[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# "Clam" theme.
# Inspired by the XFCE family of Gnome themes.

namespace eval ttk::theme::clam {
    variable colors 
    array set colors {
	-disabledfg	"#999999"
	-frame  	"#dcdad5"
	-window  	"#ffffff"
	-dark		"#cfcdc8"
	-darker 	"#bab5ab"
	-darkest	"#9e9a91"
	-lighter	"#eeebe7"
	-lightest 	"#ffffff"
	-selectbg	"#4a6984"
	-selectfg	"#ffffff"

    ttk::style theme settings clam {

	ttk::style configure "." \
	    -background $colors(-frame) \
	    -foreground black \
	    -bordercolor $colors(-darkest) \
	    -darkcolor $colors(-dark) \
	    -lightcolor $colors(-lighter) \
	    -troughcolor $colors(-darker) \
	    -selectbackground $colors(-selectbg) \
	    -selectforeground $colors(-selectfg) \
	    -selectborderwidth 0 \
	    -font TkDefaultFont \

	ttk::style map "." \
	    -background [list disabled $colors(-frame) \
			     active $colors(-lighter)] \
	    -foreground [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg)] \
	    -selectbackground [list  !focus $colors(-darkest)] \
	    -selectforeground [list  !focus white] \
	# -selectbackground [list  !focus "#847d73"]

	ttk::style configure TButton \
	    -anchor center -width -11 -padding 5 -relief raised
	ttk::style map TButton \
	    -background [list \
			     disabled $colors(-frame) \
			     pressed $colors(-darker) \
			     active $colors(-lighter)] \
	    -lightcolor [list pressed $colors(-darker)] \
	    -darkcolor [list pressed $colors(-darker)] \
	    -bordercolor [list alternate "#000000"] \

	ttk::style configure Toolbutton \
	    -anchor center -padding 2 -relief flat
	ttk::style map Toolbutton \
	    -relief [list \
		    disabled flat \
		    selected sunken \
		    pressed sunken \
		    active raised] \
	    -background [list \
		    disabled $colors(-frame) \
		    pressed $colors(-darker) \
		    active $colors(-lighter)] \
	    -lightcolor [list pressed $colors(-darker)] \
	    -darkcolor [list pressed $colors(-darker)] \

	ttk::style configure TCheckbutton \
	    -indicatorbackground "#ffffff" \
	    -indicatormargin {1 1 4 1} \
	    -padding 2 ;
	ttk::style configure TRadiobutton \
	    -indicatorbackground "#ffffff" \
	    -indicatormargin {1 1 4 1} \
	    -padding 2 ;
	ttk::style map TCheckbutton -indicatorbackground \
	    [list  disabled $colors(-frame)  pressed $colors(-frame)]
	ttk::style map TRadiobutton -indicatorbackground \
	    [list  disabled $colors(-frame)  pressed $colors(-frame)]

	ttk::style configure TMenubutton \
	    -width -11 -padding 5 -relief raised

	ttk::style configure TEntry -padding 1 -insertwidth 1
	ttk::style map TEntry \
	    -background [list  readonly $colors(-frame)] \
	    -bordercolor [list  focus $colors(-selectbg)] \
	    -lightcolor [list  focus "#6f9dc6"] \
	    -darkcolor [list  focus "#6f9dc6"] \

	ttk::style configure TCombobox -padding 1 -insertwidth 1
	ttk::style map TCombobox \
	    -background [list active $colors(-lighter) \
			     pressed $colors(-lighter)] \
	    -fieldbackground [list {readonly focus} $colors(-selectbg) \
				  readonly $colors(-frame)] \
	    -foreground [list {readonly focus} $colors(-selectfg)] \
	ttk::style configure ComboboxPopdownFrame \
	    -relief solid -borderwidth 1

	ttk::style configure TSpinbox -arrowsize 10 -padding {2 0 10 0}
	ttk::style map TSpinbox \
	    -background [list  readonly $colors(-frame)] \
            -arrowcolor [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg)]

	ttk::style configure TNotebook.Tab -padding {6 2 6 2}
	ttk::style map TNotebook.Tab \
	    -padding [list selected {6 4 6 2}] \
	    -background [list selected $colors(-frame) {} $colors(-darker)] \
	    -lightcolor [list selected $colors(-lighter) {} $colors(-dark)] \

	# Treeview:
	ttk::style configure Heading \
	    -font TkHeadingFont -relief raised -padding {3}
	ttk::style configure Treeview -background $colors(-window)
	ttk::style map Treeview \
	    -background [list selected $colors(-selectbg)] \
	    -foreground [list selected $colors(-selectfg)] ;

    	ttk::style configure TLabelframe \
	    -labeloutside true -labelmargins {0 0 0 4} \
	    -borderwidth 2 -relief raised

	ttk::style configure TProgressbar -background $colors(-frame)

	ttk::style configure Sash -sashthickness 6 -gripcount 10


Name Type Size Permission Actions
altTheme.tcl File 3.26 KB 0644
aquaTheme.tcl File 1.95 KB 0644
button.tcl File 2.91 KB 0644
clamTheme.tcl File 4.16 KB 0644
classicTheme.tcl File 3.44 KB 0644
combobox.tcl File 12.1 KB 0644
cursors.tcl File 3.91 KB 0644
defaults.tcl File 3.6 KB 0644
entry.tcl File 15.77 KB 0644
fonts.tcl File 5.44 KB 0644
menubutton.tcl File 4.77 KB 0644
notebook.tcl File 5.49 KB 0644
panedwindow.tcl File 1.88 KB 0644
progress.tcl File 1.06 KB 0644
scale.tcl File 2.49 KB 0644
scrollbar.tcl File 3.02 KB 0644
sizegrip.tcl File 2.34 KB 0644
spinbox.tcl File 4.16 KB 0644
treeview.tcl File 8.66 KB 0644
ttk.tcl File 4.44 KB 0644
utils.tcl File 8.36 KB 0644
vistaTheme.tcl File 9.13 KB 0644
winTheme.tcl File 2.58 KB 0644
xpTheme.tcl File 1.88 KB 0644