %$defaults) {
      $self->{properties}{$prop} = $defaults->{$prop}
        unless exists $self->{properties}{$prop};

    # Copy defaults for arrays any arrays.
    for my $prop ($self->array_properties) {
      $self->{properties}{$prop} = [@{$defaults->{$prop}}]
        unless exists $self->{properties}{$prop};
    # Copy defaults for arrays any hashes.
    for my $prop ($self->hash_properties) {
      $self->{properties}{$prop} = {%{$defaults->{$prop}}}
        unless exists $self->{properties}{$prop};

} # end closure
sub _make_hash_accessor {
  my ($property, $p) = @_;
  my $check = $p->{check} || sub { 1 };

  return sub {
    my $self = shift;

    # This is only here to deprecate the historic accident of calling
    # properties as class methods - I suspect it only happens in our
    # test suite.
    unless(ref($self)) {
      carp("\n$property not a class method (@_)");

    my $x = $self->{properties};
    return $x->{$property} unless @_;

    my $prop = $x->{$property};
    if ( defined $_[0] && !ref $_[0] ) {
      if ( @_ == 1 ) {
        return exists $prop->{$_[0]} ? $prop->{$_[0]} : undef;
      } elsif ( @_ % 2 == 0 ) {
        my %new = (%{ $prop }, @_);
        local $_ = \%new;
        $x->{$property} = \%new if $check->($self);
        return $x->{$property};
      } else {
        die "Unexpected arguments for property '$property'\n";
    } else {
      die "Unexpected arguments for property '$property'\n"
          if defined $_[0] && ref $_[0] ne 'HASH';
      local $_ = $_[0];
      $x->{$property} = shift if $check->($self);
sub _make_accessor {
  my ($property, $p) = @_;
  my $check = $p->{check} || sub { 1 };

  return sub {
    my $self = shift;

    # This is only here to deprecate the historic accident of calling
    # properties as class methods - I suspect it only happens in our
    # test suite.
    unless(ref($self)) {
      carp("\n$property not a class method (@_)");

    my $x = $self->{properties};
    return $x->{$property} unless @_;
    local $_ = $_[0];
    $x->{$property} = shift if $check->($self);
    return $x->{$property};

# Add the default properties.
__PACKAGE__->add_property(auto_configure_requires => 1);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(blib => 'blib');
__PACKAGE__->add_property(build_class => 'Module::Build');
__PACKAGE__->add_property(build_elements => [qw(PL support pm xs share_dir pod script)]);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(build_script => 'Build');
__PACKAGE__->add_property(build_bat => 0);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(bundle_inc => []);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(bundle_inc_preload => []);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(config_dir => '_build');
__PACKAGE__->add_property(dynamic_config => 1);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(include_dirs => []);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(license => 'unknown');
__PACKAGE__->add_property(metafile => 'META.yml');
__PACKAGE__->add_property(mymetafile => 'MYMETA.yml');
__PACKAGE__->add_property(metafile2 => 'META.json');
__PACKAGE__->add_property(mymetafile2 => 'MYMETA.json');
__PACKAGE__->add_property(recurse_into => []);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(use_rcfile => 1);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(create_packlist => 1);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(allow_mb_mismatch => 0);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(config => undef);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(test_file_exts => ['.t']);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(use_tap_harness => 0);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(cpan_client => 'cpan');
__PACKAGE__->add_property(tap_harness_args => {});
__PACKAGE__->add_property(pureperl_only => 0);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(allow_pureperl => 0);
  default => 'site',
  check   => sub {
    return 1 if /^(core|site|vendor)$/;
    return shift->property_error(
      $_ eq 'perl'
      ? 'Perhaps you meant installdirs to be "core" rather than "perl"?'
      : 'installdirs must be one of "core", "site", or "vendor"'
    return shift->property_error("Perhaps you meant 'core'?") if $_ eq 'perl';
    return 0;

  __PACKAGE__->add_property(html_css => '');

  my @prereq_action_types = qw(requires build_requires test_requires conflicts recommends);
  foreach my $type (@prereq_action_types) {
    __PACKAGE__->add_property($type => {});
  __PACKAGE__->add_property(prereq_action_types => \@prereq_action_types);

__PACKAGE__->add_property($_ => {}) for qw(

__PACKAGE__->add_property($_) for qw(

sub config {
  my $self = shift;
  my $c = ref($self) ? $self->{config} : 'Module::Build::Config';
  return $c->all_config unless @_;

  my $key = shift;
  return $c->get($key) unless @_;

  my $val = shift;
  return $c->set($key => $val);

sub mb_parents {
    # Code borrowed from Class::ISA.
    my @in_stack = (shift);
    my %seen = ($in_stack[0] => 1);

    my ($current, @out);
    while (@in_stack) {
        next unless defined($current = shift @in_stack)
          && $current->isa('Module::Build::Base');
        push @out, $current;
        next if $current eq 'Module::Build::Base';
        no strict 'refs';
        unshift @in_stack,
          map {
              my $c = $_; # copy, to avoid being destructive
              substr($c,0,2) = "main::" if substr($c,0,2) eq '::';
              # Canonize the :: -> main::, ::foo -> main::foo thing.
              # Should I ever canonize the Foo'Bar = Foo::Bar thing?
              $seen{$c}++ ? () : $c;
          } @{"$current\::ISA"};

        # I.e., if this class has any parents (at least, ones I've never seen
        # before), push them, in order, onto the stack of classes I need to
        # explore.
    shift @out;
    return @out;

sub extra_linker_flags   { shift->_list_accessor('extra_linker_flags',   @_) }
sub extra_compiler_flags { shift->_list_accessor('extra_compiler_flags', @_) }

sub _list_accessor {
  (my $self, local $_) = (shift, shift);
  my $p = $self->{properties};
  $p->{$_} = [@_] if @_;
  $p->{$_} = [] unless exists $p->{$_};
  return ref($p->{$_}) ? $p->{$_} : [$p->{$_}];

# XXX Problem - if Module::Build is loaded from a different directory,
# it'll look for (and perhaps destroy/create) a _build directory.
sub subclass {
  my ($pack, %opts) = @_;

  my $build_dir = '_build'; # XXX The _build directory is ostensibly settable by the user.  Shouldn't hard-code here.
  $pack->delete_filetree($build_dir) if -e $build_dir;

  die "Must provide 'code' or 'class' option to subclass()\n"
    unless $opts{code} or $opts{class};

  $opts{code}  ||= '';
  $opts{class} ||= 'MyModuleBuilder';

  my $filename = File::Spec->catfile($build_dir, 'lib', split '::', $opts{class}) . '.pm';
  my $filedir  = File::Basename::dirname($filename);
  $pack->log_verbose("Creating custom builder $filename in $filedir\n");

  die "Can't create directory $filedir: $!" unless -d $filedir;

  my $fh = IO::File->new("> $filename") or die "Can't create $filename: $!";
  print $fh <<EOF;
package $opts{class};
use $pack;
\@ISA = qw($pack);
  close $fh;

  unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->rel2abs($build_dir), 'lib');
  eval "use $opts{class}";
  die $@ if $@;

  return $opts{class};

sub _guess_module_name {
  my $self = shift;
  my $p = $self->{properties};
  return if $p->{module_name};
  if ( $p->{dist_version_from} && -e $p->{dist_version_from} ) {
    my $mi = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->new_from_file($self->dist_version_from);
    $p->{module_name} = $mi->name;
  else {
    my $mod_path = my $mod_name = $p->{dist_name};
    $mod_name =~ s{-}{::}g;
    $mod_path =~ s{-}{/}g;
    $mod_path .= ".pm";
    if ( -e $mod_path || -e "lib/$mod_path" ) {
      $p->{module_name} = $mod_name;
    else {
      $self->log_warn( << 'END_WARN' );
No 'module_name' was provided and it could not be inferred
from other properties.  This will prevent a packlist from
being written for this file.  Please set either 'module_name'
or 'dist_version_from' in Build.PL.

sub dist_name {
  my $self = shift;
  my $p = $self->{properties};
  return $p->{dist_name} if defined $p->{dist_name};

  die "Can't determine distribution name, must supply either 'dist_name' or 'module_name' parameter"
    unless $self->module_name;

  ($p->{dist_name} = $self->module_name) =~ s/::/-/g;

  return $p->{dist_name};

sub release_status {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $p = $self->{properties};

  if ( ! defined $p->{release_status} ) {
    $p->{release_status} = $self->_is_dev_version ? 'testing' : 'stable';

  unless ( $p->{release_status} =~ qr/\A(?:stable|testing|unstable)\z/ ) {
    die "Illegal value '$p->{release_status}' for release_status\n";

  if ( $p->{release_status} eq 'stable' && $self->_is_dev_version ) {
    my $version = $self->dist_version;
    die "Illegal value '$p->{release_status}' with version '$version'\n";
  return $p->{release_status};

sub dist_suffix {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $p = $self->{properties};
  return $p->{dist_suffix} if defined $p->{dist_suffix};

  if ( $self->release_status eq 'stable' ) {
    $p->{dist_suffix} = "";
  else {
    # non-stable release but non-dev version number needs '-TRIAL' appended
    $p->{dist_suffix} = $self->_is_dev_version ? "" : "TRIAL" ;

  return $p->{dist_suffix};

sub dist_version_from {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $p = $self->{properties};
  if ($self->module_name) {
    $p->{dist_version_from} ||=
      join( '/', 'lib', split(/::/, $self->module_name) ) . '.pm';
  return $p->{dist_version_from} || undef;

sub dist_version {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $p = $self->{properties};

  return $p->{dist_version} if defined $p->{dist_version};

  if ( my $dist_version_from = $self->dist_version_from ) {
    my $version_from = File::Spec->catfile( split( qr{/}, $dist_version_from ) );
    my $pm_info = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->new_from_file( $version_from )
      or die "Can't find file $version_from to determine version";
    #$p->{dist_version} is undef here
    $p->{dist_version} = $self->normalize_version( $pm_info->version() );
    unless (defined $p->{dist_version}) {
      die "Can't determine distribution version from $version_from";

  die ("Can't determine distribution version, must supply either 'dist_version',\n".
       "'dist_version_from', or 'module_name' parameter")
    unless defined $p->{dist_version};

  return $p->{dist_version};

sub _is_dev_version {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $dist_version = $self->dist_version;
  my $version_obj = eval { Module::Build::Version->new( $dist_version ) };
  # assume it's normal if the version string is fatal -- in this case
  # the author might be doing something weird so should play along and
  # assume they'll specify all necessary behavior
  return $@ ? 0 : $version_obj->is_alpha;

sub dist_author   { shift->_pod_parse('author')   }
sub dist_abstract { shift->_pod_parse('abstract') }

sub _pod_parse {
  my ($self, $part) = @_;
  my $p = $self->{properties};
  my $member = "dist_$part";
  return $p->{$member} if defined $p->{$member};

  my $docfile = $self->_main_docfile
    or return;
  my $fh = IO::File->new($docfile)
    or return;

  require Module::Build::PodParser;
  my $parser = Module::Build::PodParser->new(fh => $fh);
  my $method = "get_$part";
  return $p->{$member} = $parser->$method();

sub version_from_file { # Method provided for backwards compatibility
  return Module::Build::ModuleInfo->new_from_file($_[1])->version();

sub find_module_by_name { # Method provided for backwards compatibility
  return Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_by_name(@_[1,2]);

  # $unlink_list_for_pid{$$} = [ ... ]
  my %unlink_list_for_pid;

  sub _unlink_on_exit {
    my $self = shift;
    for my $f ( @_ ) {
      push @{$unlink_list_for_pid{$$}}, $f if -f $f;
    return 1;

  END {
    for my $f ( map glob($_), @{ $unlink_list_for_pid{$$} || [] } ) {
      next unless -e $f;
      File::Path::rmtree($f, 0, 0);

sub add_to_cleanup {
  my $self = shift;
  my %files = map {$self->localize_file_path($_), 1} @_;

sub cleanup {
  my $self = shift;
  my $all = $self->{phash}{cleanup}->read;
  return keys %$all;

sub config_file {
  my $self = shift;
  return unless -d $self->config_dir;
  return File::Spec->catfile($self->config_dir, @_);

sub read_config {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $file = $self->config_file('build_params')
    or die "Can't find 'build_params' in " . $self->config_dir;
  my $fh = IO::File->new($file) or die "Can't read '$file': $!";
  my $ref = eval do {local $/; <$fh>};
  die if $@;
  my $c;
  ($self->{args}, $c, $self->{properties}) = @$ref;
  $self->{config} = Module::Build::Config->new(values => $c);
  close $fh;

sub has_config_data {
  my $self = shift;
  return scalar grep $self->{phash}{$_}->has_data(), qw(config_data features auto_features);

sub _write_data {
  my ($self, $filename, $data) = @_;

  my $file = $self->config_file($filename);
  my $fh = IO::File->new("> $file") or die "Can't create '$file': $!";
  unless (ref($data)) {  # e.g. magicnum
    print $fh $data;

  print {$fh} Module::Build::Dumper->_data_dump($data);

sub write_config {
  my ($self) = @_;

  -d $self->{properties}{config_dir} or die "Can't mkdir $self->{properties}{config_dir}: $!";

  my @items = @{ $self->prereq_action_types };
  $self->_write_data('prereqs', { map { $_, $self->$_() } @items });
  $self->_write_data('build_params', [$self->{args}, $self->{config}->values_set, $self->{properties}]);

  # Set a new magic number and write it to a file
  $self->_write_data('magicnum', $self->magic_number(int rand 1_000_000));

  $self->{phash}{$_}->write() foreach qw(notes cleanup features auto_features config_data runtime_params);

  # packfile map -- keys are guts of regular expressions;  If they match,
  # values are module names corresponding to the packlist
  my %packlist_map = (
    '^File::Spec'         => 'Cwd',
    '^Devel::AssertOS'    => 'Devel::CheckOS',

  sub _find_packlist {
    my ($self, $inst, $mod) = @_;
    my $lookup = $mod;
    my $packlist = eval { $inst->packlist($lookup) };
    if ( ! $packlist ) {
      # try from packlist_map
      while ( my ($re, $new_mod) = each %packlist_map ) {
        if ( $mod =~ qr/$re/ ) {
          $lookup = $new_mod;
          $packlist = eval { $inst->packlist($lookup) };
    return $packlist ? $lookup : undef;

  sub set_bundle_inc {
    my $self = shift;

    my $bundle_inc = $self->{properties}{bundle_inc};
    my $bundle_inc_preload = $self->{properties}{bundle_inc_preload};
    # We're in author mode if inc::latest is loaded, but not from cwd
    return unless inc::latest->can('loaded_modules');
    require ExtUtils::Installed;
    # ExtUtils::Installed is buggy about finding additions to default @INC
    my $inst = eval { ExtUtils::Installed->new(extra_libs => [@INC]) };
    if ($@) {
      $self->log_warn( << "EUI_ERROR" );
Bundling in inc/ is disabled because ExtUtils::Installed could not
create a list of your installed modules.  Here is the error:
    my @bundle_list = map { [ $_, 0 ] } inc::latest->loaded_modules;

    # XXX TODO: Need to get ordering of prerequisites correct so they are
    # are loaded in the right order. Use an actual tree?!

    while( @bundle_list ) {
      my ($mod, $prereq) = @{ shift @bundle_list };

      # XXX TODO: Append prereqs to list
      # skip if core or already in bundle or preload lists
      # push @bundle_list, [$_, 1] for prereqs()

      # Locate packlist for bundling
      my $lookup = $self->_find_packlist($inst,$mod);
      if ( ! $lookup ) {
        # XXX Really needs a more helpful error message here
        die << "NO_PACKLIST";
Could not find a packlist for '$mod'.  If it's a core module, try
force installing it from CPAN.
      else {
        push @{ $prereq ? $bundle_inc_preload : $bundle_inc }, $lookup;
  } # sub check_bundling

sub check_autofeatures {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $features = $self->auto_features;

  return 1 unless %$features;

  # TODO refactor into ::Util
  my $longest = sub {
    my @str = @_ or croak("no strings given");

    my @len = map({length($_)} @str);
    my $max = 0;
    my $longest;
    for my $i (0..$#len) {
      ($max, $longest) = ($len[$i], $str[$i]) if($len[$i] > $max);
  my $max_name_len = length($longest->(keys %$features));

  my ($num_disabled, $log_text) = (0, "\nChecking optional features...\n");
  for my $name ( sort keys %$features ) {
    $log_text .= $self->_feature_deps_msg($name, $max_name_len);

  $num_disabled = () = $log_text =~ /disabled/g;

  # warn user if features disabled
  if ( $num_disabled ) {
    $self->log_warn( $log_text );
    return 0;
  else {
    $self->log_verbose( $log_text );
    return 1;

sub _feature_deps_msg {
  my ($self, $name, $max_name_len) = @_;
    $max_name_len ||= length $name;
    my $features = $self->auto_features;
    my $info = $features->{$name};
    my $feature_text = "$name" . '.' x ($max_name_len - length($name) + 4);

    my ($log_text, $disabled) = ('','');
    if ( my $failures = $self->prereq_failures($info) ) {
      $disabled = grep( /^(?:\w+_)?(?:requires|conflicts)$/,
                  keys %$failures ) ? 1 : 0;
      $feature_text .= $disabled ? "disabled\n" : "enabled\n";

      for my $type ( @{ $self->prereq_action_types } ) {
        next unless exists $failures->{$type};
        $feature_text .= "  $type:\n";
        my $prereqs = $failures->{$type};
        for my $module ( sort keys %$prereqs ) {
          my $status = $prereqs->{$module};
          my $required =
            ($type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?(?:requires|conflicts)$/) ? 1 : 0;
          my $prefix = ($required) ? '!' : '*';
          $feature_text .= "    $prefix $status->{message}\n";
    } else {
      $feature_text .= "enabled\n";
    $log_text .= $feature_text if $disabled || $self->verbose;
    return $log_text;

# Automatically detect configure_requires prereqs
sub auto_config_requires {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $p = $self->{properties};

  # add current Module::Build to configure_requires if there
  # isn't one already specified (but not ourself, so we're not circular)
  if ( $self->dist_name ne 'Module-Build'
    && $self->auto_configure_requires
    && ! exists $p->{configure_requires}{'Module::Build'}
  ) {
    (my $ver = $VERSION) =~ s/^(\d+\.\d\d).*$/$1/; # last major release only
Module::Build was not found in configure_requires! Adding it now
automatically as: configure_requires => { 'Module::Build' => $ver }
    $self->_add_prereq('configure_requires', 'Module::Build', $ver);

  # if we're in author mode, add inc::latest modules to
  # configure_requires if not already set.  If we're not in author mode
  # then configure_requires will have been satisfied, or we'll just
  # live with what we've bundled
  if ( inc::latest->can('loaded_module') ) {
    for my $mod ( inc::latest->loaded_modules ) {
      next if exists $p->{configure_requires}{$mod};
      $self->_add_prereq('configure_requires', $mod, $mod->VERSION);


# Automatically detect and add prerequisites based on configuration
sub auto_require {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $p = $self->{properties};

  # If needs_compiler is not explictly set, automatically set it
  # If set, we need ExtUtils::CBuilder (and a compiler)
  my $xs_files = $self->find_xs_files;
  if ( ! defined $p->{needs_compiler} ) {
    $self->needs_compiler( keys %$xs_files || defined $self->c_source );
  if ($self->needs_compiler) {
    $self->_add_prereq('build_requires', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder', 0);
    if ( ! $self->have_c_compiler ) {
Warning: ExtUtils::CBuilder not installed or no compiler detected
Proceeding with configuration, but compilation may fail during Build


  # If using share_dir, require File::ShareDir
  if ( $self->share_dir ) {
    $self->_add_prereq( 'requires', 'File::ShareDir', '1.00' );


sub _add_prereq {
  my ($self, $type, $module, $version) = @_;
  my $p = $self->{properties};
  $version = 0 unless defined $version;
  if ( exists $p->{$type}{$module} ) {
    return if $self->compare_versions( $version, '<=', $p->{$type}{$module} );
  $self->log_verbose("Adding to $type\: $module => $version\n");
  $p->{$type}{$module} = $version;
  return 1;

sub prereq_failures {
  my ($self, $info) = @_;

  my @types = @{ $self->prereq_action_types };
  $info ||= {map {$_, $self->$_()} @types};

  my $out;

  foreach my $type (@types) {
    my $prereqs = $info->{$type};
    for my $modname ( keys %$prereqs ) {
      my $spec = $prereqs->{$modname};
      my $status = $self->check_installed_status($modname, $spec);

      if ($type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?conflicts$/) {
        next if !$status->{ok};
        $status->{conflicts} = delete $status->{need};
        $status->{message} = "$modname ($status->{have}) conflicts with this distribution";

      } elsif ($type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?recommends$/) {
        next if $status->{ok};
        $status->{message} = (!ref($status->{have}) && $status->{have} eq '<none>'
                              ? "$modname is not installed"
                              : "$modname ($status->{have}) is installed, but we prefer to have $spec");
      } else {
        next if $status->{ok};

      $out->{$type}{$modname} = $status;

  return $out;

# returns a hash of defined prerequisites; i.e. only prereq types with values
sub _enum_prereqs {
  my $self = shift;
  my %prereqs;
  foreach my $type ( @{ $self->prereq_action_types } ) {
    if ( $self->can( $type ) ) {
      my $prereq = $self->$type() || {};
      $prereqs{$type} = $prereq if %$prereq;
  return \%prereqs;

sub check_prereq {
  my $self = shift;

  # Check to see if there are any prereqs to check
  my $info = $self->_enum_prereqs;
  return 1 unless $info;

  my $log_text = "Checking prerequisites...\n";

  my $failures = $self->prereq_failures($info);

  if ( $failures ) {
    for my $type ( @{ $self->prereq_action_types } ) {
      my $prereqs = $failures->{$type};
      $self->log_warn("  ${type}:\n") if keys %$prereqs;
      for my $module ( sort keys %$prereqs ) {
        my $status = $prereqs->{$module};
        my $prefix = ($type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?recommends$/) ? "* " : "! ";
        $self->log_warn("    $prefix $status->{message}\n");
    return 0;
  } else {
    $self->log_verbose($log_text . "Looks good\n\n");
    return 1;

sub perl_version {
  my ($self) = @_;
  # Check the current perl interpreter
  # It's much more convenient to use $] here than $^V, but 'man
  # perlvar' says I'm not supposed to.  Bloody tyrant.
  return $^V ? $self->perl_version_to_float(sprintf "%vd", $^V) : $];

sub perl_version_to_float {
  my ($self, $version) = @_;
  return $version if grep( /\./, $version ) < 2;
  $version =~ s/\./../;
  $version =~ s/\.(\d+)/sprintf '%03d', $1/eg;
  return $version;

sub _parse_conditions {
  my ($self, $spec) = @_;

  return ">= 0" if not defined $spec;
  if ($spec =~ /^\s*([\w.]+)\s*$/) { # A plain number, maybe with dots, letters, and underscores
    return (">= $spec");
  } else {
    return split /\s*,\s*/, $spec;

sub try_require {
  my ($self, $modname, $spec) = @_;
  my $status = $self->check_installed_status($modname, defined($spec) ? $spec : 0);
  return unless $status->{ok};
  my $path = $modname;
  $path =~ s{::}{/}g;
  $path .= ".pm";
  if ( defined $INC{$path} ) {
    return 1;
  elsif ( exists $INC{$path} ) { # failed before, don't try again
  else {
    return eval "require $modname";

sub check_installed_status {
  my ($self, $modname, $spec) = @_;
  my %status = (need => $spec);

  if ($modname eq 'perl') {
    $status{have} = $self->perl_version;

  } elsif (eval { no strict; $status{have} = ${"${modname}::VERSION"} }) {
    # Don't try to load if it's already loaded

  } else {
    my $pm_info = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->new_from_module( $modname );
    unless (defined( $pm_info )) {
      @status{ qw(have message) } = ('<none>', "$modname is not installed");
      return \%status;

    $status{have} = eval { $pm_info->version() };
    if ($spec and !defined($status{have})) {
      @status{ qw(have message) } = (undef, "Couldn't find a \$VERSION in prerequisite $modname");
      return \%status;

  my @conditions = $self->_parse_conditions($spec);

  foreach (@conditions) {
    my ($op, $version) = /^\s*  (<=?|>=?|==|!=)  \s*  ([\w.]+)  \s*$/x
      or die "Invalid prerequisite condition '$_' for $modname";

    $version = $self->perl_version_to_float($version)
      if $modname eq 'perl';

    next if $op eq '>=' and !$version;  # Module doesn't have to actually define a $VERSION

    unless ($self->compare_versions( $status{have}, $op, $version )) {
      $status{message} = "$modname ($status{have}) is installed, but we need version $op $version";
      return \%status;

  $status{ok} = 1;
  return \%status;

sub compare_versions {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($v1, $op, $v2) = @_;
  $v1 = Module::Build::Version->new($v1)
    unless UNIVERSAL::isa($v1,'Module::Build::Version');

  my $eval_str = "\$v1 $op \$v2";
  my $result   = eval $eval_str;
  $self->log_warn("error comparing versions: '$eval_str' $@") if $@;

  return $result;

# I wish I could set $! to a string, but I can't, so I use $@
sub check_installed_version {
  my ($self, $modname, $spec) = @_;

  my $status = $self->check_installed_status($modname, $spec);

  if ($status->{ok}) {
    return $status->{have} if $status->{have} and "$status->{have}" ne '<none>';
    return '0 but true';

  $@ = $status->{message};
  return 0;

sub make_executable {
  # Perl's chmod() is mapped to useful things on various non-Unix
  # platforms, so we use it in the base class even though it looks
  # Unixish.

  my $self = shift;
  foreach (@_) {
    my $current_mode = (stat $_)[2];
    chmod $current_mode | oct(111), $_;

sub is_executable {
  # We assume this does the right thing on generic platforms, though
  # we do some other more specific stuff on Unixish platforms.
  my ($self, $file) = @_;
  return -x $file;

sub _startperl { shift()->config('startperl') }

# Return any directories in @INC which are not in the default @INC for
# this perl.  For example, stuff passed in with -I or loaded with "use lib".
sub _added_to_INC {
  my $self = shift;

  my %seen;
  $seen{$_}++ foreach $self->_default_INC;
  return grep !$seen{$_}++, @INC;

# Determine the default @INC for this Perl
  my @default_inc; # Memoize
  sub _default_INC {
    my $self = shift;
    return @default_inc if @default_inc;

    local $ENV{PERL5LIB};  # this is not considered part of the default.

    my $perl = ref($self) ? $self->perl : $self->find_perl_interpreter;

    my @inc = $self->_backticks($perl, '-le', 'print for @INC');
    chomp @inc;

    return @default_inc = @inc;

sub print_build_script {
  my ($self, $fh) = @_;

  my $build_package = $self->build_class;

  my $closedata="";

  my $config_requires;
  if ( -f $self->metafile ) {
    my $meta = eval { $self->read_metafile( $self->metafile ) };
    $config_requires = $meta && $meta->{configure_requires}{'Module::Build'};
  $config_requires ||= 0;

  my %q = map {$_, $self->$_()} qw(config_dir base_dir);

  $q{base_dir} = Win32::GetShortPathName($q{base_dir}) if $self->is_windowsish;

  $q{magic_numfile} = $self->config_file('magicnum');

  my @myINC = $self->_added_to_INC;
  for (@myINC, values %q) {
    $_ = File::Spec->canonpath( $_ ) unless $self->is_vmsish;

  my $quoted_INC = join ",\n", map "     '$_'", @myINC;
  my $shebang = $self->_startperl;
  my $magic_number = $self->magic_number;

  print $fh <<EOF;

use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;

sub magic_number_matches {
  return 0 unless -e '$q{magic_numfile}';
  local *FH;
  open FH, '$q{magic_numfile}' or return 0;
  my \$filenum = <FH>;
  close FH;
  return \$filenum == $magic_number;

my \$progname;
my \$orig_dir;
  \$^W = 1;  # Use warnings
  \$progname = basename(\$0);
  \$orig_dir = Cwd::cwd();
  my \$base_dir = '$q{base_dir}';
  if (!magic_number_matches()) {
    unless (chdir(\$base_dir)) {
      die ("Couldn't chdir(\$base_dir), aborting\\n");
    unless (magic_number_matches()) {
      die ("Configuration seems to be out of date, please re-run 'perl Build.PL' again.\\n");
  unshift \@INC,

close(*DATA) unless eof(*DATA); # ensure no open handles to this script

use $build_package;

# Some platforms have problems setting \$^X in shebang contexts, fix it up here
\$^X = Module::Build->find_perl_interpreter;

if (-e 'Build.PL' and not $build_package->up_to_date('Build.PL', \$progname)) {
   warn "Warning: Build.PL has been altered.  You may need to run 'perl Build.PL' again.\\n";

# This should have just enough arguments to be able to bootstrap the rest.
my \$build = $build_package->resume (
  properties => {
    config_dir => '$q{config_dir}',
    orig_dir => \$orig_dir,


sub create_mymeta {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my ($meta_obj, $mymeta);
  my @metafiles = ( $self->metafile, $self->metafile2 );
  my @mymetafiles = ( $self->mymetafile, $self->mymetafile2 );

  # cleanup old MYMETA
  for my $f ( @mymetafiles ) {
    if ( $self->delete_filetree($f) ) {
      $self->log_verbose("Removed previous '$f'\n");

  # Try loading META.json or META.yml
  if ( $self->try_require("CPAN::Meta", "2.110420") ) {
    for my $file ( @metafiles ) {
      next unless -f $file;
      $meta_obj = eval { CPAN::Meta->load_file($file) };
      last if $meta_obj;

  # maybe get a copy in spec v2 format (regardless of original source)
  $mymeta = $meta_obj->as_struct
    if $meta_obj;

  # if we have metadata, just update it
  if ( defined $mymeta ) {
    my $prereqs = $self->_normalize_prereqs;
    # XXX refactor this mapping somewhere
    $mymeta->{prereqs}{runtime}{requires} = $prereqs->{requires};
    $mymeta->{prereqs}{build}{requires} = $prereqs->{build_requires};
    $mymeta->{prereqs}{test}{requires} = $prereqs->{test_requires};
    $mymeta->{prereqs}{runtime}{recommends} = $prereqs->{recommends};
    $mymeta->{prereqs}{runtime}{conflicts} = $prereqs->{conflicts};
    # delete empty entries
    for my $phase ( keys %{$mymeta->{prereqs}} ) {
      if ( ref $mymeta->{prereqs}{$phase} eq 'HASH' ) {
        for my $type ( keys %{$mymeta->{prereqs}{$phase}} ) {
          if ( ! defined $mymeta->{prereqs}{$phase}{$type}
            || ! keys %{$mymeta->{prereqs}{$phase}{$type}}
          ) {
            delete $mymeta->{prereqs}{$phase}{$type};
      if ( ! defined $mymeta->{prereqs}{$phase}
        || ! keys %{$mymeta->{prereqs}{$phase}}
      ) {
        delete $mymeta->{prereqs}{$phase};
    $mymeta->{dynamic_config} = 0;
    $mymeta->{generated_by} = "Module::Build version $Module::Build::VERSION";
    eval { $meta_obj = CPAN::Meta->new( $mymeta, { lazy_validation => 1 } ) }
  # or generate from scratch, ignoring errors if META doesn't exist
  else {
    $meta_obj = $self->_get_meta_object(
      quiet => 0, dynamic => 0, fatal => 0, auto => 0

  my @created = $self->_write_meta_files( $meta_obj, 'MYMETA' );

  $self->log_warn("Could not create MYMETA files\n")
    unless @created;

  return 1;

sub create_build_script {
  my ($self) = @_;


  # Create Build
  my ($build_script, $dist_name, $dist_version)
    = map $self->$_(), qw(build_script dist_name dist_version);

  if ( $self->delete_filetree($build_script) ) {
    $self->log_verbose("Removed previous script '$build_script'\n");

  $self->log_info("Creating new '$build_script' script for ",
                  "'$dist_name' version '$dist_version'\n");
  my $fh = IO::File->new(">$build_script") or die "Can't create '$build_script': $!";
  close $fh;


  return 1;

sub check_manifest {
  my $self = shift;
  return unless -e 'MANIFEST';

  # Stolen nearly verbatim from MakeMaker.  But ExtUtils::Manifest
  # could easily be re-written into a modern Perl dialect.

  require ExtUtils::Manifest;  # ExtUtils::Manifest is not warnings clean.
  local ($^W, $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet) = (0,1);

  $self->log_verbose("Checking whether your kit is complete...\n");
  if (my @missed = ExtUtils::Manifest::manicheck()) {
    $self->log_warn("WARNING: the following files are missing in your kit:\n",
                    "\t", join("\n\t", @missed), "\n",
                    "Please inform the author.\n\n");
  } else {
    $self->log_verbose("Looks good\n\n");

sub dispatch {
  my $self = shift;
  local $self->{_completed_actions} = {};

  if (@_) {
    my ($action, %p) = @_;
    my $args = $p{args} ? delete($p{args}) : {};

    local $self->{invoked_action} = $action;
    local $self->{args} = {%{$self->{args}}, %$args};
    local $self->{properties} = {%{$self->{properties}}, %p};
    return $self->_call_action($action);

  die "No build action specified" unless $self->{action};
  local $self->{invoked_action} = $self->{action};

sub _call_action {
  my ($self, $action) = @_;

  return if $self->{_completed_actions}{$action}++;

  local $self->{action} = $action;
  my $method = $self->can_action( $action );
  die "No action '$action' defined, try running the 'help' action.\n" unless $method;
  $self->log_debug("Starting ACTION_$action\n");
  my $rc = $self->$method();
  $self->log_debug("Finished ACTION_$action\n");
  return $rc;

sub can_action {
  my ($self, $action) = @_;
  return $self->can( "ACTION_$action" );

# cuts the user-specified options out of the command-line args
sub cull_options {
    my $self = shift;
    my (@argv) = @_;

    # XXX is it even valid to call this as a class method?
    return({}, @argv) unless(ref($self)); # no object

    my $specs = $self->get_options;
    return({}, @argv) unless($specs and %$specs); # no user options

    require Getopt::Long;
    # XXX Should we let Getopt::Long handle M::B's options? That would
    # be easy-ish to add to @specs right here, but wouldn't handle options
    # passed without "--" as M::B currently allows. We might be able to
    # get around this by setting the "prefix_pattern" Configure option.
    my @specs;
    my $args = {};
    # Construct the specifications for GetOptions.
    while (my ($k, $v) = each %$specs) {
        # Throw an error if specs conflict with our own.
        die "Option specification '$k' conflicts with a " . ref $self
          . " option of the same name"
          if $self->valid_property($k);
        push @specs, $k . (defined $v->{type} ? $v->{type} : '');
        push @specs, $v->{store} if exists $v->{store};
        $args->{$k} = $v->{default} if exists $v->{default};

    local @ARGV = @argv; # No other way to dupe Getopt::Long

    # Get the options values and return them.
    # XXX Add option to allow users to set options?
    if ( @specs ) {
      Getopt::Long::GetOptions($args, @specs);

    return $args, @ARGV;

sub unparse_args {
  my ($self, $args) = @_;
  my @out;
  while (my ($k, $v) = each %$args) {
    push @out, (UNIVERSAL::isa($v, 'HASH')  ? map {+"--$k", "$_=$v->{$_}"} keys %$v :
                UNIVERSAL::isa($v, 'ARRAY') ? map {+"--$k", $_} @$v :
                ("--$k", $v));
  return @out;

sub args {
    my $self = shift;
    return wantarray ? %{ $self->{args} } : $self->{args} unless @_;
    my $key = shift;
    $self->{args}{$key} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{args}{$key};

# allows select parameters (with underscores) to be spoken with dashes
# when used as command-line options
sub _translate_option {
  my $self = shift;
  my $opt  = shift;

  (my $tr_opt = $opt) =~ tr/-/_/;

  return $tr_opt if grep $tr_opt =~ /^(?:no_?)?$_$/, qw(
  ); # normalize only selected option names

  return $opt;

my %singular_argument = map { ($_ => 1) } qw/install_base prefix destdir installdir verbose quiet uninst debug sign/;

sub _read_arg {
  my ($self, $args, $key, $val) = @_;

  $key = $self->_translate_option($key);

  if ( exists $args->{$key} and not $singular_argument{$key} ) {
    $args->{$key} = [ $args->{$key} ] unless ref $args->{$key};
    push @{$args->{$key}}, $val;
  } else {
    $args->{$key} = $val;

# decide whether or not an option requires/has an operand
sub _optional_arg {
  my $self = shift;
  my $opt  = shift;
  my $argv = shift;

  $opt = $self->_translate_option($opt);

  my @bool_opts = qw(

  # inverted boolean options; eg --noverbose or --no-verbose
  # converted to proper name & returned with false value (verbose, 0)
  if ( grep $opt =~ /^no[-_]?$_$/, @bool_opts ) {
    $opt =~ s/^no-?//;
    return ($opt, 0);

  # non-boolean option; return option unchanged along with its argument
  return ($opt, shift(@$argv)) unless grep $_ eq $opt, @bool_opts;

  # we're punting a bit here, if an option appears followed by a digit
  # we take the digit as the argument for the option. If there is
  # nothing that looks like a digit, we pretend the option is a flag
  # that is being set and has no argument.
  my $arg = 1;
  $arg = shift(@$argv) if @$argv && $argv->[0] =~ /^\d+$/;

  return ($opt, $arg);

sub read_args {
  my $self = shift;

  (my $args, @_) = $self->cull_options(@_);
  my %args = %$args;

  my $opt_re = qr/[\w\-]+/;

  my ($action, @argv);
  while (@_) {
    local $_ = shift;
    if ( /^(?:--)?($opt_re)=(.*)$/ ) {
      $self->_read_arg(\%args, $1, $2);
    } elsif ( /^--($opt_re)$/ ) {
      my($opt, $arg) = $self->_optional_arg($1, \@_);
      $self->_read_arg(\%args, $opt, $arg);
    } elsif ( /^($opt_re)$/ and !defined($action)) {
      $action = $1;
    } else {
      push @argv, $_;
  $args{ARGV} = \@argv;

  for ('extra_compiler_flags', 'extra_linker_flags') {
    $args{$_} = [ $self->split_like_shell($args{$_}) ] if exists $args{$_};

  # Convert to arrays
  for ('include_dirs') {
    $args{$_} = [ $args{$_} ] if exists $args{$_} && !ref $args{$_}

  # Hashify these parameters
  for ($self->hash_properties, 'config') {
    next unless exists $args{$_};
    my %hash;
    $args{$_} ||= [];
    $args{$_} = [ $args{$_} ] unless ref $args{$_};
    foreach my $arg ( @{$args{$_}} ) {
      $arg =~ /($opt_re)=(.*)/
        or die "Malformed '$_' argument: '$arg' should be something like 'foo=bar'";
      $hash{$1} = $2;
    $args{$_} = \%hash;

  # De-tilde-ify any path parameters
  for my $key (qw(prefix install_base destdir)) {
    next if !defined $args{$key};
    $args{$key} = $self->_detildefy($args{$key});

  for my $key (qw(install_path)) {
    next if !defined $args{$key};

    for my $subkey (keys %{$args{$key}}) {
      next if !defined $args{$key}{$subkey};
      my $subkey_ext = $self->_detildefy($args{$key}{$subkey});
      if ( $subkey eq 'html' ) { # translate for compatibility
        $args{$key}{binhtml} = $subkey_ext;
        $args{$key}{libhtml} = $subkey_ext;
      } else {
        $args{$key}{$subkey} = $subkey_ext;

  if ($args{makefile_env_macros}) {
    require Module::Build::Compat;
    %args = (%args, Module::Build::Compat->makefile_to_build_macros);

  return \%args, $action;

# Default: do nothing.  Overridden for Unix & Windows.
sub _detildefy {}

# merge Module::Build argument lists that have already been parsed
# by read_args(). Takes two references to option hashes and merges
# the contents, giving priority to the first.
sub _merge_arglist {
  my( $self, $opts1, $opts2 ) = @_;

  $opts1 ||= {};
  $opts2 ||= {};
  my %new_opts = %$opts1;
  while (my ($key, $val) = each %$opts2) {
    if ( exists( $opts1->{$key} ) ) {
      if ( ref( $val ) eq 'HASH' ) {
        while (my ($k, $v) = each %$val) {
          $new_opts{$key}{$k} = $v unless exists( $opts1->{$key}{$k} );
    } else {
      $new_opts{$key} = $val

  return %new_opts;

# Look for a home directory on various systems.
sub _home_dir {
  my @home_dirs;
  push( @home_dirs, $ENV{HOME} ) if $ENV{HOME};

  push( @home_dirs, File::Spec->catpath($ENV{HOMEDRIVE}, $ENV{HOMEPATH}, '') )

  my @other_home_envs = qw( USERPROFILE APPDATA WINDIR SYS$LOGIN );
  push( @home_dirs, map $ENV{$_}, grep $ENV{$_}, @other_home_envs );

  my @real_home_dirs = grep -d, @home_dirs;

  return wantarray ? @real_home_dirs : shift( @real_home_dirs );

sub _find_user_config {
  my $self = shift;
  my $file = shift;
  foreach my $dir ( $self->_home_dir ) {
    my $path = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $file );
    return $path if -e $path;
  return undef;

# read ~/.modulebuildrc returning global options '*' and
# options specific to the currently executing $action.
sub read_modulebuildrc {
  my( $self, $action ) = @_;

  return () unless $self->use_rcfile;

  my $modulebuildrc;
    return ();
  } elsif ( exists($ENV{MODULEBUILDRC}) && -e $ENV{MODULEBUILDRC} ) {
    $modulebuildrc = $ENV{MODULEBUILDRC};
  } elsif ( exists($ENV{MODULEBUILDRC}) ) {
    $self->log_warn("WARNING: Can't find resource file " .
                    "'$ENV{MODULEBUILDRC}' defined in environment.\n" .
                    "No options loaded\n");
    return ();
  } else {
    $modulebuildrc = $self->_find_user_config( '.modulebuildrc' );
    return () unless $modulebuildrc;

  my $fh = IO::File->new( $modulebuildrc )
      or die "Can't open $modulebuildrc: $!";

  my %options; my $buffer = '';
  while (defined( my $line = <$fh> )) {
    chomp( $line );
    $line =~ s/#.*$//;
    next unless length( $line );

    if ( $line =~ /^\S/ ) {
      if ( $buffer ) {
        my( $action, $options ) = split( /\s+/, $buffer, 2 );
        $options{$action} .= $options . ' ';
        $buffer = '';
      $buffer = $line;
    } else {
      $buffer .= $line;

  if ( $buffer ) { # anything left in $buffer ?
    my( $action, $options ) = split( /\s+/, $buffer, 2 );
    $options{$action} .= $options . ' '; # merge if more than one line

  my ($global_opts) =
    $self->read_args( $self->split_like_shell( $options{'*'} || '' ) );

  # let fakeinstall act like install if not provided
  if ( $action eq 'fakeinstall' && ! exists $options{fakeinstall} ) {
    $action = 'install';
  my ($action_opts) =
    $self->read_args( $self->split_like_shell( $options{$action} || '' ) );

  # specific $action options take priority over global options '*'
  return $self->_merge_arglist( $action_opts, $global_opts );

# merge the relevant options in ~/.modulebuildrc into Module::Build's
# option list where they do not conflict with commandline options.
sub merge_modulebuildrc {
  my( $self, $action, %cmdline_opts ) = @_;
  my %rc_opts = $self->read_modulebuildrc( $action || $self->{action} || 'build' );
  my %new_opts = $self->_merge_arglist( \%cmdline_opts, \%rc_opts );
  $self->merge_args( $action, %new_opts );

sub merge_args {
  my ($self, $action, %args) = @_;
  $self->{action} = $action if defined $action;

  my %additive = map { $_ => 1 } $self->hash_properties;

  # Extract our 'properties' from $cmd_args, the rest are put in 'args'.
  while (my ($key, $val) = each %args) {
    $self->{phash}{runtime_params}->access( $key => $val )
      if $self->valid_property($key);

    if ($key eq 'config') {
      $self->config($_ => $val->{$_}) foreach keys %$val;
    } else {
      my $add_to = $additive{$key}             ? $self->{properties}{$key} :
                   $self->valid_property($key) ? $self->{properties}       :
                   $self->{args}               ;

      if ($additive{$key}) {
        $add_to->{$_} = $val->{$_} foreach keys %$val;
      } else {
        $add_to->{$key} = $val;

sub cull_args {
  my $self = shift;
  my @arg_list = @_;
  unshift @arg_list, $self->split_like_shell($ENV{PERL_MB_OPT})
    if $ENV{PERL_MB_OPT};
  my ($args, $action) = $self->read_args(@arg_list);
  $self->merge_args($action, %$args);
  $self->merge_modulebuildrc( $action, %$args );

sub super_classes {
  my ($self, $class, $seen) = @_;
  $class ||= ref($self) || $self;
  $seen  ||= {};

  no strict 'refs';
  my @super = grep {not $seen->{$_}++} $class, @{ $class . '::ISA' };
  return @super, map {$self->super_classes($_,$seen)} @super;

sub known_actions {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my %actions;
  no strict 'refs';

  foreach my $class ($self->super_classes) {
    foreach ( keys %{ $class . '::' } ) {
      $actions{$1}++ if /^ACTION_(\w+)/;

  return wantarray ? sort keys %actions : \%actions;

sub get_action_docs {
  my ($self, $action) = @_;
  my $actions = $self->known_actions;
  die "No known action '$action'" unless $actions->{$action};

  my ($files_found, @docs) = (0);
  foreach my $class ($self->super_classes) {
    (my $file = $class) =~ s{::}{/}g;
    # NOTE: silently skipping relative paths if any chdir() happened
    $file = $INC{$file . '.pm'} or next;
    my $fh = IO::File->new("< $file") or next;

    # Code below modified from /usr/bin/perldoc

    # Skip to ACTIONS section
    local $_;
    while (<$fh>) {
      last if /^=head1 ACTIONS\s/;

    # Look for our action and determine the style
    my $style;
    while (<$fh>) {
      last if /^=head1 /;

      # only item and head2 are allowed (3&4 are not in 5.005)
      if(/^=(item|head2)\s+\Q$action\E\b/) {
        $style = $1;
        push @docs, $_;
    $style or next; # not here

    # and the content
    if($style eq 'item') {
      my ($found, $inlist) = (0, 0);
      while (<$fh>) {
        if (/^=(item|back)/) {
          last unless $inlist;
        push @docs, $_;
        ++$inlist if /^=over/;
        --$inlist if /^=back/;
    else { # head2 style
      # stop at anything equal or greater than the found level
      while (<$fh>) {
        last if(/^=(?:head[12]|cut)/);
        push @docs, $_;
    # TODO maybe disallow overriding just pod for an action
    # TODO and possibly: @docs and last;

  unless ($files_found) {
    $@ = "Couldn't find any documentation to search";
  unless (@docs) {
    $@ = "Couldn't find any docs for action '$action'";

  return join '', @docs;

sub ACTION_prereq_report {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->log_info( $self->prereq_report );

sub ACTION_prereq_data {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->log_info( Module::Build::Dumper->_data_dump( $self->prereq_data ) );

sub prereq_data {
  my $self = shift;
  my @types = ('configure_requires', @{ $self->prereq_action_types } );
  my $info = { map { $_ => $self->$_() } grep { %{$self->$_()} } @types };
  return $info;

sub prereq_report {
  my $self = shift;
  my $info = $self->prereq_data;

  my $output = '';
  foreach my $type (keys %$info) {
    my $prereqs = $info->{$type};
    $output .= "\n$type:\n";
    my $mod_len = 2;
    my $ver_len = 4;
    my %mods;
    while ( my ($modname, $spec) = each %$prereqs ) {
      my $len  = length $modname;
      $mod_len = $len if $len > $mod_len;
      $spec    ||= '0';
      $len     = length $spec;
      $ver_len = $len if $len > $ver_len;

      my $mod = $self->check_installed_status($modname, $spec);
      $mod->{name} = $modname;
      $mod->{ok} ||= 0;
      $mod->{ok} = ! $mod->{ok} if $type =~ /^(\w+_)?conflicts$/;

      $mods{lc $modname} = $mod;

    my $space  = q{ } x ($mod_len - 3);
    my $vspace = q{ } x ($ver_len - 3);
    my $sline  = q{-} x ($mod_len - 3);
    my $vline  = q{-} x ($ver_len - 3);
    my $disposition = ($type =~ /^(\w+_)?conflicts$/) ?
                        'Clash' : 'Need';
    $output .=
      "    Module $space  $disposition $vspace  Have\n".
      "    ------$sline+------$vline-+----------\n";

    for my $k (sort keys %mods) {
      my $mod = $mods{$k};
      my $space  = q{ } x ($mod_len - length $k);
      my $vspace = q{ } x ($ver_len - length $mod->{need});
      my $f = $mod->{ok} ? ' ' : '!';
      $output .=
        "  $f $mod->{name} $space     $mod->{need}  $vspace   ".
        (defined($mod->{have}) ? $mod->{have} : "")."\n";
  return $output;

sub ACTION_help {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $actions = $self->known_actions;

  if (@{$self->{args}{ARGV}}) {
    my $msg = eval {$self->get_action_docs($self->{args}{ARGV}[0], $actions)};
    print $@ ? "$@\n" : $msg;

  print <<EOF;

 Usage: $0 <action> arg1=value arg2=value ...
 Example: $0 test verbose=1

 Actions defined:

  print $self->_action_listing($actions);

  print "\nRun `Build help <action>` for details on an individual action.\n";
  print "See `perldoc Module::Build` for complete documentation.\n";

sub _action_listing {
  my ($self, $actions) = @_;

  # Flow down columns, not across rows
  my @actions = sort keys %$actions;
  @actions = map $actions[($_ + ($_ % 2) * @actions) / 2],  0..$#actions;

  my $out = '';
  while (my ($one, $two) = splice @actions, 0, 2) {
    $out .= sprintf("  %-12s                   %-12s\n", $one, $two||'');
  $out =~ s{\s*$}{}mg; # remove trailing spaces
  return $out;

sub ACTION_retest {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # Protect others against our @INC changes
  local @INC = @INC;

  # Filter out nonsensical @INC entries - some versions of
  # Test::Harness will really explode the number of entries here
  @INC = grep {ref() || -d} @INC if @INC > 100;


sub ACTION_testall {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my @types;
  for my $action (grep { $_ ne 'all' } $self->get_test_types) {
    # XXX We can't just dispatch because we get multiple summaries but
    # we'll need to dispatch to support custom setup/teardown in the
    # action.  To support that, we'll need to call something besides
    # Harness::runtests() because we'll need to collect the results in
    # parts, then run the summary.
    push(@types, $action);
    #$self->_call_action( "test$action" );
  $self->generic_test(types => ['default', @types]);

sub get_test_types {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $t = $self->{properties}->{test_types};
  return ( defined $t ? ( keys %$t ) : () );

sub ACTION_test {
  my ($self) = @_;
  $self->generic_test(type => 'default');

sub generic_test {
  my $self = shift;
  (@_ % 2) and croak('Odd number of elements in argument hash');
  my %args = @_;

  my $p = $self->{properties};

  my @types = (
    (exists($args{type})  ? $args{type} : ()),
    (exists($args{types}) ? @{$args{types}} : ()),
  @types or croak "need some types of tests to check";

  my %test_types = (
    default => $p->{test_file_exts},
    (defined($p->{test_types}) ? %{$p->{test_types}} : ()),

  for my $type (@types) {
    croak "$type not defined in test_types!"
      unless defined $test_types{ $type };

  # we use local here because it ends up two method calls deep
  local $p->{test_file_exts} = [ map { ref $_ ? @$_ : $_ } @test_types{@types} ];

  # Protect others against our @INC changes
  local @INC = @INC;

  # Make sure we test the module in blib/
  unshift @INC, (File::Spec->catdir($p->{base_dir}, $self->blib, 'lib'),
                 File::Spec->catdir($p->{base_dir}, $self->blib, 'arch'));

  # Filter out nonsensical @INC entries - some versions of
  # Test::Harness will really explode the number of entries here
  @INC = grep {ref() || -d} @INC if @INC > 100;


# Test::Harness dies on failure but TAP::Harness does not, so we must
# die if running under TAP::Harness
sub do_tests {
  my $self = shift;

  my $tests = $self->find_test_files;

  local $ENV{PERL_DL_NONLAZY} = 1;

  if(@$tests) {
    my $args = $self->tap_harness_args;
    if($self->use_tap_harness or ($args and %$args)) {
      my $aggregate = $self->run_tap_harness($tests);
      if ( $aggregate->has_errors ) {
        die "Errors in testing.  Cannot continue.\n";
    else {
  else {
    $self->log_info("No tests defined.\n");


sub run_tap_harness {
  my ($self, $tests) = @_;

  require TAP::Harness;

  # TODO allow the test @INC to be set via our API?

  my $aggregate = TAP::Harness->new({
    lib => [@INC],
    verbosity => $self->{properties}{verbose},
    switches  => [ $self->harness_switches ],
    %{ $self->tap_harness_args },

  return $aggregate;

sub run_test_harness {
    my ($self, $tests) = @_;
    require Test::Harness;
    my $p = $self->{properties};
    my @harness_switches = $self->harness_switches;

    # Work around a Test::Harness bug that loses the particular perl
    # we're running under.  $self->perl is trustworthy, but $^X isn't.
    local $^X = $self->perl;

    # Do everything in our power to work with all versions of Test::Harness
    local $Test::Harness::switches    = join ' ', grep defined, $Test::Harness::switches, @harness_switches;
    local $Test::Harness::Switches    = join ' ', grep defined, $Test::Harness::Switches, @harness_switches;
    local $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES} = join ' ', grep defined, $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES}, @harness_switches;

    $Test::Harness::switches = undef   unless length $Test::Harness::switches;
    $Test::Harness::Switches = undef   unless length $Test::Harness::Switches;

    local ($Test::Harness::verbose,
           $ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE}) = ($p->{verbose} || 0) x 4;


sub run_visual_script {
    my $self = shift;
    # This will get run and the user will see the output.  It doesn't
    # emit Test::Harness-style output.
    $self->run_perl_script('visual.pl', '-Mblib='.$self->blib)
        if -e 'visual.pl';

sub harness_switches {
    shift->{properties}{debugger} ? qw(-w -d) : ();

sub test_files {
  my $self = shift;
  my $p = $self->{properties};
  if (@_) {
    return $p->{test_files} = (@_ == 1 ? shift : [@_]);
  return $self->find_test_files;

sub expand_test_dir {
  my ($self, $dir) = @_;
  my $exts = $self->{properties}{test_file_exts};

  return sort map { @{$self->rscan_dir($dir, qr{^[^.].*\Q$_\E$})} } @$exts
    if $self->recursive_test_files;

  return sort map { glob File::Spec->catfile($dir, "*$_") } @$exts;

sub ACTION_testdb {
  my ($self) = @_;
  local $self->{properties}{debugger} = 1;

sub ACTION_testcover {
  my ($self) = @_;

  unless (Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_by_name('Devel::Cover')) {
    warn("Cannot run testcover action unless Devel::Cover is installed.\n");

  $self->add_to_cleanup('coverage', 'cover_db');

  # See whether any of the *.pm files have changed since last time
  # testcover was run.  If so, start over.
  if (-e 'cover_db') {
    my $pm_files = $self->rscan_dir
        (File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'lib'), $self->file_qr('\.pm$') );
    my $cover_files = $self->rscan_dir('cover_db', sub {-f $_ and not /\.html$/});

    $self->do_system(qw(cover -delete))
      unless $self->up_to_date($pm_files,         $cover_files)
          && $self->up_to_date($self->test_files, $cover_files);

  local $Test::Harness::switches    =
  local $Test::Harness::Switches    =
  local $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES} = "-MDevel::Cover";


sub ACTION_code {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # All installable stuff gets created in blib/ .
  # Create blib/arch to keep blib.pm happy
  my $blib = $self->blib;
  File::Path::mkpath( File::Spec->catdir($blib, 'arch') );

  if (my $split = $self->autosplit) {
    $self->autosplit_file($_, $blib) for ref($split) ? @$split : ($split);

  foreach my $element (@{$self->build_elements}) {
    my $method = "process_${element}_files";
    $method = "process_files_by_extension" unless $self->can($method);


sub ACTION_build {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->log_info("Building " . $self->dist_name . "\n");

sub process_files_by_extension {
  my ($self, $ext) = @_;

  my $method = "find_${ext}_files";
  my $files = $self->can($method) ? $self->$method() : $self->_find_file_by_type($ext,  'lib');

  while (my ($file, $dest) = each %$files) {
    $self->copy_if_modified(from => $file, to => File::Spec->catfile($self->blib, $dest) );

sub process_support_files {
  my $self = shift;
  my $p = $self->{properties};
  return unless $p->{c_source};

  my $files;
  if (ref($p->{c_source}) eq "ARRAY") {
      push @{$p->{include_dirs}}, @{$p->{c_source}};
      for my $path (@{$p->{c_source}}) {
          push @$files, @{ $self->rscan_dir($path, $self->file_qr('\.c(c|p|pp|xx|\+\+)?$')) };
  } else {
      push @{$p->{include_dirs}}, $p->{c_source};
      $files = $self->rscan_dir($p->{c_source}, $self->file_qr('\.c(c|p|pp|xx|\+\+)?$'));

  foreach my $file (@$files) {
      push @{$p->{objects}}, $self->compile_c($file);

sub process_share_dir_files {
  my $self = shift;
  my $files = $self->_find_share_dir_files;
  return unless $files;

  # root for all File::ShareDir paths
  my $share_prefix = File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, qw/lib auto share/);

  # copy all share files to blib
  while (my ($file, $dest) = each %$files) {
      from => $file, to => File::Spec->catfile( $share_prefix, $dest )

sub _find_share_dir_files {
  my $self = shift;
  my $share_dir = $self->share_dir;
  return unless $share_dir;

  my @file_map;
  if ( $share_dir->{dist} ) {
    my $prefix = "dist/".$self->dist_name;
    push @file_map, $self->_share_dir_map( $prefix, $share_dir->{dist} );

  if ( $share_dir->{module} ) {
    for my $mod ( keys %{ $share_dir->{module} } ) {
      (my $altmod = $mod) =~ s{::}{-}g;
      my $prefix = "module/$altmod";
      push @file_map, $self->_share_dir_map($prefix, $share_dir->{module}{$mod});

  return { @file_map };

sub _share_dir_map {
  my ($self, $prefix, $list) = @_;
  my %files;
  for my $dir ( @$list ) {
    for my $f ( @{ $self->rscan_dir( $dir, sub {-f} )} ) {
      $f =~ s{\A.*?\Q$dir\E/}{};
      $files{"$dir/$f"} = "$prefix/$f";
  return %files;

sub process_PL_files {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $files = $self->find_PL_files;

  while (my ($file, $to) = each %$files) {
    unless ($self->up_to_date( $file, $to )) {
      $self->run_perl_script($file, [], [@$to]) or die "$file failed";

sub process_xs_files {
  my $self = shift;
  return if $self->pureperl_only && $self->allow_pureperl;
  my $files = $self->find_xs_files;
  croak 'Can\'t build xs files under --pureperl-only' if %$files && $self->pureperl_only;
  while (my ($from, $to) = each %$files) {
    unless ($from eq $to) {
      $self->copy_if_modified( from => $from, to => $to );

sub process_pod_files { shift()->process_files_by_extension(shift()) }
sub process_pm_files  { shift()->process_files_by_extension(shift()) }

sub process_script_files {
  my $self = shift;
  my $files = $self->find_script_files;
  return unless keys %$files;

  my $script_dir = File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'script');
  File::Path::mkpath( $script_dir );

  foreach my $file (keys %$files) {
    my $result = $self->copy_if_modified($file, $script_dir, 'flatten') or next;
    $self->fix_shebang_line($result) unless $self->is_vmsish;

sub find_PL_files {
  my $self = shift;
  if (my $files = $self->{properties}{PL_files}) {
    # 'PL_files' is given as a Unix file spec, so we localize_file_path().

    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($files, 'ARRAY')) {
      return { map {$_, [/^(.*)\.PL$/]}
               map $self->localize_file_path($_),
               @$files };

    } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($files, 'HASH')) {
      my %out;
      while (my ($file, $to) = each %$files) {
        $out{ $self->localize_file_path($file) } = [ map $self->localize_file_path($_),
                                                     ref $to ? @$to : ($to) ];
      return \%out;

    } else {
      die "'PL_files' must be a hash reference or array reference";

  return unless -d 'lib';
  return {
    map {$_, [/^(.*)\.PL$/i ]}
    @{ $self->rscan_dir('lib', $self->file_qr('\.PL$')) }

sub find_pm_files  { shift->_find_file_by_type('pm',  'lib') }
sub find_pod_files { shift->_find_file_by_type('pod', 'lib') }
sub find_xs_files  { shift->_find_file_by_type('xs',  'lib') }

sub find_script_files {
  my $self = shift;
  if (my $files = $self->script_files) {
    # Always given as a Unix file spec.  Values in the hash are
    # meaningless, but we preserve if present.
    return { map {$self->localize_file_path($_), $files->{$_}} keys %$files };

  # No default location for script files
  return {};

sub find_test_files {
  my $self = shift;
  my $p = $self->{properties};

  if (my $files = $p->{test_files}) {
    $files = [keys %$files] if UNIVERSAL::isa($files, 'HASH');
    $files = [map { -d $_ ? $self->expand_test_dir($_) : $_ }
              map glob,

    # Always given as a Unix file spec.
    return [ map $self->localize_file_path($_), @$files ];

  } else {
    # Find all possible tests in t/ or test.pl
    my @tests;
    push @tests, 'test.pl'                          if -e 'test.pl';
    push @tests, $self->expand_test_dir('t')        if -e 't' and -d _;
    return \@tests;

sub _find_file_by_type {
  my ($self, $type, $dir) = @_;

  if (my $files = $self->{properties}{"${type}_files"}) {
    # Always given as a Unix file spec
    return { map $self->localize_file_path($_), %$files };

  return {} unless -d $dir;
  return { map {$_, $_}
           map $self->localize_file_path($_),
           grep !/\.\#/,
           @{ $self->rscan_dir($dir, $self->file_qr("\\.$type\$")) } };

sub localize_file_path {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;
  return File::Spec->catfile( split m{/}, $path );

sub localize_dir_path {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;
  return File::Spec->catdir( split m{/}, $path );

sub fix_shebang_line { # Adapted from fixin() in ExtUtils::MM_Unix 1.35
  my ($self, @files) = @_;
  my $c = ref($self) ? $self->{config} : 'Module::Build::Config';

  my ($does_shbang) = $c->get('sharpbang') =~ /^\s*\#\!/;
  for my $file (@files) {
    my $FIXIN = IO::File->new($file) or die "Can't process '$file': $!";
    local $/ = "\n";
    chomp(my $line = <$FIXIN>);
    next unless $line =~ s/^\s*\#!\s*//;     # Not a shbang file.

    my ($cmd, $arg) = (split(' ', $line, 2), '');
    next unless $cmd =~ /perl/i;
    my $interpreter = $self->{properties}{perl};

    $self->log_verbose("Changing sharpbang in $file to $interpreter\n");
    my $shb = '';
    $shb .= $c->get('sharpbang')."$interpreter $arg\n" if $does_shbang;

    # I'm not smart enough to know the ramifications of changing the
    # embedded newlines here to \n, so I leave 'em in.
    $shb .= qq{
eval 'exec $interpreter $arg -S \$0 \${1+"\$\@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell
} unless $self->is_windowsish; # this won't work on win32, so don't

    my $FIXOUT = IO::File->new(">$file.new")
      or die "Can't create new $file: $!\n";

    # Print out the new #! line (or equivalent).
    local $\;
    undef $/; # Was localized above
    print $FIXOUT $shb, <$FIXIN>;
    close $FIXIN;
    close $FIXOUT;

    rename($file, "$file.bak")
      or die "Can't rename $file to $file.bak: $!";

    rename("$file.new", $file)
      or die "Can't rename $file.new to $file: $!";

      or $self->log_warn("Couldn't clean up $file.bak, leaving it there");

    $self->do_system($c->get('eunicefix'), $file) if $c->get('eunicefix') ne ':';

sub ACTION_testpod {
  my $self = shift;

  eval q{use Test::Pod 0.95; 1}
    or die "The 'testpod' action requires Test::Pod version 0.95";

  my @files = sort keys %{$self->_find_pods($self->libdoc_dirs)},
                   keys %{$self->_find_pods
                              exclude => [ $self->file_qr('\.bat$') ])}
    or die "Couldn't find any POD files to test\n";

  { package # hide from PAUSE
      Module::Build::PodTester;  # Don't want to pollute the main namespace
    Test::Pod->import( tests => scalar @files );
    pod_file_ok($_) foreach @files;

sub ACTION_testpodcoverage {
  my $self = shift;


  eval q{use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.00; 1}
    or die "The 'testpodcoverage' action requires ",
           "Test::Pod::Coverage version 1.00";

  # TODO this needs test coverage!

  # XXX work-around a bug in Test::Pod::Coverage previous to v1.09
  # Make sure we test the module in blib/
  local @INC = @INC;
  my $p = $self->{properties};
    # XXX any reason to include arch?
    File::Spec->catdir($p->{base_dir}, $self->blib, 'lib'),
    #File::Spec->catdir($p->{base_dir}, $self->blib, 'arch')


sub ACTION_docs {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->depends_on('manpages', 'html');

# Given a file type, will return true if the file type would normally
# be installed when neither install-base nor prefix has been set.
# I.e. it will be true only if the path is set from Config.pm or
# set explicitly by the user via install-path.
sub _is_default_installable {
  my $self = shift;
  my $type = shift;
  return ( $self->install_destination($type) &&
           ( $self->install_path($type) ||
             $self->install_sets($self->installdirs)->{$type} )
         ) ? 1 : 0;

sub _is_ActivePerl {
#  return 0;
  my $self = shift;
  unless (exists($self->{_is_ActivePerl})) {
    $self->{_is_ActivePerl} = (eval { require ActivePerl::DocTools; } || 0);
  return $self->{_is_ActivePerl};

sub _is_ActivePPM {
#  return 0;
  my $self = shift;
  unless (exists($self->{_is_ActivePPM})) {
    $self->{_is_ActivePPM} = (eval { require ActivePerl::PPM; } || 0);
  return $self->{_is_ActivePPM};

sub ACTION_manpages {
  my $self = shift;

  return unless $self->_mb_feature('manpage_support');


  foreach my $type ( qw(bin lib) ) {
    next unless ( $self->invoked_action eq 'manpages' || $self->_is_default_installable("${type}doc"));
    my $files = $self->_find_pods( $self->{properties}{"${type}doc_dirs"},
                                   exclude => [ $self->file_qr('\.bat$') ] );
    next unless %$files;

    my $sub = $self->can("manify_${type}_pods");
    $self->$sub() if defined( $sub );

sub manify_bin_pods {
  my $self    = shift;

  my $files   = $self->_find_pods( $self->{properties}{bindoc_dirs},
                                   exclude => [ $self->file_qr('\.bat$') ] );
  return unless keys %$files;

  my $mandir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->blib, 'bindoc' );
  File::Path::mkpath( $mandir, 0, oct(777) );

  require Pod::Man;
  foreach my $file (keys %$files) {
    # Pod::Simple based parsers only support one document per instance.
    # This is expected to change in a future version (Pod::Simple > 3.03).
    my $parser  = Pod::Man->new( section => 1 ); # binaries go in section 1
    my $manpage = $self->man1page_name( $file ) . '.' .
                  $self->config( 'man1ext' );
    my $outfile = File::Spec->catfile($mandir, $manpage);
    next if $self->up_to_date( $file, $outfile );
    $self->log_verbose("Manifying $file -> $outfile\n");
    eval { $parser->parse_from_file( $file, $outfile ); 1 }
      or $self->log_warn("Error creating '$outfile': $@\n");
    $files->{$file} = $outfile;

sub manify_lib_pods {
  my $self    = shift;

  my $files   = $self->_find_pods($self->{properties}{libdoc_dirs});
  return unless keys %$files;

  my $mandir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->blib, 'libdoc' );
  File::Path::mkpath( $mandir, 0, oct(777) );

  require Pod::Man;
  while (my ($file, $relfile) = each %$files) {
    # Pod::Simple based parsers only support one document per instance.
    # This is expected to change in a future version (Pod::Simple > 3.03).
    my $parser  = Pod::Man->new( section => 3 ); # libraries go in section 3
    my $manpage = $self->man3page_name( $relfile ) . '.' .
                  $self->config( 'man3ext' );
    my $outfile = File::Spec->catfile( $mandir, $manpage);
    next if $self->up_to_date( $file, $outfile );
    $self->log_verbose("Manifying $file -> $outfile\n");
    eval { $parser->parse_from_file( $file, $outfile ); 1 }
      or $self->log_warn("Error creating '$outfile': $@\n");
    $files->{$file} = $outfile;

sub _find_pods {
  my ($self, $dirs, %args) = @_;
  my %files;
  foreach my $spec (@$dirs) {
    my $dir = $self->localize_dir_path($spec);
    next unless -e $dir;

    FILE: foreach my $file ( @{ $self->rscan_dir( $dir ) } ) {
      foreach my $regexp ( @{ $args{exclude} } ) {
        next FILE if $file =~ $regexp;
      $file = $self->localize_file_path($file);
      $files{$file} = File::Spec->abs2rel($file, $dir) if $self->contains_pod( $file )
  return \%files;

sub contains_pod {
  my ($self, $file) = @_;
  return '' unless -T $file;  # Only look at text files

  my $fh = IO::File->new( $file ) or die "Can't open $file: $!";
  while (my $line = <$fh>) {
    return 1 if $line =~ /^\=(?:head|pod|item)/;

  return '';

sub ACTION_html {
  my $self = shift;

  return unless $self->_mb_feature('HTML_support');


  foreach my $type ( qw(bin lib) ) {
    next unless ( $self->invoked_action eq 'html' || $self->_is_default_installable("${type}html"));
    $self->htmlify_pods( $type );

# 1) If it's an ActiveState perl install, we need to run
#    ActivePerl::DocTools->UpdateTOC;
# 2) Links to other modules are not being generated
sub htmlify_pods {
  my $self = shift;
  my $type = shift;
  my $htmldir = shift || File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, "${type}html");


  my $pods = $self->_find_pods( $self->{properties}{"${type}doc_dirs"},
                                exclude => [ $self->file_qr('\.(?:bat|com|html)$') ] );
  return unless %$pods;  # nothing to do

  unless ( -d $htmldir ) {
    File::Path::mkpath($htmldir, 0, oct(755))
      or die "Couldn't mkdir $htmldir: $!";

  my @rootdirs = ($type eq 'bin') ? qw(bin) :
      $self->installdirs eq 'core' ? qw(lib) : qw(site lib);
  my $podroot = $ENV{PERL_CORE}
              ? File::Basename::dirname($ENV{PERL_CORE})
              : $self->original_prefix('core');

  my $htmlroot = $self->install_sets('core')->{libhtml};
  my @podpath = ( (map { File::Spec->abs2rel($_ ,$podroot) } grep { -d  }
    ( $self->install_sets('core', 'lib'), # lib
      $self->install_sets('core', 'bin'), # bin
      $self->install_sets('site', 'lib'), # site/lib
    ) ), File::Spec->rel2abs($self->blib) );

  my $podpath = $ENV{PERL_CORE}
              ? File::Spec->catdir($podroot, 'lib')
              : join(":", map { tr,:\\,|/,; $_ } @podpath);

  my $blibdir = join('/', File::Spec->splitdir(

  my ($with_ActiveState, $htmltool);

  if ( $with_ActiveState = $self->_is_ActivePerl
    && eval { require ActivePerl::DocTools::Pod; 1 }
  ) {
    my $tool_v = ActiveState::DocTools::Pod->VERSION;
    $htmltool = "ActiveState::DocTools::Pod";
    $htmltool .= " $tool_v" if $tool_v && length $tool_v;
  else {
      require Module::Build::PodParser;
      require Pod::Html;
    $htmltool = "Pod::Html " .  Pod::Html->VERSION;
  $self->log_verbose("Converting Pod to HTML with $htmltool\n");

  my $errors = 0;

  foreach my $pod ( keys %$pods ) {

    my ($name, $path) = File::Basename::fileparse($pods->{$pod},
    my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( File::Spec->canonpath( $path ) );
    pop( @dirs ) if scalar(@dirs) && $dirs[-1] eq File::Spec->curdir;

    my $fulldir = File::Spec->catdir($htmldir, @rootdirs, @dirs);
    my $tmpfile = File::Spec->catfile($fulldir, "${name}.tmp");
    my $outfile = File::Spec->catfile($fulldir, "${name}.html");
    my $infile  = File::Spec->abs2rel($pod);

    next if $self->up_to_date($infile, $outfile);

    unless ( -d $fulldir ){
      File::Path::mkpath($fulldir, 0, oct(755))
        or die "Couldn't mkdir $fulldir: $!";

    $self->log_verbose("HTMLifying $infile -> $outfile\n");
    if ( $with_ActiveState ) {
      my $depth = @rootdirs + @dirs;
      my %opts = ( infile => $infile,
        outfile => $tmpfile,
        podpath => $podpath,
        podroot => $podroot,
        index => 1,
        depth => $depth,
      eval {
      } or $self->log_warn("[$htmltool] pod2html (" .
        join(", ", map { "q{$_} => q{$opts{$_}}" } (keys %opts)) . ") failed: $@");
    } else {
      my $path2root = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir x @dirs);
      my $fh = IO::File->new($infile) or die "Can't read $infile: $!";
      my $abstract = Module::Build::PodParser->new(fh => $fh)->get_abstract();

      my $title = join( '::', (@dirs, $name) );
      $title .= " - $abstract" if $abstract;

      my @opts = (

      unless ( eval{Pod::Html->VERSION(1.12)} ) {
        push( @opts, ('--flush') ); # caching removed in 1.12

      if ( eval{Pod::Html->VERSION(1.12)} ) {
        push( @opts, ('--header', '--backlink') );
      } elsif ( eval{Pod::Html->VERSION(1.03)} ) {
        push( @opts, ('--header', '--backlink=Back to Top') );

      $self->log_verbose("P::H::pod2html @opts\n");
        my $orig = Cwd::getcwd();
        eval { Pod::Html::pod2html(@opts); 1 }
          or $self->log_warn("[$htmltool] pod2html( " .
          join(", ", map { "q{$_}" } @opts) . ") failed: $@");
    # We now have to cleanup the resulting html file
    if ( ! -r $tmpfile ) {
      next POD;
    my $fh = IO::File->new($tmpfile) or die "Can't read $tmpfile: $!";
    my $html = join('',<$fh>);
    if (!$self->_is_ActivePerl) {
      # These fixups are already done by AP::DT:P:pod2html
      # The output from pod2html is NOT XHTML!
      # IE6+ will display content that is not valid for DOCTYPE
      $html =~ s#^<!DOCTYPE .*?>#<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">#im;
      $html =~ s#<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">#<html>#i;

      # IE6+ will not display local HTML files with strict
      # security without this comment
      $html =~ s#<head>#<head>\n<!-- saved from url=(0017)http://localhost/ -->#i;
    # Fixup links that point to our temp blib
    $html =~ s/\Q$blibdir\E//g;

    $fh = IO::File->new(">$outfile") or die "Can't write $outfile: $!";
    print $fh $html;

  return ! $errors;


# Adapted from ExtUtils::MM_Unix
sub man1page_name {
  my $self = shift;
  return File::Basename::basename( shift );

# Adapted from ExtUtils::MM_Unix and Pod::Man
# Depending on M::B's dependency policy, it might make more sense to refactor
# Pod::Man::begin_pod() to extract a name() methods, and use them...
#    -spurkis
sub man3page_name {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( shift );
  my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( File::Spec->canonpath($dirs) );

  # Remove known exts from the base name
  $file =~ s/\.p(?:od|m|l)\z//i;

  return join( $self->manpage_separator, @dirs, $file );

sub manpage_separator {
  return '::';

# For systems that don't have 'diff' executable, should use Algorithm::Diff
sub ACTION_diff {
  my $self = shift;
  my $local_lib = File::Spec->rel2abs('lib');
  my @myINC = grep {$_ ne $local_lib} @INC;

  # The actual install destination might not be in @INC, so check there too.
  push @myINC, map $self->install_destination($_), qw(lib arch);

  my @flags = @{$self->{args}{ARGV}};
  @flags = $self->split_like_shell($self->{args}{flags} || '') unless @flags;

  my $installmap = $self->install_map;
  delete $installmap->{read};
  delete $installmap->{write};

  my $text_suffix = $self->file_qr('\.(pm|pod)$');

  while (my $localdir = each %$installmap) {
    my @localparts = File::Spec->splitdir($localdir);
    my $files = $self->rscan_dir($localdir, sub {-f});

    foreach my $file (@$files) {
      my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir($file);
      @parts = @parts[@localparts .. $#parts]; # Get rid of blib/lib or similar

      my $installed = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_by_name(
                        join('::', @parts), \@myINC );
      if (not $installed) {
        print "Only in lib: $file\n";

      my $status = File::Compare::compare($installed, $file);
      next if $status == 0;  # Files are the same
      die "Can't compare $installed and $file: $!" if $status == -1;

      if ($file =~ $text_suffix) {
        $self->do_system('diff', @flags, $installed, $file);
      } else {
        print "Binary files $file and $installed differ\n";

sub ACTION_pure_install {

sub ACTION_install {
  my ($self) = @_;
  require ExtUtils::Install;
  # RT#63003 suggest that odd cirmstances that we might wind up
  # in a different directory than we started, so wrap with _do_in_dir to
  # ensure we get back to where we started; hope this fixes it!
  $self->_do_in_dir( ".", sub {
      $self->install_map, $self->verbose, 0, $self->{args}{uninst}||0
  if ($self->_is_ActivePerl && $self->{_completed_actions}{html}) {
    $self->log_info("Building ActivePerl Table of Contents\n");
    eval { ActivePerl::DocTools::WriteTOC(verbose => $self->verbose ? 1 : 0); 1; }
      or $self->log_warn("AP::DT:: WriteTOC() failed: $@");
  if ($self->_is_ActivePPM) {
    # We touch 'lib/perllocal.pod'. There is an existing logic in subroutine _init_db()
    # of 'ActivePerl/PPM/InstallArea.pm' that says that if 'lib/perllocal.pod' has a 'date-last-touched'
    # greater than that of the PPM SQLite databases ('etc/ppm-perl-area.db' and/or
    # 'site/etc/ppm-site-area.db') then the PPM SQLite databases are rebuilt from scratch.

    # in the following line, 'perllocal.pod' this is *always* 'lib/perllocal.pod', never 'site/lib/perllocal.pod'
    my $F_perllocal = File::Spec->catfile($self->install_sets('core', 'lib'), 'perllocal.pod');
    my $dt_stamp = time;

    $self->log_info("For ActivePerl's PPM: touch '$F_perllocal'\n");

    open my $perllocal, ">>", $F_perllocal;
    close $perllocal;
    utime($dt_stamp, $dt_stamp, $F_perllocal);

sub ACTION_fakeinstall {
  my ($self) = @_;
  require ExtUtils::Install;
  my $eui_version = ExtUtils::Install->VERSION;
  if ( $eui_version < 1.32 ) {
      "The 'fakeinstall' action requires Extutils::Install 1.32 or later.\n"
      . "(You only have version $eui_version)."
  ExtUtils::Install::install($self->install_map, !$self->quiet, 1, $self->{args}{uninst}||0);

sub ACTION_versioninstall {
  my ($self) = @_;

  die "You must have only.pm 0.25 or greater installed for this operation: $@\n"
    unless eval { require only; 'only'->VERSION(0.25); 1 };


  my %onlyargs = map {exists($self->{args}{$_}) ? ($_ => $self->{args}{$_}) : ()}
    qw(version versionlib);

sub ACTION_installdeps {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # XXX include feature prerequisites as optional prereqs?

  my $info = $self->_enum_prereqs;
  if (! $info ) {
    $self->log_info( "No prerequisites detected\n" );

  my $failures = $self->prereq_failures($info);
  if ( ! $failures ) {
    $self->log_info( "All prerequisites satisfied\n" );

  my @install;
  while (my ($type, $prereqs) = each %$failures) {
    if($type =~ m/^(?:\w+_)?requires$/) {
      push(@install, keys %$prereqs);
    $self->log_info("Checking optional dependencies:\n");
    while (my ($module, $status) = each %$prereqs) {
      push(@install, $module) if($self->y_n("Install $module?", 'y'));

  return unless @install;

  my ($command, @opts) = $self->split_like_shell($self->cpan_client);

  # relative command should be relative to our active Perl
  # so we need to locate that command
  if ( ! File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $command ) ) {
    # prefer site to vendor to core
    my @loc = ( 'site', 'vendor', '' );
    my @bindirs = File::Basename::dirname($self->perl);
    push @bindirs,
      map {
        ($self->config->{"install${_}bin"}, $self->config->{"install${_}script"})
      } @loc;
    for my $d ( @bindirs ) {
      my $abs_cmd = $self->find_command(File::Spec->catfile( $d, $command ));
      if ( defined $abs_cmd ) {
        $command = $abs_cmd;

  if ( ! -x $command ) {
    die "cpan_client '$command' is not executable\n";

  $self->do_system($command, @opts, @install);

sub ACTION_clean {
  my ($self) = @_;
  $self->log_info("Cleaning up build files\n");
  foreach my $item (map glob($_), $self->cleanup) {

sub ACTION_realclean {
  my ($self) = @_;
  $self->log_info("Cleaning up configuration files\n");
    $self->config_dir, $self->mymetafile, $self->mymetafile2, $self->build_script

sub ACTION_ppd {
  my ($self) = @_;

  require Module::Build::PPMMaker;
  my $ppd = Module::Build::PPMMaker->new();
  my $file = $ppd->make_ppd(%{$self->{args}}, build => $self);

sub ACTION_ppmdist {
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self->depends_on( 'build' );

  my $ppm = $self->ppm_name;
  $self->delete_filetree( $ppm );
  $self->log_info( "Creating $ppm\n" );
  $self->add_to_cleanup( $ppm, "$ppm.tar.gz" );

  my %types = ( # translate types/dirs to those expected by ppm
    lib     => 'lib',
    arch    => 'arch',
    bin     => 'bin',
    script  => 'script',
    bindoc  => 'man1',
    libdoc  => 'man3',
    binhtml => undef,
    libhtml => undef,

  foreach my $type ($self->install_types) {
    next if exists( $types{$type} ) && !defined( $types{$type} );

    my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->blib, $type );
    next unless -e $dir;

    my $files = $self->rscan_dir( $dir );
    foreach my $file ( @$files ) {
      next unless -f $file;
      my $rel_file =
        File::Spec->abs2rel( File::Spec->rel2abs( $file ),
                             File::Spec->rel2abs( $dir  ) );
      my $to_file  =
        File::Spec->catfile( $ppm, 'blib',
                            exists( $types{$type} ) ? $types{$type} : $type,
                            $rel_file );
      $self->copy_if_modified( from => $file, to => $to_file );

  foreach my $type ( qw(bin lib) ) {
    $self->htmlify_pods( $type, File::Spec->catdir($ppm, 'blib', 'html') );

  # create a tarball;
  # the directory tar'ed must be blib so we need to do a chdir first
  my $target = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->updir, $ppm );
  $self->_do_in_dir( $ppm, sub { $self->make_tarball( 'blib', $target ) } );

  $self->depends_on( 'ppd' );

  $self->delete_filetree( $ppm );

sub ACTION_pardist {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # Need PAR::Dist
  if ( not eval { require PAR::Dist; PAR::Dist->VERSION(0.17) } ) {
      "In order to create .par distributions, you need to\n"
      . "install PAR::Dist first."

  $self->depends_on( 'build' );

  return PAR::Dist::blib_to_par(
    name => $self->dist_name,
    version => $self->dist_version,

sub ACTION_dist {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # MUST dispatch() and not depends_ok() so we generate a clean distdir

  my $dist_dir = $self->dist_dir;


sub ACTION_distcheck {
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self->_check_manifest_skip unless $self->invoked_action eq 'distclean';

  require ExtUtils::Manifest;
  local $^W; # ExtUtils::Manifest is not warnings clean.
  my ($missing, $extra) = ExtUtils::Manifest::fullcheck();

  return unless @$missing || @$extra;

  my $msg = "MANIFEST appears to be out of sync with the distribution\n";
  if ( $self->invoked_action eq 'distcheck' ) {
    die $msg;
  } else {
    warn $msg;

sub _check_mymeta_skip {
  my $self = shift;
  my $maniskip = shift || 'MANIFEST.SKIP';

  require ExtUtils::Manifest;
  local $^W; # ExtUtils::Manifest is not warnings clean.

  # older ExtUtils::Manifest had a private _maniskip
  my $skip_factory = ExtUtils::Manifest->can('maniskip')
                  || ExtUtils::Manifest->can('_maniskip');

  my $mymetafile = $self->mymetafile;
  # we can't check it, just add it anyway to be safe
  for my $file ( $self->mymetafile, $self->mymetafile2 ) {
    unless ( $skip_factory && $skip_factory->($maniskip)->($file) ) {
      $self->log_warn("File '$maniskip' does not include '$file'. Adding it now.\n");
      my $safe = quotemeta($file);
      $self->_append_maniskip("^$safe\$", $maniskip);

sub _add_to_manifest {
  my ($self, $manifest, $lines) = @_;
  $lines = [$lines] unless ref $lines;

  my $existing_files = $self->_read_manifest($manifest);
  return unless defined( $existing_files );

  @$lines = grep {!exists $existing_files->{$_}} @$lines
    or return;

  my $mode = (stat $manifest)[2];
  chmod($mode | oct(222), $manifest) or die "Can't make $manifest writable: $!";

  my $fh = IO::File->new("< $manifest") or die "Can't read $manifest: $!";
  my $last_line = (<$fh>)[-1] || "\n";
  my $has_newline = $last_line =~ /\n$/;

  $fh = IO::File->new(">> $manifest") or die "Can't write to $manifest: $!";
  print $fh "\n" unless $has_newline;
  print $fh map "$_\n", @$lines;
  close $fh;
  chmod($mode, $manifest);

  $self->log_verbose(map "Added to $manifest: $_\n", @$lines);

sub _sign_dir {
  my ($self, $dir) = @_;

  unless (eval { require Module::Signature; 1 }) {
    $self->log_warn("Couldn't load Module::Signature for 'distsign' action:\n $@\n");

    my $manifest = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'MANIFEST');
    die "Signing a distribution requires a MANIFEST file" unless -e $manifest;
    $self->_add_to_manifest($manifest, "SIGNATURE    Added here by Module::Build");

  # Would be nice if Module::Signature took a directory argument.

  $self->_do_in_dir($dir, sub {local $Module::Signature::Quiet = 1; Module::Signature::sign()});

sub _do_in_dir {
  my ($self, $dir, $do) = @_;

  my $start_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs($self->cwd);
  chdir $dir or die "Can't chdir() to $dir: $!";
  eval {$do->()};
  my @err = $@ ? ($@) : ();
  chdir $start_dir or push @err, "Can't chdir() back to $start_dir: $!";
  die join "\n", @err if @err;

sub ACTION_distsign {
  my ($self) = @_;
    local $self->{properties}{sign} = 0;  # We'll sign it ourselves
    $self->depends_on('distdir') unless -d $self->dist_dir;

sub ACTION_skipcheck {
  my ($self) = @_;

  require ExtUtils::Manifest;
  local $^W; # ExtUtils::Manifest is not warnings clean.

sub ACTION_distclean {
  my ($self) = @_;


sub do_create_makefile_pl {
  my $self = shift;
  require Module::Build::Compat;
  $self->log_info("Creating Makefile.PL\n");
  eval { Module::Build::Compat->create_makefile_pl($self->create_makefile_pl, $self, @_) };
  if ( $@ ) {
    1 while unlink 'Makefile.PL';
    die "$@\n";
  $self->_add_to_manifest('MANIFEST', 'Makefile.PL');

sub do_create_license {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->log_info("Creating LICENSE file\n");

  if (  ! $self->_mb_feature('license_creation') ) {
    die "Aborting.\n";

  my $l = $self->license
    or die "Can't create LICENSE file: No license specified\n";

  my $license = $self->_software_license_object
    or die << "HERE";
Can't create LICENSE file: '$l' is not a valid license key
or Software::License subclass;


  my $fh = IO::File->new('> LICENSE')
    or die "Can't write LICENSE file: $!";
  print $fh $license->fulltext;
  close $fh;

  $self->_add_to_manifest('MANIFEST', 'LICENSE');

sub do_create_readme {
  my $self = shift;

  my $docfile = $self->_main_docfile;
  unless ( $docfile ) {
Cannot create README: can't determine which file contains documentation;
Must supply either 'dist_version_from', or 'module_name' parameter.

  # work around some odd Pod::Readme->new() failures in test reports by
  # confirming that new() is available
  if ( eval {require Pod::Readme; Pod::Readme->can('new') } ) {
    $self->log_info("Creating README using Pod::Readme\n");

    my $parser = Pod::Readme->new;
    $parser->parse_from_file($docfile, 'README', @_);

  } elsif ( eval {require Pod::Text; 1} ) {
    $self->log_info("Creating README using Pod::Text\n");

    my $fh = IO::File->new('> README');
    if ( defined($fh) ) {
      local $^W = 0;
      no strict "refs";

      # work around bug in Pod::Text 3.01, which expects
      # Pod::Simple::parse_file to take input and output filehandles
      # when it actually only takes an input filehandle

      my $old_parse_file;
      $old_parse_file = \&{"Pod::Simple::parse_file"}
      local *{"Pod::Simple::parse_file"} = sub {
        my $self = shift;
        $self->output_fh($_[1]) if $_[1];
        if $Pod::Text::VERSION
          == 3.01; # Split line to avoid evil version-finder

      Pod::Text::pod2text( $docfile, $fh );

    } else {
        "Cannot create 'README' file: Can't open file for writing\n" );

  } else {
    $self->log_warn("Can't load Pod::Readme or Pod::Text to create README\n");

  $self->_add_to_manifest('MANIFEST', 'README');

sub _main_docfile {
  my $self = shift;
  if ( my $pm_file = $self->dist_version_from ) {
    (my $pod_file = $pm_file) =~ s/.pm$/.pod/;
    return (-e $pod_file ? $pod_file : $pm_file);
  } else {
    return undef;

sub do_create_bundle_inc {
  my $self = shift;
  my $dist_inc = File::Spec->catdir( $self->dist_dir, 'inc' );
  require inc::latest;
  inc::latest->write($dist_inc, @{$self->bundle_inc_preload});
  inc::latest->bundle_module($_, $dist_inc) for @{$self->bundle_inc};
  return 1;

sub ACTION_distdir {
  my ($self) = @_;

  if ( @{$self->bundle_inc} && ! $self->_mb_feature('inc_bundling_support') ) {
    die "Aborting.\n";


  my $dist_files = $self->_read_manifest('MANIFEST')
    or die "Can't create distdir without a MANIFEST file - run 'manifest' action first.\n";
  delete $dist_files->{SIGNATURE};  # Don't copy, create a fresh one
  die "No files found in MANIFEST - try running 'manifest' action?\n"
    unless ($dist_files and keys %$dist_files);
  my $metafile = $self->metafile;
  $self->log_warn("*** Did you forget to add $metafile to the MANIFEST?\n")
    unless exists $dist_files->{$metafile};

  my $dist_dir = $self->dist_dir;
  $self->log_info("Creating $dist_dir\n");

  foreach my $file (keys %$dist_files) {
    next if $file =~ m{^MYMETA\.}; # Double check that we skip MYMETA.*
    my $new = $self->copy_if_modified(from => $file, to_dir => $dist_dir, verbose => 0);

  $self->do_create_bundle_inc if @{$self->bundle_inc};

  $self->_sign_dir($dist_dir) if $self->{properties}{sign};

sub ACTION_disttest {
  my ($self) = @_;


    ( $self->dist_dir,
      sub {
        # XXX could be different names for scripts

        $self->run_perl_script('Build.PL') # XXX Should this be run w/ --nouse-rcfile
          or die "Error executing 'Build.PL' in dist directory: $!";
          or die "Error executing $self->build_script in dist directory: $!";
        $self->run_perl_script($self->build_script, [], ['test'])
          or die "Error executing 'Build test' in dist directory";

sub ACTION_distinstall {
  my ($self, @args) = @_;


  $self->_do_in_dir ( $self->dist_dir,
    sub {
        or die "Error executing 'Build.PL' in dist directory: $!";
        or die "Error executing $self->build_script in dist directory: $!";
      $self->run_perl_script($self->build_script, [], ['install'])
        or die "Error executing 'Build install' in dist directory";

=begin private

  my $has_include = $build->_eumanifest_has_include;

Returns true if the installed version of ExtUtils::Manifest supports
#include and #include_default directives.  False otherwise.

=end private


# #!include and #!include_default were added in 1.50
sub _eumanifest_has_include {
    my $self = shift;

    require ExtUtils::Manifest;
    return eval { ExtUtils::Manifest->VERSION(1.50); 1 };

=begin private

  my $maniskip_file = $build->_default_maniskip;

Returns the location of the installed MANIFEST.SKIP file used by

=end private


sub _default_maniskip {
    my $self = shift;

    my $default_maniskip;
    for my $dir (@INC) {
        $default_maniskip = File::Spec->catfile($dir, "ExtUtils", "MANIFEST.SKIP");
        last if -r $default_maniskip;

    return $default_maniskip;

=begin private

  my $content = $build->_slurp($file);

Reads $file and returns the $content.

=end private


sub _slurp {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = shift;
    my $mode = shift || "";
    open my $fh, "<$mode", $file or croak "Can't open $file for reading: $!";
    local $/;
    return <$fh>;

sub _spew {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = shift;
    my $content = shift || "";
    my $mode = shift || "";
    open my $fh, ">$mode", $file or croak "Can't open $file for writing: $!";
    print {$fh} $content;
    close $fh;

sub _case_tolerant {
  my $self = shift;
  if ( ref $self ) {
    $self->{_case_tolerant} = File::Spec->case_tolerant
      unless defined($self->{_case_tolerant});
    return $self->{_case_tolerant};
  else {
    return File::Spec->case_tolerant;

sub _append_maniskip {
  my $self = shift;
  my $skip = shift;
  my $file = shift || 'MANIFEST.SKIP';
  return unless defined $skip && length $skip;
  my $fh = IO::File->new(">> $file")
    or die "Can't open $file: $!";

  print $fh "$skip\n";

sub _write_default_maniskip {
  my $self = shift;
  my $file = shift || 'MANIFEST.SKIP';
  my $fh = IO::File->new("> $file")
    or die "Can't open $file: $!";

  my $content = $self->_eumanifest_has_include ? "#!include_default\n"
                                               : $self->_slurp( $self->_default_maniskip );

  $content .= <<'EOF';
# Avoid configuration metadata file

# Avoid Module::Build generated and utility files.

# Avoid archives of this distribution

  # Skip, for example, 'Module-Build-0.27.tar.gz'
  $content .= '\b'.$self->dist_name.'-[\d\.\_]+'."\n";

  print $fh $content;


sub _check_manifest_skip {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $maniskip = 'MANIFEST.SKIP';

  if ( ! -e $maniskip ) {
    $self->log_warn("File '$maniskip' does not exist: Creating a temporary '$maniskip'\n");
  else {
    # MYMETA must not be added to MANIFEST, so always confirm the skip
    $self->_check_mymeta_skip( $maniskip );


sub ACTION_manifest {
  my ($self) = @_;


  require ExtUtils::Manifest;  # ExtUtils::Manifest is not warnings clean.
  local ($^W, $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet) = (0,1);

sub ACTION_manifest_skip {
  my ($self) = @_;

  if ( -e 'MANIFEST.SKIP' ) {
    $self->log_warn("MANIFEST.SKIP already exists.\n");
    return 0;
  $self->log_info("Creating a new MANIFEST.SKIP file\n");
  return $self->_write_default_maniskip;
  return -e 'MANIFEST.SKIP'

# Case insensitive regex for files
sub file_qr {
    return shift->{_case_tolerant} ? qr($_[0])i : qr($_[0]);

sub dist_dir {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $dir = join "-", $self->dist_name, $self->dist_version;
  $dir .= "-" . $self->dist_suffix if $self->dist_suffix;
  return $dir;

sub ppm_name {
  my $self = shift;
  return 'PPM-' . $self->dist_dir;

sub _files_in {
  my ($self, $dir) = @_;
  return unless -d $dir;

  local *DH;
  opendir DH, $dir or die "Can't read directory $dir: $!";

  my @files;
  while (defined (my $file = readdir DH)) {
    my $full_path = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file);
    next if -d $full_path;
    push @files, $full_path;
  return @files;

sub share_dir {
  my $self = shift;
  my $p = $self->{properties};

  $p->{share_dir} = shift if @_;

  # Always coerce to proper hash form
  if    ( ! defined $p->{share_dir} ) {
  elsif ( ! ref $p->{share_dir}  ) {
    # scalar -- treat as a single 'dist' directory
    $p->{share_dir} = { dist => [ $p->{share_dir} ] };
  elsif ( ref $p->{share_dir} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
    # array -- treat as a list of 'dist' directories
    $p->{share_dir} = { dist => $p->{share_dir} };
  elsif ( ref $p->{share_dir} eq 'HASH' ) {
    # hash -- check structure
    my $share_dir = $p->{share_dir};
    # check dist key
    if ( defined $share_dir->{dist} ) {
      if ( ! ref $share_dir->{dist} ) {
        # scalar, so upgrade to arrayref
        $share_dir->{dist} = [ $share_dir->{dist} ];
      elsif ( ref $share_dir->{dist} ne 'ARRAY' ) {
        die "'dist' key in 'share_dir' must be scalar or arrayref";
    # check module key
    if ( defined $share_dir->{module} ) {
      my $mod_hash = $share_dir->{module};
      if ( ref $mod_hash eq 'HASH' ) {
        for my $k ( keys %$mod_hash ) {
          if ( ! ref $mod_hash->{$k} ) {
            $mod_hash->{$k} = [ $mod_hash->{$k} ];
          elsif( ref $mod_hash->{$k} ne 'ARRAY' ) {
            die "modules in 'module' key of 'share_dir' must be scalar or arrayref";
      else {
          die "'module' key in 'share_dir' must be hashref";
  else {
    die "'share_dir' must be hashref, arrayref or string";

  return $p->{share_dir};

sub script_files {
  my $self = shift;

  for ($self->{properties}{script_files}) {
    $_ = shift if @_;
    next unless $_;

    # Always coerce into a hash
    return $_ if UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'HASH');
    return $_ = { map {$_,1} @$_ } if UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'ARRAY');

    die "'script_files' must be a hashref, arrayref, or string" if ref();

    return $_ = { map {$_,1} $self->_files_in( $_ ) } if -d $_;
    return $_ = {$_ => 1};

  my %pl_files = map {
    File::Spec->canonpath( $_ ) => 1
  } keys %{ $self->PL_files || {} };

  my @bin_files = $self->_files_in('bin');

  my %bin_map = map {
    $_ => File::Spec->canonpath( $_ )
  } @bin_files;

  return $_ = { map {$_ => 1} grep !$pl_files{$bin_map{$_}}, @bin_files };
BEGIN { *scripts = \&script_files; }

  my %licenses = (
    perl         => 'Perl_5',
    apache       => 'Apache_2_0',
    apache_1_1   => 'Apache_1_1',
    artistic     => 'Artistic_1_0',
    artistic_2   => 'Artistic_2_0',
    lgpl         => 'LGPL_2_1',
    lgpl2        => 'LGPL_2_1',
    lgpl3        => 'LGPL_3_0',
    bsd          => 'BSD',
    gpl          => 'GPL_1',
    gpl2         => 'GPL_2',
    gpl3         => 'GPL_3',
    mit          => 'MIT',
    mozilla      => 'Mozilla_1_1',
    open_source  => undef,
    unrestricted => undef,
    restrictive  => undef,
    unknown      => undef,

  # TODO - would be nice to not have these here, since they're more
  # properly stored only in Software::License
  my %license_urls = (
    perl         => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/',
    apache       => 'http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0',
    apache_1_1   => 'http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-1.1',
    artistic     => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license.php',
    artistic_2   => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php',
    lgpl         => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php',
    lgpl2        => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php',
    lgpl3        => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html',
    bsd          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php',
    gpl          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php',
    gpl2         => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php',
    gpl3         => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html',
    mit          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php',
    mozilla      => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php',
    open_source  => undef,
    unrestricted => undef,
    restrictive  => undef,
    unknown      => undef,
  sub valid_licenses {
    return \%licenses;
  sub _license_url {
    return $license_urls{$_[1]};

# use mapping or license name directly
sub _software_license_object {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return unless defined( my $license = $self->license );

  my $class;
  LICENSE: for my $l ( $self->valid_licenses->{ $license }, $license ) {
    next unless defined $l;
    my $trial = "Software::License::" . $l;
    if ( eval "require Software::License; Software::License->VERSION(0.014); require $trial; 1" ) {
      $class = $trial;
      last LICENSE;
  return unless defined $class;

  # Software::License requires a 'holder' argument
  my $author = join( " & ", @{ $self->dist_author }) || 'unknown';
  my $sl = eval { $class->new({holder=>$author}) };
  if ( $@ ) {
    $self->log_warn( "Error getting '$class' object: $@" );

  return $sl;

sub _hash_merge {
  my ($self, $h, $k, $v) = @_;
  if (ref $h->{$k} eq 'ARRAY') {
    push @{$h->{$k}}, ref $v ? @$v : $v;
  } elsif (ref $h->{$k} eq 'HASH') {
    $h->{$k}{$_} = $v->{$_} foreach keys %$v;
  } else {
    $h->{$k} = $v;

sub ACTION_distmeta {
  my ($self) = @_;
  $self->do_create_makefile_pl if $self->create_makefile_pl;
  $self->do_create_readme if $self->create_readme;
  $self->do_create_license if $self->create_license;

sub do_create_metafile {
  my $self = shift;
  return if $self->{wrote_metadata};

  my $p = $self->{properties};

  unless ($p->{license}) {
    $self->log_warn("No license specified, setting license = 'unknown'\n");
    $p->{license} = 'unknown';

  my @metafiles = ( $self->metafile, $self->metafile2 );
  # If we're in the distdir, the metafile may exist and be non-writable.
  $self->delete_filetree($_) for @metafiles;

  # Since we're building ourself, we have to do some special stuff
  # here: the ConfigData module is found in blib/lib.
  local @INC = @INC;
  if (($self->module_name || '') eq 'Module::Build') {
    push @INC, File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'lib');

  my $meta_obj = $self->_get_meta_object(
    quiet => 1, fatal => 1, auto => 1
  my @created = $self->_write_meta_files( $meta_obj, 'META' );
  if ( @created ) {
    $self->{wrote_metadata} = 1;
    $self->_add_to_manifest('MANIFEST', $_) for @created;
  return 1;

sub _write_meta_files {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($meta, $file) = @_;
  $file =~ s{\.(?:yml|json)$}{};

  my @created;
  push @created, "$file\.yml"
    if $meta && $meta->save( "$file\.yml", {version => "1.4"} );
  push @created, "$file\.json"
    if $meta && $meta->save( "$file\.json" );

  if ( @created ) {
    $self->log_info("Created " . join(" and ", @created) . "\n");
  return @created;

sub _get_meta_object {
  my $self = shift;
  my %args = @_;
  return unless $self->try_require("CPAN::Meta", "2.110420");

  my $meta;
  eval {
    my $data = $self->get_metadata(
      fatal => $args{fatal},
      auto => $args{auto},
    $data->{dynamic_config} = $args{dynamic} if defined $args{dynamic};
    $meta = CPAN::Meta->create( $data );
  if ($@ && ! $args{quiet}) {
      "Could not get valid metadata. Error is: $@\n"

  return $meta;

# We return a version 1.4 structure for backwards compatibility
sub read_metafile {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($metafile) = @_;

  return unless $self->try_require("CPAN::Meta", "2.110420");
  my $meta = CPAN::Meta->load_file($metafile);
  return $meta->as_struct( {version => "1.4"} );

# For legacy compatibility, we upconvert a 1.4 data structure, ensuring
# validity, and then downconvert it back to save it.
# generally, this code should no longer be used
sub write_metafile {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($metafile, $struct) = @_;

  return unless $self->try_require("CPAN::Meta", "2.110420");

  my $meta = CPAN::Meta->new( $struct );
  return $meta->save( $metafile, { version => "1.4" } );

sub normalize_version {
  my ($self, $version) = @_;
  $version = 0 unless defined $version and length $version;

  if ( $version =~ /[=<>!,]/ ) { # logic, not just version
    # take as is without modification
  elsif ( ref $version eq 'version' ||
          ref $version eq 'Module::Build::Version' ) { # version objects
    $version = $version->is_qv ? $version->normal : $version->stringify;
  elsif ( $version =~ /^[^v][^.]*\.[^.]+\./ ) { # no leading v, multiple dots
    # normalize string tuples without "v": "1.2.3" -> "v1.2.3"
    $version = "v$version";
  else {
    # leave alone
  return $version;

sub _normalize_prereqs {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $p = $self->{properties};

  # copy prereq data structures so we can modify them before writing to META
  my %prereq_types;
  for my $type ( 'configure_requires', @{$self->prereq_action_types} ) {
    if (exists $p->{$type}) {
      for my $mod ( keys %{ $p->{$type} } ) {
        $prereq_types{$type}{$mod} =
  return \%prereq_types;

# wrapper around old prepare_metadata API;
sub get_metadata {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  my $metadata = {};
  $self->prepare_metadata( $metadata, undef, \%args );
  return $metadata;

# To preserve compatibility with old API, $node *must* be a hashref
# passed in to prepare_metadata.  $keys is an arrayref holding a
# list of keys -- it's use is optional and generally no longer needed
# but kept for back compatibility.  $args is an optional parameter to
# support the new 'fatal' toggle

sub prepare_metadata {
  my ($self, $node, $keys, $args) = @_;
  unless ( ref $node eq 'HASH' ) {
    croak "prepare_metadata() requires a hashref argument to hold output\n";
  my $fatal = $args->{fatal} || 0;
  my $p = $self->{properties};

  $self->auto_config_requires if $args->{auto};

  # A little helper sub
  my $add_node = sub {
    my ($name, $val) = @_;
    $node->{$name} = $val;
    push @$keys, $name if $keys;

  # validate required fields
  foreach my $f (qw(dist_name dist_version dist_author dist_abstract license)) {
    my $field = $self->$f();
    unless ( defined $field and length $field ) {
      my $err = "ERROR: Missing required field '$f' for metafile\n";
      if ( $fatal ) {
        die $err;
      else {

  # add dist_* fields
  foreach my $f (qw(dist_name dist_version dist_author dist_abstract)) {
    (my $name = $f) =~ s/^dist_//;
    $add_node->($name, $self->$f());

  # normalize version
  $node->{version} = $self->normalize_version($node->{version});

  # validate license information
  my $license = $self->license;
  my ($meta_license, $meta_license_url);

  # XXX this is still meta spec version 1 stuff

  # if Software::License::* exists, then we can use it to get normalized name
  # for META files

  if ( my $sl = $self->_software_license_object ) {
    $meta_license = $sl->meta_name;
    $meta_license_url = $sl->url;
  elsif ( exists $self->valid_licenses()->{$license} ) {
    $meta_license = $license;
    $meta_license_url = $self->_license_url( $license );
  else {
  # if we didn't find a license from a Software::License class,
  # then treat it as unknown
    $self->log_warn( "Can not determine license type for '" . $self->license
      . "'\nSetting META license field to 'unknown'.\n");
    $meta_license = 'unknown';

  $node->{license} = $meta_license;
  $node->{resources}{license} = $meta_license_url if defined $meta_license_url;

  # add prerequisite data
  my $prereqs = $self->_normalize_prereqs;
  for my $t ( keys %$prereqs ) {
      $add_node->($t, $prereqs->{$t});

  if (exists $p->{dynamic_config}) {
    $add_node->('dynamic_config', $p->{dynamic_config});
  my $pkgs = eval { $self->find_dist_packages };
  if ($@) {
    $self->log_warn("$@\nWARNING: Possible missing or corrupt 'MANIFEST' file.\n" .
                    "Nothing to enter for 'provides' field in metafile.\n");
  } else {
    $node->{provides} = $pkgs if %$pkgs;
  if (exists $p->{no_index}) {
    $add_node->('no_index', $p->{no_index});

  $add_node->('generated_by', "Module::Build version $Module::Build::VERSION");

              {version => '1.4',
               url     => 'http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html',

  while (my($k, $v) = each %{$self->meta_add}) {
    $add_node->($k, $v);

  while (my($k, $v) = each %{$self->meta_merge}) {
    $self->_hash_merge($node, $k, $v);

  return $node;

sub _read_manifest {
  my ($self, $file) = @_;
  return undef unless -e $file;

  require ExtUtils::Manifest;  # ExtUtils::Manifest is not warnings clean.
  local ($^W, $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet) = (0,1);
  return scalar ExtUtils::Manifest::maniread($file);

sub find_dist_packages {
  my $self = shift;

  # Only packages in .pm files are candidates for inclusion here.
  # Only include things in the MANIFEST, not things in developer's
  # private stock.

  my $manifest = $self->_read_manifest('MANIFEST')
    or die "Can't find dist packages without a MANIFEST file\nRun 'Build manifest' to generate one\n";

  # Localize
  my %dist_files = map { $self->localize_file_path($_) => $_ }
                       keys %$manifest;

  my @pm_files = grep { $_ !~ m{^t} } # skip things in t/
                   grep {exists $dist_files{$_}}
                     keys %{ $self->find_pm_files };

  return $self->find_packages_in_files(\@pm_files, \%dist_files);

# XXX Do not document this function; mst wrote it and now says the API is
# stupid and needs to be fixed and it shouldn't become a public API until then
sub find_packages_in_files {
  my ($self, $file_list, $filename_map) = @_;

  # First, we enumerate all packages & versions,
  # separating into primary & alternative candidates
  my( %prime, %alt );
  foreach my $file (@{$file_list}) {
    my $mapped_filename = $filename_map->{$file};
    my @path = split( /\//, $mapped_filename );
    (my $prime_package = join( '::', @path[1..$#path] )) =~ s/\.pm$//;

    my $pm_info = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->new_from_file( $file );

    foreach my $package ( $pm_info->packages_inside ) {
      next if $package eq 'main';  # main can appear numerous times, ignore
      next if $package eq 'DB';    # special debugging package, ignore
      next if grep /^_/, split( /::/, $package ); # private package, ignore

      my $version = $pm_info->version( $package );

      if ( $package eq $prime_package ) {
        if ( exists( $prime{$package} ) ) {
          # M::B::ModuleInfo will handle this conflict
          die "Unexpected conflict in '$package'; multiple versions found.\n";
        } else {
          $prime{$package}{file} = $mapped_filename;
          $prime{$package}{version} = $version if defined( $version );
      } else {
        push( @{$alt{$package}}, {
                                  file    => $mapped_filename,
                                  version => $version,
                                 } );

  # Then we iterate over all the packages found above, identifying conflicts
  # and selecting the "best" candidate for recording the file & version
  # for each package.
  foreach my $package ( keys( %alt ) ) {
    my $result = $self->_resolve_module_versions( $alt{$package} );

    if ( exists( $prime{$package} ) ) { # primary package selected

      if ( $result->{err} ) {
        # Use the selected primary package, but there are conflicting
        # errors among multiple alternative packages that need to be
        # reported
          "Found conflicting versions for package '$package'\n" .
          "  $prime{$package}{file} ($prime{$package}{version})\n" .

      } elsif ( defined( $result->{version} ) ) {
        # There is a primary package selected, and exactly one
        # alternative package

        if ( exists( $prime{$package}{version} ) &&
             defined( $prime{$package}{version} ) ) {
          # Unless the version of the primary package agrees with the
          # version of the alternative package, report a conflict
          if ( $self->compare_versions( $prime{$package}{version}, '!=',
                                        $result->{version} ) ) {
              "Found conflicting versions for package '$package'\n" .
              "  $prime{$package}{file} ($prime{$package}{version})\n" .
              "  $result->{file} ($result->{version})\n"

        } else {
          # The prime package selected has no version so, we choose to
          # use any alternative package that does have a version
          $prime{$package}{file}    = $result->{file};
          $prime{$package}{version} = $result->{version};

      } else {
        # no alt package found with a version, but we have a prime
        # package so we use it whether it has a version or not

    } else { # No primary package was selected, use the best alternative

      if ( $result->{err} ) {
          "Found conflicting versions for package '$package'\n" .

      # Despite possible conflicting versions, we choose to record
      # something rather than nothing
      $prime{$package}{file}    = $result->{file};
      $prime{$package}{version} = $result->{version}
          if defined( $result->{version} );

  # Normalize versions or delete them if undef/0
  for my $provides ( values %prime ) {
    if ( $provides->{version} ) {
      $provides->{version} = $self->normalize_version( $provides->{version} )
    else {
      delete $provides->{version};

  return \%prime;

# separate out some of the conflict resolution logic from
# $self->find_dist_packages(), above, into a helper function.
sub _resolve_module_versions {
  my $self = shift;

  my $packages = shift;

  my( $file, $version );
  my $err = '';
    foreach my $p ( @$packages ) {
      if ( defined( $p->{version} ) ) {
        if ( defined( $version ) ) {
          if ( $self->compare_versions( $version, '!=', $p->{version} ) ) {
            $err .= "  $p->{file} ($p->{version})\n";
          } else {
            # same version declared multiple times, ignore
        } else {
          $file    = $p->{file};
          $version = $p->{version};
      $file ||= $p->{file} if defined( $p->{file} );

  if ( $err ) {
    $err = "  $file ($version)\n" . $err;

  my %result = (
    file    => $file,
    version => $version,
    err     => $err

  return \%result;

sub make_tarball {
  my ($self, $dir, $file) = @_;
  $file ||= $dir;

  $self->log_info("Creating $file.tar.gz\n");

  if ($self->{args}{tar}) {
    my $tar_flags = $self->verbose ? 'cvf' : 'cf';
    $self->do_system($self->split_like_shell($self->{args}{tar}), $tar_flags, "$file.tar", $dir);
    $self->do_system($self->split_like_shell($self->{args}{gzip}), "$file.tar") if $self->{args}{gzip};
  } else {
    eval { require Archive::Tar && Archive::Tar->VERSION(1.09); 1 }
      or die "You must install Archive::Tar 1.09+ to make a distribution tarball\n".
             "or specify a binary tar program with the '--tar' option.\n".
             "See the documentation for the 'dist' action.\n";

    my $files = $self->rscan_dir($dir);

    # Archive::Tar versions >= 1.09 use the following to enable a compatibility
    # hack so that the resulting archive is compatible with older clients.
    # If no file path is 100 chars or longer, we disable the prefix field
    # for maximum compatibility.  If there are any long file paths then we
    # need the prefix field after all.
    $Archive::Tar::DO_NOT_USE_PREFIX =
      (grep { length($_) >= 100 } @$files) ? 0 : 1;

    my $tar   = Archive::Tar->new;
    for my $f ($tar->get_files) {
      $f->mode($f->mode & ~022); # chmod go-w
    $tar->write("$file.tar.gz", 1);

sub install_path {
  my $self = shift;
  my( $type, $value ) = ( @_, '<empty>' );

  Carp::croak( 'Type argument missing' )
    unless defined( $type );

  my $map = $self->{properties}{install_path};
  return $map unless @_;

  # delete existing value if $value is literal undef()
  unless ( defined( $value ) ) {
    delete( $map->{$type} );
    return undef;

  # return existing value if no new $value is given
  if ( $value eq '<empty>' ) {
    return undef unless exists $map->{$type};
    return $map->{$type};

  # set value if $value is a valid relative path
  return $map->{$type} = $value;

sub install_sets {
  # Usage: install_sets('site'), install_sets('site', 'lib'),
  #   or install_sets('site', 'lib' => $value);
  my ($self, $dirs, $key, $value) = @_;
  $dirs = $self->installdirs unless defined $dirs;
  # update property before merging with defaults
  if ( @_ == 4 && defined $dirs && defined $key) {
    # $value can be undef; will mask default
    $self->{properties}{install_sets}{$dirs}{$key} = $value;
  my $map = { $self->_merge_arglist(
  if ( defined $dirs && defined $key ) {
    return $map->{$dirs}{$key};
  elsif ( defined $dirs ) {
    return $map->{$dirs};
  else {
    croak "Can't determine installdirs for install_sets()";

sub original_prefix {
  # Usage: original_prefix(), original_prefix('lib'),
  #   or original_prefix('lib' => $value);
  my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
  # update property before merging with defaults
  if ( @_ == 3 && defined $key) {
    # $value can be undef; will mask default
    $self->{properties}{original_prefix}{$key} = $value;
  my $map = { $self->_merge_arglist(
  return $map unless defined $key;
  return $map->{$key}

sub install_base_relpaths {
  # Usage: install_base_relpaths(), install_base_relpaths('lib'),
  #   or install_base_relpaths('lib' => $value);
  my $self = shift;
  if ( @_ > 1 ) { # change values before merge
    $self->_set_relpaths($self->{properties}{install_base_relpaths}, @_);
  my $map = { $self->_merge_arglist(
  return $map unless @_;
  my $relpath = $map->{$_[0]};
  return defined $relpath ? File::Spec->catdir( @$relpath ) : undef;

# Defaults to use in case the config install paths cannot be prefixified.
sub prefix_relpaths {
  # Usage: prefix_relpaths('site'), prefix_relpaths('site', 'lib'),
  #   or prefix_relpaths('site', 'lib' => $value);
  my $self = shift;
  my $installdirs = shift || $self->installdirs
    or croak "Can't determine installdirs for prefix_relpaths()";
  if ( @_ > 1 ) { # change values before merge
    $self->{properties}{prefix_relpaths}{$installdirs} ||= {};
    $self->_set_relpaths($self->{properties}{prefix_relpaths}{$installdirs}, @_);
  my $map = {$self->_merge_arglist(
  return $map unless @_;
  my $relpath = $map->{$_[0]};
  return defined $relpath ? File::Spec->catdir( @$relpath ) : undef;

sub _set_relpaths {
  my $self = shift;
  my( $map, $type, $value ) = @_;

  Carp::croak( 'Type argument missing' )
    unless defined( $type );

  # set undef if $value is literal undef()
  if ( ! defined( $value ) ) {
    $map->{$type} = undef;
  # set value if $value is a valid relative path
  else {
    Carp::croak( "Value must be a relative path" )
      if File::Spec::Unix->file_name_is_absolute($value);

    my @value = split( /\//, $value );
    $map->{$type} = \@value;

# Translated from ExtUtils::MM_Any::init_INSTALL_from_PREFIX
sub prefix_relative {
  my ($self, $type) = @_;
  my $installdirs = $self->installdirs;

  my $relpath = $self->install_sets($installdirs)->{$type};

  return $self->_prefixify($relpath,

# Translated from ExtUtils::MM_Unix::prefixify()
sub _prefixify {
  my($self, $path, $sprefix, $type) = @_;

  my $rprefix = $self->prefix;
  $rprefix .= '/' if $sprefix =~ m|/$|;

  $self->log_verbose("  prefixify $path from $sprefix to $rprefix\n")
    if defined( $path ) && length( $path );

  if( !defined( $path ) || ( length( $path ) == 0 ) ) {
    $self->log_verbose("  no path to prefixify, falling back to default.\n");
    return $self->_prefixify_default( $type, $rprefix );
  } elsif( !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($path) ) {
    $self->log_verbose("    path is relative, not prefixifying.\n");
  } elsif( $path !~ s{^\Q$sprefix\E\b}{}s ) {
    $self->log_verbose("    cannot prefixify, falling back to default.\n");
    return $self->_prefixify_default( $type, $rprefix );

  $self->log_verbose("    now $path in $rprefix\n");

  return $path;

sub _prefixify_default {
  my $self = shift;
  my $type = shift;
  my $rprefix = shift;

  my $default = $self->prefix_relpaths($self->installdirs, $type);
  if( !$default ) {
    $self->log_verbose("    no default install location for type '$type', using prefix '$rprefix'.\n");
    return $rprefix;
  } else {
    return $default;

sub install_destination {
  my ($self, $type) = @_;

  return $self->install_path($type) if $self->install_path($type);

  if ( $self->install_base ) {
    my $relpath = $self->install_base_relpaths($type);
    return $relpath ? File::Spec->catdir($self->install_base, $relpath) : undef;

  if ( $self->prefix ) {
    my $relpath = $self->prefix_relative($type);
    return $relpath ? File::Spec->catdir($self->prefix, $relpath) : undef;

  return $self->install_sets($self->installdirs)->{$type};

sub install_types {
  my $self = shift;

  my %types;
  if ( $self->install_base ) {
    %types = %{$self->install_base_relpaths};
  } elsif ( $self->prefix ) {
    %types = %{$self->prefix_relpaths};
  } else {
    %types = %{$self->install_sets($self->installdirs)};

  %types = (%types, %{$self->install_path});

  return sort keys %types;

sub install_map {
  my ($self, $blib) = @_;
  $blib ||= $self->blib;

  my( %map, @skipping );
  foreach my $type ($self->install_types) {
    my $localdir = File::Spec->catdir( $blib, $type );
    next unless -e $localdir;

    # the line "...next if (($type eq 'bindoc'..." was one of many changes introduced for
    # improving HTML generation on ActivePerl, see https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=53478
    # Most changes were ok, but this particular line caused test failures in t/manifypods.t on windows,
    # therefore it is commented out.

    # ********* next if (($type eq 'bindoc' || $type eq 'libdoc') && not $self->is_unixish);

    if (my $dest = $self->install_destination($type)) {
      $map{$localdir} = $dest;
    } else {
      push( @skipping, $type );

    "WARNING: Can't figure out install path for types: @skipping\n" .
    "Files will not be installed.\n"
  ) if @skipping;

  # Write the packlist into the same place as ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
  if ($self->create_packlist and my $module_name = $self->module_name) {
    my $archdir = $self->install_destination('arch');
    my @ext = split /::/, $module_name;
    $map{write} = File::Spec->catfile($archdir, 'auto', @ext, '.packlist');

  # Handle destdir
  if (length(my $destdir = $self->destdir || '')) {
    foreach (keys %map) {
      # Need to remove volume from $map{$_} using splitpath, or else
      # we'll create something crazy like C:\Foo\Bar\E:\Baz\Quux
      # VMS will always have the file separate than the path.
      my ($volume, $path, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $map{$_}, 0 );

      # catdir needs a list of directories, or it will create something
      # crazy like volume:[Foo.Bar.volume.Baz.Quux]
      my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($path);

      # First merge the directories
      $path = File::Spec->catdir($destdir, @dirs);

      # Then put the file back on if there is one.
      if ($file ne '') {
          $map{$_} = File::Spec->catfile($path, $file)
      } else {
          $map{$_} = $path;

  $map{read} = '';  # To keep ExtUtils::Install quiet

  return \%map;

sub depends_on {
  my $self = shift;
  foreach my $action (@_) {

sub rscan_dir {
  my ($self, $dir, $pattern) = @_;
  my @result;
  local $_; # find() can overwrite $_, so protect ourselves
  my $subr = !$pattern ? sub {push @result, $File::Find::name} :
             !ref($pattern) || (ref $pattern eq 'Regexp') ? sub {push @result, $File::Find::name if /$pattern/} :
             ref($pattern) eq 'CODE' ? sub {push @result, $File::Find::name if $pattern->()} :
             die "Unknown pattern type";

  File::Find::find({wanted => $subr, no_chdir => 1}, $dir);
  return \@result;

sub delete_filetree {
  my $self = shift;
  my $deleted = 0;
  foreach (@_) {
    next unless -e $_;
    $self->log_verbose("Deleting $_\n");
    File::Path::rmtree($_, 0, 0);
    die "Couldn't remove '$_': $!\n" if -e $_;
  return $deleted;

sub autosplit_file {
  my ($self, $file, $to) = @_;
  require AutoSplit;
  my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($to, 'lib', 'auto');
  AutoSplit::autosplit($file, $dir);

sub cbuilder {
  # Returns a CBuilder object

  my $self = shift;
  my $s = $self->{stash};
  return $s->{_cbuilder} if $s->{_cbuilder};

  require ExtUtils::CBuilder;
  return $s->{_cbuilder} = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(
    config => $self->config,
    ($self->quiet ? (quiet => 1 ) : ()),

sub have_c_compiler {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $p = $self->{properties};
  return $p->{_have_c_compiler} if defined $p->{_have_c_compiler};

  $self->log_verbose("Checking if compiler tools configured... ");
  my $b = eval { $self->cbuilder };
  my $have = $b && eval { $b->have_compiler };
  $self->log_verbose($have ? "ok.\n" : "failed.\n");
  return $p->{_have_c_compiler} = $have;

sub compile_c {
  my ($self, $file, %args) = @_;

  if ( ! $self->have_c_compiler ) {
    die "Error: no compiler detected to compile '$file'.  Aborting\n";

  my $b = $self->cbuilder;
  my $obj_file = $b->object_file($file);
  return $obj_file if $self->up_to_date($file, $obj_file);

  $b->compile(source => $file,
              defines => $args{defines},
              object_file => $obj_file,
              include_dirs => $self->include_dirs,
              extra_compiler_flags => $self->extra_compiler_flags,

  return $obj_file;

sub link_c {
  my ($self, $spec) = @_;
  my $p = $self->{properties}; # For convenience


  my $objects = $p->{objects} || [];

  return $spec->{lib_file}
    if $self->up_to_date([$spec->{obj_file}, @$objects],

  my $module_name = $spec->{module_name} || $self->module_name;

    module_name => $module_name,
    objects     => [$spec->{obj_file}, @$objects],
    lib_file    => $spec->{lib_file},
    extra_linker_flags => $p->{extra_linker_flags} );

  return $spec->{lib_file};

sub compile_xs {
  my ($self, $file, %args) = @_;

  $self->log_verbose("$file -> $args{outfile}\n");

  if (eval {require ExtUtils::ParseXS; 1}) {

                                    filename => $file,
                                    prototypes => 0,
                                    output => $args{outfile},
  } else {
    # Ok, I give up.  Just use backticks.

    my $xsubpp = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_by_name('ExtUtils::xsubpp')
      or die "Can't find ExtUtils::xsubpp in INC (@INC)";

    my @typemaps;
    push @typemaps, Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_by_name(
        'ExtUtils::typemap', \@INC
    my $lib_typemap = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_by_name(
        'typemap', [File::Basename::dirname($file), File::Spec->rel2abs('.')]
    push @typemaps, $lib_typemap if $lib_typemap;
    @typemaps = map {+'-typemap', $_} @typemaps;

    my $cf = $self->{config};
    my $perl = $self->{properties}{perl};

    my @command = ($perl, "-I".$cf->get('installarchlib'), "-I".$cf->get('installprivlib'), $xsubpp, '-noprototypes',
                   @typemaps, $file);

    my $fh = IO::File->new("> $args{outfile}") or die "Couldn't write $args{outfile}: $!";
    print {$fh} $self->_backticks(@command);
    close $fh;

sub split_like_shell {
  my ($self, $string) = @_;

  return () unless defined($string);
  return @$string if UNIVERSAL::isa($string, 'ARRAY');
  $string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
  return () unless length($string);

  return Text::ParseWords::shellwords($string);

sub oneliner {
  # Returns a string that the shell can evaluate as a perl command.
  # This should be avoided whenever possible, since "the shell" really
  # means zillions of shells on zillions of platforms and it's really
  # hard to get it right all the time.

  # Some of this code is stolen with permission from ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

  my($self, $cmd, $switches, $args) = @_;
  $switches = [] unless defined $switches;
  $args = [] unless defined $args;

  # Strip leading and trailing newlines
  $cmd =~ s{^\n+}{};
  $cmd =~ s{\n+$}{};

  my $perl = ref($self) ? $self->perl : $self->find_perl_interpreter;
  return $self->_quote_args($perl, @$switches, '-e', $cmd, @$args);

sub run_perl_script {
  my ($self, $script, $preargs, $postargs) = @_;
  foreach ($preargs, $postargs) {
    $_ = [ $self->split_like_shell($_) ] unless ref();
  return $self->run_perl_command([@$preargs, $script, @$postargs]);

sub run_perl_command {
  # XXX Maybe we should accept @args instead of $args?  Must resolve
  # this before documenting.
  my ($self, $args) = @_;
  $args = [ $self->split_like_shell($args) ] unless ref($args);
  my $perl = ref($self) ? $self->perl : $self->find_perl_interpreter;

  # Make sure our local additions to @INC are propagated to the subprocess
  local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join $self->config('path_sep'), $self->_added_to_INC;

  return $self->do_system($perl, @$args);

# Infer various data from the path of the input filename
# that is needed to create output files.
# The input filename is expected to be of the form:
#   lib/Module/Name.ext or Module/Name.ext
sub _infer_xs_spec {
  my $self = shift;
  my $file = shift;

  my $cf = $self->{config};

  my %spec;

  my( $v, $d, $f ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $file );
  my @d = File::Spec->splitdir( $d );
  (my $file_base = $f) =~ s/\.[^.]+$//i;

  $spec{base_name} = $file_base;

  $spec{src_dir} = File::Spec->catpath( $v, $d, '' );

  # the module name
  shift( @d ) while @d && ($d[0] eq 'lib' || $d[0] eq '');
  pop( @d ) while @d && $d[-1] eq '';
  $spec{module_name} = join( '::', (@d, $file_base) );

  $spec{archdir} = File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'arch', 'auto',
                                      @d, $file_base);

  $spec{bs_file} = File::Spec->catfile($spec{archdir}, "${file_base}.bs");

  $spec{lib_file} = File::Spec->catfile($spec{archdir},

  $spec{c_file} = File::Spec->catfile( $spec{src_dir},
                                       "${file_base}.c" );

  $spec{obj_file} = File::Spec->catfile( $spec{src_dir},
                                         "${file_base}".$cf->get('obj_ext') );

  return \%spec;

sub process_xs {
  my ($self, $file) = @_;

  my $spec = $self->_infer_xs_spec($file);

  # File name, minus the suffix
  (my $file_base = $file) =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;

  # .xs -> .c

  unless ($self->up_to_date($file, $spec->{c_file})) {
    $self->compile_xs($file, outfile => $spec->{c_file});

  # .c -> .o
  my $v = $self->dist_version;
                   defines => {VERSION => qq{"$v"}, XS_VERSION => qq{"$v"}});

  # archdir
  File::Path::mkpath($spec->{archdir}, 0, oct(777)) unless -d $spec->{archdir};

  # .xs -> .bs
  unless ($self->up_to_date($file, $spec->{bs_file})) {
    require ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap;
    ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap::Mkbootstrap($spec->{bs_file});  # Original had $BSLOADLIBS - what's that?
    {my $fh = IO::File->new(">> $spec->{bs_file}")}  # create
    utime((time)x2, $spec->{bs_file});  # touch

  # .o -> .(a|bundle)

sub do_system {
  my ($self, @cmd) = @_;

  # Some systems proliferate huge PERL5LIBs, try to ameliorate:
  my %seen;
  my $sep = $self->config('path_sep');
  local $ENV{PERL5LIB} =
    ( !exists($ENV{PERL5LIB}) ? '' :
      length($ENV{PERL5LIB}) < 500
      ? $ENV{PERL5LIB}
      : join $sep, grep { ! $seen{$_}++ and -d $_ } split($sep, $ENV{PERL5LIB})

  my $status = system(@cmd);
  if ($status and $! =~ /Argument list too long/i) {
    my $env_entries = '';
    foreach (sort keys %ENV) { $env_entries .= "$_=>".length($ENV{$_})."; " }
    warn "'Argument list' was 'too long', env lengths are $env_entries";
  return !$status;

sub copy_if_modified {
  my $self = shift;
  my %args = (@_ > 3
              ? ( @_ )
              : ( from => shift, to_dir => shift, flatten => shift )
  $args{verbose} = !$self->quiet
    unless exists $args{verbose};

  my $file = $args{from};
  unless (defined $file and length $file) {
    die "No 'from' parameter given to copy_if_modified";

  # makes no sense to replicate an absolute path, so assume flatten
  $args{flatten} = 1 if File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $file );

  my $to_path;
  if (defined $args{to} and length $args{to}) {
    $to_path = $args{to};
  } elsif (defined $args{to_dir} and length $args{to_dir}) {
    $to_path = File::Spec->catfile( $args{to_dir}, $args{flatten}
                                    ? File::Basename::basename($file)
                                    : $file );
  } else {
    die "No 'to' or 'to_dir' parameter given to copy_if_modified";

  return if $self->up_to_date($file, $to_path); # Already fresh

    local $self->{properties}{quiet} = 1;
    $self->delete_filetree($to_path); # delete destination if exists

  # Create parent directories
  File::Path::mkpath(File::Basename::dirname($to_path), 0, oct(777));

  $self->log_verbose("Copying $file -> $to_path\n");

  if ($^O eq 'os2') {# copy will not overwrite; 0x1 = overwrite
    chmod 0666, $to_path;
    File::Copy::syscopy($file, $to_path, 0x1) or die "Can't copy('$file', '$to_path'): $!";
  } else {
    File::Copy::copy($file, $to_path) or die "Can't copy('$file', '$to_path'): $!";

  # mode is read-only + (executable if source is executable)
  my $mode = oct(444) | ( $self->is_executable($file) ? oct(111) : 0 );
  chmod( $mode, $to_path );

  return $to_path;

sub up_to_date {
  my ($self, $source, $derived) = @_;
  $source  = [$source]  unless ref $source;
  $derived = [$derived] unless ref $derived;

  # empty $derived means $source should always run
  return 0 if @$source && !@$derived || grep {not -e} @$derived;

  my $most_recent_source = time / (24*60*60);
  foreach my $file (@$source) {
    unless (-e $file) {
      $self->log_warn("Can't find source file $file for up-to-date check");
    $most_recent_source = -M _ if -M _ < $most_recent_source;

  foreach my $derived (@$derived) {
    return 0 if -M $derived > $most_recent_source;
  return 1;

sub dir_contains {
  my ($self, $first, $second) = @_;
  # File::Spec doesn't have an easy way to check whether one directory
  # is inside another, unfortunately.

  ($first, $second) = map File::Spec->canonpath($_), ($first, $second);
  my @first_dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($first);
  my @second_dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($second);

  return 0 if @second_dirs < @first_dirs;

  my $is_same = ( $self->_case_tolerant
                  ? sub {lc(shift()) eq lc(shift())}
                  : sub {shift() eq shift()} );

  while (@first_dirs) {
    return 0 unless $is_same->(shift @first_dirs, shift @second_dirs);

  return 1;


=head1 NAME

Module::Build::Base - Default methods for Module::Build


  Please see the Module::Build documentation.


The C<Module::Build::Base> module defines the core functionality of
C<Module::Build>.  Its methods may be overridden by any of the
platform-dependent modules in the C<Module::Build::Platform::>
namespace, but the intention here is to make this base module as
platform-neutral as possible.  Nicely enough, Perl has several core
tools available in the C<File::> namespace for doing this, so the task
isn't very difficult.

Please see the C<Module::Build> documentation for more details.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ken Williams <kwilliams@cpan.org>


Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Ken Williams.  All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), Module::Build(3)



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Platform Folder 0755
API.pod File 66.87 KB 0644
Authoring.pod File 10.75 KB 0644
Base.pm File 162.47 KB 0644
Bundling.pod File 4.96 KB 0644
Compat.pm File 17.96 KB 0644
Config.pm File 1.08 KB 0644
ConfigData.pm File 6.96 KB 0644
Cookbook.pm File 16.93 KB 0644
Dumper.pm File 446 B 0644
ModuleInfo.pm File 625 B 0644
Notes.pm File 8.33 KB 0644
PPMMaker.pm File 4.54 KB 0644
PodParser.pm File 1.31 KB 0644
Version.pm File 361 B 0644
YAML.pm File 401 B 0644