[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# the next line restarts using wish \
exec wish8.5 "$0" ${1+"$@"}

# ixset --
# A nice interface to "xset" to change X server settings
# History :
#   91/11/23 : pda@masi.ibp.fr, jt@ratp.fr : design
#   92/08/01 : pda@masi.ibp.fr : cleaning

package require Tcl 8.4
package require Tk

# Button actions

proc quit {} {
    destroy .

proc ok {} {

proc cancel {} {
    .buttons.apply configure -state disabled
    .buttons.cancel configure -state disabled

proc apply {} {
    .buttons.apply configure -state disabled
    .buttons.cancel configure -state disabled

# Read current settings

proc readsettings {} {
    global kbdrep ;	set kbdrep	"on"
    global kbdcli ;	set kbdcli	0
    global bellvol ;	set bellvol	100
    global bellpit ;	set bellpit	440
    global belldur ;	set belldur	100
    global mouseacc ;	set mouseacc	"3/1"
    global mousethr ;	set mousethr	4
    global screenbla ;	set screenbla	"blank"
    global screentim ;	set screentim	600
    global screencyc ;	set screencyc	600

    set xfd [open "|xset q" r]
    while {[gets $xfd line] > -1} {
	switch -- [lindex $line 0] {
	    auto {
		set rpt [lindex $line 1]
		if {$rpt eq "repeat:"} {
		    set kbdrep [lindex $line 2]
		    set kbdcli [lindex $line 6]
	    bell {
		set bellvol [lindex $line 2]
		set bellpit [lindex $line 5]
		set belldur [lindex $line 8]
	    acceleration: {
		set mouseacc [lindex $line 1]
		set mousethr [lindex $line 3]
	    prefer {
		set bla [lindex $line 2]
		set screenbla [expr {$bla eq "yes" ? "blank" : "noblank"}]
	    timeout: {
		set screentim [lindex $line 1]
		set screencyc [lindex $line 3]
    close $xfd

    # puts stdout [format "Key REPEAT = %s\n" $kbdrep]
    # puts stdout [format "Key CLICK  = %s\n" $kbdcli]
    # puts stdout [format "Bell VOLUME = %s\n" $bellvol]
    # puts stdout [format "Bell PITCH = %s\n" $bellpit]
    # puts stdout [format "Bell DURATION = %s\n" $belldur]
    # puts stdout [format "Mouse ACCELERATION = %s\n" $mouseacc]
    # puts stdout [format "Mouse THRESHOLD = %s\n" $mousethr]
    # puts stdout [format "Screen BLANCK = %s\n" $screenbla]
    # puts stdout [format "Screen TIMEOUT = %s\n" $screentim]
    # puts stdout [format "Screen CYCLE = %s\n" $screencyc]

# Write settings into the X server

proc writesettings {} {
    global kbdrep kbdcli  bellvol bellpit belldur
    global mouseacc mousethr  screenbla screentim screencyc

    set bellvol		[.bell.vol get]
    set bellpit		[.bell.val.pit.entry get]
    set belldur		[.bell.val.dur.entry get]

    if {$kbdrep eq "on"} {
	set kbdcli	[.kbd.val.cli get]
    } else {
	set kbdcli	"off"

    set mouseacc	[.mouse.hor.acc.entry get]
    set mousethr	[.mouse.hor.thr.entry get]

    set screentim	[.screen.tim.entry get]
    set screencyc	[.screen.cyc.entry get]

    exec xset \
	b $bellvol $bellpit $belldur \
	c $kbdcli \
	r $kbdrep \
	m $mouseacc $mousethr \
	s $screentim $screencyc \
	s $screenbla

# Sends all settings to the window

proc dispsettings {} {
    global kbdrep kbdcli  bellvol bellpit belldur
    global mouseacc mousethr  screenbla screentim screencyc

    .bell.vol set $bellvol
    .bell.val.pit.entry delete 0 end
    .bell.val.pit.entry insert 0 $bellpit
    .bell.val.dur.entry delete 0 end
    .bell.val.dur.entry insert 0 $belldur

    .kbd.val.onoff [expr {$kbdrep eq "on" ? "select" : "deselect"}]
    .kbd.val.cli set $kbdcli

    .mouse.hor.acc.entry delete 0 end
    .mouse.hor.acc.entry insert 0 $mouseacc
    .mouse.hor.thr.entry delete 0 end
    .mouse.hor.thr.entry insert 0 $mousethr

    .screen.blank [expr {$screenbla eq "blank" ? "select" : "deselect"}]
    .screen.pat   [expr {$screenbla ne "blank" ? "select" : "deselect"}]
    .screen.tim.entry delete 0 end
    .screen.tim.entry insert 0 $screentim
    .screen.cyc.entry delete 0 end
    .screen.cyc.entry insert 0 $screencyc

# Create all windows, and pack them

proc labelentry {path text length {range {}}} {
    frame $path
    label $path.label -text $text
    if {[llength $range]} {
	spinbox $path.entry -width $length -relief sunken \
		-from [lindex $range 0] -to [lindex $range 1]
    } else {
	entry $path.entry -width $length -relief sunken
    pack $path.label -side left
    pack $path.entry -side right -expand y -fill x

proc createwindows {} {
    # Buttons

    frame .buttons
    button .buttons.ok	   -default active -command ok     -text "Ok"    
    button .buttons.apply  -default normal -command apply  -text "Apply" \
	    -state disabled
    button .buttons.cancel -default normal -command cancel -text "Cancel" \
	    -state disabled
    button .buttons.quit   -default normal -command quit   -text "Quit"  

    pack .buttons.ok .buttons.apply .buttons.cancel .buttons.quit \
	    -side left -expand yes -pady 5

    bind . <Return> {.buttons.ok   flash; .buttons.ok   invoke}
    bind . <Escape> {.buttons.quit flash; .buttons.quit invoke}
    bind . <1> {
	if {![string match .buttons* %W]} {
	    .buttons.apply  configure -state normal
	    .buttons.cancel configure -state normal
    bind . <Key> {
	if {![string match .buttons* %W]} {
	    switch -glob %K {
		Return - Escape - Tab - *Shift* {}
		default {
		    .buttons.apply  configure -state normal
		    .buttons.cancel configure -state normal

    # Bell settings

    labelframe .bell -text "Bell Settings" -padx 1.5m -pady 1.5m
    scale .bell.vol \
	    -from 0 -to 100 -length 200 -tickinterval 20 \
	    -label "Volume (%)" -orient horizontal

    frame .bell.val
    labelentry .bell.val.pit "Pitch (Hz)"    6 {25 20000}
    labelentry .bell.val.dur "Duration (ms)" 6 {1 10000}
    pack .bell.val.pit -side left -padx 5
    pack .bell.val.dur -side right -padx 5
    pack .bell.vol .bell.val -side top -expand yes

    # Keyboard settings

    labelframe .kbd -text "Keyboard Repeat Settings" -padx 1.5m -pady 1.5m

    frame .kbd.val
    checkbutton .kbd.val.onoff \
	    -text "On" \
	    -onvalue "on" -offvalue "off" -variable kbdrep \
	    -relief flat
    scale .kbd.val.cli \
	    -from 0 -to 100 -length 200 -tickinterval 20 \
	    -label "Click Volume (%)" -orient horizontal
    pack .kbd.val.onoff -side left -fill x -expand yes -padx {0 1m}
    pack .kbd.val.cli -side left -expand yes -fill x -padx {1m 0}

    pack .kbd.val -side top -expand yes -pady 2 -fill x

    # Mouse settings

    labelframe .mouse -text "Mouse Settings" -padx 1.5m -pady 1.5m

    frame .mouse.hor
    labelentry .mouse.hor.acc "Acceleration" 5
    labelentry .mouse.hor.thr "Threshold (pixels)" 3 {1 2000}

    pack .mouse.hor.acc -side left -padx {0 1m}
    pack .mouse.hor.thr -side right -padx {1m 0}

    pack .mouse.hor -side top -expand yes

    # Screen Saver settings

    labelframe .screen -text "Screen-saver Settings" -padx 1.5m -pady 1.5m

    radiobutton .screen.blank \
	    -variable screenblank -text "Blank" -relief flat \
	    -value "blank" -variable screenbla -anchor w
    radiobutton .screen.pat \
	    -variable screenblank -text "Pattern" -relief flat \
	    -value "noblank" -variable screenbla -anchor w
    labelentry .screen.tim "Timeout (s)" 5 {1 100000}
    labelentry .screen.cyc "Cycle (s)" 5 {1 100000}

    grid .screen.blank .screen.tim -sticky e
    grid .screen.pat   .screen.cyc -sticky e
    grid configure .screen.blank .screen.pat -sticky ew

    # Main window

    pack .buttons -side top -fill both
    pack .bell .kbd .mouse .screen -side top -fill both -expand yes \
	    -padx 1m -pady 1m

    # Let the user resize our window
    wm minsize . 10 10

# Main program

# Listen what "xset" tells us...


# Create all windows


# Write xset parameters


# Now, wait for user actions...

# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End:


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
README File 2.03 KB 0644
anilabel.tcl File 6.51 KB 0644
aniwave.tcl File 3.41 KB 0644
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bind.tcl File 2.87 KB 0644
bitmap.tcl File 1.38 KB 0644
browse File 1.72 KB 0755
button.tcl File 1.47 KB 0644
check.tcl File 2.22 KB 0644
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ixset File 7.91 KB 0755
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nl.msg File 6.61 KB 0644
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paned2.tcl File 2.18 KB 0644
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plot.tcl File 2.69 KB 0644
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sayings.tcl File 2.21 KB 0644
search.tcl File 4.29 KB 0644
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states.tcl File 1.63 KB 0644
style.tcl File 6.78 KB 0644
tclIndex File 4.25 KB 0644
tcolor File 10.99 KB 0755
text.tcl File 3.34 KB 0644
textpeer.tcl File 2.13 KB 0644
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toolbar.tcl File 3.19 KB 0644
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ttkbut.tcl File 3.34 KB 0644
ttkmenu.tcl File 2.35 KB 0644
ttknote.tcl File 2.41 KB 0644
ttkpane.tcl File 3.95 KB 0644
ttkprogress.tcl File 1.52 KB 0644
ttkscale.tcl File 1.39 KB 0644
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unicodeout.tcl File 3.45 KB 0644
vscale.tcl File 1.44 KB 0644
widget File 22.83 KB 0755