[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# items.tcl --
# This demonstration script creates a canvas that displays the
# canvas item types.

if {![info exists widgetDemo]} {
    error "This script should be run from the \"widget\" demo."

package require Tk

set w .items
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
wm title $w "Canvas Item Demonstration"
wm iconname $w "Items"
positionWindow $w
set c $w.frame.c

label $w.msg -font $font -wraplength 5i -justify left -text "This window contains a canvas widget with examples of the various kinds of items supported by canvases.  The following operations are supported:\n  Button-1 drag:\tmoves item under pointer.\n  Button-2 drag:\trepositions view.\n  Button-3 drag:\tstrokes out area.\n  Ctrl+f:\t\tprints items under area."
pack $w.msg -side top

## See Code / Dismiss buttons
set btns [addSeeDismiss $w.buttons $w]
pack $btns -side bottom -fill x

frame $w.frame
pack $w.frame -side top -fill both -expand yes

canvas $c -scrollregion {0c 0c 30c 24c} -width 15c -height 10c \
	-relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \
	-xscrollcommand "$w.frame.hscroll set" \
	-yscrollcommand "$w.frame.vscroll set"
scrollbar $w.frame.vscroll -command "$c yview"
scrollbar $w.frame.hscroll -orient horiz -command "$c xview"

grid $c -in $w.frame \
    -row 0 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
grid $w.frame.vscroll \
    -row 0 -column 1 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
grid $w.frame.hscroll \
    -row 1 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
grid rowconfig    $w.frame 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
grid columnconfig $w.frame 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0

# Display a 3x3 rectangular grid.

$c create rect 0c 0c 30c 24c -width 2
$c create line 0c 8c 30c 8c -width 2
$c create line 0c 16c 30c 16c -width 2
$c create line 10c 0c 10c 24c -width 2
$c create line 20c 0c 20c 24c -width 2

set font1 {Helvetica 12}
set font2 {Helvetica 24 bold}
if {[winfo depth $c] > 1} {
    set blue DeepSkyBlue3
    set red red
    set bisque bisque3
    set green SeaGreen3
} else {
    set blue black
    set red black
    set bisque black
    set green black

# Set up demos within each of the areas of the grid.

$c create text 5c .2c -text Lines -anchor n
$c create line 1c 1c 3c 1c 1c 4c 3c 4c -width 2m -fill $blue \
	-cap butt -join miter -tags item
$c create line 4.67c 1c 4.67c 4c -arrow last -tags item
$c create line 6.33c 1c 6.33c 4c -arrow both -tags item
$c create line 5c 6c 9c 6c 9c 1c 8c 1c 8c 4.8c 8.8c 4.8c 8.8c 1.2c \
	8.2c 1.2c 8.2c 4.6c 8.6c 4.6c 8.6c 1.4c 8.4c 1.4c 8.4c 4.4c \
	-width 3 -fill $red -tags item
# Main widget program sets variable tk_demoDirectory
$c create line 1c 5c 7c 5c 7c 7c 9c 7c -width .5c \
	-stipple @[file join $tk_demoDirectory images gray25.xbm] \
	-arrow both -arrowshape {15 15 7} -tags item
$c create line 1c 7c 1.75c 5.8c 2.5c 7c 3.25c 5.8c 4c 7c -width .5c \
	-cap round -join round -tags item

$c create text 15c .2c -text "Curves (smoothed lines)" -anchor n
$c create line 11c 4c 11.5c 1c 13.5c 1c 14c 4c -smooth on \
	-fill $blue -tags item
$c create line 15.5c 1c 19.5c 1.5c 15.5c 4.5c 19.5c 4c -smooth on \
	-arrow both -width 3 -tags item
$c create line 12c 6c 13.5c 4.5c 16.5c 7.5c 18c 6c \
	16.5c 4.5c 13.5c 7.5c 12c 6c -smooth on -width 3m -cap round \
	-stipple @[file join $tk_demoDirectory images gray25.xbm] \
	-fill $red -tags item

$c create text 25c .2c -text Polygons -anchor n
$c create polygon 21c 1.0c 22.5c 1.75c 24c 1.0c 23.25c 2.5c \
	24c 4.0c 22.5c 3.25c 21c 4.0c 21.75c 2.5c -fill $green \
	-outline black -width 4 -tags item
$c create polygon 25c 4c 25c 4c 25c 1c 26c 1c 27c 4c 28c 1c \
	29c 1c 29c 4c 29c 4c -fill $red -smooth on -tags item
$c create polygon 22c 4.5c 25c 4.5c 25c 6.75c 28c 6.75c \
	28c 5.25c 24c 5.25c 24c 6.0c 26c 6c 26c 7.5c 22c 7.5c \
	-stipple @[file join $tk_demoDirectory images gray25.xbm] \
	-outline black -tags item

$c create text 5c 8.2c -text Rectangles -anchor n
$c create rectangle 1c 9.5c 4c 12.5c -outline $red -width 3m -tags item
$c create rectangle 0.5c 13.5c 4.5c 15.5c -fill $green -tags item
$c create rectangle 6c 10c 9c 15c -outline {} \
	-stipple @[file join $tk_demoDirectory images gray25.xbm] \
	-fill $blue -tags item

$c create text 15c 8.2c -text Ovals -anchor n
$c create oval 11c 9.5c 14c 12.5c -outline $red -width 3m -tags item
$c create oval 10.5c 13.5c 14.5c 15.5c -fill $green -tags item
$c create oval 16c 10c 19c 15c -outline {} \
	-stipple @[file join $tk_demoDirectory images gray25.xbm] \
	-fill $blue -tags item

$c create text 25c 8.2c -text Text -anchor n
$c create rectangle 22.4c 8.9c 22.6c 9.1c
$c create text 22.5c 9c -anchor n -font $font1 -width 4c \
	-text "A short string of text, word-wrapped, justified left, and anchored north (at the top).  The rectangles show the anchor points for each piece of text." -tags item
$c create rectangle 25.4c 10.9c 25.6c 11.1c
$c create text 25.5c 11c -anchor w -font $font1 -fill $blue \
	-text "Several lines,\n each centered\nindividually,\nand all anchored\nat the left edge." \
	-justify center -tags item
$c create rectangle 24.9c 13.9c 25.1c 14.1c
$c create text 25c 14c -font $font2 -anchor c -fill $red -stipple gray50 \
	-text "Stippled characters" -tags item

$c create text 5c 16.2c -text Arcs -anchor n
$c create arc 0.5c 17c 7c 20c -fill $green -outline black \
	-start 45 -extent 270 -style pieslice -tags item
$c create arc 6.5c 17c 9.5c 20c -width 4m -style arc \
	-outline $blue -start -135 -extent 270 -tags item \
	-outlinestipple @[file join $tk_demoDirectory images gray25.xbm]
$c create arc 0.5c 20c 9.5c 24c -width 4m -style pieslice \
	-fill {} -outline $red -start 225 -extent -90 -tags item
$c create arc 5.5c 20.5c 9.5c 23.5c -width 4m -style chord \
	-fill $blue -outline {} -start 45 -extent 270  -tags item

$c create text 15c 16.2c -text Bitmaps -anchor n
$c create bitmap 13c 20c -tags item \
	-bitmap @[file join $tk_demoDirectory images face.xbm]
$c create bitmap 17c 18.5c -tags item \
	-bitmap @[file join $tk_demoDirectory images noletter.xbm]
$c create bitmap 17c 21.5c -tags item \
	-bitmap @[file join $tk_demoDirectory images letters.xbm]

$c create text 25c 16.2c -text Windows -anchor n
button $c.button -text "Press Me" -command "butPress $c $red"
$c create window 21c 18c -window $c.button -anchor nw -tags item
entry $c.entry -width 20 -relief sunken
$c.entry insert end "Edit this text"
$c create window 21c 21c -window $c.entry -anchor nw -tags item
scale $c.scale -from 0 -to 100 -length 6c -sliderlength .4c \
	-width .5c -tickinterval 0
$c create window 28.5c 17.5c -window $c.scale -anchor n -tags item
$c create text 21c 17.9c -text Button: -anchor sw
$c create text 21c 20.9c -text Entry: -anchor sw
$c create text 28.5c 17.4c -text Scale: -anchor s

# Set up event bindings for canvas:

$c bind item <Any-Enter> "itemEnter $c"
$c bind item <Any-Leave> "itemLeave $c"
bind $c <2> "$c scan mark %x %y"
bind $c <B2-Motion> "$c scan dragto %x %y"
bind $c <3> "itemMark $c %x %y"
bind $c <B3-Motion> "itemStroke $c %x %y"
bind $c <Control-f> "itemsUnderArea $c"
bind $c <1> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y"
bind $c <B1-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y"

# Utility procedures for highlighting the item under the pointer:

proc itemEnter {c} {
    global restoreCmd

    if {[winfo depth $c] == 1} {
	set restoreCmd {}
    set type [$c type current]
    if {$type == "window"} {
	set restoreCmd {}
    if {$type == "bitmap"} {
	set bg [lindex [$c itemconf current -background] 4]
	set restoreCmd [list $c itemconfig current -background $bg]
	$c itemconfig current -background SteelBlue2
    set fill [lindex [$c itemconfig current -fill] 4]
    if {(($type == "rectangle") || ($type == "oval") || ($type == "arc"))
	    && ($fill == "")} {
	set outline [lindex [$c itemconfig current -outline] 4]
	set restoreCmd "$c itemconfig current -outline $outline"
	$c itemconfig current -outline SteelBlue2
    } else {
	set restoreCmd "$c itemconfig current -fill $fill"
	$c itemconfig current -fill SteelBlue2

proc itemLeave {c} {
    global restoreCmd

    eval $restoreCmd

# Utility procedures for stroking out a rectangle and printing what's
# underneath the rectangle's area.

proc itemMark {c x y} {
    global areaX1 areaY1
    set areaX1 [$c canvasx $x]
    set areaY1 [$c canvasy $y]
    $c delete area

proc itemStroke {c x y} {
    global areaX1 areaY1 areaX2 areaY2
    set x [$c canvasx $x]
    set y [$c canvasy $y]
    if {($areaX1 != $x) && ($areaY1 != $y)} {
	$c delete area
	$c addtag area withtag [$c create rect $areaX1 $areaY1 $x $y \
		-outline black]
	set areaX2 $x
	set areaY2 $y

proc itemsUnderArea {c} {
    global areaX1 areaY1 areaX2 areaY2
    set area [$c find withtag area]
    set items ""
    foreach i [$c find enclosed $areaX1 $areaY1 $areaX2 $areaY2] {
	if {[lsearch [$c gettags $i] item] != -1} {
	    lappend items $i
    puts stdout "Items enclosed by area: $items"
    set items ""
    foreach i [$c find overlapping $areaX1 $areaY1 $areaX2 $areaY2] {
	if {[lsearch [$c gettags $i] item] != -1} {
	    lappend items $i
    puts stdout "Items overlapping area: $items"

set areaX1 0
set areaY1 0
set areaX2 0
set areaY2 0

# Utility procedures to support dragging of items.

proc itemStartDrag {c x y} {
    global lastX lastY
    set lastX [$c canvasx $x]
    set lastY [$c canvasy $y]

proc itemDrag {c x y} {
    global lastX lastY
    set x [$c canvasx $x]
    set y [$c canvasy $y]
    $c move current [expr {$x-$lastX}] [expr {$y-$lastY}]
    set lastX $x
    set lastY $y

# Procedure that's invoked when the button embedded in the canvas
# is invoked.

proc butPress {w color} {
    set i [$w create text 25c 18.1c -text "Ouch!!" -fill $color -anchor n]
    after 500 "$w delete $i"


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
README File 2.03 KB 0644
anilabel.tcl File 6.51 KB 0644
aniwave.tcl File 3.41 KB 0644
arrow.tcl File 7.8 KB 0644
bind.tcl File 2.87 KB 0644
bitmap.tcl File 1.38 KB 0644
browse File 1.72 KB 0755
button.tcl File 1.47 KB 0644
check.tcl File 2.22 KB 0644
clrpick.tcl File 1.4 KB 0644
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cscroll.tcl File 3.31 KB 0644
ctext.tcl File 4.76 KB 0644
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dialog2.tcl File 613 B 0644
en.msg File 3.8 KB 0644
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entry3.tcl File 5.95 KB 0644
filebox.tcl File 2.2 KB 0644
floor.tcl File 77.24 KB 0644
form.tcl File 1.02 KB 0644
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hello File 512 B 0755
hscale.tcl File 1.46 KB 0644
icon.tcl File 2.01 KB 0644
image1.tcl File 1002 B 0644
image2.tcl File 3.28 KB 0644
items.tcl File 9.5 KB 0644
ixset File 7.91 KB 0755
knightstour.tcl File 8.38 KB 0644
label.tcl File 1.29 KB 0644
labelframe.tcl File 1.8 KB 0644
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mclist.tcl File 3.89 KB 0644
menu.tcl File 6.57 KB 0644
menubu.tcl File 4.37 KB 0644
msgbox.tcl File 1.98 KB 0644
nl.msg File 6.61 KB 0644
paned1.tcl File 1.08 KB 0644
paned2.tcl File 2.18 KB 0644
pendulum.tcl File 7.46 KB 0644
plot.tcl File 2.69 KB 0644
puzzle.tcl File 2.54 KB 0644
radio.tcl File 2.69 KB 0644
rmt File 5.22 KB 0755
rolodex File 8.11 KB 0755
ruler.tcl File 5.09 KB 0644
sayings.tcl File 2.21 KB 0644
search.tcl File 4.29 KB 0644
spin.tcl File 1.78 KB 0644
states.tcl File 1.63 KB 0644
style.tcl File 6.78 KB 0644
tclIndex File 4.25 KB 0644
tcolor File 10.99 KB 0755
text.tcl File 3.34 KB 0644
textpeer.tcl File 2.13 KB 0644
timer File 1.09 KB 0755
toolbar.tcl File 3.19 KB 0644
tree.tcl File 3.29 KB 0644
ttkbut.tcl File 3.34 KB 0644
ttkmenu.tcl File 2.35 KB 0644
ttknote.tcl File 2.41 KB 0644
ttkpane.tcl File 3.95 KB 0644
ttkprogress.tcl File 1.52 KB 0644
ttkscale.tcl File 1.39 KB 0644
twind.tcl File 10.57 KB 0644
unicodeout.tcl File 3.45 KB 0644
vscale.tcl File 1.44 KB 0644
widget File 22.83 KB 0755