[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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# Utilities for widget implementations.

### Focus management.
# See also: #1516479

## ttk::takefocus --
#	This is the default value of the "-takefocus" option
#	for ttk::* widgets that participate in keyboard navigation.
#	tk::FocusOK (called by tk_focusNext) tests [winfo viewable]
#	if -takefocus is 1, empty, or missing; but not if it's a
#	script prefix, so we have to check that here as well.
proc ttk::takefocus {w} {
    expr {[$w instate !disabled] && [winfo viewable $w]}

## ttk::GuessTakeFocus --
#	This routine is called as a fallback for widgets
#	with a missing or empty -takefocus option.
#	It implements the same heuristics as tk::FocusOK.
proc ttk::GuessTakeFocus {w} {
    # Don't traverse to widgets with '-state disabled':
    if {![catch {$w cget -state} state] && $state eq "disabled"} {
	return 0

    # Allow traversal to widgets with explicit key or focus bindings:
    if {[regexp {Key|Focus} [concat [bind $w] [bind [winfo class $w]]]]} {
	return 1;

    # Default is nontraversable:
    return 0;

## ttk::traverseTo $w --
# 	Set the keyboard focus to the specified window.
proc ttk::traverseTo {w} {
    set focus [focus]
    if {$focus ne ""} {
	event generate $focus <<TraverseOut>>
    focus $w
    event generate $w <<TraverseIn>>

## ttk::clickToFocus $w --
#	Utility routine, used in <ButtonPress-1> bindings --
#	Assign keyboard focus to the specified widget if -takefocus is enabled.
proc ttk::clickToFocus {w} {
    if {[ttk::takesFocus $w]} { focus $w }

## ttk::takesFocus w --
#	Test if the widget can take keyboard focus.
#	See the description of the -takefocus option in options(n)
#	for details.
proc ttk::takesFocus {w} {
    if {![winfo viewable $w]} {
    	return 0
    } elseif {[catch {$w cget -takefocus} takefocus]} {
	return [GuessTakeFocus $w]
    } else {
	switch -- $takefocus {
	    "" { return [GuessTakeFocus $w] }
	    0  { return 0 }
	    1  { return 1 }
	    default {
		return [expr {[uplevel #0 $takefocus [list $w]] == 1}]

## ttk::focusFirst $w --
#	Return the first descendant of $w, in preorder traversal order,
#	that can take keyboard focus, "" if none do.
# See also: tk_focusNext

proc ttk::focusFirst {w} {
    if {[ttk::takesFocus $w]} {
	return $w
    foreach child [winfo children $w] {
	if {[set c [ttk::focusFirst $child]] ne ""} {
	    return $c
    return ""

### Grabs.
# Rules:
#	Each call to [grabWindow $w] or [globalGrab $w] must be
#	matched with a call to [releaseGrab $w] in LIFO order.
#	Do not call [grabWindow $w] for a window that currently
#	appears on the grab stack.
#	See #1239190 and #1411983 for more discussion.
namespace eval ttk {
    variable Grab 		;# map: window name -> grab token

    # grab token details:
    #	Two-element list containing:
    #	1) a script to evaluate to restore the previous grab (if any);
    #	2) a script to evaluate to restore the focus (if any)

## SaveGrab --
#	Record current grab and focus windows.
proc ttk::SaveGrab {w} {
    variable Grab

    if {[info exists Grab($w)]} {
	# $w is already on the grab stack.
	# This should not happen, but bail out in case it does anyway:

    set restoreGrab [set restoreFocus ""]

    set grabbed [grab current $w]
    if {[winfo exists $grabbed]} {
    	switch [grab status $grabbed] {
	    global { set restoreGrab [list grab -global $grabbed] }
	    local  { set restoreGrab [list grab $grabbed] }
	    none   { ;# grab window is really in a different interp }

    set focus [focus]
    if {$focus ne ""} {
    	set restoreFocus [list focus -force $focus]

    set Grab($w) [list $restoreGrab $restoreFocus]

## RestoreGrab --
#	Restore previous grab and focus windows.
#	If called more than once without an intervening [SaveGrab $w],
#	does nothing.
proc ttk::RestoreGrab {w} {
    variable Grab

    if {![info exists Grab($w)]} {	# Ignore

    # The previous grab/focus window may have been destroyed,
    # unmapped, or some other abnormal condition; ignore any errors.
    foreach script $Grab($w) {
	catch $script

    unset Grab($w)

## ttk::grabWindow $w --
#	Records the current focus and grab windows, sets an application-modal
#	grab on window $w.
proc ttk::grabWindow {w} {
    SaveGrab $w
    grab $w

## ttk::globalGrab $w --
#	Same as grabWindow, but sets a global grab on $w.
proc ttk::globalGrab {w} {
    SaveGrab $w
    grab -global $w

## ttk::releaseGrab --
#	Release the grab previously set by [ttk::grabWindow]
#	or [ttk::globalGrab].
proc ttk::releaseGrab {w} {
    grab release $w
    RestoreGrab $w

### Auto-repeat.
# NOTE: repeating widgets do not have -repeatdelay
# or -repeatinterval resources as in standard Tk;
# instead a single set of settings is applied application-wide.
# (TODO: make this user-configurable)
# (@@@ Windows seems to use something like 500/50 milliseconds
#  @@@ for -repeatdelay/-repeatinterval)

namespace eval ttk {
    variable Repeat
    array set Repeat {
	delay		300
	interval	100
	timer		{}
	script		{}

## ttk::Repeatedly --
#	Begin auto-repeat.
proc ttk::Repeatedly {args} {
    variable Repeat
    after cancel $Repeat(timer)
    set script [uplevel 1 [list namespace code $args]]
    set Repeat(script) $script
    uplevel #0 $script
    set Repeat(timer) [after $Repeat(delay) ttk::Repeat]

## Repeat --
#	Continue auto-repeat
proc ttk::Repeat {} {
    variable Repeat
    uplevel #0 $Repeat(script)
    set Repeat(timer) [after $Repeat(interval) ttk::Repeat]

## ttk::CancelRepeat --
#	Halt auto-repeat.
proc ttk::CancelRepeat {} {
    variable Repeat
    after cancel $Repeat(timer)

### Bindings.

## ttk::copyBindings $from $to --
#	Utility routine; copies bindings from one bindtag onto another.
proc ttk::copyBindings {from to} {
    foreach event [bind $from] {
	bind $to $event [bind $from $event]

### Mousewheel bindings.
# Platform inconsistencies:
# On X11, the server typically maps the mouse wheel to Button4 and Button5.
# On OSX, Tk generates sensible values for the %D field in <MouseWheel> events.
# On Windows, %D must be scaled by a factor of 120.
# In addition, Tk redirects mousewheel events to the window with
# keyboard focus instead of sending them to the window under the pointer.
# We do not attempt to fix that here, see also TIP#171.
# OSX conventionally uses Shift+MouseWheel for horizontal scrolling,
# and Option+MouseWheel for accelerated scrolling.
# The Shift+MouseWheel behavior is not conventional on Windows or most
# X11 toolkits, but it's useful.
# MouseWheel scrolling is accelerated on X11, which is conventional
# for Tk and appears to be conventional for other toolkits (although
# Gtk+ and Qt do not appear to use as large a factor).

## ttk::bindMouseWheel $bindtag $command...
#	Adds basic mousewheel support to $bindtag.
#	$command will be passed one additional argument
#	specifying the mousewheel direction (-1: up, +1: down).

proc ttk::bindMouseWheel {bindtag callback} {
    switch -- [tk windowingsystem] {
	x11 {
	    bind $bindtag <ButtonPress-4> "$callback -1"
	    bind $bindtag <ButtonPress-5> "$callback +1"
	win32 {
	    bind $bindtag <MouseWheel> [append callback { [expr {-(%D/120)}]}]
	aqua {
	    bind $bindtag <MouseWheel> [append callback { [expr {-(%D)}]} ]

## Mousewheel bindings for standard scrollable widgets.
# Usage: [ttk::copyBindings TtkScrollable $bindtag]
# $bindtag should be for a widget that supports the
# standard scrollbar protocol.

switch -- [tk windowingsystem] {
    x11 {
	bind TtkScrollable <ButtonPress-4>       { %W yview scroll -5 units }
	bind TtkScrollable <ButtonPress-5>       { %W yview scroll  5 units }
	bind TtkScrollable <Shift-ButtonPress-4> { %W xview scroll -5 units }
	bind TtkScrollable <Shift-ButtonPress-5> { %W xview scroll  5 units }
    win32 {
	bind TtkScrollable <MouseWheel> \
	    { %W yview scroll [expr {-(%D/120)}] units }
	bind TtkScrollable <Shift-MouseWheel> \
	    { %W xview scroll [expr {-(%D/120)}] units }
    aqua {
	bind TtkScrollable <MouseWheel> \
	    { %W yview scroll [expr {-(%D)}] units }
	bind TtkScrollable <Shift-MouseWheel> \
	    { %W xview scroll [expr {-(%D)}] units }
	bind TtkScrollable <Option-MouseWheel> \
	    { %W yview scroll  [expr {-10*(%D)}] units }
	bind TtkScrollable <Shift-Option-MouseWheel> \
	    { %W xview scroll [expr {-10*(%D)}] units }



Name Type Size Permission Actions
altTheme.tcl File 3.26 KB 0644
aquaTheme.tcl File 1.95 KB 0644
button.tcl File 2.91 KB 0644
clamTheme.tcl File 4.16 KB 0644
classicTheme.tcl File 3.44 KB 0644
combobox.tcl File 12.1 KB 0644
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panedwindow.tcl File 1.88 KB 0644
progress.tcl File 1.06 KB 0644
scale.tcl File 2.49 KB 0644
scrollbar.tcl File 3.02 KB 0644
sizegrip.tcl File 2.34 KB 0644
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xpTheme.tcl File 1.88 KB 0644