[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# Pod/Checker.pm -- check pod documents for syntax errors
# Copyright (C) 1994-2000 by Bradford Appleton. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of "PodParser". PodParser is free software;
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
# as Perl itself.

package Pod::Checker;
use strict;

$VERSION = '1.60';  ## Current version of this package
require  5.005;    ## requires this Perl version or later

use Pod::ParseUtils; ## for hyperlinks and lists

=head1 NAME

Pod::Checker, podchecker() - check pod documents for syntax errors


  use Pod::Checker;

  $num_errors = podchecker($filepath, $outputpath, %options);

  my $checker = new Pod::Checker %options;
  $checker->parse_from_file($filepath, \*STDERR);


C<$filepath> is the input POD to read and C<$outputpath> is
where to write POD syntax error messages. Either argument may be a scalar
indicating a file-path, or else a reference to an open filehandle.
If unspecified, the input-file it defaults to C<\*STDIN>, and
the output-file defaults to C<\*STDERR>.

=head2 podchecker()

This function can take a hash of options:

=over 4

=item B<-warnings> =E<gt> I<val>

Turn warnings on/off. I<val> is usually 1 for on, but higher values
trigger additional warnings. See L<"Warnings">.



B<podchecker> will perform syntax checking of Perl5 POD format documentation.

Curious/ambitious users are welcome to propose additional features they wish
to see in B<Pod::Checker> and B<podchecker> and verify that the checks are
consistent with L<perlpod>.

The following checks are currently performed:

=over 4

=item *

Unknown '=xxxx' commands, unknown 'XE<lt>...E<gt>' interior-sequences,
and unterminated interior sequences.

=item *

Check for proper balancing of C<=begin> and C<=end>. The contents of such
a block are generally ignored, i.e. no syntax checks are performed.

=item *

Check for proper nesting and balancing of C<=over>, C<=item> and C<=back>.

=item *

Check for same nested interior-sequences (e.g.

=item *

Check for malformed or non-existing entities C<EE<lt>...E<gt>>.

=item *

Check for correct syntax of hyperlinks C<LE<lt>...E<gt>>. See L<perlpod>
for details.

=item *

Check for unresolved document-internal links. This check may also reveal
misspelled links that seem to be internal links but should be links
to something else.



=head2 Errors

=over 4

=item * empty =headn

A heading (C<=head1> or C<=head2>) without any text? That ain't no

=item * =over on line I<N> without closing =back

The C<=over> command does not have a corresponding C<=back> before the
next heading (C<=head1> or C<=head2>) or the end of the file.

=item * =item without previous =over

=item * =back without previous =over

An C<=item> or C<=back> command has been found outside a
C<=over>/C<=back> block.

=item * No argument for =begin

A C<=begin> command was found that is not followed by the formatter

=item * =end without =begin

A standalone C<=end> command was found.

=item * Nested =begin's

There were at least two consecutive C<=begin> commands without
the corresponding C<=end>. Only one C<=begin> may be active at
a time.

=item * =for without formatter specification

There is no specification of the formatter after the C<=for> command.

=item * Apparent command =foo not preceded by blank line

A command which has ended up in the middle of a paragraph or other command,
such as

  =item one
  =item two <-- bad

=item * unresolved internal link I<NAME>

The given link to I<NAME> does not have a matching node in the current
POD. This also happened when a single word node name is not enclosed in

=item * Unknown command "I<CMD>"

An invalid POD command has been found. Valid are C<=head1>, C<=head2>,
C<=head3>, C<=head4>, C<=over>, C<=item>, C<=back>, C<=begin>, C<=end>,
C<=for>, C<=pod>, C<=cut>

=item * Unknown interior-sequence "I<SEQ>"

An invalid markup command has been encountered. Valid are:
C<BE<lt>E<gt>>, C<CE<lt>E<gt>>, C<EE<lt>E<gt>>, C<FE<lt>E<gt>>,
C<IE<lt>E<gt>>, C<LE<lt>E<gt>>, C<SE<lt>E<gt>>, C<XE<lt>E<gt>>,

=item * nested commands I<CMD>E<lt>...I<CMD>E<lt>...E<gt>...E<gt>

Two nested identical markup commands have been found. Generally this
does not make sense.

=item * garbled entity I<STRING>

The I<STRING> found cannot be interpreted as a character entity.

=item * Entity number out of range

An entity specified by number (dec, hex, oct) is out of range (1-255).

=item * malformed link LE<lt>E<gt>

The link found cannot be parsed because it does not conform to the
syntax described in L<perlpod>.

=item * nonempty ZE<lt>E<gt>

The C<ZE<lt>E<gt>> sequence is supposed to be empty.

=item * empty XE<lt>E<gt>

The index entry specified contains nothing but whitespace.

=item * Spurious text after =pod / =cut

The commands C<=pod> and C<=cut> do not take any arguments.

=item * Spurious =cut command

A C<=cut> command was found without a preceding POD paragraph.

=item * Spurious =pod command

A C<=pod> command was found after a preceding POD paragraph.

=item * Spurious character(s) after =back

The C<=back> command does not take any arguments.


=head2 Warnings

These may not necessarily cause trouble, but indicate mediocre style.

=over 4

=item * multiple occurrence of link target I<name>

The POD file has some C<=item> and/or C<=head> commands that have
the same text. Potential hyperlinks to such a text cannot be unique then.
This warning is printed only with warning level greater than one.

=item * line containing nothing but whitespace in paragraph

There is some whitespace on a seemingly empty line. POD is very sensitive
to such things, so this is flagged. B<vi> users switch on the B<list>
option to avoid this problem.

=begin _disabled_

=item * file does not start with =head

The file starts with a different POD directive than head.
This is most probably something you do not want.

=end _disabled_

=item * previous =item has no contents

There is a list C<=item> right above the flagged line that has no
text contents. You probably want to delete empty items.

=item * preceding non-item paragraph(s)

A list introduced by C<=over> starts with a text or verbatim paragraph,
but continues with C<=item>s. Move the non-item paragraph out of the
C<=over>/C<=back> block.

=item * =item type mismatch (I<one> vs. I<two>)

A list started with e.g. a bullet-like C<=item> and continued with a
numbered one. This is obviously inconsistent. For most translators the
type of the I<first> C<=item> determines the type of the list.

=item * I<N> unescaped C<E<lt>E<gt>> in paragraph

Angle brackets not written as C<E<lt>ltE<gt>> and C<E<lt>gtE<gt>>
can potentially cause errors as they could be misinterpreted as
markup commands. This is only printed when the -warnings level is
greater than 1.

=item * Unknown entity

A character entity was found that does not belong to the standard
ISO set or the POD specials C<verbar> and C<sol>.

=item * No items in =over

The list opened with C<=over> does not contain any items.

=item * No argument for =item

C<=item> without any parameters is deprecated. It should either be followed
by C<*> to indicate an unordered list, by a number (optionally followed
by a dot) to indicate an ordered (numbered) list or simple text for a
definition list.

=item * empty section in previous paragraph

The previous section (introduced by a C<=head> command) does not contain
any text. This usually indicates that something is missing. Note: A
C<=head1> followed immediately by C<=head2> does not trigger this warning.

=item * Verbatim paragraph in NAME section

The NAME section (C<=head1 NAME>) should consist of a single paragraph
with the script/module name, followed by a dash `-' and a very short
description of what the thing is good for.

=item * =headI<n> without preceding higher level

For example if there is a C<=head2> in the POD file prior to a


=head2 Hyperlinks

There are some warnings with respect to malformed hyperlinks:

=over 4

=item * ignoring leading/trailing whitespace in link

There is whitespace at the beginning or the end of the contents of

=item * (section) in '$page' deprecated

There is a section detected in the page name of LE<lt>...E<gt>, e.g.
C<LE<lt>passwd(2)E<gt>>. POD hyperlinks may point to POD documents only.
Please write C<CE<lt>passwd(2)E<gt>> instead. Some formatters are able
to expand this to appropriate code. For links to (builtin) functions,
please say C<LE<lt>perlfunc/mkdirE<gt>>, without ().

=item * alternative text/node '%s' contains non-escaped | or /

The characters C<|> and C</> are special in the LE<lt>...E<gt> context.
Although the hyperlink parser does its best to determine which "/" is
text and which is a delimiter in case of doubt, one ought to escape
these literal characters like this:

  /     E<sol>
  |     E<verbar>



B<podchecker> returns the number of POD syntax errors found or -1 if
there were no POD commands at all found in the file.




While checking, this module collects document properties, e.g. the nodes
for hyperlinks (C<=headX>, C<=item>) and index entries (C<XE<lt>E<gt>>).
POD translators can use this feature to syntax-check and get the nodes in
a first pass before actually starting to convert. This is expensive in terms
of execution time, but allows for very robust conversions.

Since PodParser-1.24 the B<Pod::Checker> module uses only the B<poderror>
method to print errors and warnings. The summary output (e.g.
"Pod syntax OK") has been dropped from the module and has been included in
B<podchecker> (the script). This allows users of B<Pod::Checker> to
control completely the output behavior. Users of B<podchecker> (the script)
get the well-known behavior.



#use diagnostics;
use Carp qw(croak);
use Exporter;
use Pod::Parser;

@ISA = qw(Pod::Parser);
@EXPORT = qw(&podchecker);

    'pod'    =>  1,
    'cut'    =>  1,
    'head1'  =>  1,
    'head2'  =>  1,
    'head3'  =>  1,
    'head4'  =>  1,
    'over'   =>  1,
    'back'   =>  1,
    'item'   =>  1,
    'for'    =>  1,
    'begin'  =>  1,
    'end'    =>  1,
    'encoding' =>  1,

    'I'  =>  1,
    'B'  =>  1,
    'S'  =>  1,
    'C'  =>  1,
    'L'  =>  1,
    'F'  =>  1,
    'X'  =>  1,
    'Z'  =>  1,
    'E'  =>  1,

# stolen from HTML::Entities
my %ENTITIES = (
 # Some normal chars that have special meaning in SGML context
 amp    => '&',  # ampersand
'gt'    => '>',  # greater than
'lt'    => '<',  # less than
 quot   => '"',  # double quote

 # PUBLIC ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//HTML
 AElig  => '�',  # capital AE diphthong (ligature)
 Aacute => '�',  # capital A, acute accent
 Acirc  => '�',  # capital A, circumflex accent
 Agrave => '�',  # capital A, grave accent
 Aring  => '�',  # capital A, ring
 Atilde => '�',  # capital A, tilde
 Auml   => '�',  # capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
 Ccedil => '�',  # capital C, cedilla
 ETH    => '�',  # capital Eth, Icelandic
 Eacute => '�',  # capital E, acute accent
 Ecirc  => '�',  # capital E, circumflex accent
 Egrave => '�',  # capital E, grave accent
 Euml   => '�',  # capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
 Iacute => '�',  # capital I, acute accent
 Icirc  => '�',  # capital I, circumflex accent
 Igrave => '�',  # capital I, grave accent
 Iuml   => '�',  # capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
 Ntilde => '�',  # capital N, tilde
 Oacute => '�',  # capital O, acute accent
 Ocirc  => '�',  # capital O, circumflex accent
 Ograve => '�',  # capital O, grave accent
 Oslash => '�',  # capital O, slash
 Otilde => '�',  # capital O, tilde
 Ouml   => '�',  # capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
 THORN  => '�',  # capital THORN, Icelandic
 Uacute => '�',  # capital U, acute accent
 Ucirc  => '�',  # capital U, circumflex accent
 Ugrave => '�',  # capital U, grave accent
 Uuml   => '�',  # capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
 Yacute => '�',  # capital Y, acute accent
 aacute => '�',  # small a, acute accent
 acirc  => '�',  # small a, circumflex accent
 aelig  => '�',  # small ae diphthong (ligature)
 agrave => '�',  # small a, grave accent
 aring  => '�',  # small a, ring
 atilde => '�',  # small a, tilde
 auml   => '�',  # small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
 ccedil => '�',  # small c, cedilla
 eacute => '�',  # small e, acute accent
 ecirc  => '�',  # small e, circumflex accent
 egrave => '�',  # small e, grave accent
 eth    => '�',  # small eth, Icelandic
 euml   => '�',  # small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
 iacute => '�',  # small i, acute accent
 icirc  => '�',  # small i, circumflex accent
 igrave => '�',  # small i, grave accent
 iuml   => '�',  # small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
 ntilde => '�',  # small n, tilde
 oacute => '�',  # small o, acute accent
 ocirc  => '�',  # small o, circumflex accent
 ograve => '�',  # small o, grave accent
 oslash => '�',  # small o, slash
 otilde => '�',  # small o, tilde
 ouml   => '�',  # small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
 szlig  => '�',  # small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
 thorn  => '�',  # small thorn, Icelandic
 uacute => '�',  # small u, acute accent
 ucirc  => '�',  # small u, circumflex accent
 ugrave => '�',  # small u, grave accent
 uuml   => '�',  # small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
 yacute => '�',  # small y, acute accent
 yuml   => '�',  # small y, dieresis or umlaut mark

 # Some extra Latin 1 chars that are listed in the HTML3.2 draft (21-May-96)
 copy   => '�',  # copyright sign
 reg    => '�',  # registered sign
 nbsp   => "\240", # non breaking space

 # Additional ISO-8859/1 entities listed in rfc1866 (section 14)
 iexcl  => '�',
 cent   => '�',
 pound  => '�',
 curren => '�',
 yen    => '�',
 brvbar => '�',
 sect   => '�',
 uml    => '�',
 ordf   => '�',
 laquo  => '�',
'not'   => '�',    # not is a keyword in perl
 shy    => '�',
 macr   => '�',
 deg    => '�',
 plusmn => '�',
 sup1   => '�',
 sup2   => '�',
 sup3   => '�',
 acute  => '�',
 micro  => '�',
 para   => '�',
 middot => '�',
 cedil  => '�',
 ordm   => '�',
 raquo  => '�',
 frac14 => '�',
 frac12 => '�',
 frac34 => '�',
 iquest => '�',
'times' => '�',    # times is a keyword in perl
 divide => '�',

# some POD special entities
 verbar => '|',
 sol => '/'


## Function definitions begin here

sub podchecker {
    my ($infile, $outfile, %options) = @_;
    local $_;

    ## Set defaults
    $infile  ||= \*STDIN;
    $outfile ||= \*STDERR;

    ## Now create a pod checker
    my $checker = new Pod::Checker(%options);

    ## Now check the pod document for errors
    $checker->parse_from_file($infile, $outfile);

    ## Return the number of errors found
    return $checker->num_errors();


## Method definitions begin here


=over 4

=item C<Pod::Checker-E<gt>new( %options )>

Return a reference to a new Pod::Checker object that inherits from
Pod::Parser and is used for calling the required methods later. The
following options are recognized:

C<-warnings =E<gt> num>
  Print warnings if C<num> is true. The higher the value of C<num>,
the more warnings are printed. Currently there are only levels 1 and 2.

C<-quiet =E<gt> num>
  If C<num> is true, do not print any errors/warnings. This is useful
when Pod::Checker is used to munge POD code into plain text from within
POD formatters.


## sub new {
##     my $this = shift;
##     my $class = ref($this) || $this;
##     my %params = @_;
##     my $self = {%params};
##     bless $self, $class;
##     $self->initialize();
##     return $self;
## }

sub initialize {
    my $self = shift;
    ## Initialize number of errors, and setup an error function to
    ## increment this number and then print to the designated output.
    $self->{_NUM_ERRORS} = 0;
    $self->{_NUM_WARNINGS} = 0;
    $self->{-quiet} ||= 0;
    # set the error handling subroutine
    $self->errorsub($self->{-quiet} ? sub { 1; } : 'poderror');
    $self->{_commands} = 0; # total number of POD commands encountered
    $self->{_list_stack} = []; # stack for nested lists
    $self->{_have_begin} = ''; # stores =begin
    $self->{_links} = []; # stack for internal hyperlinks
    $self->{_nodes} = []; # stack for =head/=item nodes
    $self->{_index} = []; # text in X<>
    # print warnings?
    $self->{-warnings} = 1 unless(defined $self->{-warnings});
    $self->{_current_head1} = ''; # the current =head1 block
    $self->parseopts(-process_cut_cmd => 1, -warnings => $self->{-warnings});


=item C<$checker-E<gt>poderror( @args )>

=item C<$checker-E<gt>poderror( {%opts}, @args )>

Internal method for printing errors and warnings. If no options are
given, simply prints "@_". The following options are recognized and used
to form the output:


A message to print prior to C<@args>.


The line number the error occurred in.


The file (name) the error occurred in.


The error level, should be 'WARNING' or 'ERROR'.


# Invoked as $self->poderror( @args ), or $self->poderror( {%opts}, @args )
sub poderror {
    my $self = shift;
    my %opts = (ref $_[0]) ? %{shift()} : ();

    ## Retrieve options
    chomp( my $msg  = ($opts{-msg} || '')."@_" );
    my $line = (exists $opts{-line}) ? " at line $opts{-line}" : '';
    my $file = (exists $opts{-file}) ? " in file $opts{-file}" : '';
    unless (exists $opts{-severity}) {
       ## See if can find severity in message prefix
       $opts{-severity} = $1  if ( $msg =~ s/^\**\s*([A-Z]{3,}):\s+// );
    my $severity = (exists $opts{-severity}) ? "*** $opts{-severity}: " : '';

    ## Increment error count and print message "
        if(!%opts || ($opts{-severity} && $opts{-severity} eq 'ERROR'));
        if(!%opts || ($opts{-severity} && $opts{-severity} eq 'WARNING'));
    unless($self->{-quiet}) {
      my $out_fh = $self->output_handle() || \*STDERR;
      print $out_fh ($severity, $msg, $line, $file, "\n")
        if($self->{-warnings} || !%opts || $opts{-severity} ne 'WARNING');


=item C<$checker-E<gt>num_errors()>

Set (if argument specified) and retrieve the number of errors found.


sub num_errors {
   return (@_ > 1) ? ($_[0]->{_NUM_ERRORS} = $_[1]) : $_[0]->{_NUM_ERRORS};


=item C<$checker-E<gt>num_warnings()>

Set (if argument specified) and retrieve the number of warnings found.


sub num_warnings {
   return (@_ > 1) ? ($_[0]->{_NUM_WARNINGS} = $_[1]) : $_[0]->{_NUM_WARNINGS};


=item C<$checker-E<gt>name()>

Set (if argument specified) and retrieve the canonical name of POD as
found in the C<=head1 NAME> section.


sub name {
    return (@_ > 1 && $_[1]) ?
        ($_[0]->{-name} = $_[1]) : $_[0]->{-name};


=item C<$checker-E<gt>node()>

Add (if argument specified) and retrieve the nodes (as defined by C<=headX>
and C<=item>) of the current POD. The nodes are returned in the order of
their occurrence. They consist of plain text, each piece of whitespace is
collapsed to a single blank.


sub node {
    my ($self,$text) = @_;
    if(defined $text) {
        $text =~ s/\s+$//s; # strip trailing whitespace
        $text =~ s/\s+/ /gs; # collapse whitespace
        # add node, order important!
        push(@{$self->{_nodes}}, $text);
        # keep also a uniqueness counter
        $self->{_unique_nodes}->{$text}++ if($text !~ /^\s*$/s);
        return $text;


=item C<$checker-E<gt>idx()>

Add (if argument specified) and retrieve the index entries (as defined by
C<XE<lt>E<gt>>) of the current POD. They consist of plain text, each piece
of whitespace is collapsed to a single blank.


# set/return index entries of current POD
sub idx {
    my ($self,$text) = @_;
    if(defined $text) {
        $text =~ s/\s+$//s; # strip trailing whitespace
        $text =~ s/\s+/ /gs; # collapse whitespace
        # add node, order important!
        push(@{$self->{_index}}, $text);
        # keep also a uniqueness counter
        $self->{_unique_nodes}->{$text}++ if($text !~ /^\s*$/s);
        return $text;


=item C<$checker-E<gt>hyperlink()>

Add (if argument specified) and retrieve the hyperlinks (as defined by
C<LE<lt>E<gt>>) of the current POD. They consist of a 2-item array: line
number and C<Pod::Hyperlink> object.



# set/return hyperlinks of the current POD
sub hyperlink {
    my $self = shift;
    if($_[0]) {
        push(@{$self->{_links}}, $_[0]);
        return $_[0];

## overrides for Pod::Parser

sub end_pod {
    ## Do some final checks and
    ## print the number of errors found
    my $self   = shift;
    my $infile = $self->input_file();

    if(@{$self->{_list_stack}}) {
        my $list;
        while(($list = $self->_close_list('EOF',$infile)) &&
          $list->indent() ne 'auto') {
            $self->poderror({ -line => 'EOF', -file => $infile,
                -severity => 'ERROR', -msg => '=over on line ' .
                $list->start() . ' without closing =back' });

    # check validity of document internal hyperlinks
    # first build the node names from the paragraph text
    my %nodes;
    foreach($self->node()) {
        $nodes{$_} = 1;
        if(/^(\S+)\s+\S/) {
            # we have more than one word. Use the first as a node, too.
            # This is used heavily in perlfunc.pod
            $nodes{$1} ||= 2; # derived node
    foreach($self->idx()) {
        $nodes{$_} = 3; # index node
    foreach($self->hyperlink()) {
        my ($line,$link) = @$_;
        # _TODO_ what if there is a link to the page itself by the name,
        # e.g. in Tk::Pod : L<Tk::Pod/"DESCRIPTION">
        if($link->node() && !$link->page() && $link->type() ne 'hyperlink') {
            my $node = $self->_check_ptree($self->parse_text($link->node(),
                $line), $line, $infile, 'L');
            if($node && !$nodes{$node}) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line || '', -file => $infile,
                    -severity => 'ERROR',
                    -msg => "unresolved internal link '$node'"});

    # check the internal nodes for uniqueness. This pertains to
    # =headX, =item and X<...>
    if($self->{-warnings} && $self->{-warnings}>1) {
      foreach(grep($self->{_unique_nodes}->{$_} > 1,
        keys %{$self->{_unique_nodes}})) {
          $self->poderror({ -line => '-', -file => $infile,
            -severity => 'WARNING',
            -msg => "multiple occurrence of link target '$_'"});

    # no POD found here
    $self->num_errors(-1) if($self->{_commands} == 0);

# check a POD command directive
sub command {
    my ($self, $cmd, $paragraph, $line_num, $pod_para) = @_;
    my ($file, $line) = $pod_para->file_line;
    ## Check the command syntax
    my $arg; # this will hold the command argument
    if (! $VALID_COMMANDS{$cmd}) {
       $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file, -severity => 'ERROR',
                         -msg => "Unknown command '$cmd'" });
    else { # found a valid command
        $self->{_commands}++; # delete this line if below is enabled again

	$self->_commands_in_paragraphs($paragraph, $pod_para);

        ##### following check disabled due to strong request
        #if(!$self->{_commands}++ && $cmd !~ /^head/) {
        #    $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
        #         -severity => 'WARNING',
        #         -msg => "file does not start with =head" });

        # check syntax of particular command
        if($cmd eq 'over') {
            # check for argument
            $arg = $self->interpolate_and_check($paragraph, $line,$file);
            my $indent = 4; # default
            if($arg && $arg =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/) {
                $indent = $1;
            # start a new list
        elsif($cmd eq 'item') {
            # are we in a list?
            unless(@{$self->{_list_stack}}) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                     -severity => 'ERROR',
                     -msg => '=item without previous =over' });
                # auto-open in case we encounter many more
            my $list = $self->{_list_stack}->[0];
            # check whether the previous item had some contents
            if(defined $self->{_list_item_contents} &&
              $self->{_list_item_contents} == 0) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                     -severity => 'WARNING',
                     -msg => 'previous =item has no contents' });
            if($list->{_has_par}) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                     -severity => 'WARNING',
                     -msg => 'preceding non-item paragraph(s)' });
                delete $list->{_has_par};
            # check for argument
            $arg = $self->interpolate_and_check($paragraph, $line, $file);
            if($arg && $arg =~ /(\S+)/) {
                $arg =~ s/[\s\n]+$//;
                my $type;
                if($arg =~ /^[*]\s*(\S*.*)/) {
                  $type = 'bullet';
                  $self->{_list_item_contents} = $1 ? 1 : 0;
                  $arg = $1;
                elsif($arg =~ /^\d+\.?\s+(\S*)/) {
                  $type = 'number';
                  $self->{_list_item_contents} = $1 ? 1 : 0;
                  $arg = $1;
                else {
                  $type = 'definition';
                  $self->{_list_item_contents} = 1;
                my $first = $list->type();
                if($first && $first ne $type) {
                    $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                       -severity => 'WARNING',
                       -msg => "=item type mismatch ('$first' vs. '$type')"});
                else { # first item
            else {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                     -severity => 'WARNING',
                     -msg => 'No argument for =item' });
                $arg = ' '; # empty
                $self->{_list_item_contents} = 0;
            # add this item
            # remember this node
        elsif($cmd eq 'back') {
            # check if we have an open list
            unless(@{$self->{_list_stack}}) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                         -severity => 'ERROR',
                         -msg => '=back without previous =over' });
            else {
                # check for spurious characters
                $arg = $self->interpolate_and_check($paragraph, $line,$file);
                if($arg && $arg =~ /\S/) {
                    $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                         -severity => 'ERROR',
                         -msg => 'Spurious character(s) after =back' });
                # close list
                my $list = $self->_close_list($line,$file);
                # check for empty lists
                if(!$list->item() && $self->{-warnings}) {
                    $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                         -severity => 'WARNING',
                         -msg => 'No items in =over (at line ' .
                         $list->start() . ') / =back list'});
        elsif($cmd =~ /^head(\d+)/) {
            my $hnum = $1;
            $self->{"_have_head_$hnum"}++; # count head types
            if($hnum > 1 && !$self->{'_have_head_'.($hnum -1)}) {
              $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                   -severity => 'WARNING',
                   -msg => "=head$hnum without preceding higher level"});
            # check whether the previous =head section had some contents
            if(defined $self->{_commands_in_head} &&
              $self->{_commands_in_head} == 0 &&
              defined $self->{_last_head} &&
              $self->{_last_head} >= $hnum) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                     -severity => 'WARNING',
                     -msg => 'empty section in previous paragraph'});
            $self->{_commands_in_head} = -1;
            $self->{_last_head} = $hnum;
            # check if there is an open list
            if(@{$self->{_list_stack}}) {
                my $list;
                while(($list = $self->_close_list($line,$file)) &&
                  $list->indent() ne 'auto') {
                    $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                         -severity => 'ERROR',
                         -msg => '=over on line '. $list->start() .
                         " without closing =back (at $cmd)" });
            # remember this node
            $arg = $self->interpolate_and_check($paragraph, $line,$file);
            $arg =~ s/[\s\n]+$//s;
            unless(length($arg)) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                     -severity => 'ERROR',
                     -msg => "empty =$cmd"});
            if($cmd eq 'head1') {
                $self->{_current_head1} = $arg;
            } else {
                $self->{_current_head1} = '';
        elsif($cmd eq 'begin') {
            if($self->{_have_begin}) {
                # already have a begin
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                     -severity => 'ERROR',
                     -msg => q{Nested =begin's (first at line } .
                     $self->{_have_begin} . ')'});
            else {
                # check for argument
                $arg = $self->interpolate_and_check($paragraph, $line,$file);
                unless($arg && $arg =~ /(\S+)/) {
                    $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                         -severity => 'ERROR',
                         -msg => 'No argument for =begin'});
                # remember the =begin
                $self->{_have_begin} = "$line:$1";
        elsif($cmd eq 'end') {
            if($self->{_have_begin}) {
                # close the existing =begin
                $self->{_have_begin} = '';
                # check for spurious characters
                $arg = $self->interpolate_and_check($paragraph, $line,$file);
                # the closing argument is optional
                #if($arg && $arg =~ /\S/) {
                #    $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                #         -severity => 'WARNING',
                #         -msg => "Spurious character(s) after =end" });
            else {
                # don't have a matching =begin
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                     -severity => 'ERROR',
                     -msg => '=end without =begin' });
        elsif($cmd eq 'for') {
            unless($paragraph =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*/) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                     -severity => 'ERROR',
                     -msg => '=for without formatter specification' });
            $arg = ''; # do not expand paragraph below
        elsif($cmd =~ /^(pod|cut)$/) {
            # check for argument
            $arg = $self->interpolate_and_check($paragraph, $line,$file);
            if($arg && $arg =~ /(\S+)/) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                      -severity => 'ERROR',
                      -msg => "Spurious text after =$cmd"});
	    if($cmd eq 'cut' && (!$self->{_PREVIOUS} || $self->{_PREVIOUS} eq 'cut')) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                      -severity => 'ERROR',
                      -msg => "Spurious =cut command"});
	    if($cmd eq 'pod' && $self->{_PREVIOUS} && $self->{_PREVIOUS} ne 'cut') {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                      -severity => 'ERROR',
                      -msg => "Spurious =pod command"});
    ## Check the interior sequences in the command-text
    $self->interpolate_and_check($paragraph, $line,$file)
        unless(defined $arg);

sub _open_list
    my ($self,$indent,$line,$file) = @_;
    my $list = Pod::List->new(
           -indent => $indent,
           -start => $line,
           -file => $file);
    unshift(@{$self->{_list_stack}}, $list);
    undef $self->{_list_item_contents};

sub _close_list
    my ($self,$line,$file) = @_;
    my $list = shift(@{$self->{_list_stack}});
    if(defined $self->{_list_item_contents} &&
      $self->{_list_item_contents} == 0) {
        $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
            -severity => 'WARNING',
            -msg => 'previous =item has no contents' });
    undef $self->{_list_item_contents};

# process a block of some text
sub interpolate_and_check {
    my ($self, $paragraph, $line, $file) = @_;
    ## Check the interior sequences in the command-text
    # and return the text
        $self->parse_text($paragraph,$line), $line, $file, '');

sub _check_ptree {
    my ($self,$ptree,$line,$file,$nestlist) = @_;
    my $text = '';
    # process each node in the parse tree
    foreach(@$ptree) {
        # regular text chunk
        unless(ref) {
            # count the unescaped angle brackets
            # complain only when warning level is greater than 1
            if($self->{-warnings} && $self->{-warnings}>1) {
              my $count;
              if($count = tr/<>/<>/) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                     -severity => 'WARNING',
                     -msg => "$count unescaped <> in paragraph" });
            $text .= $_;
        # have an interior sequence
        my $cmd = $_->cmd_name();
        my $contents = $_->parse_tree();
        ($file,$line) = $_->file_line();
        # check for valid tag
        if (! $VALID_SEQUENCES{$cmd}) {
            $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                 -severity => 'ERROR',
                 -msg => qq(Unknown interior-sequence '$cmd')});
            # expand it anyway
            $text .= $self->_check_ptree($contents, $line, $file, "$nestlist$cmd");
        if(index($nestlist, $cmd) != -1) {
            $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                 -severity => 'WARNING',
                 -msg => "nested commands $cmd<...$cmd<...>...>"});
            # _TODO_ should we add the contents anyway?
            # expand it anyway, see below
        if($cmd eq 'E') {
            # preserve entities
            if(@$contents > 1 || ref $$contents[0] || $$contents[0] !~ /^\w+$/) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                    -severity => 'ERROR',
                    -msg => 'garbled entity ' . $_->raw_text()});
            my $ent = $$contents[0];
            my $val;
            if($ent =~ /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i) {
                # hexadec entity
                $val = hex($ent);
            elsif($ent =~ /^0\d+$/) {
                # octal
                $val = oct($ent);
            elsif($ent =~ /^\d+$/) {
                # numeric entity
                $val = $ent;
            if(defined $val) {
                if($val>0 && $val<256) {
                    $text .= chr($val);
                else {
                    $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                        -severity => 'ERROR',
                        -msg => 'Entity number out of range ' . $_->raw_text()});
            elsif($ENTITIES{$ent}) {
                # known ISO entity
                $text .= $ENTITIES{$ent};
            else {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                    -severity => 'WARNING',
                    -msg => 'Unknown entity ' . $_->raw_text()});
                $text .= "E<$ent>";
        elsif($cmd eq 'L') {
            # try to parse the hyperlink
            my $link = Pod::Hyperlink->new($contents->raw_text());
            unless(defined $link) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                    -severity => 'ERROR',
                    -msg => 'malformed link ' . $_->raw_text() ." : $@"});
            $link->line($line); # remember line
            if($self->{-warnings}) {
                foreach my $w ($link->warning()) {
                    $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                        -severity => 'WARNING',
                        -msg => $w });
            # check the link text
            $text .= $self->_check_ptree($self->parse_text($link->text(),
                $line), $line, $file, "$nestlist$cmd");
            # remember link
        elsif($cmd =~ /[BCFIS]/) {
            # add the guts
            $text .= $self->_check_ptree($contents, $line, $file, "$nestlist$cmd");
        elsif($cmd eq 'Z') {
            if(length($contents->raw_text())) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                    -severity => 'ERROR',
                    -msg => 'Nonempty Z<>'});
        elsif($cmd eq 'X') {
            my $idx = $self->_check_ptree($contents, $line, $file, "$nestlist$cmd");
            if($idx =~ /^\s*$/s) {
                $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
                    -severity => 'ERROR',
                    -msg => 'Empty X<>'});
            else {
                # remember this node
        else {
            # not reached
            croak 'internal error';

# process a block of verbatim text
sub verbatim {
    ## Nothing particular to check
    my ($self, $paragraph, $line_num, $pod_para) = @_;

    $self->_commands_in_paragraphs($paragraph, $pod_para);

    if($self->{_current_head1} eq 'NAME') {
        my ($file, $line) = $pod_para->file_line;
        $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
            -severity => 'WARNING',
            -msg => 'Verbatim paragraph in NAME section' });

# process a block of regular text
sub textblock {
    my ($self, $paragraph, $line_num, $pod_para) = @_;
    my ($file, $line) = $pod_para->file_line;

    $self->_commands_in_paragraphs($paragraph, $pod_para);

    # skip this paragraph if in a =begin block
    unless($self->{_have_begin}) {
        my $block = $self->interpolate_and_check($paragraph, $line,$file);
        if($self->{_current_head1} eq 'NAME') {
            if($block =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\s*[,-]/) {
                # this is the canonical name
                $self->{-name} = $1 unless(defined $self->{-name});

sub _preproc_par
    my $self = shift;
    $_[0] =~ s/[\s\n]+$//;
    if($_[0]) {
        $self->{_list_item_contents}++ if(defined $self->{_list_item_contents});
        if(@{$self->{_list_stack}} && !$self->{_list_stack}->[0]->item()) {
            $self->{_list_stack}->[0]->{_has_par} = 1;

# look for =foo commands at the start of a line within a paragraph, as for
# instance the following which prints as "* one =item two".
#     =item one
#     =item two
# Examples of =foo written in docs are expected to be indented in a verbatim
# or marked up C<=foo> so won't be caught.  A double-angle C<< =foo >> could
# have the =foo at the start of a line, but that should be unlikely and is
# easily enough dealt with by not putting a newline after the C<<.
sub _commands_in_paragraphs {
  my ($self, $str, $pod_para) = @_;
  while ($str =~ /[^\n]\n=([a-z][a-z0-9]+)/sg) {
    my $cmd = $1;
    my $pos = pos($str);
    if ($VALID_COMMANDS{$cmd}) {
      my ($file, $line) = $pod_para->file_line;
      my $part = substr($str, 0, $pos);
      $line += ($part =~ tr/\n//);  # count of newlines

        ({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
           -severity => 'ERROR',
           -msg => "Apparent command =$cmd not preceded by blank line"});



=head1 AUTHOR

Please report bugs using L<http://rt.cpan.org>.

Brad Appleton E<lt>bradapp@enteract.comE<gt> (initial version),
Marek Rouchal E<lt>marekr@cpan.orgE<gt>

Based on code for B<Pod::Text::pod2text()> written by
Tom Christiansen E<lt>tchrist@mox.perl.comE<gt>

B<Pod::Checker> is part of the Pod-Checker distribution, and is based on



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Perldoc Folder 0755
Simple Folder 0755
Text Folder 0755
Checker.pm File 43.07 KB 0644
Find.pm File 15.79 KB 0644
InputObjects.pm File 27.63 KB 0644
LaTeX.pm File 58.19 KB 0644
Man.pm File 70.57 KB 0644
ParseLink.pm File 6.53 KB 0644
ParseUtils.pm File 21.35 KB 0644
Parser.pm File 66.02 KB 0644
Perldoc.pm File 58.45 KB 0644
PlainText.pm File 25.55 KB 0644
Select.pm File 24.3 KB 0644
Simple.pm File 51.22 KB 0644
Simple.pod File 13.63 KB 0644
Text.pm File 34.08 KB 0644
Usage.pm File 25.91 KB 0644