[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# Combobox bindings.
#	Need to set [wm transient] just before mapping the popdown
#	instead of when it's created, in case a containing frame
#	has been reparented [#1818441].
#	On Windows: setting [wm transient] prevents the parent
#	toplevel from becoming inactive when the popdown is posted
#	(Tk 8.4.8+)
#	On X11: WM_TRANSIENT_FOR on override-redirect windows
#	may be used by compositing managers and by EWMH-aware
#	window managers (even though the older ICCCM spec says
#	it's meaningless).
#	On OSX: [wm transient] does utterly the wrong thing.
#	Instead, we use [MacWindowStyle "help" "noActivates hideOnSuspend"].
#	The "noActivates" attribute prevents the parent toplevel
#	from deactivating when the popdown is posted, and is also
#	necessary for "help" windows to receive mouse events.
#	"hideOnSuspend" makes the popdown disappear (resp. reappear)
#	when the parent toplevel is deactivated (resp. reactivated).
#	(see [#1814778]).  Also set [wm resizable 0 0], to prevent
#	TkAqua from shrinking the scrollbar to make room for a grow box
#	that isn't there.
#	In order to work around other platform quirks in TkAqua,
#	[grab] and [focus] are set in <Map> bindings instead of
#	immediately after deiconifying the window.

namespace eval ttk::combobox {
    variable Values	;# Values($cb) is -listvariable of listbox widget
    variable State
    set State(entryPress) 0

### Combobox bindings.
# Duplicate the Entry bindings, override if needed:

ttk::copyBindings TEntry TCombobox

bind TCombobox <KeyPress-Down> 		{ ttk::combobox::Post %W }
bind TCombobox <KeyPress-Escape> 	{ ttk::combobox::Unpost %W }

bind TCombobox <ButtonPress-1> 		{ ttk::combobox::Press "" %W %x %y }
bind TCombobox <Shift-ButtonPress-1>	{ ttk::combobox::Press "s" %W %x %y }
bind TCombobox <Double-ButtonPress-1> 	{ ttk::combobox::Press "2" %W %x %y }
bind TCombobox <Triple-ButtonPress-1> 	{ ttk::combobox::Press "3" %W %x %y }
bind TCombobox <B1-Motion>		{ ttk::combobox::Drag %W %x }
bind TCombobox <Motion>			{ ttk::combobox::Motion %W %x %y }

ttk::bindMouseWheel TCombobox [list ttk::combobox::Scroll %W]

bind TCombobox <<TraverseIn>> 		{ ttk::combobox::TraverseIn %W }

### Combobox listbox bindings.
bind ComboboxListbox <ButtonRelease-1>	{ ttk::combobox::LBSelected %W }
bind ComboboxListbox <KeyPress-Return>	{ ttk::combobox::LBSelected %W }
bind ComboboxListbox <KeyPress-Escape>  { ttk::combobox::LBCancel %W }
bind ComboboxListbox <KeyPress-Tab>	{ ttk::combobox::LBTab %W next }
bind ComboboxListbox <<PrevWindow>>	{ ttk::combobox::LBTab %W prev }
bind ComboboxListbox <Destroy>		{ ttk::combobox::LBCleanup %W }
bind ComboboxListbox <Motion>		{ ttk::combobox::LBHover %W %x %y }
bind ComboboxListbox <Map>		{ focus -force %W }

switch -- [tk windowingsystem] {
    win32 {
	# Dismiss listbox when user switches to a different application.
	# NB: *only* do this on Windows (see #1814778)
	bind ComboboxListbox <FocusOut>		{ ttk::combobox::LBCancel %W }

### Combobox popdown window bindings.
bind ComboboxPopdown	<Map>		{ ttk::combobox::MapPopdown %W }
bind ComboboxPopdown	<Unmap>		{ ttk::combobox::UnmapPopdown %W }
bind ComboboxPopdown	<ButtonPress> \
			{ ttk::combobox::Unpost [winfo parent %W] }

### Option database settings.

option add *TCombobox*Listbox.font TkTextFont
option add *TCombobox*Listbox.relief flat
option add *TCombobox*Listbox.highlightThickness 0

## Platform-specific settings.
switch -- [tk windowingsystem] {
    x11 {
	option add *TCombobox*Listbox.background white
    aqua {
	option add *TCombobox*Listbox.borderWidth 0

### Binding procedures.

## Press $mode $x $y -- ButtonPress binding for comboboxes.
#	Either post/unpost the listbox, or perform Entry widget binding,
#	depending on widget state and location of button press.
proc ttk::combobox::Press {mode w x y} {
    variable State

    $w instate disabled { return }

    set State(entryPress) [expr {
	   [$w instate !readonly]
	&& [string match *textarea [$w identify element $x $y]]

    focus $w
    if {$State(entryPress)} {
	switch -- $mode {
	    s 	{ ttk::entry::Shift-Press $w $x 	; # Shift }
	    2	{ ttk::entry::Select $w $x word 	; # Double click}
	    3	{ ttk::entry::Select $w $x line 	; # Triple click }
	    ""	-
	    default { ttk::entry::Press $w $x }
    } else {
	Post $w

## Drag -- B1-Motion binding for comboboxes.
#	If the initial ButtonPress event was handled by Entry binding,
#	perform Entry widget drag binding; otherwise nothing.
proc ttk::combobox::Drag {w x}  {
    variable State
    if {$State(entryPress)} {
	ttk::entry::Drag $w $x

## Motion --
#	Set cursor.
proc ttk::combobox::Motion {w x y} {
    if {   [$w identify $x $y] eq "textarea"
        && [$w instate {!readonly !disabled}]
    } {
	ttk::setCursor $w text
    } else {
	ttk::setCursor $w ""

## TraverseIn -- receive focus due to keyboard navigation
#	For editable comboboxes, set the selection and insert cursor.
proc ttk::combobox::TraverseIn {w} {
    $w instate {!readonly !disabled} {
	$w selection range 0 end
	$w icursor end

## SelectEntry $cb $index --
#	Set the combobox selection in response to a user action.
proc ttk::combobox::SelectEntry {cb index} {
    $cb current $index
    $cb selection range 0 end
    $cb icursor end
    event generate $cb <<ComboboxSelected>> -when mark

## Scroll -- Mousewheel binding
proc ttk::combobox::Scroll {cb dir} {
    $cb instate disabled { return }
    set max [llength [$cb cget -values]]
    set current [$cb current]
    incr current $dir
    if {$max != 0 && $current == $current % $max} {
	SelectEntry $cb $current

## LBSelected $lb -- Activation binding for listbox
#	Set the combobox value to the currently-selected listbox value
#	and unpost the listbox.
proc ttk::combobox::LBSelected {lb} {
    set cb [LBMaster $lb]
    LBSelect $lb
    Unpost $cb
    focus $cb

## LBCancel --
#	Unpost the listbox.
proc ttk::combobox::LBCancel {lb} {
    Unpost [LBMaster $lb]

## LBTab -- Tab key binding for combobox listbox.
#	Set the selection, and navigate to next/prev widget.
proc ttk::combobox::LBTab {lb dir} {
    set cb [LBMaster $lb]
    switch -- $dir {
	next	{ set newFocus [tk_focusNext $cb] }
	prev	{ set newFocus [tk_focusPrev $cb] }

    if {$newFocus ne ""} {
	LBSelect $lb
	Unpost $cb
	# The [grab release] call in [Unpost] queues events that later
	# re-set the focus (@@@ NOTE: this might not be true anymore).
	# Set new focus later:
	after 0 [list ttk::traverseTo $newFocus]

## LBHover -- <Motion> binding for combobox listbox.
#	Follow selection on mouseover.
proc ttk::combobox::LBHover {w x y} {
    $w selection clear 0 end
    $w activate @$x,$y
    $w selection set @$x,$y

## MapPopdown -- <Map> binding for ComboboxPopdown
proc ttk::combobox::MapPopdown {w} {
    [winfo parent $w] state pressed
    ttk::globalGrab $w

## UnmapPopdown -- <Unmap> binding for ComboboxPopdown
proc ttk::combobox::UnmapPopdown {w} {
    [winfo parent $w] state !pressed
    ttk::releaseGrab $w


namespace eval ::ttk::combobox {
    # @@@ Until we have a proper native scrollbar on Aqua, use
    # @@@ the regular Tk one.  Use ttk::scrollbar on other platforms.
    variable scrollbar ttk::scrollbar
    if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
	set scrollbar ::scrollbar

## PopdownWindow --
#	Returns the popdown widget associated with a combobox,
#	creating it if necessary.
proc ttk::combobox::PopdownWindow {cb} {
    variable scrollbar

    if {![winfo exists $cb.popdown]} {
	set poplevel [PopdownToplevel $cb.popdown]
	set popdown [ttk::frame $poplevel.f -style ComboboxPopdownFrame]

	$scrollbar $popdown.sb \
	    -orient vertical -command [list $popdown.l yview]
	listbox $popdown.l \
	    -listvariable ttk::combobox::Values($cb) \
	    -yscrollcommand [list $popdown.sb set] \
	    -exportselection false \
	    -selectmode browse \
	    -activestyle none \

	bindtags $popdown.l \
	    [list $popdown.l ComboboxListbox Listbox $popdown all]

	grid $popdown.l -row 0 -column 0 -padx {1 0} -pady 1 -sticky nsew
        grid $popdown.sb -row 0 -column 1 -padx {0 1} -pady 1 -sticky ns
	grid columnconfigure $popdown 0 -weight 1
	grid rowconfigure $popdown 0 -weight 1

        grid $popdown -sticky news -padx 0 -pady 0
        grid rowconfigure $poplevel 0 -weight 1
        grid columnconfigure $poplevel 0 -weight 1
    return $cb.popdown

## PopdownToplevel -- Create toplevel window for the combobox popdown
#	See also <<NOTE-WM-TRANSIENT>>
proc ttk::combobox::PopdownToplevel {w} {
    toplevel $w -class ComboboxPopdown
    wm withdraw $w
    switch -- [tk windowingsystem] {
	default -
	x11 {
	    $w configure -relief flat -borderwidth 0
	    wm attributes $w -type combo
	    wm overrideredirect $w true
	win32 {
	    $w configure -relief flat -borderwidth 0
	    wm overrideredirect $w true
	    wm attributes $w -topmost 1
	aqua {
	    $w configure -relief solid -borderwidth 0
	    tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle style $w \
	    	help {noActivates hideOnSuspend}
	    wm resizable $w 0 0
    return $w

## ConfigureListbox --
#	Set listbox values, selection, height, and scrollbar visibility
#	from current combobox values.
proc ttk::combobox::ConfigureListbox {cb} {
    variable Values

    set popdown [PopdownWindow $cb].f
    set values [$cb cget -values]
    set current [$cb current]
    if {$current < 0} {
	set current 0 		;# no current entry, highlight first one
    set Values($cb) $values
    $popdown.l selection clear 0 end
    $popdown.l selection set $current
    $popdown.l activate $current
    $popdown.l see $current
    set height [llength $values]
    if {$height > [$cb cget -height]} {
	set height [$cb cget -height]
    	grid $popdown.sb
        grid configure $popdown.l -padx {1 0}
    } else {
	grid remove $popdown.sb
        grid configure $popdown.l -padx 1
    $popdown.l configure -height $height

## PlacePopdown --
#	Set popdown window geometry.
# @@@TODO: factor with menubutton::PostPosition
proc ttk::combobox::PlacePopdown {cb popdown} {
    set x [winfo rootx $cb]
    set y [winfo rooty $cb]
    set w [winfo width $cb]
    set h [winfo height $cb]
    set postoffset [ttk::style lookup TCombobox -postoffset {} {0 0 0 0}]
    foreach var {x y w h} delta $postoffset {
    	incr $var $delta

    set H [winfo reqheight $popdown]
    if {$y + $h + $H > [winfo screenheight $popdown]} {
	set Y [expr {$y - $H}]
    } else {
	set Y [expr {$y + $h}]
    wm geometry $popdown ${w}x${H}+${x}+${Y}

## Post $cb --
#	Pop down the associated listbox.
proc ttk::combobox::Post {cb} {
    # Don't do anything if disabled:
    $cb instate disabled { return }

    # ASSERT: ![$cb instate pressed]

    # Run -postcommand callback:
    uplevel #0 [$cb cget -postcommand]

    set popdown [PopdownWindow $cb]
    ConfigureListbox $cb
    update idletasks	;# needed for geometry propagation.
    PlacePopdown $cb $popdown
    switch -- [tk windowingsystem] {
	x11 - win32 { wm transient $popdown [winfo toplevel $cb] }

    # Post the listbox:
    wm attribute $popdown -topmost 1
    wm deiconify $popdown
    raise $popdown

## Unpost $cb --
#	Unpost the listbox.
proc ttk::combobox::Unpost {cb} {
    if {[winfo exists $cb.popdown]} {
	wm withdraw $cb.popdown
    grab release $cb.popdown ;# in case of stuck or unexpected grab [#1239190]

## LBMaster $lb --
#	Return the combobox main widget that owns the listbox.
proc ttk::combobox::LBMaster {lb} {
    winfo parent [winfo parent [winfo parent $lb]]

## LBSelect $lb --
#	Transfer listbox selection to combobox value.
proc ttk::combobox::LBSelect {lb} {
    set cb [LBMaster $lb]
    set selection [$lb curselection]
    if {[llength $selection] == 1} {
	SelectEntry $cb [lindex $selection 0]

## LBCleanup $lb --
#	<Destroy> binding for combobox listboxes.
#	Cleans up by unsetting the linked textvariable.
#	Note: we can't just use { unset [%W cget -listvariable] }
#	because the widget command is already gone when this binding fires).
#	[winfo parent] still works, fortunately.
proc ttk::combobox::LBCleanup {lb} {
    variable Values
    unset Values([LBMaster $lb])



Name Type Size Permission Actions
altTheme.tcl File 3.26 KB 0644
aquaTheme.tcl File 1.95 KB 0644
button.tcl File 2.91 KB 0644
clamTheme.tcl File 4.16 KB 0644
classicTheme.tcl File 3.44 KB 0644
combobox.tcl File 12.1 KB 0644
cursors.tcl File 3.91 KB 0644
defaults.tcl File 3.6 KB 0644
entry.tcl File 15.77 KB 0644
fonts.tcl File 5.44 KB 0644
menubutton.tcl File 4.77 KB 0644
notebook.tcl File 5.49 KB 0644
panedwindow.tcl File 1.88 KB 0644
progress.tcl File 1.06 KB 0644
scale.tcl File 2.49 KB 0644
scrollbar.tcl File 3.02 KB 0644
sizegrip.tcl File 2.34 KB 0644
spinbox.tcl File 4.16 KB 0644
treeview.tcl File 8.66 KB 0644
ttk.tcl File 4.44 KB 0644
utils.tcl File 8.36 KB 0644
vistaTheme.tcl File 9.13 KB 0644
winTheme.tcl File 2.58 KB 0644
xpTheme.tcl File 1.88 KB 0644