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# Bindings for Buttons, Checkbuttons, and Radiobuttons.
# Notes: <Button1-Leave>, <Button1-Enter> only control the "pressed"
# state; widgets remain "active" if the pointer is dragged out.
# This doesn't seem to be conventional, but it's a nice way
# to provide extra feedback while the grab is active.
# (If the button is released off the widget, the grab deactivates and
# we get a <Leave> event then, which turns off the "active" state)
# Normally, <ButtonRelease> and <ButtonN-Enter/Leave> events are 
# delivered to the widget which received the initial <ButtonPress>
# event.  However, Tk [grab]s (#1223103) and menu interactions
# (#1222605) can interfere with this.  To guard against spurious
# <Button1-Enter> events, the <Button1-Enter> binding only sets
# the pressed state if the button is currently active.

namespace eval ttk::button {}

bind TButton <Enter> 		{ %W instate !disabled {%W state active} }
bind TButton <Leave>		{ %W state !active }
bind TButton <Key-space>	{ ttk::button::activate %W }
bind TButton <<Invoke>> 	{ ttk::button::activate %W }

bind TButton <ButtonPress-1> \
    { %W instate !disabled { ttk::clickToFocus %W; %W state pressed } }
bind TButton <ButtonRelease-1> \
    { %W instate pressed { %W state !pressed; %W instate !disabled { %W invoke } } }
bind TButton <Button1-Leave> \
    { %W state !pressed }
bind TButton <Button1-Enter> \
    { %W instate {active !disabled} { %W state pressed } }

# Checkbuttons and Radiobuttons have the same bindings as Buttons:
ttk::copyBindings TButton TCheckbutton
ttk::copyBindings TButton TRadiobutton

# ...plus a few more:

bind TRadiobutton <KeyPress-Up> 	{ ttk::button::RadioTraverse %W -1 }
bind TRadiobutton <KeyPress-Down> 	{ ttk::button::RadioTraverse %W +1 }

# bind TCheckbutton <KeyPress-plus> { %W select }
# bind TCheckbutton <KeyPress-minus> { %W deselect }

# activate --
#	Simulate a button press: temporarily set the state to 'pressed',
#	then invoke the button.
proc ttk::button::activate {w} {
    $w instate disabled { return }
    set oldState [$w state pressed]
    update idletasks; after 100	;# block event loop to avoid reentrancy
    $w state $oldState
    $w invoke

# RadioTraverse -- up/down keyboard traversal for radiobutton groups.
# 	Set focus to previous/next radiobutton in a group.
#	A radiobutton group consists of all the radiobuttons with
#	the same parent and -variable; this is a pretty good heuristic
#	that works most of the time.
proc ttk::button::RadioTraverse {w dir} {
    set group [list]
    foreach sibling [winfo children [winfo parent $w]] {
    	if {   [winfo class $sibling] eq "TRadiobutton"
	    && [$sibling cget -variable] eq [$w cget -variable]
	    && ![$sibling instate disabled]
	} {
	   lappend group $sibling

    if {![llength $group]} {	 # Shouldn't happen, but can.

    set pos [expr {([lsearch -exact $group $w] + $dir) % [llength $group]}]
    tk::TabToWindow [lindex $group $pos]


Name Type Size Permission Actions
altTheme.tcl File 3.26 KB 0644
aquaTheme.tcl File 1.95 KB 0644
button.tcl File 2.91 KB 0644
clamTheme.tcl File 4.16 KB 0644
classicTheme.tcl File 3.44 KB 0644
combobox.tcl File 12.1 KB 0644
cursors.tcl File 3.91 KB 0644
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fonts.tcl File 5.44 KB 0644
menubutton.tcl File 4.77 KB 0644
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scale.tcl File 2.49 KB 0644
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xpTheme.tcl File 1.88 KB 0644