# # ttk::treeview widget bindings and utilities. # namespace eval ttk::treeview { variable State # Enter/Leave/Motion # set State(activeWidget) {} set State(activeHeading) {} # Press/drag/release: # set State(pressMode) none set State(pressX) 0 # For pressMode == "resize" set State(resizeColumn) #0 # For pressmode == "heading" set State(heading) {} } ### Widget bindings. # bind Treeview <Motion> { ttk::treeview::Motion %W %x %y } bind Treeview <B1-Leave> { #nothing } bind Treeview <Leave> { ttk::treeview::ActivateHeading {} {}} bind Treeview <ButtonPress-1> { ttk::treeview::Press %W %x %y } bind Treeview <Double-ButtonPress-1> { ttk::treeview::DoubleClick %W %x %y } bind Treeview <ButtonRelease-1> { ttk::treeview::Release %W %x %y } bind Treeview <B1-Motion> { ttk::treeview::Drag %W %x %y } bind Treeview <KeyPress-Up> { ttk::treeview::Keynav %W up } bind Treeview <KeyPress-Down> { ttk::treeview::Keynav %W down } bind Treeview <KeyPress-Right> { ttk::treeview::Keynav %W right } bind Treeview <KeyPress-Left> { ttk::treeview::Keynav %W left } bind Treeview <KeyPress-Prior> { %W yview scroll -1 pages } bind Treeview <KeyPress-Next> { %W yview scroll 1 pages } bind Treeview <KeyPress-Return> { ttk::treeview::ToggleFocus %W } bind Treeview <KeyPress-space> { ttk::treeview::ToggleFocus %W } bind Treeview <Shift-ButtonPress-1> \ { ttk::treeview::Select %W %x %y extend } bind Treeview <Control-ButtonPress-1> \ { ttk::treeview::Select %W %x %y toggle } ttk::copyBindings TtkScrollable Treeview ### Binding procedures. # ## Keynav -- Keyboard navigation # # @@@ TODO: verify/rewrite up and down code. # proc ttk::treeview::Keynav {w dir} { set focus [$w focus] if {$focus eq ""} { return } switch -- $dir { up { if {[set up [$w prev $focus]] eq ""} { set focus [$w parent $focus] } else { while {[$w item $up -open] && [llength [$w children $up]]} { set up [lindex [$w children $up] end] } set focus $up } } down { if {[$w item $focus -open] && [llength [$w children $focus]]} { set focus [lindex [$w children $focus] 0] } else { set up $focus while {$up ne "" && [set down [$w next $up]] eq ""} { set up [$w parent $up] } set focus $down } } left { if {[$w item $focus -open] && [llength [$w children $focus]]} { CloseItem $w $focus } else { set focus [$w parent $focus] } } right { OpenItem $w $focus } } if {$focus != {}} { SelectOp $w $focus choose } } ## Motion -- pointer motion binding. # Sets cursor, active element ... # proc ttk::treeview::Motion {w x y} { set cursor {} set activeHeading {} switch -- [$w identify region $x $y] { separator { set cursor hresize } heading { set activeHeading [$w identify column $x $y] } } ttk::setCursor $w $cursor ActivateHeading $w $activeHeading } ## ActivateHeading -- track active heading element # proc ttk::treeview::ActivateHeading {w heading} { variable State if {$w != $State(activeWidget) || $heading != $State(activeHeading)} { if {$State(activeHeading) != {}} { $State(activeWidget) heading $State(activeHeading) state !active } if {$heading != {}} { $w heading $heading state active } set State(activeHeading) $heading set State(activeWidget) $w } } ## Select $w $x $y $selectop # Binding procedure for selection operations. # See "Selection modes", below. # proc ttk::treeview::Select {w x y op} { if {[set item [$w identify row $x $y]] ne "" } { SelectOp $w $item $op } } ## DoubleClick -- Double-ButtonPress-1 binding. # proc ttk::treeview::DoubleClick {w x y} { if {[set row [$w identify row $x $y]] ne ""} { Toggle $w $row } else { Press $w $x $y ;# perform single-click action } } ## Press -- ButtonPress binding. # proc ttk::treeview::Press {w x y} { focus $w switch -- [$w identify region $x $y] { nothing { } heading { heading.press $w $x $y } separator { resize.press $w $x $y } tree - cell { set item [$w identify item $x $y] SelectOp $w $item choose switch -glob -- [$w identify element $x $y] { *indicator - *disclosure { Toggle $w $item } } } } } ## Drag -- B1-Motion binding # proc ttk::treeview::Drag {w x y} { variable State switch $State(pressMode) { resize { resize.drag $w $x } heading { heading.drag $w $x $y } } } proc ttk::treeview::Release {w x y} { variable State switch $State(pressMode) { resize { resize.release $w $x } heading { heading.release $w } } set State(pressMode) none Motion $w $x $y } ### Interactive column resizing. # proc ttk::treeview::resize.press {w x y} { variable State set State(pressMode) "resize" set State(resizeColumn) [$w identify column $x $y] } proc ttk::treeview::resize.drag {w x} { variable State $w drag $State(resizeColumn) $x } proc ttk::treeview::resize.release {w x} { # no-op } ### Heading activation. # proc ttk::treeview::heading.press {w x y} { variable State set column [$w identify column $x $y] set State(pressMode) "heading" set State(heading) $column $w heading $column state pressed } proc ttk::treeview::heading.drag {w x y} { variable State if { [$w identify region $x $y] eq "heading" && [$w identify column $x $y] eq $State(heading) } { $w heading $State(heading) state pressed } else { $w heading $State(heading) state !pressed } } proc ttk::treeview::heading.release {w} { variable State if {[lsearch -exact [$w heading $State(heading) state] pressed] >= 0} { after 0 [$w heading $State(heading) -command] } $w heading $State(heading) state !pressed } ### Selection modes. # ## SelectOp $w $item [ choose | extend | toggle ] -- # Dispatch to appropriate selection operation # depending on current value of -selectmode. # proc ttk::treeview::SelectOp {w item op} { select.$op.[$w cget -selectmode] $w $item } ## -selectmode none: # proc ttk::treeview::select.choose.none {w item} { $w focus $item } proc ttk::treeview::select.toggle.none {w item} { $w focus $item } proc ttk::treeview::select.extend.none {w item} { $w focus $item } ## -selectmode browse: # proc ttk::treeview::select.choose.browse {w item} { BrowseTo $w $item } proc ttk::treeview::select.toggle.browse {w item} { BrowseTo $w $item } proc ttk::treeview::select.extend.browse {w item} { BrowseTo $w $item } ## -selectmode multiple: # proc ttk::treeview::select.choose.extended {w item} { BrowseTo $w $item } proc ttk::treeview::select.toggle.extended {w item} { $w selection toggle [list $item] } proc ttk::treeview::select.extend.extended {w item} { if {[set anchor [$w focus]] ne ""} { $w selection set [between $w $anchor $item] } else { BrowseTo $w $item } } ### Tree structure utilities. # ## between $tv $item1 $item2 -- # Returns a list of all items between $item1 and $item2, # in preorder traversal order. $item1 and $item2 may be # in either order. # # NOTES: # This routine is O(N) in the size of the tree. # There's probably a way to do this that's O(N) in the number # of items returned, but I'm not clever enough to figure it out. # proc ttk::treeview::between {tv item1 item2} { variable between [list] variable selectingBetween 0 ScanBetween $tv $item1 $item2 {} return $between } ## ScanBetween -- # Recursive worker routine for ttk::treeview::between # proc ttk::treeview::ScanBetween {tv item1 item2 item} { variable between variable selectingBetween if {$item eq $item1 || $item eq $item2} { lappend between $item set selectingBetween [expr {!$selectingBetween}] } elseif {$selectingBetween} { lappend between $item } foreach child [$tv children $item] { ScanBetween $tv $item1 $item2 $child } } ### User interaction utilities. # ## OpenItem, CloseItem -- Set the open state of an item, generate event # proc ttk::treeview::OpenItem {w item} { $w focus $item event generate $w <<TreeviewOpen>> $w item $item -open true } proc ttk::treeview::CloseItem {w item} { $w item $item -open false $w focus $item event generate $w <<TreeviewClose>> } ## Toggle -- toggle opened/closed state of item # proc ttk::treeview::Toggle {w item} { if {[$w item $item -open]} { CloseItem $w $item } else { OpenItem $w $item } } ## ToggleFocus -- toggle opened/closed state of focus item # proc ttk::treeview::ToggleFocus {w} { set item [$w focus] if {$item ne ""} { Toggle $w $item } } ## BrowseTo -- navigate to specified item; set focus and selection # proc ttk::treeview::BrowseTo {w item} { $w see $item $w focus $item $w selection set [list $item] } #*EOF*
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