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hmhc3928@ ~ $
# Settings for Microsoft Windows Vista and Server 2008

# The Vista theme can only be defined on Windows Vista and above. The theme
# is created in C due to the need to assign a theme-enabled function for 
# detecting when themeing is disabled. On systems that cannot support the
# Vista theme, there will be no such theme created and we must not
# evaluate this script.

if {"vista" ni [ttk::style theme names]} {

namespace eval ttk::theme::vista {

    ttk::style theme settings vista {

 	ttk::style configure . \
	    -background SystemButtonFace \
	    -foreground SystemWindowText \
	    -selectforeground SystemHighlightText \
	    -selectbackground SystemHighlight \
	    -font TkDefaultFont \

	ttk::style map "." \
	    -foreground [list disabled SystemGrayText] \

	ttk::style configure TButton -anchor center -padding {1 1} -width -11
	ttk::style configure TRadiobutton -padding 2
	ttk::style configure TCheckbutton -padding 2
	ttk::style configure TMenubutton -padding {8 4}

	ttk::style element create Menubutton.dropdown vsapi \
	    TOOLBAR 4 {{selected active} 6 {selected !active} 5
		disabled 4 pressed 3 active 2 {} 1} \

	ttk::style configure TNotebook -tabmargins {2 2 2 0}
	ttk::style map TNotebook.Tab \
	    -expand [list selected {2 2 2 2}]

	# Treeview:
	ttk::style configure Heading -font TkHeadingFont
	ttk::style configure Treeview -background SystemWindow
	ttk::style map Treeview \
	    -background [list selected SystemHighlight] \
	    -foreground [list selected SystemHighlightText] ;

        # Label and Toolbutton
	ttk::style configure TLabelframe.Label -foreground "#0046d5"

	ttk::style configure Toolbutton -padding {4 4}

        # Combobox
	ttk::style configure TCombobox -padding 2
        ttk::style element create Combobox.field vsapi \
            COMBOBOX 2 {{} 1}
        ttk::style element create Combobox.border vsapi \
            COMBOBOX 4 {disabled 4 focus 3 active 2 hover 2 {} 1}
        ttk::style element create Combobox.rightdownarrow vsapi \
            COMBOBOX 6 {disabled 4 pressed 3 active 2 {} 1} \
            -syssize {SM_CXVSCROLL SM_CYVSCROLL}
        ttk::style layout TCombobox {
            Combobox.border -sticky nswe -border 0 -children {
                Combobox.rightdownarrow -side right -sticky ns
                Combobox.padding -expand 1 -sticky nswe -children {
                    Combobox.focus -expand 1 -sticky nswe -children {
                        Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe
        # Vista.Combobox droplist frame
        ttk::style element create ComboboxPopdownFrame.background vsapi\
            LISTBOX 3 {disabled 4 active 3 focus 2 {} 1}
        ttk::style layout ComboboxPopdownFrame {
            ComboboxPopdownFrame.background -sticky news -border 1 -children {
                ComboboxPopdownFrame.padding -sticky news
	ttk::style map TCombobox \
	    -selectbackground [list !focus SystemWindow] \
	    -selectforeground [list !focus SystemWindowText] \
	    -foreground	[list \
		disabled		SystemGrayText \
	    	{readonly focus}	SystemHighlightText \
	    ] \
	    -focusfill	[list {readonly focus} SystemHighlight] \

        # Entry
        ttk::style configure TEntry -padding {1 1 1 1} ;# Needs lookup
        ttk::style element create Entry.field vsapi \
            EDIT 6 {disabled 4 focus 3 hover 2 {} 1} -padding {2 2 2 2}
        ttk::style element create Entry.background vsapi \
            EDIT 3 {disabled 3 readonly 3 focus 4 hover 2 {} 1}
        ttk::style layout TEntry {
            Entry.field -sticky news -border 0 -children {
                Entry.background -sticky news -children {
                    Entry.padding -sticky news -children {
                        Entry.textarea -sticky news
	ttk::style map TEntry \
	    -selectbackground [list !focus SystemWindow] \
	    -selectforeground [list !focus SystemWindowText] \

        # Spinbox
        ttk::style configure TSpinbox -padding 0
        ttk::style element create Spinbox.field vsapi \
            EDIT 9 {disabled 4 focus 3 hover 2 {} 1} -padding {1 1 1 2}
        ttk::style element create Spinbox.background vsapi \
            EDIT 3 {disabled 3 readonly 3 focus 4 hover 2 {} 1}
        ttk::style element create Spinbox.innerbg vsapi \
            EDIT 3 {disabled 3 readonly 3 focus 4 hover 2 {} 1}\
            -padding {2 0 15 2}
        ttk::style element create Spinbox.uparrow vsapi \
            SPIN 1 {disabled 4 pressed 3 active 2 {} 1} \
            -padding 1 -halfheight 1 \
            -syssize { SM_CXVSCROLL SM_CYVSCROLL }
        ttk::style element create Spinbox.downarrow vsapi \
            SPIN 2 {disabled 4 pressed 3 active 2 {} 1} \
            -padding 1 -halfheight 1 \
            -syssize { SM_CXVSCROLL SM_CYVSCROLL }
        ttk::style layout TSpinbox {
            Spinbox.field -sticky nswe -children {
                Spinbox.background -sticky news -children {
                    Spinbox.padding -sticky news -children {
                        Spinbox.innerbg -sticky news -children {
                            Spinbox.textarea -expand 1 -sticky {}
                    Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky ens
                    Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky ens
	ttk::style map TSpinbox \
	    -selectbackground [list !focus SystemWindow] \
	    -selectforeground [list !focus SystemWindowText] \

        # SCROLLBAR elements (Vista includes a state for 'hover')
        ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow vsapi \
            SCROLLBAR 1 {disabled 4 pressed 3 active 2 hover 17 {} 1} \
            -syssize {SM_CXVSCROLL SM_CYVSCROLL}
        ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.downarrow vsapi \
            SCROLLBAR 1 {disabled 8 pressed 7 active 6 hover 18 {} 5} \
            -syssize {SM_CXVSCROLL SM_CYVSCROLL}
        ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.trough vsapi \
            SCROLLBAR 7 {disabled 4 pressed 3 active 2 hover 5 {} 1}
        ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb vsapi \
            SCROLLBAR 3 {disabled 4 pressed 3 active 2 hover 5 {} 1} \
            -syssize {SM_CXVSCROLL SM_CYVSCROLL}
        ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.grip vsapi \
            SCROLLBAR 9 {disabled 4 pressed 3 active 2 hover 5 {} 1} \
            -syssize {SM_CXVSCROLL SM_CYVSCROLL}
        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.leftarrow vsapi \
            SCROLLBAR 1 {disabled 12 pressed 11 active 10 hover 19 {} 9} \
            -syssize {SM_CXHSCROLL SM_CYHSCROLL}
        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.rightarrow vsapi \
            SCROLLBAR 1 {disabled 16 pressed 15 active 14 hover 20 {} 13} \
            -syssize {SM_CXHSCROLL SM_CYHSCROLL}
        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough vsapi \
            SCROLLBAR 5 {disabled 4 pressed 3 active 2 hover 5 {} 1}
        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb vsapi \
            SCROLLBAR 2 {disabled 4 pressed 3 active 2 hover 5 {} 1} \
            -syssize {SM_CXHSCROLL SM_CYHSCROLL}
        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.grip vsapi \
            SCROLLBAR 8 {disabled 4 pressed 3 active 2 hover 5 {} 1}

        # Progressbar
        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar vsapi \
            PROGRESS 3 {{} 1} -padding 8
        ttk::style layout Horizontal.TProgressbar {
            Horizontal.Progressbar.trough -sticky nswe -children {
                Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar -side left -sticky ns
        ttk::style element create Vertical.Progressbar.pbar vsapi \
            PROGRESS 3 {{} 1} -padding 8
        ttk::style layout Vertical.TProgressbar {
            Vertical.Progressbar.trough -sticky nswe -children {
                Vertical.Progressbar.pbar -side bottom -sticky we
        # Scale
        ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scale.slider vsapi \
            TRACKBAR 3 {disabled 5 focus 4 pressed 3 active 2 {} 1} \
            -width 6 -height 12
        ttk::style layout Horizontal.TScale {
            Scale.focus -expand 1 -sticky nswe -children {
                Horizontal.Scale.trough -expand 1 -sticky nswe -children {
                    Horizontal.Scale.track -sticky we
                    Horizontal.Scale.slider -side left -sticky {}
        ttk::style element create Vertical.Scale.slider vsapi \
            TRACKBAR 6 {disabled 5 focus 4 pressed 3 active 2 {} 1} \
            -width 12 -height 6
        ttk::style layout Vertical.TScale {
            Scale.focus -expand 1 -sticky nswe -children {
                Vertical.Scale.trough -expand 1 -sticky nswe -children {
                    Vertical.Scale.track -sticky ns
                    Vertical.Scale.slider -side top -sticky {}
        # Treeview
        ttk::style configure Item -padding {4 0 0 0}
        package provide ttk::theme::vista 1.0


Name Type Size Permission Actions
altTheme.tcl File 3.26 KB 0644
aquaTheme.tcl File 1.95 KB 0644
button.tcl File 2.91 KB 0644
clamTheme.tcl File 4.16 KB 0644
classicTheme.tcl File 3.44 KB 0644
combobox.tcl File 12.1 KB 0644
cursors.tcl File 3.91 KB 0644
defaults.tcl File 3.6 KB 0644
entry.tcl File 15.77 KB 0644
fonts.tcl File 5.44 KB 0644
menubutton.tcl File 4.77 KB 0644
notebook.tcl File 5.49 KB 0644
panedwindow.tcl File 1.88 KB 0644
progress.tcl File 1.06 KB 0644
scale.tcl File 2.49 KB 0644
scrollbar.tcl File 3.02 KB 0644
sizegrip.tcl File 2.34 KB 0644
spinbox.tcl File 4.16 KB 0644
treeview.tcl File 8.66 KB 0644
ttk.tcl File 4.44 KB 0644
utils.tcl File 8.36 KB 0644
vistaTheme.tcl File 9.13 KB 0644
winTheme.tcl File 2.58 KB 0644
xpTheme.tcl File 1.88 KB 0644