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hmhc3928@ ~ $
# DERIVED FROM: tk/library/entry.tcl r1.22
# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2004, Joe English
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

namespace eval ttk {
    namespace eval entry {
	variable State

	set State(x) 0
	set State(selectMode) char
	set State(anchor) 0
	set State(scanX) 0
	set State(scanIndex) 0
	set State(scanMoved) 0

	# Button-2 scan speed is (scanNum/scanDen) characters
	# per pixel of mouse movement.
	# The standard Tk entry widget uses the equivalent of
	# scanNum = 10, scanDen = average character width.
	# I don't know why that was chosen.
	set State(scanNum) 1
	set State(scanDen) 1
	set State(deadband) 3	;# #pixels for mouse-moved deadband.

### Option database settings.
option add *TEntry.cursor [ttk::cursor text]

### Bindings.
# Removed the following standard Tk bindings:
# <Control-Key-space>, <Control-Shift-Key-space>,
# <Key-Select>,  <Shift-Key-Select>:
#	ttk::entry widget doesn't use selection anchor.
# <Key-Insert>:
#	Inserts PRIMARY selection (on non-Windows platforms).
#	This is inconsistent with typical platform bindings.
# <Double-Shift-ButtonPress-1>, <Triple-Shift-ButtonPress-1>:
#	These don't do the right thing to start with.
# <Meta-Key-b>, <Meta-Key-d>, <Meta-Key-f>,
# <Meta-Key-BackSpace>, <Meta-Key-Delete>:
#	Judgment call.  If <Meta> happens to be assigned to the Alt key,
#	these could conflict with application accelerators.
#	(Plus, who has a Meta key these days?)
# <Control-Key-t>:
#	Another judgment call.  If anyone misses this, let me know
#	and I'll put it back.

## Clipboard events:
bind TEntry <<Cut>> 			{ ttk::entry::Cut %W }
bind TEntry <<Copy>> 			{ ttk::entry::Copy %W }
bind TEntry <<Paste>> 			{ ttk::entry::Paste %W }
bind TEntry <<Clear>> 			{ ttk::entry::Clear %W }

## Button1 bindings:
#	Used for selection and navigation.
bind TEntry <ButtonPress-1> 		{ ttk::entry::Press %W %x }
bind TEntry <Shift-ButtonPress-1>	{ ttk::entry::Shift-Press %W %x }
bind TEntry <Double-ButtonPress-1> 	{ ttk::entry::Select %W %x word }
bind TEntry <Triple-ButtonPress-1> 	{ ttk::entry::Select %W %x line }
bind TEntry <B1-Motion>			{ ttk::entry::Drag %W %x }

bind TEntry <B1-Leave> 		{ ttk::Repeatedly ttk::entry::AutoScroll %W }
bind TEntry <B1-Enter>		{ ttk::CancelRepeat }
bind TEntry <ButtonRelease-1>	{ ttk::CancelRepeat }

bind TEntry <Control-ButtonPress-1> {
    %W instate {!readonly !disabled} { %W icursor @%x ; focus %W }

## Button2 bindings:
#	Used for scanning and primary transfer.
#	Note: ButtonRelease-2 is mapped to <<PasteSelection>> in tk.tcl.
bind TEntry <ButtonPress-2> 		{ ttk::entry::ScanMark %W %x }
bind TEntry <B2-Motion> 		{ ttk::entry::ScanDrag %W %x }
bind TEntry <ButtonRelease-2>		{ ttk::entry::ScanRelease %W %x }
bind TEntry <<PasteSelection>>		{ ttk::entry::ScanRelease %W %x }

## Keyboard navigation bindings:
bind TEntry <Key-Left> 			{ ttk::entry::Move %W prevchar }
bind TEntry <Key-Right> 		{ ttk::entry::Move %W nextchar }
bind TEntry <Control-Key-Left>		{ ttk::entry::Move %W prevword }
bind TEntry <Control-Key-Right>		{ ttk::entry::Move %W nextword }
bind TEntry <Key-Home>			{ ttk::entry::Move %W home }
bind TEntry <Key-End>			{ ttk::entry::Move %W end }

bind TEntry <Shift-Key-Left> 		{ ttk::entry::Extend %W prevchar }
bind TEntry <Shift-Key-Right>		{ ttk::entry::Extend %W nextchar }
bind TEntry <Shift-Control-Key-Left>	{ ttk::entry::Extend %W prevword }
bind TEntry <Shift-Control-Key-Right>	{ ttk::entry::Extend %W nextword }
bind TEntry <Shift-Key-Home>		{ ttk::entry::Extend %W home }
bind TEntry <Shift-Key-End>		{ ttk::entry::Extend %W end }

bind TEntry <Control-Key-slash> 	{ %W selection range 0 end }
bind TEntry <Control-Key-backslash> 	{ %W selection clear }

bind TEntry <<TraverseIn>> 	{ %W selection range 0 end; %W icursor end }

## Edit bindings:
bind TEntry <KeyPress> 			{ ttk::entry::Insert %W %A }
bind TEntry <Key-Delete>		{ ttk::entry::Delete %W }
bind TEntry <Key-BackSpace> 		{ ttk::entry::Backspace %W }

# Ignore all Alt, Meta, and Control keypresses unless explicitly bound.
# Otherwise, the <KeyPress> class binding will fire and insert the character.
# Ditto for Escape, Return, and Tab.
bind TEntry <Alt-KeyPress>		{# nothing}
bind TEntry <Meta-KeyPress>		{# nothing}
bind TEntry <Control-KeyPress> 		{# nothing}
bind TEntry <Key-Escape> 		{# nothing}
bind TEntry <Key-Return> 		{# nothing}
bind TEntry <Key-KP_Enter> 		{# nothing}
bind TEntry <Key-Tab> 			{# nothing}

# Argh.  Apparently on Windows, the NumLock modifier is interpreted
# as a Command modifier.
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
    bind TEntry <Command-KeyPress>	{# nothing}
# Tk-on-Cocoa generates characters for these two keys. [Bug 2971663]
bind TEntry <Down>			{# nothing}
bind TEntry <Up>			{# nothing}

## Additional emacs-like bindings:
bind TEntry <Control-Key-a>		{ ttk::entry::Move %W home }
bind TEntry <Control-Key-b>		{ ttk::entry::Move %W prevchar }
bind TEntry <Control-Key-d> 		{ ttk::entry::Delete %W }
bind TEntry <Control-Key-e> 		{ ttk::entry::Move %W end }
bind TEntry <Control-Key-f> 		{ ttk::entry::Move %W nextchar }
bind TEntry <Control-Key-h>		{ ttk::entry::Backspace %W }
bind TEntry <Control-Key-k>		{ %W delete insert end }

### Clipboard procedures.

## EntrySelection -- Return the selected text of the entry.
#	Raises an error if there is no selection.
proc ttk::entry::EntrySelection {w} {
    set entryString [string range [$w get] [$w index sel.first] \
	    [expr {[$w index sel.last] - 1}]]
    if {[$w cget -show] ne ""} {
	return [string repeat [string index [$w cget -show] 0] \
		[string length $entryString]]
    return $entryString

## Paste -- Insert clipboard contents at current insert point.
proc ttk::entry::Paste {w} {
    catch {
	set clipboard [::tk::GetSelection $w CLIPBOARD]
	PendingDelete $w
	$w insert insert $clipboard
	See $w insert

## Copy -- Copy selection to clipboard.
proc ttk::entry::Copy {w} {
    if {![catch {EntrySelection $w} selection]} {
	clipboard clear -displayof $w
	clipboard append -displayof $w $selection

## Clear -- Delete the selection.
proc ttk::entry::Clear {w} {
    catch { $w delete sel.first sel.last }

## Cut -- Copy selection to clipboard then delete it.
proc ttk::entry::Cut {w} {
    Copy $w; Clear $w

### Navigation procedures.

## ClosestGap -- Find closest boundary between characters.
# 	Returns the index of the character just after the boundary.
proc ttk::entry::ClosestGap {w x} {
    set pos [$w index @$x]
    set bbox [$w bbox $pos]
    if {$x - [lindex $bbox 0] > [lindex $bbox 2]/2} {
	incr pos
    return $pos

## See $index -- Make sure that the character at $index is visible.
proc ttk::entry::See {w {index insert}} {
    update idletasks	;# ensure scroll data up-to-date
    set c [$w index $index]
    # @@@ OR: check [$w index left] / [$w index right]
    if {$c < [$w index @0] || $c >= [$w index @[winfo width $w]]} {
	$w xview $c

## NextWord -- Find the next word position.
#	Note: The "next word position" follows platform conventions:
#	either the next end-of-word position, or the start-of-word
#	position following the next end-of-word position.
set ::ttk::entry::State(startNext) \
	[string equal [tk windowingsystem] "win32"]

proc ttk::entry::NextWord {w start} {
    variable State
    set pos [tcl_endOfWord [$w get] [$w index $start]]
    if {$pos >= 0 && $State(startNext)} {
	set pos [tcl_startOfNextWord [$w get] $pos]
    if {$pos < 0} {
	return end
    return $pos

## PrevWord -- Find the previous word position.
proc ttk::entry::PrevWord {w start} {
    set pos [tcl_startOfPreviousWord [$w get] [$w index $start]]
    if {$pos < 0} {
	return 0
    return $pos

## RelIndex -- Compute character/word/line-relative index.
proc ttk::entry::RelIndex {w where {index insert}} {
    switch -- $where {
	prevchar	{ expr {[$w index $index] - 1} }
    	nextchar	{ expr {[$w index $index] + 1} }
	prevword	{ PrevWord $w $index }
	nextword	{ NextWord $w $index }
	home		{ return 0 }
	end		{ $w index end }
	default		{ error "Bad relative index $index" }

## Move -- Move insert cursor to relative location.
#	Also clears the selection, if any, and makes sure
#	that the insert cursor is visible.
proc ttk::entry::Move {w where} {
    $w icursor [RelIndex $w $where]
    $w selection clear
    See $w insert

### Selection procedures.

## ExtendTo -- Extend the selection to the specified index.
# The other end of the selection (the anchor) is determined as follows:
# (1) if there is no selection, the anchor is the insert cursor;
# (2) if the index is outside the selection, grow the selection;
# (3) if the insert cursor is at one end of the selection, anchor the other end
# (4) otherwise anchor the start of the selection
# The insert cursor is placed at the new end of the selection.
# Returns: selection anchor.
proc ttk::entry::ExtendTo {w index} {
    set index [$w index $index]
    set insert [$w index insert]

    # Figure out selection anchor:
    if {![$w selection present]} {
    	set anchor $insert
    } else {
    	set selfirst [$w index sel.first]
	set sellast  [$w index sel.last]

	if {   ($index < $selfirst)
	    || ($insert == $selfirst && $index <= $sellast)
	} {
	    set anchor $sellast
	} else {
	    set anchor $selfirst

    # Extend selection:
    if {$anchor < $index} {
	$w selection range $anchor $index
    } else {
    	$w selection range $index $anchor

    $w icursor $index
    return $anchor

## Extend -- Extend the selection to a relative position, show insert cursor
proc ttk::entry::Extend {w where} {
    ExtendTo $w [RelIndex $w $where]
    See $w

### Button 1 binding procedures.
# Double-clicking followed by a drag enters "word-select" mode.
# Triple-clicking enters "line-select" mode.

## Press -- ButtonPress-1 binding.
#	Set the insertion cursor, claim the input focus, set up for
#	future drag operations.
proc ttk::entry::Press {w x} {
    variable State

    $w icursor [ClosestGap $w $x]
    $w selection clear
    $w instate !disabled { focus $w }

    # Set up for future drag, double-click, or triple-click.
    set State(x) $x
    set State(selectMode) char
    set State(anchor) [$w index insert]

## Shift-Press -- Shift-ButtonPress-1 binding.
#	Extends the selection, sets anchor for future drag operations.
proc ttk::entry::Shift-Press {w x} {
    variable State

    focus $w
    set anchor [ExtendTo $w @$x]

    set State(x) $x
    set State(selectMode) char
    set State(anchor) $anchor

## Select $w $x $mode -- Binding for double- and triple- clicks.
#	Selects a word or line (according to mode),
#	and sets the selection mode for subsequent drag operations.
proc ttk::entry::Select {w x mode} {
    variable State
    set cur [ClosestGap $w $x]

    switch -- $mode {
    	word	{ WordSelect $w $cur $cur }
    	line	{ LineSelect $w $cur $cur }
	char	{ # no-op }

    set State(anchor) $cur
    set State(selectMode) $mode

## Drag -- Button1 motion binding.
proc ttk::entry::Drag {w x} {
    variable State
    set State(x) $x
    DragTo $w $x

## DragTo $w $x -- Extend selection to $x based on current selection mode.
proc ttk::entry::DragTo {w x} {
    variable State

    set cur [ClosestGap $w $x]
    switch $State(selectMode) {
	char { CharSelect $w $State(anchor) $cur }
	word { WordSelect $w $State(anchor) $cur }
	line { LineSelect $w $State(anchor) $cur }

## AutoScroll
#	Called repeatedly when the mouse is outside an entry window
#	with Button 1 down.  Scroll the window left or right,
#	depending on where the mouse is, and extend the selection
#	according to the current selection mode.
# TODO: AutoScroll should repeat faster (50ms) than normal autorepeat.
# TODO: Need a way for Repeat scripts to cancel themselves.
proc ttk::entry::AutoScroll {w} {
    variable State
    if {![winfo exists $w]} return
    set x $State(x)
    if {$x > [winfo width $w]} {
	$w xview scroll 2 units
	DragTo $w $x
    } elseif {$x < 0} {
	$w xview scroll -2 units
	DragTo $w $x

## CharSelect -- select characters between index $from and $to
proc ttk::entry::CharSelect {w from to} {
    if {$to <= $from} {
	$w selection range $to $from
    } else {
	$w selection range $from $to
    $w icursor $to

## WordSelect -- Select whole words between index $from and $to
proc ttk::entry::WordSelect {w from to} {
    if {$to < $from} {
	set first [WordBack [$w get] $to]
	set last [WordForward [$w get] $from]
	$w icursor $first
    } else {
	set first [WordBack [$w get] $from]
	set last [WordForward [$w get] $to]
	$w icursor $last
    $w selection range $first $last

## WordBack, WordForward -- helper routines for WordSelect.
proc ttk::entry::WordBack {text index} {
    if {[set pos [tcl_wordBreakBefore $text $index]] < 0} { return 0 }
    return $pos
proc ttk::entry::WordForward {text index} {
    if {[set pos [tcl_wordBreakAfter $text $index]] < 0} { return end }
    return $pos

## LineSelect -- Select the entire line.
proc ttk::entry::LineSelect {w _ _} {
    variable State
    $w selection range 0 end
    $w icursor end

### Button 2 binding procedures.

## ScanMark -- ButtonPress-2 binding.
#	Marks the start of a scan or primary transfer operation.
proc ttk::entry::ScanMark {w x} {
    variable State
    set State(scanX) $x
    set State(scanIndex) [$w index @0]
    set State(scanMoved) 0

## ScanDrag -- Button2 motion binding.
proc ttk::entry::ScanDrag {w x} {
    variable State

    set dx [expr {$State(scanX) - $x}]
    if {abs($dx) > $State(deadband)} {
	set State(scanMoved) 1
    set left [expr {$State(scanIndex) + ($dx*$State(scanNum))/$State(scanDen)}]
    $w xview $left

    if {$left != [set newLeft [$w index @0]]} {
    	# We've scanned past one end of the entry;
	# reset the mark so that the text will start dragging again
	# as soon as the mouse reverses direction.
	set State(scanX) $x
	set State(scanIndex) $newLeft

## ScanRelease -- Button2 release binding.
#	Do a primary transfer if the mouse has not moved since the button press.
proc ttk::entry::ScanRelease {w x} {
    variable State
    if {!$State(scanMoved)} {
	$w instate {!disabled !readonly} {
	    $w icursor [ClosestGap $w $x]
	    catch {$w insert insert [::tk::GetSelection $w PRIMARY]}

### Insertion and deletion procedures.

## PendingDelete -- Delete selection prior to insert.
#	If the entry currently has a selection, delete it and
#	set the insert position to where the selection was.
#	Returns: 1 if pending delete occurred, 0 if nothing was selected.
proc ttk::entry::PendingDelete {w} {
    if {[$w selection present]} {
	$w icursor sel.first
	$w delete sel.first sel.last
	return 1
    return 0

## Insert -- Insert text into the entry widget.
#	If a selection is present, the new text replaces it.
#	Otherwise, the new text is inserted at the insert cursor.
proc ttk::entry::Insert {w s} {
    if {$s eq ""} { return }
    PendingDelete $w
    $w insert insert $s
    See $w insert

## Backspace -- Backspace over the character just before the insert cursor.
#	If there is a selection, delete that instead.
#	If the new insert position is offscreen to the left,
#	scroll to place the cursor at about the middle of the window.
proc ttk::entry::Backspace {w} {
    if {[PendingDelete $w]} {
    	See $w
    set x [expr {[$w index insert] - 1}]
    if {$x < 0} { return }

    $w delete $x

    if {[$w index @0] >= [$w index insert]} {
	set range [$w xview]
	set left [lindex $range 0]
	set right [lindex $range 1]
	$w xview moveto [expr {$left - ($right - $left)/2.0}]

## Delete -- Delete the character after the insert cursor.
#	If there is a selection, delete that instead.
proc ttk::entry::Delete {w} {
    if {![PendingDelete $w]} {
	$w delete insert



Name Type Size Permission Actions
altTheme.tcl File 3.26 KB 0644
aquaTheme.tcl File 1.95 KB 0644
button.tcl File 2.91 KB 0644
clamTheme.tcl File 4.16 KB 0644
classicTheme.tcl File 3.44 KB 0644
combobox.tcl File 12.1 KB 0644
cursors.tcl File 3.91 KB 0644
defaults.tcl File 3.6 KB 0644
entry.tcl File 15.77 KB 0644
fonts.tcl File 5.44 KB 0644
menubutton.tcl File 4.77 KB 0644
notebook.tcl File 5.49 KB 0644
panedwindow.tcl File 1.88 KB 0644
progress.tcl File 1.06 KB 0644
scale.tcl File 2.49 KB 0644
scrollbar.tcl File 3.02 KB 0644
sizegrip.tcl File 2.34 KB 0644
spinbox.tcl File 4.16 KB 0644
treeview.tcl File 8.66 KB 0644
ttk.tcl File 4.44 KB 0644
utils.tcl File 8.36 KB 0644
vistaTheme.tcl File 9.13 KB 0644
winTheme.tcl File 2.58 KB 0644
xpTheme.tcl File 1.88 KB 0644