[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
package Module::Load;

$VERSION = '0.24';

use strict;
use File::Spec ();

sub import {
    my $who = _who();

    {   no strict 'refs';
        *{"${who}::load"} = *load;

sub load (*;@)  {
    my $mod = shift or return;
    my $who = _who();

    if( _is_file( $mod ) ) {
        require $mod;
    } else {
        LOAD: {
            my $err;
            for my $flag ( qw[1 0] ) {
                my $file = _to_file( $mod, $flag);
                eval { require $file };
                $@ ? $err .= $@ : last LOAD;
            die $err if $err;

    ### This addresses #41883: Module::Load cannot import
    ### non-Exporter module. ->import() routines weren't
    ### properly called when load() was used.
    {   no strict 'refs';
        my $import;
        if (@_ and $import = $mod->can('import')) {
            unshift @_, $mod;
            goto &$import;

sub _to_file{
    local $_    = shift;
    my $pm      = shift || '';

    ## trailing blanks ignored by default. [rt #69886]
    my @parts = split /::|'/, $_, -1;
    ## make sure that we can't hop out of @INC
    shift @parts if @parts && !$parts[0];

    ### because of [perl #19213], see caveats ###
    my $file = $^O eq 'MSWin32'
                    ? join "/", @parts
                    : File::Spec->catfile( @parts );

    $file   .= '.pm' if $pm;

    ### on perl's before 5.10 (5.9.5@31746) if you require
    ### a file in VMS format, it's stored in %INC in VMS
    ### format. Therefor, better unixify it first
    ### Patch in reply to John Malmbergs patch (as mentioned
    ### above) on p5p Tue 21 Aug 2007 04:55:07
    $file = VMS::Filespec::unixify($file) if $^O eq 'VMS';

    return $file;

sub _who { (caller(1))[0] }

sub _is_file {
    local $_ = shift;
    return  /^\./               ? 1 :
            /[^\w:']/           ? 1 :
    #' silly bbedit..




=head1 NAME

Module::Load - runtime require of both modules and files


	use Module::Load;

    my $module = 'Data:Dumper';
    load Data::Dumper;      # loads that module
    load 'Data::Dumper';    # ditto
    load $module            # tritto

    my $script = 'some/script.pl'
    load $script;
    load 'some/script.pl';	# use quotes because of punctuations

    load thing;             # try 'thing' first, then 'thing.pm'

    load CGI, ':standard'   # like 'use CGI qw[:standard]'


C<load> eliminates the need to know whether you are trying to require
either a file or a module.

If you consult C<perldoc -f require> you will see that C<require> will
behave differently when given a bareword or a string.

In the case of a string, C<require> assumes you are wanting to load a
file. But in the case of a bareword, it assumes you mean a module.

This gives nasty overhead when you are trying to dynamically require
modules at runtime, since you will need to change the module notation
(C<Acme::Comment>) to a file notation fitting the particular platform
you are on.

C<load> eliminates the need for this overhead and will just DWYM.

=head1 Rules

C<load> has the following rules to decide what it thinks you want:

=over 4

=item *

If the argument has any characters in it other than those matching
C<\w>, C<:> or C<'>, it must be a file

=item *

If the argument matches only C<[\w:']>, it must be a module

=item *

If the argument matches only C<\w>, it could either be a module or a
file. We will try to find C<file.pm> first in C<@INC> and if that
fails, we will try to find C<file> in @INC.  If both fail, we die with
the respective error messages.


=head1 Caveats

Because of a bug in perl (#19213), at least in version 5.6.1, we have
to hardcode the path separator for a require on Win32 to be C</>, like
on Unix rather than the Win32 C<\>. Otherwise perl will not read its
own %INC accurately double load files if they are required again, or
in the worst case, core dump.

C<Module::Load> cannot do implicit imports, only explicit imports.
(in other words, you always have to specify explicitly what you wish
to import from a module, even if the functions are in that modules'


Thanks to Jonas B. Nielsen for making explicit imports work.


Please report bugs or other issues to E<lt>bug-module-load@rt.cpan.org<gt>.

=head1 AUTHOR

This module by Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>.


This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Build Folder 0755
Load Folder 0755
Pluggable Folder 0755
Build.pm File 34.86 KB 0644
Load.pm File 4.47 KB 0644
Metadata.pm File 27.98 KB 0644
Pluggable.pm File 11.66 KB 0644
Runtime.pm File 15.48 KB 0644