#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish8.5 "$0" ${1+"$@"} # ixset -- # A nice interface to "xset" to change X server settings # # History : # 91/11/23 : pda@masi.ibp.fr, jt@ratp.fr : design # 92/08/01 : pda@masi.ibp.fr : cleaning package require Tcl 8.4 package require Tk # # Button actions # proc quit {} { destroy . } proc ok {} { writesettings quit } proc cancel {} { readsettings dispsettings .buttons.apply configure -state disabled .buttons.cancel configure -state disabled } proc apply {} { writesettings .buttons.apply configure -state disabled .buttons.cancel configure -state disabled } # # Read current settings # proc readsettings {} { global kbdrep ; set kbdrep "on" global kbdcli ; set kbdcli 0 global bellvol ; set bellvol 100 global bellpit ; set bellpit 440 global belldur ; set belldur 100 global mouseacc ; set mouseacc "3/1" global mousethr ; set mousethr 4 global screenbla ; set screenbla "blank" global screentim ; set screentim 600 global screencyc ; set screencyc 600 set xfd [open "|xset q" r] while {[gets $xfd line] > -1} { switch -- [lindex $line 0] { auto { set rpt [lindex $line 1] if {$rpt eq "repeat:"} { set kbdrep [lindex $line 2] set kbdcli [lindex $line 6] } } bell { set bellvol [lindex $line 2] set bellpit [lindex $line 5] set belldur [lindex $line 8] } acceleration: { set mouseacc [lindex $line 1] set mousethr [lindex $line 3] } prefer { set bla [lindex $line 2] set screenbla [expr {$bla eq "yes" ? "blank" : "noblank"}] } timeout: { set screentim [lindex $line 1] set screencyc [lindex $line 3] } } } close $xfd # puts stdout [format "Key REPEAT = %s\n" $kbdrep] # puts stdout [format "Key CLICK = %s\n" $kbdcli] # puts stdout [format "Bell VOLUME = %s\n" $bellvol] # puts stdout [format "Bell PITCH = %s\n" $bellpit] # puts stdout [format "Bell DURATION = %s\n" $belldur] # puts stdout [format "Mouse ACCELERATION = %s\n" $mouseacc] # puts stdout [format "Mouse THRESHOLD = %s\n" $mousethr] # puts stdout [format "Screen BLANCK = %s\n" $screenbla] # puts stdout [format "Screen TIMEOUT = %s\n" $screentim] # puts stdout [format "Screen CYCLE = %s\n" $screencyc] } # # Write settings into the X server # proc writesettings {} { global kbdrep kbdcli bellvol bellpit belldur global mouseacc mousethr screenbla screentim screencyc set bellvol [.bell.vol get] set bellpit [.bell.val.pit.entry get] set belldur [.bell.val.dur.entry get] if {$kbdrep eq "on"} { set kbdcli [.kbd.val.cli get] } else { set kbdcli "off" } set mouseacc [.mouse.hor.acc.entry get] set mousethr [.mouse.hor.thr.entry get] set screentim [.screen.tim.entry get] set screencyc [.screen.cyc.entry get] exec xset \ b $bellvol $bellpit $belldur \ c $kbdcli \ r $kbdrep \ m $mouseacc $mousethr \ s $screentim $screencyc \ s $screenbla } # # Sends all settings to the window # proc dispsettings {} { global kbdrep kbdcli bellvol bellpit belldur global mouseacc mousethr screenbla screentim screencyc .bell.vol set $bellvol .bell.val.pit.entry delete 0 end .bell.val.pit.entry insert 0 $bellpit .bell.val.dur.entry delete 0 end .bell.val.dur.entry insert 0 $belldur .kbd.val.onoff [expr {$kbdrep eq "on" ? "select" : "deselect"}] .kbd.val.cli set $kbdcli .mouse.hor.acc.entry delete 0 end .mouse.hor.acc.entry insert 0 $mouseacc .mouse.hor.thr.entry delete 0 end .mouse.hor.thr.entry insert 0 $mousethr .screen.blank [expr {$screenbla eq "blank" ? "select" : "deselect"}] .screen.pat [expr {$screenbla ne "blank" ? "select" : "deselect"}] .screen.tim.entry delete 0 end .screen.tim.entry insert 0 $screentim .screen.cyc.entry delete 0 end .screen.cyc.entry insert 0 $screencyc } # # Create all windows, and pack them # proc labelentry {path text length {range {}}} { frame $path label $path.label -text $text if {[llength $range]} { spinbox $path.entry -width $length -relief sunken \ -from [lindex $range 0] -to [lindex $range 1] } else { entry $path.entry -width $length -relief sunken } pack $path.label -side left pack $path.entry -side right -expand y -fill x } proc createwindows {} { # # Buttons # frame .buttons button .buttons.ok -default active -command ok -text "Ok" button .buttons.apply -default normal -command apply -text "Apply" \ -state disabled button .buttons.cancel -default normal -command cancel -text "Cancel" \ -state disabled button .buttons.quit -default normal -command quit -text "Quit" pack .buttons.ok .buttons.apply .buttons.cancel .buttons.quit \ -side left -expand yes -pady 5 bind . <Return> {.buttons.ok flash; .buttons.ok invoke} bind . <Escape> {.buttons.quit flash; .buttons.quit invoke} bind . <1> { if {![string match .buttons* %W]} { .buttons.apply configure -state normal .buttons.cancel configure -state normal } } bind . <Key> { if {![string match .buttons* %W]} { switch -glob %K { Return - Escape - Tab - *Shift* {} default { .buttons.apply configure -state normal .buttons.cancel configure -state normal } } } } # # Bell settings # labelframe .bell -text "Bell Settings" -padx 1.5m -pady 1.5m scale .bell.vol \ -from 0 -to 100 -length 200 -tickinterval 20 \ -label "Volume (%)" -orient horizontal frame .bell.val labelentry .bell.val.pit "Pitch (Hz)" 6 {25 20000} labelentry .bell.val.dur "Duration (ms)" 6 {1 10000} pack .bell.val.pit -side left -padx 5 pack .bell.val.dur -side right -padx 5 pack .bell.vol .bell.val -side top -expand yes # # Keyboard settings # labelframe .kbd -text "Keyboard Repeat Settings" -padx 1.5m -pady 1.5m frame .kbd.val checkbutton .kbd.val.onoff \ -text "On" \ -onvalue "on" -offvalue "off" -variable kbdrep \ -relief flat scale .kbd.val.cli \ -from 0 -to 100 -length 200 -tickinterval 20 \ -label "Click Volume (%)" -orient horizontal pack .kbd.val.onoff -side left -fill x -expand yes -padx {0 1m} pack .kbd.val.cli -side left -expand yes -fill x -padx {1m 0} pack .kbd.val -side top -expand yes -pady 2 -fill x # # Mouse settings # labelframe .mouse -text "Mouse Settings" -padx 1.5m -pady 1.5m frame .mouse.hor labelentry .mouse.hor.acc "Acceleration" 5 labelentry .mouse.hor.thr "Threshold (pixels)" 3 {1 2000} pack .mouse.hor.acc -side left -padx {0 1m} pack .mouse.hor.thr -side right -padx {1m 0} pack .mouse.hor -side top -expand yes # # Screen Saver settings # labelframe .screen -text "Screen-saver Settings" -padx 1.5m -pady 1.5m radiobutton .screen.blank \ -variable screenblank -text "Blank" -relief flat \ -value "blank" -variable screenbla -anchor w radiobutton .screen.pat \ -variable screenblank -text "Pattern" -relief flat \ -value "noblank" -variable screenbla -anchor w labelentry .screen.tim "Timeout (s)" 5 {1 100000} labelentry .screen.cyc "Cycle (s)" 5 {1 100000} grid .screen.blank .screen.tim -sticky e grid .screen.pat .screen.cyc -sticky e grid configure .screen.blank .screen.pat -sticky ew # # Main window # pack .buttons -side top -fill both pack .bell .kbd .mouse .screen -side top -fill both -expand yes \ -padx 1m -pady 1m # # Let the user resize our window # wm minsize . 10 10 } ############################################################################## # Main program # # Listen what "xset" tells us... # readsettings # # Create all windows # createwindows # # Write xset parameters # dispsettings # # Now, wait for user actions... # # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # End:
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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spin.tcl | File | 1.78 KB | 0644 |
states.tcl | File | 1.63 KB | 0644 |
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tcolor | File | 10.99 KB | 0755 |
text.tcl | File | 3.34 KB | 0644 |
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