[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# textpeer.tcl --
# This demonstration script creates a pair of text widgets that can edit a
# single logical buffer. This is particularly useful when editing related text
# in two (or more) parts of the same file.

if {![info exists widgetDemo]} {
    error "This script should be run from the \"widget\" demo."

package require Tk

set w .textpeer
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
wm title $w "Text Widget Peering Demonstration"
wm iconname $w "textpeer"
positionWindow $w

set count 0

## Define a widget that we peer from; it won't ever actually be shown though
set first [text $w.text[incr count]]
$first insert end "This is a coupled pair of text widgets; they are peers to "
$first insert end "each other. They have the same underlying data model, but "
$first insert end "can show different locations, have different current edit "
$first insert end "locations, and have different selections. You can also "
$first insert end "create additional peers of any of these text widgets using "
$first insert end "the Make Peer button beside the text widget to clone, and "
$first insert end "delete a particular peer widget using the Delete Peer "
$first insert end "button."

## Procedures to make and kill clones; most of this is just so that the demo
## looks nice...
proc makeClone {w parent} {
    global count
    set t [$parent peer create $w.text[incr count] -yscroll "$w.sb$count set"\
		  -height 10 -wrap word]
    set sb [scrollbar $w.sb$count -command "$t yview" -orient vertical]
    set b1 [button $w.clone$count -command "makeClone $w $t" \
		    -text "Make Peer"]
    set b2 [button $w.kill$count -command "killClone $w $count" \
		    -text "Delete Peer"]
    set row [expr {$count * 2}]
    grid $t $sb $b1 -sticky nsew -row $row
    grid ^  ^   $b2 -row [incr row]
    grid configure $b1 $b2 -sticky new
    grid rowconfigure $w $b2 -weight 1
proc killClone {w count} {
    destroy $w.text$count $w.sb$count
    destroy $w.clone$count $w.kill$count

## Now set up the GUI
makeClone $w $first
makeClone $w $first
destroy $first

## See Code / Dismiss buttons
grid [addSeeDismiss $w.buttons $w] - - -sticky ew -row 5000
grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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states.tcl File 1.63 KB 0644
style.tcl File 6.78 KB 0644
tclIndex File 4.25 KB 0644
tcolor File 10.99 KB 0755
text.tcl File 3.34 KB 0644
textpeer.tcl File 2.13 KB 0644
timer File 1.09 KB 0755
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tree.tcl File 3.29 KB 0644
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ttkprogress.tcl File 1.52 KB 0644
ttkscale.tcl File 1.39 KB 0644
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unicodeout.tcl File 3.45 KB 0644
vscale.tcl File 1.44 KB 0644
widget File 22.83 KB 0755