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# bgerror.tcl --
#	Implementation of the bgerror procedure.  It posts a dialog box with
#	the error message and gives the user a chance to see a more detailed
#	stack trace, and possible do something more interesting with that
#	trace (like save it to a log).  This is adapted from work done by
#	Donal K. Fellows.
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2007 by ActiveState Software Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2007 Daniel A. Steffen <das@users.sourceforge.net>

namespace eval ::tk::dialog::error {
    namespace import -force ::tk::msgcat::*
    namespace export bgerror
    option add *ErrorDialog.function.text [mc "Save To Log"] \
    option add *ErrorDialog.function.command [namespace code SaveToLog]
    option add *ErrorDialog*Label.font TkCaptionFont widgetDefault
    if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
	option add *ErrorDialog*background systemAlertBackgroundActive \
	option add *ErrorDialog*info.text.background white widgetDefault
	option add *ErrorDialog*Button.highlightBackground \
		systemAlertBackgroundActive widgetDefault

proc ::tk::dialog::error::Return {} {
    variable button

    .bgerrorDialog.ok configure -state active -relief sunken
    update idletasks
    after 100
    set button 0

proc ::tk::dialog::error::Details {} {
    set w .bgerrorDialog
    set caption [option get $w.function text {}]
    set command [option get $w.function command {}]
    if { ($caption eq "") || ($command eq "") } {
	grid forget $w.function
    lappend command [$w.top.info.text get 1.0 end-1c]
    $w.function configure -text $caption -command $command
    grid $w.top.info - -sticky nsew -padx 3m -pady 3m

proc ::tk::dialog::error::SaveToLog {text} {
    if { $::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows" } {
	set allFiles *.*
    } else {
	set allFiles *
    set types [list	\
	    [list [mc "Log Files"] .log]	\
	    [list [mc "Text Files"] .txt]	\
	    [list [mc "All Files"] $allFiles] \
    set filename [tk_getSaveFile -title [mc "Select Log File"] \
	    -filetypes $types -defaultextension .log -parent .bgerrorDialog]
    if {![string length $filename]} {
    set f [open $filename w]
    puts -nonewline $f $text
    close $f

proc ::tk::dialog::error::Destroy {w} {
    if {$w eq ".bgerrorDialog"} {
	variable button
	set button -1

# ::tk::dialog::error::bgerror --
# This is the default version of bgerror.
# It tries to execute tkerror, if that fails it posts a dialog box containing
# the error message and gives the user a chance to ask to see a stack
# trace.
# Arguments:
# err -			The error message.

proc ::tk::dialog::error::bgerror err {
    global errorInfo tcl_platform
    variable button

    set info $errorInfo

    set ret [catch {::tkerror $err} msg];
    if {$ret != 1} {return -code $ret $msg}

    # Ok the application's tkerror either failed or was not found
    # we use the default dialog then :
    set windowingsystem [tk windowingsystem]
    if {$windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
	set ok [mc Ok]
    } else {
	set ok [mc OK]

    # Truncate the message if it is too wide (>maxLine characters) or
    # too tall (>4 lines).  Truncation occurs at the first point at
    # which one of those conditions is met.
    set displayedErr ""
    set lines 0
    set maxLine 45
    foreach line [split $err \n] {
	if { [string length $line] > $maxLine } {
	    append displayedErr "[string range $line 0 [expr {$maxLine-3}]]..."
	if { $lines > 4 } {
	    append displayedErr "..."
	} else {
	    append displayedErr "${line}\n"
	incr lines

    set title [mc "Application Error"]
    set text [mc "Error: %1\$s" $displayedErr]
    set buttons [list ok $ok dismiss [mc "Skip Messages"] \
		     function [mc "Details >>"]]

    # 1. Create the top-level window and divide it into top
    # and bottom parts.

    set dlg .bgerrorDialog
    destroy $dlg
    toplevel $dlg -class ErrorDialog
    wm withdraw $dlg
    wm title $dlg $title
    wm iconname $dlg ErrorDialog
    wm protocol $dlg WM_DELETE_WINDOW { }

    if {$windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
	::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle style $dlg moveableAlert {}
    } elseif {$windowingsystem eq "x11"} {
	wm attributes $dlg -type dialog

    frame $dlg.bot
    frame $dlg.top
    if {$windowingsystem eq "x11"} {
	$dlg.bot configure -relief raised -bd 1
	$dlg.top configure -relief raised -bd 1
    pack $dlg.bot -side bottom -fill both
    pack $dlg.top -side top -fill both -expand 1

    set W [frame $dlg.top.info]
    text $W.text -setgrid true -height 10 -wrap char \
	-yscrollcommand [list $W.scroll set]
    if {$windowingsystem ne "aqua"} {
	$W.text configure -width 40

    scrollbar $W.scroll -command [list $W.text yview]
    pack $W.scroll -side right -fill y
    pack $W.text -side left -expand yes -fill both
    $W.text insert 0.0 "$err\n$info"
    $W.text mark set insert 0.0
    bind $W.text <ButtonPress-1> { focus %W }
    $W.text configure -state disabled

    # 2. Fill the top part with bitmap and message

    # Max-width of message is the width of the screen...
    set wrapwidth [winfo screenwidth $dlg]
    # ...minus the width of the icon, padding and a fudge factor for
    # the window manager decorations and aesthetics.
    set wrapwidth [expr {$wrapwidth-60-[winfo pixels $dlg 9m]}]
    label $dlg.msg -justify left -text $text -wraplength $wrapwidth
    if {$windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
	# On the Macintosh, use the stop bitmap
	label $dlg.bitmap -bitmap stop
    } else {
	# On other platforms, make the error icon
	canvas $dlg.bitmap -width 32 -height 32 -highlightthickness 0
	$dlg.bitmap create oval 0 0 31 31 -fill red -outline black
	$dlg.bitmap create line 9 9 23 23 -fill white -width 4
	$dlg.bitmap create line 9 23 23 9 -fill white -width 4
    grid $dlg.bitmap $dlg.msg -in $dlg.top -row 0 -padx 3m -pady 3m
    grid configure	 $dlg.msg -sticky nsw -padx {0 3m}
    grid rowconfigure	 $dlg.top 1 -weight 1
    grid columnconfigure $dlg.top 1 -weight 1

    # 3. Create a row of buttons at the bottom of the dialog.

    set i 0
    foreach {name caption} $buttons {
	button $dlg.$name -text $caption -default normal \
	    -command [namespace code [list set button $i]]
	grid $dlg.$name -in $dlg.bot -column $i -row 0 -sticky ew -padx 10
	grid columnconfigure $dlg.bot $i -weight 1
	# We boost the size of some Mac buttons for l&f
	if {$windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
	    if {($name eq "ok") || ($name eq "dismiss")} {
		grid columnconfigure $dlg.bot $i -minsize 90
	    grid configure $dlg.$name -pady 7
	incr i
    # The "OK" button is the default for this dialog.
    $dlg.ok configure -default active

    bind $dlg <Return>	[namespace code Return]
    bind $dlg <Destroy>	[namespace code [list Destroy %W]]
    $dlg.function configure -command [namespace code Details]

    # 6. Withdraw the window, then update all the geometry information
    # so we know how big it wants to be, then center the window in the
    # display (Motif style) and de-iconify it.

    ::tk::PlaceWindow $dlg

    # 7. Ensure that we are topmost.

    raise $dlg
    if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
	# Place it topmost if we aren't at the top of the stacking
	# order to ensure that it's seen
	if {[lindex [wm stackorder .] end] ne "$dlg"} {
	    wm attributes $dlg -topmost 1

    # 8. Set a grab and claim the focus too.

    ::tk::SetFocusGrab $dlg $dlg.ok

    # 9. Wait for the user to respond, then restore the focus and
    # return the index of the selected button.  Restore the focus
    # before deleting the window, since otherwise the window manager
    # may take the focus away so we can't redirect it.  Finally,
    # restore any grab that was in effect.

    vwait [namespace which -variable button]
    set copy $button; # Save a copy...

    ::tk::RestoreFocusGrab $dlg $dlg.ok destroy

    if {$copy == 1} {
	return -code break

namespace eval :: {
    # Fool the indexer
    proc bgerror err {}
    rename bgerror {}
    namespace import ::tk::dialog::error::bgerror


Name Type Size Permission Actions
demos Folder 0755
images Folder 0755
msgs Folder 0755
ttk Folder 0755
bgerror.tcl File 7.93 KB 0644
button.tcl File 19.5 KB 0644
choosedir.tcl File 9.42 KB 0644
clrpick.tcl File 20.8 KB 0644
comdlg.tcl File 7.54 KB 0644
console.tcl File 28.94 KB 0644
dialog.tcl File 5.87 KB 0644
entry.tcl File 16.55 KB 0644
focus.tcl File 4.74 KB 0644
listbox.tcl File 13.65 KB 0644
menu.tcl File 36.86 KB 0644
mkpsenc.tcl File 26.56 KB 0644
msgbox.tcl File 16.64 KB 0644
obsolete.tcl File 5.46 KB 0644
optMenu.tcl File 1.55 KB 0644
palette.tcl File 7.68 KB 0644
panedwindow.tcl File 5.05 KB 0644
safetk.tcl File 7.09 KB 0644
scale.tcl File 7.43 KB 0644
scrlbar.tcl File 11.72 KB 0644
spinbox.tcl File 14.73 KB 0644
tclIndex File 21.77 KB 0644
tearoff.tcl File 5.02 KB 0644
text.tcl File 31.72 KB 0644
tk.tcl File 17.66 KB 0644
tkfbox.tcl File 52.78 KB 0644
unsupported.tcl File 11.12 KB 0644
xmfbox.tcl File 25.37 KB 0644