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hmhc3928@ ~ $
# twind.tcl --
# This demonstration script creates a text widget with a bunch of
# embedded windows.

if {![info exists widgetDemo]} {
    error "This script should be run from the \"widget\" demo."

package require Tk

set w .twind
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
wm title $w "Text Demonstration - Embedded Windows and Other Features"
wm iconname $w "Embedded Windows"
positionWindow $w

## See Code / Dismiss buttons
set btns [addSeeDismiss $w.buttons $w]
pack $btns -side bottom -fill x

frame $w.f -highlightthickness 1 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken
set t $w.f.text
text $t -yscrollcommand "$w.scroll set" -setgrid true -font $font -width 70 \
	-height 35 -wrap word -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0
pack $t -expand  yes -fill both
scrollbar $w.scroll -command "$t yview"
pack $w.scroll -side right -fill y
panedwindow $w.pane
pack $w.pane -expand yes -fill both
$w.pane add $w.f
# Import to raise given creation order above
raise $w.f

$t tag configure center -justify center -spacing1 5m -spacing3 5m
$t tag configure buttons -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c -rmargin 1c \
	-spacing1 3m -spacing2 0 -spacing3 0

button $t.on -text "Turn On" -command "textWindOn $w" \
	-cursor top_left_arrow
button $t.off -text "Turn Off" -command "textWindOff $w" \
	-cursor top_left_arrow

$t insert end "A text widget can contain many different kinds of items, "
$t insert end "both active and passive.  It can lay these out in various "
$t insert end "ways, with wrapping, tabs, centering, etc.  In addition, "
$t insert end "when the contents are too big for the window, smooth "
$t insert end "scrolling in all directions is provided.\n\n"

$t insert end "A text widget can contain other widgets embedded "
$t insert end "it.  These are called \"embedded windows\", "
$t insert end "and they can consist of arbitrary widgets.  "
$t insert end "For example, here are two embedded button "
$t insert end "widgets.  You can click on the first button to "
$t window create end -window $t.on
$t insert end " horizontal scrolling, which also turns off "
$t insert end "word wrapping.  Or, you can click on the second "
$t insert end "button to\n"
$t window create end -window $t.off
$t insert end " horizontal scrolling and turn back on word wrapping.\n\n"

$t insert end "Or, here is another example.  If you "
$t window create end -create {
    button %W.click -text "Click Here" -command "textWindPlot %W" \
	    -cursor top_left_arrow}

$t insert end " a canvas displaying an x-y plot will appear right here."
$t mark set plot insert
$t mark gravity plot left
$t insert end "  You can drag the data points around with the mouse, "
$t insert end "or you can click here to "
$t window create end -create {
    button %W.delete -text "Delete" -command "textWindDel %W" \
	    -cursor top_left_arrow
$t insert end " the plot again.\n\n"

$t insert end "You can also create multiple text widgets each of which "
$t insert end "display the same underlying text. Click this button to "
$t window create end \
  -create {button %W.peer -text "Make A Peer" -command "textMakePeer %W" \
  -cursor top_left_arrow} -padx 3
$t insert end " widget.  Notice how peer widgets can have different "
$t insert end "font settings, and by default contain all the images "
$t insert end "of the 'parent', but many of the embedded windows, "
$t insert end "such as buttons will not be there.  The easiest way "
$t insert end "to ensure they are in all peers is to use '-create' "
$t insert end "embedded window creation scripts "
$t insert end "(the plot above and the 'Make A Peer' button are "
$t insert end "designed to show up in all peers).  A good use of "
$t insert end "peers is for "
$t window create end \
  -create {button %W.split -text "Split Windows" -command "textSplitWindow %W" \
  -cursor top_left_arrow} -padx 3
$t insert end " \n\n"

$t insert end "Users of previous versions of Tk will also be interested "
$t insert end "to note that now cursor movement is now by visual line by "
$t insert end "default, and that all scrolling of this widget is by pixel.\n\n"

$t insert end "You may also find it useful to put embedded windows in "
$t insert end "a text without any actual text.  In this case the "
$t insert end "text widget acts like a geometry manager.  For "
$t insert end "example, here is a collection of buttons laid out "
$t insert end "neatly into rows by the text widget.  These buttons "
$t insert end "can be used to change the background color of the "
$t insert end "text widget (\"Default\" restores the color to "
$t insert end "its default).  If you click on the button labeled "
$t insert end "\"Short\", it changes to a longer string so that "
$t insert end "you can see how the text widget automatically "
$t insert end "changes the layout.  Click on the button again "
$t insert end "to restore the short string.\n"

button $t.default -text Default -command "embDefBg $t" \
	-cursor top_left_arrow
$t window create end -window $t.default -padx 3
global embToggle
set embToggle Short
checkbutton $t.toggle -textvariable embToggle -indicatoron 0 \
	-variable embToggle -onvalue "A much longer string" \
	-offvalue "Short" -cursor top_left_arrow -pady 5 -padx 2
$t window create end -window $t.toggle -padx 3 -pady 2
set i 1
foreach color {AntiqueWhite3 Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4
	SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 DeepSkyBlue3 LightBlue1
	DarkSlateGray1 Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 SeaGreen1
	Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 Tan4} {
    button $t.color$i -text $color -cursor top_left_arrow -command \
	    "$t configure -bg $color"
    $t window create end -window $t.color$i -padx 3 -pady 2
    incr i
$t tag add buttons $t.default end

button $t.bigB -text "Big borders" -command "textWindBigB $t" \
  -cursor top_left_arrow
button $t.smallB -text "Small borders" -command "textWindSmallB $t" \
  -cursor top_left_arrow
button $t.bigH -text "Big highlight" -command "textWindBigH $t" \
  -cursor top_left_arrow
button $t.smallH -text "Small highlight" -command "textWindSmallH $t" \
  -cursor top_left_arrow
button $t.bigP -text "Big pad" -command "textWindBigP $t" \
  -cursor top_left_arrow
button $t.smallP -text "Small pad" -command "textWindSmallP $t" \
  -cursor top_left_arrow

set text_normal(border) [$t cget -borderwidth]
set text_normal(highlight) [$t cget -highlightthickness]
set text_normal(pad) [$t cget -padx]

$t insert end "\nYou can also change the usual border width and "
$t insert end "highlightthickness and padding.\n"
$t window create end -window $t.bigB
$t window create end -window $t.smallB
$t window create end -window $t.bigH
$t window create end -window $t.smallH
$t window create end -window $t.bigP
$t window create end -window $t.smallP

$t insert end "\n\nFinally, images fit comfortably in text widgets too:"

$t image create end -image \
  [image create bitmap -file [file join $tk_demoDirectory images face.xbm]]

proc textWindBigB w {
    $w configure -borderwidth 15 

proc textWindBigH w {
    $w configure -highlightthickness 15

proc textWindBigP w {
    $w configure -padx 15 -pady 15

proc textWindSmallB w {
    $w configure -borderwidth $::text_normal(border)

proc textWindSmallH w {
    $w configure -highlightthickness $::text_normal(highlight)

proc textWindSmallP w {
    $w configure -padx $::text_normal(pad) -pady $::text_normal(pad)

proc textWindOn w {
    catch {destroy $w.scroll2}
    set t $w.f.text
    scrollbar $w.scroll2 -orient horizontal -command "$t xview"
    pack $w.scroll2 -after $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x
    $t configure -xscrollcommand "$w.scroll2 set" -wrap none

proc textWindOff w {
    catch {destroy $w.scroll2}
    set t $w.f.text
    $t configure -xscrollcommand {} -wrap word

proc textWindPlot t {
    set c $t.c
    if {[winfo exists $c]} {

    while {[string first [$t get plot] " \t\n"] >= 0} {
	$t delete plot
    $t insert plot "\n"

    $t window create plot -create {createPlot %W}
    $t tag add center plot
    $t insert plot "\n"

proc createPlot {t} {
    set c $t.c

    canvas $c -relief sunken -width 450 -height 300 -cursor top_left_arrow

    set font {Helvetica 18}

    $c create line 100 250 400 250 -width 2
    $c create line 100 250 100 50 -width 2
    $c create text 225 20 -text "A Simple Plot" -font $font -fill brown
    for {set i 0} {$i <= 10} {incr i} {
	set x [expr {100 + ($i*30)}]
	$c create line $x 250 $x 245 -width 2
	$c create text $x 254 -text [expr {10*$i}] -anchor n -font $font
    for {set i 0} {$i <= 5} {incr i} {
	set y [expr {250 - ($i*40)}]
	$c create line 100 $y 105 $y -width 2
	$c create text 96 $y -text [expr {$i*50}].0 -anchor e -font $font
    foreach point {
	{12 56} {20 94} {33 98} {32 120} {61 180} {75 160} {98 223}
    } {
	set x [expr {100 + (3*[lindex $point 0])}]
	set y [expr {250 - (4*[lindex $point 1])/5}]
	set item [$c create oval [expr {$x-6}] [expr {$y-6}] \
		[expr {$x+6}] [expr {$y+6}] -width 1 -outline black \
		-fill SkyBlue2]
	$c addtag point withtag $item

    $c bind point <Any-Enter> "$c itemconfig current -fill red"
    $c bind point <Any-Leave> "$c itemconfig current -fill SkyBlue2"
    $c bind point <1> "embPlotDown $c %x %y"
    $c bind point <ButtonRelease-1> "$c dtag selected"
    bind $c <B1-Motion> "embPlotMove $c %x %y"
    return $c

set embPlot(lastX) 0
set embPlot(lastY) 0

proc embPlotDown {w x y} {
    global embPlot
    $w dtag selected
    $w addtag selected withtag current
    $w raise current
    set embPlot(lastX) $x
    set embPlot(lastY) $y

proc embPlotMove {w x y} {
    global embPlot
    $w move selected [expr {$x-$embPlot(lastX)}] [expr {$y-$embPlot(lastY)}]
    set embPlot(lastX) $x
    set embPlot(lastY) $y

proc textWindDel t {
    if {[winfo exists $t.c]} {
	$t delete $t.c
	while {[string first [$t get plot] " \t\n"] >= 0} {
	    $t delete plot
	$t insert plot "  "

proc embDefBg t {
    $t configure -background [lindex [$t configure -background] 3]

proc textMakePeer {parent} {
    set n 1
    while {[winfo exists .peer$n]} { incr n }
    set w [toplevel .peer$n]
    wm title $w "Text Peer #$n"
    frame $w.f -highlightthickness 1 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken
    set t [$parent peer create $w.f.text -yscrollcommand "$w.scroll set" \
	       -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0]
    pack $t -expand  yes -fill both
    scrollbar $w.scroll -command "$t yview"
    pack $w.scroll -side right -fill y
    pack $w.f -expand yes -fill both

proc textSplitWindow {textW} {
    if {$textW eq ".twind.f.text"} {
	if {[winfo exists .twind.peer]} {
	    destroy .twind.peer
	} else {
	    set parent [winfo parent $textW]
	    set w [winfo parent $parent]
	    set t [$textW peer create $w.peer \
	      -yscrollcommand "$w.scroll set"]
	    $w.pane add $t
    } else {


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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README File 2.03 KB 0644
anilabel.tcl File 6.51 KB 0644
aniwave.tcl File 3.41 KB 0644
arrow.tcl File 7.8 KB 0644
bind.tcl File 2.87 KB 0644
bitmap.tcl File 1.38 KB 0644
browse File 1.72 KB 0755
button.tcl File 1.47 KB 0644
check.tcl File 2.22 KB 0644
clrpick.tcl File 1.4 KB 0644
colors.tcl File 4.88 KB 0644
combo.tcl File 1.94 KB 0644
cscroll.tcl File 3.31 KB 0644
ctext.tcl File 4.76 KB 0644
dialog1.tcl File 660 B 0644
dialog2.tcl File 613 B 0644
en.msg File 3.8 KB 0644
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form.tcl File 1.02 KB 0644
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icon.tcl File 2.01 KB 0644
image1.tcl File 1002 B 0644
image2.tcl File 3.28 KB 0644
items.tcl File 9.5 KB 0644
ixset File 7.91 KB 0755
knightstour.tcl File 8.38 KB 0644
label.tcl File 1.29 KB 0644
labelframe.tcl File 1.8 KB 0644
license.terms File 2.16 KB 0644
mclist.tcl File 3.89 KB 0644
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menubu.tcl File 4.37 KB 0644
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nl.msg File 6.61 KB 0644
paned1.tcl File 1.08 KB 0644
paned2.tcl File 2.18 KB 0644
pendulum.tcl File 7.46 KB 0644
plot.tcl File 2.69 KB 0644
puzzle.tcl File 2.54 KB 0644
radio.tcl File 2.69 KB 0644
rmt File 5.22 KB 0755
rolodex File 8.11 KB 0755
ruler.tcl File 5.09 KB 0644
sayings.tcl File 2.21 KB 0644
search.tcl File 4.29 KB 0644
spin.tcl File 1.78 KB 0644
states.tcl File 1.63 KB 0644
style.tcl File 6.78 KB 0644
tclIndex File 4.25 KB 0644
tcolor File 10.99 KB 0755
text.tcl File 3.34 KB 0644
textpeer.tcl File 2.13 KB 0644
timer File 1.09 KB 0755
toolbar.tcl File 3.19 KB 0644
tree.tcl File 3.29 KB 0644
ttkbut.tcl File 3.34 KB 0644
ttkmenu.tcl File 2.35 KB 0644
ttknote.tcl File 2.41 KB 0644
ttkpane.tcl File 3.95 KB 0644
ttkprogress.tcl File 1.52 KB 0644
ttkscale.tcl File 1.39 KB 0644
twind.tcl File 10.57 KB 0644
unicodeout.tcl File 3.45 KB 0644
vscale.tcl File 1.44 KB 0644
widget File 22.83 KB 0755