[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
require 5.002;			# For (defined ref)
package dumpvar;

# Needed for PrettyPrinter only:

# require 5.001;  # Well, it coredumps anyway undef DB in 5.000 (not now)

# translate control chars to ^X - Randal Schwartz
# Modifications to print types by Peter Gordon v1.0

# Ilya Zakharevich -- patches after 5.001 (and some before ;-)

# Won't dump symbol tables and contents of debugged files by default

$winsize = 80 unless defined $winsize;

# Defaults

# $globPrint = 1;
$printUndef = 1 unless defined $printUndef;
$tick = "auto" unless defined $tick;
$unctrl = 'quote' unless defined $unctrl;
$subdump = 1;
$dumpReused = 0 unless defined $dumpReused;
$bareStringify = 1 unless defined $bareStringify;

sub main::dumpValue {
  local %address;
  local $^W=0;
  (print "undef\n"), return unless defined $_[0];
  (print &stringify($_[0]), "\n"), return unless ref $_[0];
  push @_, -1 if @_ == 1;
  dumpvar::unwrap($_[0], 0, $_[1]);

# This one is good for variable names:

sub unctrl {
    for (my($dummy) = shift) {
	local($v) ; 

	return \$_ if ref \$_ eq "GLOB";
        if (ord('A') == 193) { # EBCDIC.
	    # EBCDIC has no concept of "\cA" or "A" being related
	    # to each other by a linear/boolean mapping.
	} else {
	return $_;

sub uniescape {
	 map { $_ > 255 ? sprintf("\\x{%04X}", $_) : chr($_) }
	     unpack("U*", $_[0]));

sub stringify {
    (my $__, local $noticks) = @_;
    for ($__) {
	local($v) ; 
	my $tick = $tick;

	return 'undef' unless defined $_ or not $printUndef;
	return $_ . "" if ref \$_ eq 'GLOB';
	$_ = &{'overload::StrVal'}($_) 
	  if $bareStringify and ref $_ 
	    and %overload:: and defined &{'overload::StrVal'};
	if ($tick eq 'auto') {
	    if (ord('A') == 193) {
		if (/[\000-\011]/ or /[\013-\024\31-\037\177]/) {
		    $tick = '"';
		} else {
		    $tick = "'";
            }  else {
		if (/[\000-\011\013-\037\177]/) {
		    $tick = '"';
		} else {
		    $tick = "'";
	if ($tick eq "'") {
	} elsif ($unctrl eq 'unctrl') {
	  s/([\"\\])/\\$1/g ;
	  # uniescape?
	    if $quoteHighBit;
	} elsif ($unctrl eq 'quote') {
	  s/([\"\\\$\@])/\\$1/g if $tick eq '"';
	  if (ord('A') == 193) { # EBCDIC.
	      s/([\000-\037\177])/'\\c'.chr(193)/eg; # Unfinished.
	  } else {
	$_ = uniescape($_);
	s/([\200-\377])/'\\'.sprintf('%3o',ord($1))/eg if $quoteHighBit;
	return ($noticks || /^\d+(\.\d*)?\Z/) 
	  ? $_ 
	  : $tick . $_ . $tick;

# Ensure a resulting \ is escaped to be \\
sub _escaped_ord {
    my $chr = shift;
    $chr = chr(ord($chr)^64);
    $chr =~ s{\\}{\\\\}g;
    return $chr;

sub ShortArray {
  my $tArrayDepth = $#{$_[0]} ; 
  $tArrayDepth = $#{$_[0]} < $arrayDepth-1 ? $#{$_[0]} : $arrayDepth-1 
    unless  $arrayDepth eq '' ; 
  my $shortmore = "";
  $shortmore = " ..." if $tArrayDepth < $#{$_[0]} ;
  if (!grep(ref $_, @{$_[0]})) {
    $short = "0..$#{$_[0]}  '" . 
      join("' '", @{$_[0]}[0..$tArrayDepth]) . "'$shortmore";
    return $short if length $short <= $compactDump;

sub DumpElem {
  my $short = &stringify($_[0], ref $_[0]);
  if ($veryCompact && ref $_[0]
      && (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' and !grep(ref $_, @{$_[0]}) )) {
    my $end = "0..$#{$v}  '" . 
      join("' '", @{$_[0]}[0..$tArrayDepth]) . "'$shortmore";
  } elsif ($veryCompact && ref $_[0]
      && (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') and !grep(ref $_, values %{$_[0]})) {
    my $end = 1;
	  $short = $sp . "0..$#{$v}  '" . 
	    join("' '", @{$v}[0..$tArrayDepth]) . "'$shortmore";
  } else {
    print "$short\n";
    unwrap($_[0],$_[1],$_[2]) if ref $_[0];

sub unwrap {
    return if $DB::signal;
    local($v) = shift ; 
    local($s) = shift ; # extra no of spaces
    local($m) = shift ; # maximum recursion depth
    return if $m == 0;
    local(%v,@v,$sp,$value,$key,@sortKeys,$more,$shortmore,$short) ;
    local($tHashDepth,$tArrayDepth) ;

    $sp = " " x $s ;
    $s += 3 ; 

    # Check for reused addresses
    if (ref $v) { 
      my $val = $v;
      $val = &{'overload::StrVal'}($v) 
	if %overload:: and defined &{'overload::StrVal'};
      # Match type and address.                      
      # Unblessed references will look like TYPE(0x...)
      # Blessed references will look like Class=TYPE(0x...)
      $val =~ s/^.*=//; # suppress the Class part, just keep TYPE(0x...)
      ($item_type, $address) = 
        $val =~ /([^\(]+)        # Keep stuff that's     
                                 # not an open paren
                 \(              # Skip open paren
                 (0x[0-9a-f]+)   # Save the address
                 \)              # Skip close paren
                 $/x;            # Should be at end now

      if (!$dumpReused && defined $address) { 
	$address{$address}++ ;
	if ( $address{$address} > 1 ) { 
	  print "${sp}-> REUSED_ADDRESS\n" ; 
	  return ; 
    } elsif (ref \$v eq 'GLOB') {
      # This is a raw glob. Special handling for that.
      $address = "$v" . "";	# To avoid a bug with globs
      $address{$address}++ ;
      if ( $address{$address} > 1 ) { 
	print "${sp}*DUMPED_GLOB*\n" ; 
	return ; 

    if (ref $v eq 'Regexp') {
      # Reformat the regexp to look the standard way.
      my $re = "$v";
      $re =~ s,/,\\/,g;
      print "$sp-> qr/$re/\n";

    if ( $item_type eq 'HASH' ) { 
        # Hash ref or hash-based object.
	my @sortKeys = sort keys(%$v) ;
	undef $more ; 
	$tHashDepth = $#sortKeys ; 
	$tHashDepth = $#sortKeys < $hashDepth-1 ? $#sortKeys : $hashDepth-1
	  unless $hashDepth eq '' ; 
	$more = "....\n" if $tHashDepth < $#sortKeys ; 
	$shortmore = "";
	$shortmore = ", ..." if $tHashDepth < $#sortKeys ; 
	$#sortKeys = $tHashDepth ; 
	if ($compactDump && !grep(ref $_, values %{$v})) {
	  #$short = $sp . 
	  #  (join ', ', 
# Next row core dumps during require from DB on 5.000, even with map {"_"}
	  #   map {&stringify($_) . " => " . &stringify($v->{$_})} 
	  #   @sortKeys) . "'$shortmore";
	  $short = $sp;
	  my @keys;
	  for (@sortKeys) {
	    push @keys, &stringify($_) . " => " . &stringify($v->{$_});
	  $short .= join ', ', @keys;
	  $short .= $shortmore;
	  (print "$short\n"), return if length $short <= $compactDump;
	for $key (@sortKeys) {
	    return if $DB::signal;
	    $value = $ {$v}{$key} ;
	    print "$sp", &stringify($key), " => ";
	    DumpElem $value, $s, $m-1;
	print "$sp  empty hash\n" unless @sortKeys;
	print "$sp$more" if defined $more ;
    } elsif ( $item_type eq 'ARRAY' ) { 
        # Array ref or array-based object. Also: undef.
        # See how big the array is.
	$tArrayDepth = $#{$v} ; 
	undef $more ; 
        # Bigger than the max?
	$tArrayDepth = $#{$v} < $arrayDepth-1 ? $#{$v} : $arrayDepth-1 
	  if defined $arrayDepth && $arrayDepth ne '';
        # Yep. Don't show it all.
	$more = "....\n" if $tArrayDepth < $#{$v} ; 
	$shortmore = "";
	$shortmore = " ..." if $tArrayDepth < $#{$v} ;

	if ($compactDump && !grep(ref $_, @{$v})) {
	  if ($#$v >= 0) {
	    $short = $sp . "0..$#{$v}  " . 
	      join(" ", 
		   map {exists $v->[$_] ? stringify $v->[$_] : "empty"} (0..$tArrayDepth)
		  ) . "$shortmore";
	  } else {
	    $short = $sp . "empty array";
	  (print "$short\n"), return if length $short <= $compactDump;
	#if ($compactDump && $short = ShortArray($v)) {
	#  print "$short\n";
	#  return;
	for $num (0 .. $tArrayDepth) {
	    return if $DB::signal;
	    print "$sp$num  ";
	    if (exists $v->[$num]) {
                if (defined $v->[$num]) {
	          DumpElem $v->[$num], $s, $m-1;
                else {
                  print "undef\n";
	    } else {
	    	print "empty slot\n";
	print "$sp  empty array\n" unless @$v;
	print "$sp$more" if defined $more ;  
    } elsif ( $item_type eq 'SCALAR' ) { 
            unless (defined $$v) {
              print "$sp-> undef\n";
	    print "$sp-> ";
	    DumpElem $$v, $s, $m-1;
    } elsif ( $item_type eq 'REF' ) { 
	    print "$sp-> $$v\n";
            return unless defined $$v;
	    unwrap($$v, $s+3, $m-1);
    } elsif ( $item_type eq 'CODE' ) { 
            # Code object or reference.
	    print "$sp-> ";
	    dumpsub (0, $v);
    } elsif ( $item_type eq 'GLOB' ) {
      # Glob object or reference.
      print "$sp-> ",&stringify($$v,1),"\n";
      if ($globPrint) {
	$s += 3;
       dumpglob($s, "{$$v}", $$v, 1, $m-1);
      } elsif (defined ($fileno = eval {fileno($v)})) {
	print( (' ' x ($s+3)) .  "FileHandle({$$v}) => fileno($fileno)\n" );
    } elsif (ref \$v eq 'GLOB') {
      # Raw glob (again?)
      if ($globPrint) {
       dumpglob($s, "{$v}", $v, 1, $m-1) if $globPrint;
      } elsif (defined ($fileno = eval {fileno(\$v)})) {
	print( (' ' x $s) .  "FileHandle({$v}) => fileno($fileno)\n" );

sub matchlex {
  (my $var = $_[0]) =~ s/.//;
  $var eq $_[1] or 
    ($_[1] =~ /^([!~])(.)([\x00-\xff]*)/) and 
      ($1 eq '!') ^ (eval { $var =~ /$2$3/ });

sub matchvar {
  $_[0] eq $_[1] or 
    ($_[1] =~ /^([!~])(.)([\x00-\xff]*)/) and 
      ($1 eq '!') ^ (eval {($_[2] . "::" . $_[0]) =~ /$2$3/});

sub compactDump {
  $compactDump = shift if @_;
  $compactDump = 6*80-1 if $compactDump and $compactDump < 2;

sub veryCompact {
  $veryCompact = shift if @_;
  compactDump(1) if !$compactDump and $veryCompact;

sub unctrlSet {
  if (@_) {
    my $in = shift;
    if ($in eq 'unctrl' or $in eq 'quote') {
      $unctrl = $in;
    } else {
      print "Unknown value for 'unctrl'.\n";

sub quote {
  if (@_ and $_[0] eq '"') {
    $tick = '"';
    $unctrl = 'quote';
  } elsif (@_ and $_[0] eq 'auto') {
    $tick = 'auto';
    $unctrl = 'quote';
  } elsif (@_) {		# Need to set
    $tick = "'";
    $unctrl = 'unctrl';

sub dumpglob {
    return if $DB::signal;
    my ($off,$key, $val, $all, $m) = @_;
    local(*entry) = $val;
    my $fileno;
    if (($key !~ /^_</ or $dumpDBFiles) and defined $entry) {
      print( (' ' x $off) . "\$", &unctrl($key), " = " );
      DumpElem $entry, 3+$off, $m;
    if (($key !~ /^_</ or $dumpDBFiles) and @entry) {
      print( (' ' x $off) . "\@$key = (\n" );
      unwrap(\@entry,3+$off,$m) ;
      print( (' ' x $off) .  ")\n" );
    if ($key ne "main::" && $key ne "DB::" && %entry
	&& ($dumpPackages or $key !~ /::$/)
	&& ($key !~ /^_</ or $dumpDBFiles)
	&& !($package eq "dumpvar" and $key eq "stab")) {
      print( (' ' x $off) . "\%$key = (\n" );
      unwrap(\%entry,3+$off,$m) ;
      print( (' ' x $off) .  ")\n" );
    if (defined ($fileno = eval{fileno(*entry)})) {
      print( (' ' x $off) .  "FileHandle($key) => fileno($fileno)\n" );
    if ($all) {
      if (defined &entry) {
	dumpsub($off, $key);

sub dumplex {
  return if $DB::signal;
  my ($key, $val, $m, @vars) = @_;
  return if @vars && !grep( matchlex($key, $_), @vars );
  local %address;
  my $off = 0;  # It reads better this way
  my $fileno;
  if (UNIVERSAL::isa($val,'ARRAY')) {
    print( (' ' x $off) . "$key = (\n" );
    unwrap($val,3+$off,$m) ;
    print( (' ' x $off) .  ")\n" );
  elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($val,'HASH')) {
    print( (' ' x $off) . "$key = (\n" );
    unwrap($val,3+$off,$m) ;
    print( (' ' x $off) .  ")\n" );
  elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($val,'IO')) {
    print( (' ' x $off) .  "FileHandle($key) => fileno($fileno)\n" );
  #  No lexical subroutines yet...
  #  elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($val,'CODE')) {
  #    dumpsub($off, $$val);
  #  }
  else {
    print( (' ' x $off) . &unctrl($key), " = " );
    DumpElem $$val, 3+$off, $m;

sub CvGV_name_or_bust {
  my $in = shift;
  return if $skipCvGV;		# Backdoor to avoid problems if XS broken...
  $in = \&$in;			# Hard reference...
  eval {require Devel::Peek; 1} or return;
  my $gv = Devel::Peek::CvGV($in) or return;
  *$gv{PACKAGE} . '::' . *$gv{NAME};

sub dumpsub {
    my ($off,$sub) = @_;
    my $ini = $sub;
    my $s;
    $sub = $1 if $sub =~ /^\{\*(.*)\}$/;
    my $subref = defined $1 ? \&$sub : \&$ini;
    my $place = $DB::sub{$sub} || (($s = $subs{"$subref"}) && $DB::sub{$s})
      || (($s = CvGV_name_or_bust($subref)) && $DB::sub{$s})
      || ($subdump && ($s = findsubs("$subref")) && $DB::sub{$s});
    $place = '???' unless defined $place;
    $s = $sub unless defined $s;
    print( (' ' x $off) .  "&$s in $place\n" );

sub findsubs {
  return undef unless %DB::sub;
  my ($addr, $name, $loc);
  while (($name, $loc) = each %DB::sub) {
    $addr = \&$name;
    $subs{"$addr"} = $name;
  $subdump = 0;
  $subs{ shift() };

sub main::dumpvar {
    my ($package,$m,@vars) = @_;
    $package .= "::" unless $package =~ /::$/;
    *stab = *{"main::"};
    while ($package =~ /(\w+?::)/g){
      *stab = $ {stab}{$1};
    local $TotalStrings = 0;
    local $Strings = 0;
    local $CompleteTotal = 0;
    while (($key,$val) = each(%stab)) {
      return if $DB::signal;
      next if @vars && !grep( matchvar($key, $_), @vars );
      if ($usageOnly) {
	globUsage(\$val, $key)
	  if ($package ne 'dumpvar' or $key ne 'stab')
	     and ref(\$val) eq 'GLOB';
      } else {
       dumpglob(0,$key, $val, 0, $m);
    if ($usageOnly) {
      print "String space: $TotalStrings bytes in $Strings strings.\n";
      $CompleteTotal += $TotalStrings;
      print "Grand total = $CompleteTotal bytes (1 level deep) + overhead.\n";

sub scalarUsage {
  my $size = length($_[0]);
  $TotalStrings += $size;

sub arrayUsage {		# array ref, name
  my $size = 0;
  map {$size += scalarUsage($_)} @{$_[0]};
  my $len = @{$_[0]};
  print "\@$_[1] = $len item", ($len > 1 ? "s" : ""),
    " (data: $size bytes)\n"
      if defined $_[1];
  $CompleteTotal +=  $size;

sub hashUsage {		# hash ref, name
  my @keys = keys %{$_[0]};
  my @values = values %{$_[0]};
  my $keys = arrayUsage \@keys;
  my $values = arrayUsage \@values;
  my $len = @keys;
  my $total = $keys + $values;
  print "\%$_[1] = $len item", ($len > 1 ? "s" : ""),
    " (keys: $keys; values: $values; total: $total bytes)\n"
      if defined $_[1];

sub globUsage {			# glob ref, name
  local *name = *{$_[0]};
  $total = 0;
  $total += scalarUsage $name if defined $name;
  $total += arrayUsage \@name, $_[1] if @name;
  $total += hashUsage \%name, $_[1] if %name and $_[1] ne "main::" 
    and $_[1] ne "DB::";   #and !($package eq "dumpvar" and $key eq "stab"));

sub packageUsage {
  my ($package,@vars) = @_;
  $package .= "::" unless $package =~ /::$/;
  local *stab = *{"main::"};
  while ($package =~ /(\w+?::)/g){
    *stab = $ {stab}{$1};
  local $TotalStrings = 0;
  local $CompleteTotal = 0;
  my ($key,$val);
  while (($key,$val) = each(%stab)) {
    next if @vars && !grep($key eq $_,@vars);
    globUsage \$val, $key unless $package eq 'dumpvar' and $key eq 'stab';
  print "String space: $TotalStrings.\n";
  $CompleteTotal += $TotalStrings;
  print "\nGrand total = $CompleteTotal bytes\n";



Name Type Size Permission Actions
App Folder 0755
Archive Folder 0755
Attribute Folder 0755
B Folder 0755
CPAN Folder 0755
Class Folder 0755
Compress Folder 0755
Config Folder 0755
DBM_Filter Folder 0755
Devel Folder 0755
Encode Folder 0755
ExtUtils Folder 0755
File Folder 0755
Filter Folder 0755
Getopt Folder 0755
HTTP Folder 0755
I18N Folder 0755
IO Folder 0755
IPC Folder 0755
JSON Folder 0755
LWP Folder 0755
Locale Folder 0755
Log Folder 0755
Math Folder 0755
Memoize Folder 0755
Module Folder 0755
Net Folder 0755
Object Folder 0755
Package Folder 0755
Perl Folder 0755
PerlIO Folder 0755
Pod Folder 0755
Search Folder 0755
Term Folder 0755
Test Folder 0755
Text Folder 0755
Thread Folder 0755
Tie Folder 0755
Time Folder 0755
URI Folder 0755
Unicode Folder 0755
User Folder 0755
Version Folder 0755
encoding Folder 0755
overload Folder 0755
pod Folder 0755
unicore Folder 0755
vendor_perl Folder 0755
warnings Folder 0755
AnyDBM_File.pm File 2.56 KB 0644
AutoLoader.pm File 14.66 KB 0644
AutoSplit.pm File 19.18 KB 0644
Benchmark.pm File 27.87 KB 0644
CORE.pod File 2.7 KB 0644
CPAN.pm File 132.91 KB 0644
DB.pm File 18.43 KB 0644
DBM_Filter.pm File 14.06 KB 0644
DirHandle.pm File 1.52 KB 0644
Dumpvalue.pm File 16.5 KB 0644
English.pm File 4.34 KB 0644
FileCache.pm File 5.44 KB 0644
FileHandle.pm File 6.62 KB 0644
FindBin.pm File 4.45 KB 0644
LWP.pm File 21.15 KB 0644
Memoize.pm File 34.4 KB 0644
NEXT.pm File 18.05 KB 0644
PerlIO.pm File 10.19 KB 0644
Safe.pm File 24.03 KB 0644
SelectSaver.pm File 1.05 KB 0644
SelfLoader.pm File 16.97 KB 0644
Symbol.pm File 4.68 KB 0644
Test.pm File 28.13 KB 0644
Thread.pm File 8.09 KB 0644
UNIVERSAL.pm File 6.97 KB 0644
URI.pm File 33.01 KB 0644
XSLoader.pm File 9.99 KB 0644
_charnames.pm File 29.8 KB 0644
autouse.pm File 4.14 KB 0644
base.pm File 6.37 KB 0644
bigint.pm File 17.44 KB 0644
bignum.pm File 18.23 KB 0644
bigrat.pm File 14.11 KB 0644
blib.pm File 2.04 KB 0644
bytes.pm File 2.96 KB 0644
bytes_heavy.pl File 758 B 0644
charnames.pm File 19.22 KB 0644
deprecate.pm File 3.01 KB 0644
diagnostics.pm File 17.96 KB 0644
dumpvar.pl File 14.96 KB 0644
feature.pm File 11.06 KB 0644
fields.pm File 9.28 KB 0644
filetest.pm File 3.91 KB 0644
if.pm File 1.13 KB 0644
integer.pm File 3.19 KB 0644
less.pm File 3.13 KB 0644
locale.pm File 2.72 KB 0644
lwpcook.pod File 9.05 KB 0644
lwptut.pod File 24.89 KB 0644
open.pm File 7.83 KB 0644
overload.pm File 52.66 KB 0644
overloading.pm File 1.77 KB 0644
perl5db.pl File 302.79 KB 0644
perlfaq.pm File 94 B 0644
sigtrap.pm File 7.46 KB 0644
sort.pm File 5.95 KB 0644
strict.pm File 3.84 KB 0644
subs.pm File 845 B 0644
utf8.pm File 7.6 KB 0644
utf8_heavy.pl File 30.1 KB 0644
vars.pm File 2.3 KB 0644
vmsish.pm File 4.22 KB 0644
warnings.pm File 18.34 KB 0644